Success Tips for your Home Business
The first step to having a Successful Home business is to be Growing your Mindset and Skillset on a daily basis.
Your mindset can determine whether or not your home business will be successful.
Here are a few steps to assist make your home business measure up to the Lifestyle you desire.
In keeping with the concept that a positive outlook helps your home business, keep in mind you should be feeding your mind daily with Positive thoughts and communication.
Keep in mind that you can do almost anything that you set your mind to do.
With hard work and determination, your home-based business can be all that you’ve dreamed it would be.
Don’t let individuals or issues distract you or get you to let go of your home business dreams.
You should be spending 1-2 Hours daily working on your Positive Mindset and improving your technical Skillset.
- Read good books in your niche
- Listen to good Audios (while driving, walking the dog etc.)
- Meditation or Prayer-You need quiet and calm in your mind
- Affirmations/Vision (morning & night)
- Skillset Training (marketing, how to use social media platforms.)

Skillset Training:
Any training you can get your hands on that teaches you the marketing method you are looking to do! I buy trainings all the time! If I’m trying to learn Facebook Marketing you bet I own all the Facebook marketing courses on the market and actually go through them! Always be improving your skill set!
I may be a little biased here but I believe the best skillset training you can ever get is inside The Home Business Academy. This is a product I have been using to improve my skillsets and mindset.
This is more than just another membership site with training. The Home Business Academy has all kinds of tutorials on things like Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Blogging, what to say to leads etc. But the bigger vision of the HBA community is to help you win your freedom through principle centered leadership!
All we see are possibilities, and we would love to help you win inside our community of freedom crusaders!
The Second step to your daily Business Activities
There are 2 types of Marketing your Business.
Active Marketing:
- I’m not a huge fan of traditional prospecting, but when I figured out we can do it via Facebook messenger or any social media site I WAS IN! Why? Because it’s the fastest way to get results! You find a Facebook messenger strategy A-Z in our Home Business Academy training vault. I recommend you learn this and do it daily while you learn the passive methods!
- There are other methods of Prospecting out there that you can search for, but the bottom line is you want to get 2-5 people per day in front of your business presentation actively each day! However, you can do that will work! I like social media, you may like using the phone! Doesn’t matter, Just make it happen!
Passive Marketing:
- I personally love Blogging and YouTube marketing for this. You can easily do short blogs just jotting down your thoughts for the day, and then shoot a quick video on those thoughts and upload to YouTube!
Video are now an important part of all marketing. We have a complete A-Z YouTube and Blogging training in our Academy here!
Other Passive & Paid Marketing Ideas:
Here are some examples of marketing methods you can use to build your email list! Your email list is your #1 asset when it comes to making money on the internet. I suggest investing at least 20% of your current income (even if it’s from a job) and future income from the business…
The bigger your email list, the less Active Marketing you have to do.
I’m looking forward to a point when my email list is large enough that I don’t ever have to do any Active Marketing to make a multiple 6 figure income per year.
That is my Goal!
Grow that Email List.
Before you start marketing on any of the platforms below. You will need a way to create capture pages, bridge pages and more! Click Here To Try The HBA Funnel Builder, the capture page software I currently use!
- Youtube (can be good but takes time and consistency)
- Blogging (Blogging is good but takes time)
- Video Marketing on Facebook
- Facebook PPC (pay per click)
- Twitter PPC
- Bing PPC
- Youtube PPC
- Craigslist Ads
- Forum Marketing
- Banner Ads
- Solo Ads
- Instagram / Pinterest
I suggest picking 1 paid method above and 1 free method to get things rolling… You can learn how to do all that stuff on Weekly masterminds and and at The Academy.
Step Three Generate Sales – Follow Up & Get Paid
A lot of people get stuck on this step after they finally learn how to generate leads. They don’t know how to increase their conversions which is really what pays you! Sales!
Here are some suggestions:
- Broadcast Email your list daily! (outside of your autoresponder followups) Not just pitch pitch pitch. Add some value to your emails too!
Hold a webinar or hangout 1 time per week. Even if it’s a simple hey come ask me any questions you have about my business and I’ll answer them live! Have a list of common questions ready in case people don’t ask you anything. That way you have something to talk about.
Step Four Get Off the Couch- Exercise & Develop Healthy Nutritional Habits.
At times I have not been very focused on keeping a good exercise schedule and not followed good nutritional habits.
Today I can say I need to be more consistent in more healthy habits.
Because we sit all day on the computer it is important to exercise on a regular basis.
I find when I don’t do proper exercise and eating I end up gaining weight!
If you plan on doing Internet Marketing long term then you need to focus on health because we tend to be less active than a normal job where you are on your feet!
Here are some suggestions that have helped me get back to a good healthy zone.
- Cardio can be done easily with a 20-30 minute video training
- Stretching. Stretching is great for your body and should be a part of daily routine
- Walking – I like to walk daily while feeding my brain with some good marketing training.
This one is easy. Your body NEEDS a lot of water to function and flush out all the bad toxins… So the suggested amount is half your bodyweight in ounces… So if you weigh 150 lbs, you need 75 oz of water per day! Simple enough formula!
Clean Eating
I’ve done a lot of different diets. I like to keep a journal and try to make healthier food.
Journaling seems to be the thing that keeps me the most consistent.
Supplements I take:
- I take a multivitamin and Vitamin D3 because most people are deficient in these supplements.
- High quality CBD oil from here. I have suffered with depression for many years and found relief in 2018 when I started taking CBD. Taking this quality product has helped me have greater control of my emotions. I Love this stuff.
So, that’s it for now! I hope you get value from this daily action plan!
If you follow it every day there is no way you won’t succeed eventually!
Start now with Focus and Purpose.