Use Affiliate Marketing to Boost your Income

What Is Affiliate Marketing and How Can It Boost Your Income?

Affiliate marketing is promoting and selling goods, services, or content created by someone else to your contacts.

You do the leg work to promote and make sales for the affiliate program you endorse and earn income for your efforts. Being an affiliate is an excellent way to boost your income.

Here’s how it works

A business creates a product and makes it available to its affiliates for sales.

The affiliates promote the product to their customers by endorsing the company that created it or the product itself.

The income generated from the promotion and sales of the product produces commissions. This creates passive income for the affiliates and value for the affiliate’s customers.


Here’s why it works-

Affiliate programs are an excellent way to boost income. Most of the work is done for you by the product owner.

All that’s left is to promote the products and encourage sales. Creating a solid campaign to market the products is easy.

Generally, the product owner includes valuable marketing content that you can use to advertise and promote the products.

Making smart decisions about what products you promote to your customer base will ensure that sales are high, and income is flowing in.

If you’ve got customers, you’re ready to be an affiliate

If you have a customer base and are already routinely engaging your customers, affiliate marketing is an excellent way to enhance their experience.

Your customers see you as a leader and an expert. When you support or endorse other products, they pay attention.

In a way, your recommendation might be all they need to make a buying decision.

This means you can offer high-quality options for your tribe to meet their needs without having to create content or products. It’s a win-win!


Use affiliate marketing to enhance the goods and services you already provide


increase income
Increase income value ladder

If another business in your industry compliments your business, becoming an affiliate makes perfect sense.

If their product adds value to the goods and services you offer, encouraging your customers to buy it is actually in their best interest.

Offering opportunities to buy products outside of your typical funnel can expand your ability to connect with your customers without having to create a whole new product line or funnel.

This can be an excellent move when you’re deeply rooted with a tribe or community and want to add extra value to the enduring relationships.


Affiliate marketing is a Great way to boost your income and offer your customers high-quality goods and services.

Partnering with other businesses who produce products can widen your reach and help make a bigger impact on your customer base and your income.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways for newer online businesses to increase their Bottom line.

No need to create your own products

No Customer service problems.

This is Great for the person looking to increase income.

4 Tips For Success In Home Business

Success Tips for your Home Business

The first step to having a Successful Home business is to be Growing your Mindset and Skillset on a daily basis.

Your mindset can determine whether or not your home business will be successful.

Here are a few steps to assist make your home business measure up to the Lifestyle you desire.

In keeping with the concept that a positive outlook helps your home business, keep in mind you should be feeding your mind daily with Positive thoughts and communication.

Keep in mind that you can do almost anything that you set your mind to do.

With hard work and determination, your home-based business can be all that you’ve dreamed it would be.

Don’t let individuals or issues distract you or get you to let go of your home business dreams.

You should be spending 1-2 Hours daily working on your Positive Mindset and improving your technical Skillset.

    • Read good books in your niche
    • Listen to good Audios (while driving, walking the dog etc.)
    • Meditation or Prayer-You need quiet and calm in your mind
    • Affirmations/Vision (morning & night)
    • Skillset Training (marketing, how to use social media platforms.)

Keep learning

Skillset Training:

Any training you can get your hands on that teaches you the marketing method you are looking to do!  I buy trainings all the time!  If I’m trying to learn Facebook Marketing you bet I own all the Facebook marketing courses on the market and actually go through them!  Always be improving your skill set!

I may be a little biased here but I believe the best skillset training you can ever get is inside The Home Business Academy.  This is a product I have been using to improve my skillsets and mindset.

This is more than just another membership site with training.  The Home Business Academy has all kinds of tutorials on things like Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Blogging, what to say to leads etc.   But the bigger vision of the HBA community is to help you win your freedom through principle centered leadership!  

All we see are possibilities, and we would love to help you win inside our community of freedom crusaders!

The Second step to your daily Business Activities


There are 2 types of Marketing your Business.

