Daily Health Habits: Mind Your Posture

Sometimes it’s truly mind-blowing how something that seems on the surface not to matter at all is really life-changing. If you want to be healthy long-term, paying close attention to the actions you take every day will make a difference, like drinking plenty of water, exercising, eating right, and so forth are all important, but if you don’t mind your posture, you could end up suffering more than you think.


Proper posture can help reduce lower back pain, headaches, neck, and shoulder tension, wear and tear on your joints, increased lung capacity, better circulation, better digestion, and more energy, all benefits of checking and correcting your posture.


Get Expert Advice


If you have any type of body pain, it’s important to find out from a physical therapist or a personal trainer the best way to hold your posture living the life you live. You can also find professionals talking about posture and proper posture on YouTube. Just make sure you follow someone who really knows what they’re doing and saying.


Buy a Good Bed


Don’t skimp on buying the right bed for your needs. Spending money investing in a good bed with a long warranty designed for your type of sleeping and your personal needs will be one of the main things that help you sleep well and live a mostly pain-free life.


Invest In the Right Furniture


Like your bed is important for your posture, so is the furniture you buy and use for pleasure and work. Each person has different needs, as someone with lower back pain will need a firm surface and perhaps specialized seating. In contrast, someone without issues now will simply need to buy high-quality ergonomic and comfortable items.


Invest In Your Workspace


Like you invest in the comfort of your home, don’t forget any areas you work in. It’s not good for you to work in your bed with poor posture. Instead, set up your workspace so that it’s good for long-term use and avoids pressure or repetitive injury.


Make a list showing items that you need to purchase or replace to ensure that you have a comfortable home and work environment that isn’t just attractive but also good for your posture. You won’t regret it. Then each day, when you first get up, do a few posture-affirming stretches so that you can become more mindful of your posture the rest of the day.



When you are truly committed to something, the best way to succeed is by making goals and then measuring and tracking your progress toward reaching those goals. Most life coaches love the saying, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” And, whether you like it or not, that’s the truth. If you want to succeed in your walking plans to improve your health goals, then track your progress.


Let’s look at some different ways that you can track your walking progress.


* Buy a Pedometer – There are many different types of pedometers out there. You can get one for about ten bucks nowadays. A pedometer counts your steps for you so that you can simply wear it all day or when you are exercising to ensure you are getting as far as you want to get each day.

* Write in Your Calendar / Planner – A low-tech way (unless you use an online calendar) is to simply write down in your calendar how far you walked each day. That way you can ensure you’re hitting your daily goals, which will also ensure you reach your long-term goals. Even if you are using an electronic means of tracking, sometimes it’s more motivating to see your calendar filled with walking data.

* Join an Accountability Group – On Facebook and other social media platforms, there are numerous support and accountability groups for walkers that you can join. You can tell the group your goals and sometimes find a mentor that will hold you accountable in your walking goals.


* Get a Fun Tracker Like Fitbit – Fitbit.com offers not only an app that is essentially a pedometer, but also more features such as joining with others to track your walking, sharing your walking, and meeting up with others who love walking.


* Get Fun Personal Training Software – Need even more motivation to track your progress? A fun app that can help you stay motivated is called Endomondo. You can sign up for free, and it’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket each day while you’re also keeping track of your progress.

Link – https://www.endomondo.com/

* MapMyWalk – This is an app that tracks your walking progress. However, it’s even more than that because you can find walking trails in cities across the world that you might want to try. Plus, you can keep track of your time and distance with the app.

Link – https://www.mapmywalk.com/app/


Tracking walking progress is essential to ensuring your success with walking for health issues. The only real way to be sure you are doing what you have set as your goal is to double-check your progress using any of these methods. If you write it down and look at it regularly, it will motivate you to do more.




There isn’t even enough space here to include all the benefits of walking. Walking is simple to do, most healthy people can do it even if it might seem hard at first, and you can do it almost anywhere at any time. The only special equipment you need are good walking shoes, and then you’re in business.


  1. Burns More Calories – Walking burns calories like any other exercise, but without the impact and stress that other forms of exercise can like jogging and running. Even if you’re not feeling well, you can go on a leisurely stroll and still get the benefits of the movement.


  1. Builds a Strong Heart – Working out always helps your heart because you cause your cardiovascular system to work a little harder, which is good for it when you’re healthy. Keeping your heart strong will keep you alive much longer.


  1. Builds Better Bone Health – As we age, our bones become more brittle and we experience more pain. This can lead to broken bones and other issues. But if you keep walking and moving, you’ll be less likely to develop those problems.


