Six Ways to Use Communities to Promote Your Products

Using communities to promote your products is by far one of the most effective ways to increase your revenue and loyalty to your brand. Sharing products within your community, or similar ones as an affiliate, is successful because the people within these groups are already interested and likely looking to purchase.


However, just because you share the products doesn’t mean it will automatically be successful. Sometimes you need to think creatively to promote your products without being so direct. Over promotion or creating content that looks too much like normal advertisements won’t get you anywhere. In fact, that will likely turn your audience away.


The following are six ways to use your brand community to promote your products and services more successfully:


Run a Giveaway


This is an effective way to just get the word out about your products without having to spend money on an advertisement or even a sales page. What you do is host a giveaway that you ask for entries too.


The entry can just consist of them providing their email address and name or other information that you decide. You can make this work using your email marketing software like Aweber, a Google Form, and your website to host the form.


Please keep it simple, but every single chance you can promote the contest, which is also promoting your business since entries are completed on your website where they can clearly see your offers. Plus, once they enter, they are now on your email list too.


Then when someone wins, promote the winner too, and again, this gives you a chance to go over what the product is and why it’s so great in public. You can then take this chance to give everyone who submitted a coupon and then everyone who is currently reading, a different coupon to buy.


Host a Contest


You can run the contest a lot like the giveaway in terms of the technology you use. You just need to make a form using a form maker like Google Forms, Gravity Forms, or even Acuity Scheduling. The concept is much the same, but you’re asking for something more than email addresses to participate this time.


The prize you offer should always be one of your products, services, or an affiliate’s products and or services so that each time you promote the contest, you are also promoting the product or service.


The other way to host a contest, with a required entry fee. For example, let’s say you’re an art teacher and your main product is courses for doing art in some way. You may want to offer your students a chance to win prizes that you can either buy with the fees collected or that you can ask vendors to sponsor, or you can pay for yourself. The press you get from promoting the contest, and the participants and winners will be worth it.


Hire Someone


One way to keep your community hopping is to hire people to work in the community. For example, you can hire a VA who will run your contests, promote your products, and drive engagement on your behalf. Outsourcing and reducing your workload will help you earn more money by freeing you to create more products and services and participate in engagement more.


Develop an Affiliate Program


If you have even one product, especially if it’s digital, consider having an affiliate program. When you set this up, you can promote all your products and services individually, or just some of them, or just the membership community itself. Again, it’s up to you, but having this type of system will increase revenue exponentially, even if it’s only used as a referral system for your members.


Ask for Feedback and Reviews


Use your group and the discussion boards you create to ask for feedback and reviews on your products and services that you can use on your sales pages, in promotions, and more. If you sell your products anywhere outside your group, you can even use the group to point out all the places you sell them, so they will feel free to give you reviews on those other platforms, too, where permitted.


Run a Live Demo or How-To-Presentation


A really fun way to use your brand community is to “go live,” as they like to say on Facebook to demonstrate your product, talk about an issue, or give a how-to presentation on using something you sell or are promoting as an affiliate. People love participating in live events, even if they’re unplanned and last minute. The good news is that they are recorded and can be enjoyed and repurposed at any time.


If you plan to build a community or use other communities to share your products, you need to create content that doesn’t feel too pushy or promotional. The more you understand your target audience, get them involved, and provide real value, the more you gain more revenue. With these six selling techniques, you can be sure that your promotions work every time.





Building a Community is The Competitive Advantage Your Business Needs

Research and statistics show that you must have a competitive edge to make it in business. No businesses succeed without fierce competition, especially with the advancements in technology and online communication.


The truth is, many of these exciting advancements destroyed common barriers to entry that most businesses had in the past – meaning you can start a business with next to nothing. Unfortunately, due to that, the competition only gets worse as more tools and resources are created.


Building a community around your brand will provide you with a competitive advantage because customers are increasingly dissatisfied with the kind of customer care they are receiving. A branded community can help you provide better customer care because as you build a community, you’re also building relationships that advance trust, which increases your ability to influence sales.


The following are a few ways community building helps you stay ahead of your competition:


  • Through Strong Member Connections and Relationships – People like feeling as if they belong to a community. Unfortunately, building community in our private lives is harder than ever. Everyone is busy, but creating these customer-centric communities can make your customers feel more connected not just with you but with the other customers as they converse and comingle.