Active Marketing:


  • I’m not a huge fan of traditional prospecting, but when I figured out we can do it via Facebook messenger or any social media site I WAS IN!  Why?  Because it’s the fastest way to get results!  You find a Facebook messenger strategy A-Z in our Home Business Academy training vault.  I recommend you learn this and do it daily while you learn the passive methods!  


  • There are other methods of Prospecting out there that you can search for, but the bottom line is you want to get 2-5 people per day in front of your business presentation actively each day!  However, you can do that will work!  I like social media, you may like using the phone!  Doesn’t matter,  Just make it happen!   


Passive Marketing:


  • I personally love Blogging and YouTube marketing for this.  You can easily do short blogs just jotting down your thoughts for the day, and then shoot a quick video on those thoughts and upload to YouTube! 

    Video are now an important part of all marketing.  We have a complete A-Z YouTube and Blogging training in our Academy here! 


Other Passive & Paid Marketing Ideas:


Here are some examples of marketing methods you can use to build your email list!  Your email list is your #1 asset when it comes to making money on the internet.   I suggest investing at least 20% of your current income (even if it’s from a job) and future income from the business…


The bigger your email list, the less Active Marketing you have to do. 

I’m looking forward to a point when my email list is large enough that I don’t  ever have to do any Active Marketing to make a multiple 6 figure income per year. 

That is my Goal!

Grow that Email List.


Before you start marketing on any of the platforms below.  You will need a way to create capture pages, bridge pages and more!  Click Here To Try The HBA Funnel Builder, the capture page software I currently use!


  • Youtube  (can be good but takes time and consistency)
  • Blogging (Blogging is good but takes time)
  • Video Marketing on Facebook 
  • Facebook PPC (pay per click)
  • Twitter PPC
  • Bing PPC
  • Youtube PPC
  • Craigslist Ads
  • Forum Marketing
  • Banner Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • Instagram / Pinterest


I suggest picking 1 paid method above and 1 free method to get things rolling… You can learn how to do all that stuff on Weekly masterminds and and at The Academy.

Step Three Generate Sales – Follow Up & Get Paid


A lot of people get stuck on this step after they finally learn how to generate leads.  They don’t know how to increase their conversions which is really what pays you! Sales!


Here are some suggestions:


  • Broadcast Email your list daily! (outside of your autoresponder followups)  Not just pitch pitch pitch.  Add some value to your emails too!  

Hold a webinar or hangout 1 time per week.  Even if it’s a simple hey come ask me any questions you have about my business and I’ll answer them live!  Have a list of common questions ready in case people don’t ask you anything.  That way you have something to talk about.


Step Four Get Off the Couch- Exercise & Develop Healthy Nutritional Habits.




At times I have not been very focused on keeping a good exercise schedule and not followed good nutritional habits.

Today I can say I need to be more consistent in more healthy habits.

Because we sit all day on the computer it is important to exercise on a regular basis.

I find when I don’t do proper exercise and eating I end up gaining weight! 

If you plan on doing Internet Marketing long term then you need to focus on health because we tend to be less active than a normal job where you are on your feet!    


Here are some suggestions that have helped me get back to a good healthy zone. 




  • Cardio can be done easily with a 20-30 minute video training
  • Stretching. Stretching is great for your body and should be a part of daily routine
  • Walking – I like to walk daily while feeding my brain with some good marketing training.


This one is easy.  Your body NEEDS a lot of water to function and flush out all the bad toxins… So the suggested amount is half your bodyweight in ounces…  So if you weigh 150 lbs, you need 75 oz of water per day!   Simple enough formula!

Clean Eating

I’ve done a lot of different diets. I like to keep a journal and try to make healthier food. 

Journaling seems to be the thing that keeps me the most consistent.


Supplements I take:


  • I take a multivitamin and Vitamin D3 because most people are deficient in these supplements.
  • High quality CBD oil from here.  I have suffered with depression for many years and found relief in 2018 when I started taking CBD.   Taking this quality product has helped me have greater control of my emotions. I Love this stuff. 

