Work On Your Funnel Each Week And Continue To Branch Out

You should already have at least some very basic funnels set up for your online business. To make sure we are all on the same page, let’s quickly define what a funnel is when it comes to your website. It’s a way for people to work their way through what you have to offer. This could be going from the content of your blog, to signing up for your email list, receiving a series of emails and getting an offer for one of your products or services. That’s one simple funnel and I hope you already have that one set up.


While that’s a great start, it should be your only funnel. The goal for any business is to continue to find new ways to draw in more potential customers and engage them. That may mean setting up several new opt-in offers. It may mean sending out a monthly or weekly newsletter. It should always mean creating new products, or making offers for existing things. And of course it could mean presenting affiliate offers.


Funnels are great and they are never done. For starters, things change. Links break, you find better offers, and you learn more about your subject matter and have more or even better information to present to your audience. That’s why it’s a good idea to audit your existing funnels from time to time, updating, editing, and fixing them as needed.


It’s also a great idea to test and optimize your funnels. For example, you could split test two different lead magnets and see which one converts better. Test what product you present to your subscribers when. Tweak and test to improve your overall conversions, open crates, and click-through rates. Split test your sales pages … The sky’s the limit when it comes to testing and tracking your funnels. The goal will always be the same – try to do a little better than what you have been doing. Over time, you’ll make huge improvements that translate into a bigger bottom line.


In addition to improving your existing funnels, you also want to set aside some time each week to consistently work on expanding and adding new ones. This could mean adding a couple of new autoresponder emails to your first funnel this week. And it could mean creating a new lead magnet next week that attracts a slightly different audience into your circle of influence. The important part is that you work on your funnels every single week. Consistency here, like in so many other areas of your online business is key. Doing a little bit each week, will help you grow, expand, and improve your funnels.

HBA Funnel Builder…

Email Marketing: What You Need to Make It All Work

When you think about building an email list, it can get overwhelming thinking about all the technology you need to work together to make it all work. Keep in mind that some of the systems are redundant, and you may not need all of these, but you will need the following:


  • A website – What platform will you use to build the site? You can choose self-hosted WordPress, or you can build your website another way. Know how all the technologies work together. For most needs, self-hosted WordPress will work great.


  • A website host – Pick a website host that will work with you based on your needs. Remember that bigger is not always better. But you want the host to have a good reputation and provide excellent customer care. If you’re a newbie, you may need hand-holding – in that case, a good choice is a host called Mom Webs.


  • A social media presence – Create social media accounts on platforms your audience likes to use. Update it often with relevant information and content for your audience. Choose at least the top three that your audience likes to use. Consider using automation via software like too.


  • A targeted and compelling freebie – You may need or want more than one freebie that you create based on where your targeted audience member is in their buying cycle.


  • A landing page or sales page – Treat your freebie as you would any product you’re going to sell to your audience. Create a sales page for it so that your audience knows the benefits of getting it. While you can build a landing page using a standard WordPress new page, using software like HBA Funnel Builder is also very helpful and makes it quick.


  • An email autoresponder service – You must have an autoresponder such as,, or Get Response (or others) to deliver the messages to your subscribers. Don’t be tempted to use your own website and private email because these services are more secure and work better.


  • A place to store downloads – You may want to use your own server, or you might want to invest in a better system that is more secure like Amazon S3 to store your freebies and products safely.


  • A way to deliver the freebie – You don’t want to attach your freebie to the email. Instead, you’ll want to create a download page or use an automatic system to help deliver it, track it, and segment your audience with it.


  • An email marketing sequence of messages – You’ll want to create an email sequence to welcome your subscribers based on the freebie they download or the product they buy and add information to guide them in their choices in the future.


To choose which technology you’re going to use, it’s essential to understand what your business stands for, what your budget is, and what you plan to do in the future too. Choosing systems that can grow with you is important.

If you missed yesterday’s Blog Post you can read it here:  Choose Your Email Marketing Technology Carefully




How to Use Lead Generating tools.

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Lead Generation Marketing Tools

One of the best skill sets as an online marketer is to master the art of generating sales from your warm market contacts. A warm market is simply people who have already been exposed to your business and marketing plan. It can be described as “breaking the ice” with your potential customers.

The best way to generate a warm market is with lead generation marketing tools.
A marketing tool is a tool that people use to create what we call lead Capture. If you are not using one of the Many lead capture systems,  you are not making money with your online business.

Click the Link below to View Demo on how to use Lead Capture Software and Earn Residual income by becoming an Affiliate.


Funnel Builder
Funnel Builder



With lead generation marketing tools you may decide to create several lead capture pages which are designed to generate interest from prospects on your business.

The pages will contain a place to enter their contact information i.e. (name, telephone number, and email).

In the software You decide if you want to get phone numbers or not.

Hint: the less information you ask for the more likely the reader will fill out the Form.

This is also called a lead capture form.
After the information is filled out on the lead capture form, the individual is redirected to a URL that contains your main site.

This sounds very easy to do, and it is, however when marketing online, most opportunities have a lack of effective lead capture systems and worse, a lack of professional presentations.

The HBA Funnel Builder has many done for you Funnels.

The goal is to seek powerful lead generation marketing tools and presentations that capture leads and allow proper follow-up no matter the opportunity presented.

Seek out professional designers and ad copy writing services that can create professional lead capture pages and the software to manage it all.

Also conduct follow-up marketing with the Auto responder systems that follows up with every lead that fills out your capture page.

Next, search for a robust prospect manager to properly manage your hot-response leads.

Remember, your warm market is created as soon as the prospect enters their information on your lead generation page.

You should experience an increase in sales from using this marketing approach.