  1. Improves Balance and Coordination – The more you use your body, the more it works for you. Walking more often improves your balance and coordination because your body gets used to standing upright and moving more often. It’s a matter of practice and getting the muscles and ligaments strong.


  1. Improves Your Lung Capacity – Walking, especially fast walking, will get your breathing up and cause you to build your lung capacity. Usually it takes about six to eight weeks of cardiovascular workouts to see the full improvement that you can experience.


  1. Lower Your Blood Sugar – People with high blood sugar can see huge benefits from walking and burning off that extra sugar in their blood. It’s not a cure for type 1 diabetes but it can help people with type 2 tremendously, and it can help people with type 1 lower their insulin requirements.


  1. Eases Joint Pain – As people age, they tend to get joint pain, often caused by arthritis. It might seem counter-intuitive to keep moving through that pain, but pain from arthritis absolutely can be reduced from more movement. This is because arthritis causes build-up of scar tissue in the joints from lack of movement, so if you move more it can stop that problem.


  1. Bosts Your Immunity – Getting your blood pumping and your cardiovascular system working will also boost your immunity from regular common illnesses like colds.


  1. Energizes You – Anytime you’re feeling tired for no reason, try going on a fast, ten-minute walk and you’ll find that you have much more energy. This is one reason a fast walk is an excellent way to wake up in the morning.


  1. Improves Your Mental Health and Mood – A nice walk in nature can vastly improve your mental health and mood. If you are feeling down, getting out in nature for a leisurely walk can help. If you’re feeling anxious, try a fast walk (even on a treadmill) to burn that extra energy.


  1. Helps You Live Longer and Healthier – When you incorporate daily exercise into your life, it will extend your life. Not only that, you’ll also enjoy your life much longer because you won’t be as sick or in as much pain.


  1. Strengthens and Tone Your Leg Muscles – There is no hiding the fact that walkers have good legs, but it does also improve muscle tone all over your body – especially if you work on getting your arms in on the action and pay close attention to your glutes and core muscles.

The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success

  1. Boosts Your Creativity – Anytime you’re having a glut of good ideas for anything you’re trying to accomplish, going for a walk without technology, just you and nature (or just you and the treadmill), you’ll get a boost of creativity that will carry you through.

Walking is something almost anyone can do. Because of that fact, it makes it the perfect exercise to start if you want to get healthier and improve your life in every single way. When are you going to start your walking program?

Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

Sleeping enough each night is an essential component of ensuring that you live a life that will help you avoid burnout. If you are well-rested, you are going to perform at a higher level every single day, thus making you more productive. If you are tired due to a lack of sleep, problems will seem more prominent and less surmountable. The thing is, exercising every day is a big key to sleeping better every night.


Know Your Body


It’s okay to be a night owl going to bed later and sleeping later. This is not really a big problem in terms of causing burn out. The main thing is that you need to sleep when your body wants to sleep and wake when your body wants to wake so you can do various tasks when your body is most efficient.


Schedule Your Life Based on Your Priorities


When you look at your priorities, there are obviously going to be sometimes that you cannot go by your own internal clock but someone else’s clock. Even when you have to do that, it’s okay to priorities your life based on what you want to accomplish most. If it’s important for you to sleep 9 hours a night to be most productive during the day, then you need to set up your lifestyle to ensure you can do that.


Do the Minimum to Maximize Your Life


Remember that productivity is about the results and not how hard you worked to get there. When you schedule your day, remember that you should seek to do the minimum workload to achieve the most results. For example, to maintain good health, most doctors say you need to exercise moderately at least 150 minutes a week. That’s not really that much. What would happen if you did that minimum? Do it, record the results, and adjust as needed to reach your goals doing only what is necessary to make the goal.


Exercise is One Key to Good Sleep and Health

Balance, exercise, sleep

Remember that if you have problems sleeping at night due to being restless, either mentally or physically, that exercise can help. Try exercising aerobically for 20 to 30 minutes, at least once a day before 6 in the evening. Studies show most people get the most benefit exercising this way within a couple of hours of waking.


Set Up Your Space for Success


No matter what it is that you want to accomplish where you are doing it is important. If you want to sleep well every night, make sure your bedroom is an oasis made for sleeping. Keep the room temperature cool and make sure you have the best bed you can afford. Keep technology out of your bedroom and create a sleeping haven for yourself. Likewise, if you want to work out every morning, set up your workout schedule to make it easy to get ready and do the exercise you want to do without much thought.


While it’s okay to be a night owl, understand that exercising soon after waking is more effective than doing it later in the day when it comes to helping you sleep. However, everyone is different, so feel free to test out the ideas to see what works best for you.

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