So, that’s it for now!  I hope you get value from this daily action plan! 

If you follow it every day there is no way you won’t succeed eventually! 

Start now with Focus and Purpose.

Do you Know your Freedom Number?

You Have To Know Where You’re At Right Now To Measure Growth & Figure Out What You Should Be Working On


Are you ready to take your online business to the next level and watch some explosive growth unfold over the coming months? Great. Before you start to plot and plan what you want to do to make that happen, it’s important to stop and look at where you’re at right now.

Business planning for future success is all about data. You can work most efficiently and spend your time and money most effectively if you know exactly where you are starting from. By recording data, you can start to see what’s working, what isn’t, and what trends are starting to play out. And it all starts with recording where you’re at right now.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you want to record. First though, you should decide how you want to record this information.  You can write it down by hand in a notebook, open up a word document to do it digitally, or use a spreadsheet. I prefer a spreadsheet because I have the option to have it calculate fun additional information like weekly and monthly averages and even map it all out in graphics to help me get a clearer picture.

Traffic – To grow you need to expand your reach. That means getting more traffic, but also engaging the people that come to your site by encouraging them to click around and read more. Good things to keep track of are total visitors, unique visitors, bounce rate, and of course where the traffic is coming from.


Know your number

List / Subscribers – Your next goal is always to get these people on your list. Here you want to track total number of subscribers, conversion rates for each of your opt-in forms and pages, open rates for your emails, and also unsubscribes. As you start to collect and review this data regularly, you’ll get a much better picture of your subscribers.

Customers – Subscribers are great, customers are better. Start by keeping track of how many total customers you have and how many purchases per day, week, and month. Other good numbers to look at are total lifetime value of your average customer, repeat purchases, and refund rates.

Income & Expenses – Last but not least, look at your bottom line. This is your typical accounting data. You want to keep track of your income as well as your expenses. With those two sets of numbers, you can easily calculate your overall profit. I find it helpful to look at profit for the month, but track income on a daily basis.

Yes, you can look at most of this data in various different places like Google Analytics, your shopping cart, and your autoresponder service for example, but it’s important to have it all in one place. This makes it much easier to connect the dots and see the relationships between the different sets of numbers.

Now that you have your initial data collection set up, make it a habit to update the numbers regularly so you can see what’s working, what isn’t, and how much you’re growing as you move through the coming months and years.

Who are your Mentors?

Are you working with people who love what they do and help others reach a Lifestyle of Freedom:

What if you could find a community that believes in giving everyone an opportunity for Success.

Looking for

  •  Lucrative Commissions
  •  Residual Income
  • Being Job Free
  •  Not having a boss
  •  Time Freedom
  •  Unlimited Income Potential
  •  Positive, Inspiring & Supportive Relationships With Great People
  • ​The Ability To Travel The World
  •  Fun Events
  •  Be A Business Owner Without Having To Create The Product

The Home Business Academy


How to embed a Video to your Blog

Have you ever wanted to add a video to your WordPress Blog?

Hey, there it is Barb from Flawless Freedom where with the right Mindset you can achieve the Freedom Lifestyle you have been dreaming of. To never miss out on a video, please make sure you’re subscribed to our channel and click on the bell to get notified when a new video is uploaded.

Let me know what you have questions about while building your Successful Brand.

Adding a video to your WordPress blog is very easy when you use a YouTube embed code.


Simply copy your embed code, and then go to your WordPress account and go to your new blog post. Switch to the “text” setting on the blog, and paste your embed code.

When you switch back to the “visual” setting you’ll see your video thumbnail and since you embedded the video in your blog, the video will play nicely on your blog around your text and won’t re-direct people to YouTube. Of course, if someone would like to check your Channel out they may choose to go over to the channel and give you some watch time love.

I realize this tip may be a little basic for some.

I  hope this tip helps you with your ability to continue creating valuable content that your fans want to see.


10 Simple Steps to Building a Blog on Word Press.

When building your first blog you really have to figure out what do you want to write about?