  • By Being a Source of Endless Lead Generation – Every single person you get into your group is a source of more members. Because of this, once you start building a community, your reach will increase as your leads grow.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing – Even if your customers only talk about your products and services inside the group, new members will still see the discussions, which will reduce their fear and help them make a purchasing choice for the products they see discussed within the group community. However, once a member becomes your loyal customer, they will start asking their friends to join them in the community because it feels good to share what’s good in your life.


  • Through Community Feedback and Engagement – One of the most important aspects to you, and from your viewpoint as a business owner, is the ability to read your customers’ minds. Of course, you really can’t do that, but by watching the discussions take off that you prompt and experiencing the feedback generated, the information you glean will become invaluable. Eventually, your customers will start claiming you can read their minds, and then you’ll stand far out from your competition.


  • By Being Unique, Fun, and Helpful – Face it, most businesses are not unique, fun, or helpful. But you have this amazing opportunity to stand out and be that for your customers in a way that benefits you both.


Overall, community building shows your target audience that you want to support them and their needs. Your community shows, and the information you provide shows them that you are willing to listen to them and serve them instead of your own needs. The more you focus on your target audience, the more you can easily stay ahead of your competition. Which is why building a community around your brand is the competitive advantage your business needs to be successful.




How Community Member-To-Member Engagement Grows Your Business

Building a community is today considered one of the biggest industry secrets to growing your business. There is good reason this is true too, the fact is, communities foster the power of word-of-mouth marketing through member-to-member engagement and turn influence into dollars.

Why a Brand Community is the Business Strategy You Need

Community building is a crucial strategy that promotes trust, increases your credibility with your member size, and boosts revenue exponentially. Without word-of-mouth marketing or community involvement, many people won’t make a purchase or contribute to the success of your business because most people often rely on positive reviews or social proof before they feel confident purchasing or getting involved.


The following are four powerful ways member-to-member engagement within your community grows your business:


Customer Loyalty


A loyal customer is worth more than ten new salespeople because they will shout about how great you are from the rooftops without you ever paying them a dime. Just the fact that you delivered the right product or service in the right way at the right time to them in a way that met or exceeded their expectations is enough for them to keep buying and tell everyone they know about you. Likewise, inviting your customers to your groups and community will encourage satisfaction and increase loyalty because they feel heard.


Customer Retention


Keeping delighted customers is far less expensive than finding new customers. Even if you only have one product today, understand that having long-term customers hungry for every product or service you offer is your key to sustainability and success. A community helps you do this because people enjoy feeling like part of something important, and active communities serve that purpose.


Brand Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth Marketing


Thrilled customers become brand advocates without you even asking them to. With a vibrant community, you can actually develop your loyal customers to become brand advocates by asking them directly to tell others about you and rewarding them for doing so.


Enhanced Customer Service and Experience


Most people hate calling anyone on the phone to deal with a problem, so don’t worry, you don’t have to do that, but having a community will make your customers feel safe because they will feel as if they know right where to find you at all times of day or night even if you’re sleeping. It feels like a direct connection, and for the customer, that feels good because, face it, big business makes everyone feel unheard and unimportant.


As you can see, member-to-member engagement or getting your community members involved with each other positively is a powerful tool that can grow your business beyond your own capabilities. Not only is it powerful, but it is relatively affordable and simple to do with the right content and contributions from you or your brand community team.




Community Engagement is Key to Growing Your Business

To have a sustainable and profitable business, you must have involved or engaged customers, new or old. An active community includes tools and resources that help you attract new customers and retain old ones to keep your business running and profitable. Conversely, a not engaged community will fail to establish the positive reputation and brand awareness you need to grow your business.


The following are the four common ways community engagement help grow your business:


Promotes Long-Term Relationships and Trust


A community keeps the discussions and the former promotions inside it forever. A new customer can pop in today and see old conversations you were part of and begin building an opinion of you and the group from day one. As time moves forward, if you’re consistent as the relationship builds and grows, so will the trust.


Trust is not something people have for anyone without some form of proof. Usually, the evidence comes in the form of time. Over time, if nothing bad happens, the customer will develop trust for you and your brand. If something good happens, that trust will be solidified and become even stronger.


Improves the Customer Service Experience


Customers all have various needs and ideas about what they want in terms of interaction with brands. Your audience will have their own unique way. But stats tell us that most people today like to be involved in the community with the brands and products they use. People simply like feeling heard and seen. They want to feel important to you and like you care about their needs. It’s so much easier to demonstrate this over time within the bounds of a branded community.


