Important Instagram and Facebook Story Differences to Know

While Instagram and Facebook offer similar features, it is important to highlight the differences to pick the right one or use them efficiently to market to your target audience. Choosing the perfect platform is only as successful as your knowledge and understanding of using it or creating highly engaging story content. The story features offered on each platform are slightly different and can provide many different outcomes depending on your niche and goal as a business.


Here are the important differences to know between Instagram and Facebook stories:


Slightly Different Interface and Feature Options


Instagram is often slightly easier to use, but there are not many differences beyond the layout and art style. The main difference includes the amount of picture and video filters Instagram offers compared to Facebook. Instagram also allows you to go live, and it still appears within your stories section, unlike Facebook, where it will appear in the newsfeed. However, the benefit to Facebook posting the live to the newsfeed means it will last forever, but at that point, it is no longer a story, and you would need to create a new story to promote the video.


Age and Amount of Active Users


Instagram is for a younger audience, while Facebook is slightly older. The age range for Instagram includes those between eighteen and thirty-four, and Facebook consists of those between twenty-five and forty-four. Facebook’s audience is larger and more diverse because they created the option to make a business page and many different groups related to your niche or industry. Unlike Instagram, you only have one profile and a highlights section that heavily relies on hashtags to gain more views and exposure.


Group and Community Building Priorities


Facebook is better at this, and using stories allows you to beat the timeline algorithm by keeping you near the top of your follower’s news feed. In addition, Facebook group stories inspire user-generated content and get your target audience more involved and engaged.


Return on Investment


Facebook has the best return on investment for any social media platform due to its ads and the high number of users. While Instagram has the same ads, they don’t have the same daily active users or diversity.


Don’t waste time any longer struggling to pick between Instagram and Facebook. As you can see, each of them provides its own benefits. If you have the time, using both is a great strategy; however, adopting either will still bring you success as long you use them correctly. Take the time to test both and be sure you know where your target audience lives the most to make the best and most optimal decision.


What You Need to Know About Instagram Stories Highlights


How to Boost Sales with the Instagram Stories Shopping Feature

Visual storytelling will always be why Instagram remains the number one platform for stories and social media marketing. If you have visual products or can easily tell your message through pictures, videos, and other visuals, Instagram must be the platform you use, especially if you sell products with the Instagram story shopping feature.


Nearly eight hundred thousand users use Instagram to shop every single month. In addition, almost seventy percent of their five hundred million daily active users follow a business account even beyond the shopping feature. Meaning you will have no problem getting your stories in front of your audience. To use the shopping feature, you need to have a business account and connect to your Facebook catalog that sells physical goods.


Here are five ways to boost sales with the Instagram stories shopping feature:


Use the Product Sticker


Add or take a picture of you the product you want to promote. Tap on the “Stickers” icon and select “Product” stickers. Select the product from your Facebook catalog, then further enhance the story as needed. Be sure the product name you want to use is the name listed in the Facebook catalog. You do not have the option to change the name from your story. Select “Send to” at the bottom right of your screen when you are ready to share.


Highlight Customer Testimonials


Add other slides that include your products in action by customers or quotes about how much they love your products. Social proof or reviews is an essential part of the selling process. In fact, according to research published by Fan & Fuel, nearly ninety-two percent of consumers have stated they hesitate to purchase if there are no reviews on the product, and ninety-seven say they use reviews to influence their decision further.


Add a Swipe Up Link


Once you reach ten thousand followers, your account will unlock the “Swipe Up” feature to your stories to further encourage your viewers to click and go to your website and make a purchase.


Showcase One to Two Product at A Time


Don’t show too many products at once as it will only overwhelm your audience. Be sure each product you share is relatable to each other. For example, a clothing store highlighting a model sunglasses and hat for sale. Each of these products is near each other and has similar purposes. Thus, making it easier to market each product and tell a cohesive story.


Include Hashtags and Locations


Always include hashtags and location tags. This way, your viewers who don’t follow you have the chance to see your content. In addition, while stories advertise to your current followers, this gives you an increased opportunity to be placed on Instagram’s Explore page and those who search public accounts.


Use these tips to get your first sale through Instagram right away. Instagram shoppable posts and stories have been shown to increase traffic by over one hundred thousand percent — showing you just how important developing an Instagram stories content plan is to your overall business success.

Four Ways to Make Your Social Media Stories Stand Out


how to boost online sales on instagram

Top Fives Platforms for Social Media Stories

Just about any social media platform you go to since 2016 has a story feature. A set of clips or images that are live for twenty-four hours that provide an update on your life or any important information your target audience is interested in or needs. They are highly interactive, immersive and give your audience a different experience. As a result, they can increase your sales, website traffic, brand awareness, and trust as a business owner.


Here are the top five platforms to use for social media stories and some important information about each to find the one that is right for you: 




Facebook is still the worldwide leader in social media marketing as its users have a wide range of demographics. While their story feature was not as popular at first, that is certainly changing as they continue to tread behind Instagram slightly, and if these trends continue, they may surpass them. The main difference is the groups and pages you can create on Facebook — giving you even more tools to communicate and engage with your target audience.




This is the platform to be on if you have a product or highly visual brand. Over half of their monthly users utilize their stories feature – showing you just how important this tool can be if you want to advertise to more millennials and generation z.




Snapchat is the original creator of stories. Just about anything to do on this platform relies on creating or viewing stories. This is the platform to use if you need to advertise to a younger demographic. Nearly six out of every ten internet users between thirteen and twenty-four use Snapchat.