Follow these 10 Simple Steps when Building your Blog with Word press.

Wordpress Blogger

Make a blog about something you are passionate about.

Are you interested in helping people find Financial and Time Freedom?

It is very important that you figure out what you really feel you could blog about on a consistent basis.

First step: Who is Your Audience?

You must figure out who is your target audience so you can deliver super-targeted messages on a regular basis.


It is very important to know who your target audience is. You need to create content your audience is looking for.

Second Step: What is your Purpose for starting your Blog.

You must understand what your reason is for starting a Blog.

There is a ton of work involved so your intention must be cemented in your mind.

Step Three: Choosing a name for your Blog.

Naming your Blog and seeing if name is available.

Step Four: Branding you.

Figure out what your look is all about. The Colors, the font, be yourself, you want people to recognize that your blog represents what you are all about.

Step Five: Installing the WordPress application.

There will be many different options. Most business owners should have a self-hosted Blog.

I would definitely recommend a self-hosted WordPress Blog, this is basically you going to a hosting provider like GoDaddy or Host Gator and buying hosting and installing WordPress on top of it.


Step Six: Choose a Theme. You will be shown some themes pick a theme that you feel best shows your Brand.

Step Seven: Installing Plugins.

These are little add ons to your website.

Click on Plugins and then Add new.

Then it’s gonna show you some of the featured plugins here, then you can go to popular plugins and see if any resonate with you.

We definitely want people to find your website so we’ll install Yoast SEO here, and click install and then activate.


Step Eight: Make your First Post.

Go to the Left-hand side of Dashboard and click on Post, Add New.


WP dashboard


Put your Title in and then move to where the body of your Content is placed.

Start typing the Content you want your Audience to see.


Title and Content




Step Nine: Images and Featured Image.

One of the most important things to think about with your post is to have a featured image.

So when you have your site right and it’s not just text you have that little image there to capture it – Okay!

– Make sure you’re on the document tab go down to featured image set featured image.

You can go to sites like Pexels and Pixabay to find some Free images. Make sure they are Free to use.

Step Ten: Widgets and how to use them.

Go to appearances and then widgets, this is a place for all the content you can have on your sidebar and on your footer.

The sidebar is a good place to put your products using the Widget

You may want to list your Published post on the sidebar.


Some additional things to consider when using your Blog. 

So let’s check out your website. So again just click the my blog that little shortcut to get to your website.

You may see Create your Menu Here at the top right corner.

We need to create a new menu here so that menus can be a navigation button like your home links, your about me page,  contact page, Tools Needed for business and all that good stuff.

You can either click it there if you’re on the front of site or if you’re in the dashboard click appearance and then menus, You can add your stuff here. It may look like we have a menu already kind of created we have home and then sample page,

We will definitely want to create some other tabs So First remove the Sample page, then Click create menu.

Once you do you’ll see at the bottom here it shows menu settings.

You can auto add pages so if want an About me or Contact page it’ll automatically come up here, so you can auto add and then display location primary menu is so it will actually appear up there.

Every post has a category so you could have how to build a Busines online.

So by default WordPress doesn’t know what to put so it’s gonna have an uncategorized category, so you go to post categories and then just click quick edit we’re gonna just type in-home business here make it nice and simple,

But as you add posts one of the issues with having a blog is potentially the amount of spam you might get, there are BOTS out there that just go out and just basically add just nonsense posts trying to get links back to their can add content here, for categories or inside the post itself.

So there’s a few things you can do, so most of the time WordPress will come pre-installed with the plug-in called Akismet Anti-Spam you can sign up and do that, otherwise you can do like a captcha plug-in that make sure that they’re an actual person on your website and commenting plugins like Disqus which is like facebook login or Twitter login is definitely good to help prevent some of that stuff too.






6 Steps Creating Passive income with Affiliate Marketing

-Why do Affiliate Marketing?

If you are brand new to trying to make money online Affiliate Marketing is the place to start.

You can make money without creating your own products.