Creates More Human and Authentic Interactions


While you will want to implement some automation because you do have to sleep, a community offers you a way to have authentic human interactions, even if they’re not always in real-time. For example, your customer might post a message at 3 am your time asking a question about your product.


You don’t see the question until you normally check your community, but your members will. The older members of a long-standing group will often help the person for you without your ever asking, but what’s more, you can respond on your own time within 24 to 48 hours of the question being asked, and to the customer, it will feel instant. The main reason is that most businesses underserve their communities so that you will stand out in comparison.


To Build a Customer-Centric Brand


Your brand, while it is your business, really isn’t about you. Your brand is about your customer. A branded community can help you become much more customer-centric in your offers and even help you improve your branding. After all, most of us choose colors and ideas based on what we like without even thinking that it’s not about us when it comes to our business. Now you can ask your community, and over time your brand will begin to feel even more authentic and trustworthy to your audience.


Ultimately, to increase your customer size, effectively promote more products and services, and cultivate more trust within your industry, you need to get your community engaged. Engagement is an effective tool if you want your community to grow your business.




Four Ways Community Building Improves Customer Service

Proper and effective customer service can make or break your business. In 2019 Forrester Consulting surveyed over a thousand different customers across two-hundred enterprise brands to learn what customers really want from brands.


One important takeaway was that nearly two-thirds of respondents reported how one unpleasant experience with a brand caused them to switch brands instantly while also warning their peers to stay away — showing you just how important proper and effective customer service helps you retain your customers and keep them happy.


In addition, growing a community for your business can instantly improve your customer service and build more content members that foster a more successful and sustainable business.


Here are four ways community building can improve your customer service strategies:


Increased Availability and Communication


Real-time support is possible with online communities – meaning problems can be solved instantly even if you or someone from the business is not responding directly. You can set up automation using bots in most communities to answer frequently asked questions that allow your members to serve themselves when you’re not there essentially.


Increased Self-Service Tools and Resources


You can also incorporate files and written FAQs that enable your customers and members to check out the rules themselves any time they want to. If you offer these tools, make sure to post about the tools and resources you have in your group and how they can access them. Not everyone understands how these tools and platforms work, so a little education can go a long way.


Increased Engagement and Education


Within the enclosed privacy or at least imagined privacy that a group provides, members will feel more at ease about engaging with your content and you. Because of this, the information and education you provide within the group will be much more useful due to instant feedback.


Improved Products and Services


When you start regularly speaking with your customers in a community setting, online or offline, you’ll begin to understand how you can improve your products and services. Not to mention you’ll end up with a never-ending stream of new product and service ideas because you’ll know the audience so much deeper.


As you can see, all of these options work together to provide superior support to your target audience. Through communities, your customers can find information faster and get the solution they need easily without frustrations. Access to nearly endless education, materials, and superior customer support makes community building a must-have for business.




Common Community Building Mistakes to Avoid

Creating and building a brand community provides loads of benefits to you and your members. However, to achieve these benefits, you must be sure you give your audience the right information, tools, and resources. Unfortunately, many brands in online communities are making many mistakes today that are destroying their true and fullest potential.


Here are the six most common community-building mistakes to avoid while growing a more successful and sustainable business:


Lack of Clear Goals and Community Focus


Before you start building your community, you need to know what your brand stands for and the goals of having a community for yourself and your customers. First, the community has to be primarily for the customer, and secondly, the community has to represent your brand’s values. If the group members have no idea your point of being, it might be big, but it won’t be prosperous.


Overselling or Over Promoting


While you do want to make offers and sell in your groups and communities, you do not want to make these communities all about selling in the minds of your audience. They need to believe and know that they can come to the community you build and get information without being bombarded and harassed or threatened with losing something if they don’t act right now to spend money.


Yes, you do want them to buy from you, but overselling and over-promoting do not work as well as you might think. Selling and promoting your products and services need to answer a problem the customer has suggested and not the only reason you have the group.


Ignoring Community Members


Setting up a community requires that someone keeps everyone engaged. You need a minimum of one post a day, plus several interactions to keep your group busy and in front of the audience. The more you post and the more interaction you have with the community members, the more they’ll come back to do it again. The more members visit your community, the more likely they will buy your products and use your services.


Sharing Irrelevant or Repeated Content

7 Easy Steps to Start an Online Business

While it is okay to repeat some posts when a timeline is attached, try to avoid sharing other people’s repeated and irrelevant stuff in your group. They already saw that cat post you saw somewhere else. Try to be much more original. If you want to share that cat post, try to find some connection they may not have considered when they saw it on their own wall earlier to make it relevant to your group.