The least popular option as you need ten thousand subscribers to unlock this feature. However, creating a YouTube channel and taking advantage of this feature is highly beneficial to any brand on the internet. It is a free resource that can be used to market to anyone around the world. Adding the stories features keeps your audience further engaged and interested in the value you bring.

How do YouTubers Make Money?

Google Web Stories


There are two ways to view web stories that can be seen on a smartphone or personal computer. Stories are shared through the Google Discovery page or as a carousel after searching for Google’s search engine. These stories are useful as they can drive traffic to your blog or online store. If you have a blog or website, then Google web stories are a no-brainer.


Overall, there are many platforms to choose from to share your social media stories. The right one for you depends on your niche, goals, and what your target audience uses the most. Starting with one or two of these platforms will get you started in the right direction.




Top Social Media Platforms for Influencer Marketing

When you start using influencer marketing, it’s important to understand that not all platforms will be viable for your needs. Only the platforms that have influencers who market to your audience will work for you. It will help you understand what the personality is and the audience is of each platform to make the right choices.




This visual social media platform has grown so fast that hardly anyone hasn’t heard of it. Over a billion people use the platform at least monthly, and most of them are based outside of the USA, with 140 million residing in the USA. Even during the 2020 pandemic, Instagram grew by leaps and bounds. So if you have a visual product or know how to make your offers visual, this platform will work for you.




It’s hard to imagine life without YouTube. It’s only been here since 2005, but it has changed the landscape of media. Anyone can truly get their “15 minutes of fame” by starting their own YouTube channel. YouTube is still growing its influence by expanding its member base by 14 percent in 2020, and it’s still growing. Today, there are almost 2 billion active users on YouTube. So there is no doubt that your audience is also on YouTube. Even if you don’t have a particularly visual niche, you can usually find what you need here.




As a micro media visual platform, this social media network has taken off in a big way. Some of the explosion is due to “bad press,” which proves that there is no bad press if you’re ready to use it for your needs. This platform is in over 150 countries and is most loved by the younger generation.




One of the most long-lived platforms on social media platforms has gone from a text-based solution to a multimedia solution used by millions every day. Many people use Twitter to get all their news and information. The audience on Twitter is mostly from the USA, and in fact, more than half of all citizens in the USA are using the platform regularly.




You may not initially think of a blog as a social media platform, but it is because you can have plenty of engagement through the comment section of any blog. Influencers who have very popular blogs can help you get more views for your offer just as easily as a YouTube influencer can. If they have an engaged audience that needs your solutions, it will work for you.


Research each platform to see if you can find influencers who entertain or inform your ideal audience who wants and needs your offers. If so, you can surely work out a deal to get the word out that is beneficial for you both.

How do YouTubers Make Money?

How long should your Videos Be?

It is no surprise to people in the marketing world that Videos are a great way to display your content.  But what are the Ideal lengths for your videos?

In today’s post, I review what Hubspot reveals as the best video lengths for the four Native Video Platforms.

30 second videos
30 seconds

30 seconds for Instagram
Why 30 seconds
HubSpot discovered the videos that received the most comment average 26 seconds. Keep your Videos Brief.


45 seconds for Twitter
Why 45 Seconds?
HubSpot calculated Twitter’s #VideoOfTheDay average 43 seconds.
Twitter users are accustomed to short updates so Keep it Short.

1 Minute
1 Minute

1 minute for Facebook.
Why 1 Minute?
HubSpot’s Facebook audience Engages the most with 1-minute long Videos. Users like watching Snappy Videos They can quickly Like and Share and Move on.

2 Minute
2 Minute

2 minutes for YouTubeWhy 2 Minutes?
HubSpot sees the most engagement on Videos that are about 2 minutes.
Users like spending time on YouTube because they can easily find Specific Videos or watch their favorite YouTubers’ Content. Longer Content is Perfect for YouTube.


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When a video pops up on your Facebook feed, what do you usually do first? My guess is that you take a peek at its length, ponder whether it’s worth your time, and let that thought process influence whether or not you press play.

Once you do actually press play, how many times have you abandoned the video just a few seconds in and scrolled down to the next post? I know I have. I don’t finish half the Facebook videos I start.

It seems impossible to hold people’s attention nowadays. Phones buzz with distracting notifications and promise instant gratification, tempting people to check their screens every five minutes. This has diminished the human attention span so much, some studies claim it’s now shorter than a goldfish’s.

Video marketers know we lack patience. So they’re starting to tailor content for our dwindling attention spans. In fact, 56% of all videos published in the last year are less than 2 minutes long.

Discover videos, templates, tips, and other resources dedicated to helping you launch an effective video marketing strategy. 

But marketers must innovate further because users expect different video lengths on different platforms. Odds are, they’re more willing to watch a 2-minute long video on YouTube than on Twitter.

If you don’t customize video length for each platform, then you’re not fully catering to your audience. Sooner or later, the attention they give to your brand will wither away.

That’s why we decided to create this handy, bookmarkable infographic about the optimal video length for the most popular video channels. To help you better engage your audience on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, we extracted insights from HubSpot’s own social and YouTube data, and combined it with existing research in the area.

We also provided a video example for each channel, if you ever need some inspiration.

So check out the infographic below and start creating optimized videos for these four native video platforms!

Read the Full HubSpot Article