The fact that you can make money without creating your own products is exactly what makes affiliate marketing so attractive.

No Customer Service Problems.

All you need to get started is to find products and services that help in building business.

I love the make money online niche and enjoy finding the best tools and training available fo use and review for building my business.

Affiliate marketing is one of the true passive income business models out there.

You are an affiliate. You are not the owner of the product, so you don’t have to create products and services.

So setting up an affiliate marketing business is very hands-off.

Since you’re not the company you’re only the affiliate, you only promote for them, you can just focus on marketing and sales..

Another perk of the business, you don’t have to worry about customer service, dealing with refunds, or exchanges.

There are no headaches, there’s no hassle, there’s a lot that goes with having your own company.

The Best part of making money as an affiliate is you can avoid all the Headaches of producing product or services.

There are many affiliate programs ranging from as little as 1%-10% for sites like Amazon Marketplace, Target, Walmart or many other companies offering 20%-40% and rare cases of 80% commissions. Just search for products you may be interested in an search the site to see if they offer affiliate commission.

Let’s start listing steps to getting your business going.


Step One: Find a Niche you are interested in. Recommend only Products you love.

Step Two: Sign up to be an affiliate of Click Bank, JVzoo, Amazon and Commission Junction.

Step Three: Set up a Website, this is your online Real Estate. This can be done on a budget.Blog

Step Four: Start your Youtube Channel. Where you can review Products and Funnel traffic to your Website.

Step Five: Build your Email list daily. Offer a Free Giveaway in exchange for their email

Step Six: Use a Funnel Builder. My Recommended Funnel Builder Affiliate Program with and 80 % Commission.


It is important to have your own word press blog. This is your major Business hub.


Content marketing is the key to getting traffic to your Business.

That’s it for Today.

Thanks for stopping by:

In the next couple of weeks I will blog about:

Step by step detail on how to start your own word press Blog that you control.

Step by step Making Money on Click Bank.

How to set up your Youtube Channel.

To Get a fast start: Click Here







What 3 Key Questions to Ask about Online Marketing

Online marketing is interesting, difficult, and confusing. It can make or break your internet service profession and yet many individuals who depend on web marketing don’t have a complete grasp of the fundamentals involved in online marketing.

shoot for the moon

Lots of entrepreneurs waste a Great deal of time, energy, and momentum due to the fact that they do not totally understand internet marketing. Don’t let this absence of comprehending undermine your earnings potential.

In order for you to better understand online marketing and its impact on your internet organisation you must understand the answers to these 3 essential concerns:

1. What Is Internet Marketing?
2. What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?
3. What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

What Is Internet Marketing?

Marketing is in fact rather easy. Marketing is communication about an idea, product, service, or company. Marketing for that reason encompasses marketing, promo and sales in addition to the different methods and forms of communication used to market, offer and promote.

Marketing is more comprehensive than simple advertising or promotion in that it consists of researching the marketplace to discover what customers want and then setting out to meet their requirements with the proper product, cost, and distribution method. Marketing consists of marketing research, choosing products and rates, marketing promoting dispersing and offering.

Marketing likewise covers all the activities associated with moving services and products from the source to the end-user including making clients knowledgeable about services and products, attracting brand-new customers to a product and services, keeping existing consumers thinking about a service or product, and building and preserving a consumer base for a product and services.

Internet marketing consists of these exact same activities but also draws in numerous internet tools including web sites, email, ezines, banner advertising, blogging, RSS, text links, search engine optimization, affiliates, autoresponders, and other eCommerce applications.

What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?

The variety of expenses for internet marketing is substantial. There are a variety of marketing and marketing ventures that can cost you nothing or just pennies a day while other advertising efforts can cost you thousands a day.

It is necessary to consider your goals– both long-lasting and short-term– as well as how much each prospective customer is worth to you. This will help you figure out a realistic budget plan for your marketing campaign.

Numerous internet promotions are free, you can establish a website and/or blog for $250 a year, and you can drive traffic to the site. Posting Quaility content on your site for your subscribers will build long term relationships.