Tracking the Wrong KPIs


It’s easy to track likes and shares, but are they really relevant to what you need to know about your group? The group key performance indicators that you want to track need to focus on why you shared the content in the first place. The reason you share anything is tied up in the impact you want to create. So, if you share a particular post about an event you’re going to speak at, and you want them to purchase tickets, the KPI you want to track is how many tickets were bought when you shared your event? How many shares and likes the post generated is mostly irrelevant if no one signed up.


Not Setting Proper Community Rules and Guidelines


If you really want to have a solid group that you can rely on for years to come, you must set very clear community rules and guidelines and then stick to them yourself. Of course, you don’t need to have a lot of rules, but having something that the members can look to in order to stay on the group’s topic will help.


Be sure to keep this list around to avoid these common mistakes as much as possible. Avoid stunting your growth and results by building the wrong community or steering them in the wrong direction. A community needs to thrive with clear goals, rules, focus, and determination with valuable and relevant content.




How Brand Communities Provide Endless Value to Business

While all brand communities should be working hard to provide value to their audience, it is important to look into all the benefits they give back to see why the challenging work is worth the effort. Communities take time and hard work through unique content and creativity that inspires your members to grow with you and others outside the group.


Here are four vital ways communities provide endless value to your business:


Communities Make You Stand Out Against the Competition


When you host a vibrant community that makes the audience feel heard, you will stand out from your competitors in a big way. Of course, not everyone builds a community the same way, so what works for your members may not work for someone else. However, how you run the community will make people stick to you.


If your audience needs answers fast and they get them from you quickly through the group, they will return repeatedly and skip going to the other person. Most people just want solutions as quickly as possible.


Communities Are a Source of Vital Quality Content and Education


Not only will you educate your community using content, but you will also get content ideas from your members. Audiences like to discuss issues within smaller communities, and you can be like a fly on the wall watching the discussion. The questions and the conversation can open you to many more content ideas than never being part of a community.


Every question, review, criticism, and discussion within your community is a fabulous source of vital information that you can use to create quality content and educational materials.


Communities Provide Customer Support and Guidance


If you have a community, be ready for most people to come to that group first for customer care. Then, of course, you can redirect them to your customer care system, but it can also be really helpful for you to service them right in the group. When people see how valuable you are, it helps them feel safe.


The really neat thing about allowing for customer care to happen inside your groups is that your loyal customers who receive this care will also start doing it for you when you’re not around, free of charge.


Communities Supply Customer Input and Direction


When you really get your community hopping with daily information, discussion, and interaction, you’ll end up with a never-ending supply of input that you can use for more products and services. Plus, you can use the information to better direct your customers toward the products and services they need.


Communities provide a space for your customers to learn about your offers, get educated about the topic, and also review your products and services, so you know where to improve or what to create next to show your target audience how much you value them as you provide the solutions they need.




Why a Brand Community is the Business Strategy You Need

Communities keep your ideal audience all in one place, making it easier to communicate, market, and engage and motivate them to buy your products, use your services, and consume your content. All of this together shows you why communities are a valuable marketing tool and business strategy to adopt if you want to grow your business. Plus, having a brand-centered community is fun too. And who doesn’t want to have a little fun while making money?


The following are the top five crucial reasons to build a brand community:


To Increase Brand Awareness and Recognition


Building a community increases brand awareness and recognition by capturing your audience into a smaller captive unit that you can send information to easier than if they’re all out in the wild. For example, you might have to run an advertisement to capture someone to learn about your new product, but your audience in the community will know about it simply due to being part of the community.


To Engage and Interact with Your Target Audience


When your community is on a platform that you all use to talk to each other, share information, and engage, it makes it so much easier for them to interact with you without the noise from everyone else interfering. In addition, the community is only about what you make it about, so you don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone but your ideal audience.


To Influence, Inspire, or Educate Your Audience


Having a community that enables you to be a lot closer to a smaller portion of the available. Being closer to them makes it easier to influence them to buy your products or try something you think works. In addition, you can educate them better because you’ll get insight into what they need by observing their discussions and actions.


To Foster Trust and Brand Loyalty


Your audience gets to see you more often through the content you share in the group instead of through an advertisement or email. As a result, they feel as if they know you. When they think they know you, they trust you more and become very loyal to your brand.