The very best program is to start inexpensive and slowly test to see what is working and learning what is successful for your market and product. There is no ideal advertising solution that works wonders for everyone. Each product and each marketer has a different formula.

What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing uses more benefits than lots of standard marketing mediums. The very nature of web sites and blogs is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. Many advertising efforts, such as ezines, newsletters, banners, and text links also continue to increase in power over time.

Email marketing can be a significant surge in contacts and sales and uses the capability to individualize your message, in addition, to reach a targeted audience so your possibility for sales increases tremendously.

500 dollar days

The other significant advantage of web marketing is that it provides benefit and immediate fulfilment. That is the power of web marketing.

Now that you have the responses to these 3 key questions, you are all set to start your own online marketing campaign– and be successful with your internet business.

Building a business is a Journey and takes consistent purposeful daily action.

Marketing is communication about a concept, company, service, or item. Online marketing provides more advantages than numerous conventional marketing mediums. The very nature of websites and blog sites is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. The other significant advantage of internet marketing is that it provides convenience and immediate complete satisfaction. That is the power of marketing online.

How to Turn Negative Self Talk into More Productive Energy

Today I came across an interesting Article on negative Self Talk.

My Take on the Article

Whether it’s feeling bad about not hitting goals or feeling your not picking a Skill Set up as Quickly as others.

Do you find yourself saying I will never figure this out?

Nothing is working out I may as well Quit Trying.

I am too old to figure it all out.

Studies do show Changing negative Dialogue Is needed to develop a more Productive Energy.

If you are guilty of Calling yourself Names or Don’t Stretch yourself to try something new for fear of failure, here’s how to deal with your Negative Thoughts.


1. Recognize Your Negative Thoughts
So if you have Negative thoughts like I am too old, too fat or I will not be successful because _____Fill in the Blank.

Many of your thoughts are automatic. They just pop into your head without any conscious effort.

Evaluate your thoughts so you can recognize thoughts that are unrealistic, unproductive, or irrational.

2. Look for Evidence That Your Thought Is True
Just because you think something doesn’t make it true.

“What’s the evidence this is true?”

Sticking with The I am Too old example.

You may be slower to grasp some of today’s Technology,

Skillsets are taking you a long time to master.


3. Look for the Evidence Your Thought Isn’t True
Then, create a list of reasons why your thought might not be true.

Although you have not developed a level of competency you were hoping for yet your courage to keep going is moving you forward.

If you struggle to find evidence–which is common when your emotions run high–ask yourself, “What would I say to a friend who had this problem?” If your co-worker said, “I’m not improving as hard as I try. ,” you’d likely be able to find some kind words to help the situation, so be nice to yourself.

4. Reframe Your Thought Into Something More Realistic
Once you’ve looked at the evidence on both sides of the equation, develop a more realistic statement.

Telling yourself, I am moving forward daily on goals and I learn something new Every day.


5. Ask Yourself How Bad Would It Be If Your Thoughts Were True?

Ask yourself, “How bad is it really if it takes me longer to gain this skill.” Then, spend a few minutes thinking how you’d respond.

I wanted to have the right skills to achieve my goals in Business and so what if it takes longer. If it is going to take 1yr or more isn’t it worth the Journey.

Practice Replacing Negative Self-Talk
You might never get rid of your negative self-talk completely–and that’s fine.

The more you practice replacing your negative self-talk the better you will get at it.

Beating yourself up Is never a Good Thing.

Read the Full Article Here

More from Inc.


Day 7 Stacking Your Efforts in your Business Planning

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day Business Plan Challenge.

Business planning helps create an explosive way to develop traffic, customers, and most importantly income.


Much of what we’ve reviewed so far has been actionable tasks:

  1. Listing your objectives and business Goals
  2. Developing a winning attitude
  3. Take on new Tasks. Get Out of your Comfort Zone.

Let’s Review some Marketing Strategies:

  • Blogging about niche topics
  • Budget money for advertising
  • Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to your Blog
  • Explore new marketing strategies out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Set up a Youtube Channel


Change is a Choice

Video is fast becoming the main source for getting your Brand Known

On day 3 when we discussed increasing website traffic, subscribers, as well as clients to add to our profits.

Today we broaden on this whole concept.

Continue with Social Media, Blogging and include Video into your Marketing Plan.

The idea is to make progress on your goals and stack them in a manner that offers you greater success.

Below’s an example.

Set a goal which is to grow your current part-time income by $1,500 a month so you can quit your day job.

Meet business objective by expanding your web traffic to build your community.

If Reaching your $1,500 your goal allows you to leave a job.

Set more enthusiastic goals and include one more strategy to increase your profit to $6,000.

Using some of the profits it is time to Scale your business.

  1. Take a percentage per month to play around with Facebook ads.
  2. Time to outsource some task contracting out several of the continuous tasks that hold you back.


Hire a Virtual Assistant to help with tasks and now you’re truly making progress.


Contact entrepreneurs in your specific niche and collaborate with each other.

Do you see how this works?

One goal improves on the other as well as stacking objectives to generate crazy growth.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Always be stretching yourself pushing for Bigger Goals

My point is this …

If you start to think strategically keeping one eye on your next few objectives, you can start to stack your efforts.

Plan for that explosive growth in a lot less time than you may think.

Try it!

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day tips to making use of a well thought out business plan.

Let’s increase customers, as well as most notably a growing income.

To Recap:

One goal will build on the next and they all work with each other to create rapid growth.

My point is this …

  • Believe in yourself
  • Have Written Goals
  • Review your Goals often
  • Track your Progress Daily
  • Have a Daily Method of Operation
  • Get out of your Comfort Zone
  • Try new things.
  • If doing Video Scares you. It is time to do it.
  • Work on developing your Marketing Skills (The Home Business Academy)

Follow these steps consistently. Doing this will create explosive growth for your business.

Day 6 Real Growth Requires You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Can you think back on a time of real life-changing Growth, be it in-home business, in your individual life, or anywhere else? Did you need to get out of your comfort zone?

More than likely, you had to step out of a place where you are comfortable for that growth to occur.

Yes, we can make progress by doing what we have actually always done.

danger zone

It will be slow as well as much more notably, by staying within your comfort zone, you are limiting your possible development.

It’s when we step out of that area, try something new, take a little bit of danger, and allow for personal and skills growth that we start to see big changes for the better.

Let’s say your goal is to grow your reach and also increase your target audience.

What you’ve done so far and what really feels comfy is creating a blog post a week and afterwards sharing it on social networks.

Yes, some readers will certainly discover you.

Yes, if you increase workload, publishing even more blog posts per week as well as sharing regularly across all your social media accounts, you will see some increased growth in your business.

However, you’re remaining in your comfort zone.


What if instead of increasing the same types of tasks you switched it up a bit.

Why not explore writing as a guest blogger on another blog for more exposure?

How about finally facing your fears and start a YouTube, Channel?

Youtube is a perfect way to repurpose some old blog post.

Once you produce your video on the Blog topic you can embed it on your blog post to give new life to your Blog.

Including Video in the mix of your weekly workload increases your chances of being found and building your community.

Recording a series of video clips provides you with the opportunity to get to a totally different part of your target market.

There are lots of people who would rather view video web content to typed out articles on a Blog.

There are people that spend hrs daily on YouTube who would never come across you and your blog otherwise.

Investing money on paid ads can sound like a terrifying idea but once you find something that works, convert well and you if you have a budget it may be time to scale with advertising.

Note this should not be done without knowing what your conversions are.

If you decide to put your money into paid ads make sure are tracking your results

I would like to mention everyone feels awkward when starting something new.

Remember your first Blog post?

How long did it take you to finally hit the publish button?

When you start anything it may seem hard or awkward but with consistent work, it does get easier.

So jump out of your comfort zone.

If you need to set up a Youtube do it today!

Then do your first video.

Good luck.