To Grow and Improve Your Products and Services


One of the best parts about having an involved community of people who want what you are offering and need what you have is that you can get insight into making your products and services better simply by asking questions and listening to the answers.


These reasons should easily explain why building a brand community is the business strategy you should be adopting today. If you have yet to get your most loyal customers together, you are only missing all the potential your business can gain. Strong communities create trust, loyalty, and value that services you and those involved.

Automate Your Community Management



The Three Google Web Story Tools to Know About

Google web stories is a feature that allows you to publish content in a different format than your blog that is highly attractive and shareable to mobile users. This format is similar to what you see on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. It uses video, graphics, text, and other features to tell a story that your audience is interested in or needs through a more attractive and engaging format to your audience.


Using features that attract more mobile users is more crucial than ever, as nearly seventy percent of those using the internet to shop use their smartphones. What’s even more important is that the Google Discovery feature, where your stories will be placed, attracts around eight hundred million views every single month. To use this feature, you must be aware of the tools required to get it going. Let’s look at some.


The following are the three Google web story tools to know about and important tips on how to use each:


Web Stories for WordPress


This is the main plugin to use that started the launch of Google web stories. This plugin offers a unique editing interface, tools, and templates to create powerful and beautiful stories — making it your best bet if you want to get maximum value out of your stories. Of course, if you have a WordPress blog, this will work better since it’s designed to work with self-hosted WordPress ( However, since it is a Google product, you will likely have success using this feature. Third-party options can still make things better and easier to use, especially as time goes on.




This third-party tool takes Google’s Web Stories technology to the next level and makes it easier to use. It also provides more tools to host your stories, turn your stories into Instagram style carousels on your website, and offer a workspace to design and collaborate with your team.


Newsroom AI


Another powerful Web Stories tool that builds on a more immersive and intimate experience with your audience. Newsroom offers a freestyle functionality web story builder that lets you add shapes, media, or text layers however you want. Newsroom also gives access to over three hundred million Getty Images to upscale your content with free images and use the advanced publish settings to Connect to Google Discover to get more views.


Get to know each of these different Google web story tools to find the one that works best for you. While many of these 3rd Party tools are useful, it is always a good idea to learn the one that was developed first to get the most out of this new feature, as it is likely to be the most compatible. However, it is only natural for more tools and resources to become more beneficial and valuable as time goes on.





Six Tips to Improving your Social Media Story Content

Just because most social media stories only last for twenty-four hours doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the time to create a detailed content plan. Your social media story content relies on it to keep your brand image, message, and value consistent and audience engaged. Avoid confusing and boring your audience with lackluster or a hard sales-like approach on your social media stories.


Here are six tips to help improve your social media story content to increase your engagement and other important business conversions:


Be Personable and Less Formal


A mix of informal and formal content is the best approach when it comes to stories. However, lean more on the less formal side and use your website, YouTube channel, and other platforms or platform features for more professional content. Viewers want to get to know you and what you really stand for. They want to know you are real and honest. Due to the short time limit and engaging features social media stories have to offer. This is a great tool to do that.


Avoid Generic or Reposted Content


Don’t use your stories to simply repost content without making it more unique or different in some way. There is nothing wrong with repurposing, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change it up somehow. This also includes using generic templates or limiting the variety of content you share with your viewers.


Get Your Audience Involved


Always have your audience at the top of your priority list when making stories and other social media content. While increasing your income is highly crucial to your business, you can’t get that without your target audience or a product that actually benefits them. So the more you keep them at the center of your focus, the better your content will be, and the more your products or services will improve.


Less is More


Don’t over-explain, use too much text or overcrowd your image or video with too many emojis. This can easily confuse your viewers, make them leave, or repeat the slide too many times, which can become a hassle.


Use Both Images and Video


Again, adding variety to your content with different images, videos, and templates or formats is important. This is how you keep your audience interested during the full length of the story and after.


Incorporate Audio and Captions


Audio and captions are a simple way to change your content while sharing key information with your audience. For example, many of those on Instagram don’t view stories with sound on, meaning if you talk, they will miss out. Captions are your way to capitalize fully on your target audience.


Keep these six social media improvement tips in mind when creating your next social media story content plan to ensure it achieves the business goals and objectives you need to succeed. Don’t post lackluster or invaluable content only because you believe the tool is useful and need to keep a consistent schedule. In order to gain the benefits, the content needs to be valuable to your audience too.

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