How And Why You Must Remove Distractions

The key difference between a successful entrepreneur and an unsuccessful entrepreneur is action. In order to take action, you must remove the distractions preventing you from doing the work to achieve your goals.


Successful entrepreneurs understand they must remove distractions for three key reasons:

  • For Better Time Management and Productivity

Distractions only take up your time and resources, therefore, reducing your productivity. Removing distractions prevents you from wasting this time on things that ultimately don’t matter.


  • For Better Creativity and Quality Work or Products

Zero distractions mean you gain more time to develop a deeper focus and concentration that allows you to work better and produce higher quality work. It fuels creativity and inspiration.


  • For Proper Business and Personal Organization

Removing distractions means removing possible frustrations, stress, and constant confusion of wondering where you left off last. Keeping your personal and business life organized. Organization allows you to stay focused and on track to accomplish your goals. When you have a clear path and understanding of what needs to get done, it’s easier to achieve it.


Follow these four tips to help remove distractions to achieve your goals faster and easier:


Establish Realistic Work Hours

If you can create your own schedule and work hours, take advantage of it and be realistic and honest. If you know you are a night owl, for example, then don’t expect yourself to work by 6 AM.


If this isn’t a good time for you, no matter how good you are at getting up on time, you won’t be working at your best or produce your best work. Schedule your work hours during times you know you will be fully rested and ultimately distraction-free.


Understand Your Limits and Willpower

In other words, if you know you won’t stop looking at your phone, then you must put your phone in a separate room. Create strategies that work with your weaknesses to ensure you don’t limit your success. If you want it, you will find a way to work around your downfalls.


Stop Multitasking

Believe it or not, multitasking is a distraction. Every time you switch between a different task, your brain needs time to reset even if you don’t notice it.

Positive Attitude

Let Others Know Your Goals and Needs

The more you inform people upfront about your intentions, the less likely they will keep you from them. If they do, then they are not there to support you, and best to keep them out of your life.

How to Identify Over the Top Goals to Make Them Reasonable

If you aspire to be a mover or shaker or achieve your dreams at all, you need to be the one creating the distractions, not entertaining them. Implement these tips and tricks into your daily routine to keep distractions from interfering with your dreams.



5 Household Management Tips for Parent Business Owners

Battling the household and running an online business at the same time is hard work. A business requires just as much of your time, if not more, as do your children. Both will create more work and stress, but you can manage.


The following are five household management tips for parent business owners: 


#1: Work in Batches and Block Schedules

Keep similar work together and schedule work time in batches. If you know your kids need to get to school at a certain time, for example, schedule a block of time around that. If you can get two hours of work in before they need to get ready, then find similar activities you know you can do in that time, like checking email or creating your daily to-do lists. Block these times out in your schedule and let your household know when you plan to work. Put the schedule somewhere they can all see it and treat it no differently than you would if you were to clock in for a shift somewhere else.


#2: Designate Workspaces and Keep Them Out

Create an area in your house that everyone knows is only for working. Please don’t allow them to come in at any point. It may sound harsh or brutal to do at first, but over time everyone will understand that this area is not for fun, only business.


Establishing appropriate boundaries like this is crucial to create a distraction-free workspace. When you are in this space, you work. When you leave this space, you get to take a break or have free time and stop working. Likewise, you won’t need to work when you’re in your other spaces.


#3: Schedule Special Time with Your Kids Away from Business

Always add in time with your kids and put it in your schedule. This way, you know you always have time to be with them. Don’t expect yourself to use after work or school hours to do it.


If you don’t schedule it, you will give yourself permission to be distracted. You don’t have a boss to tell you to stop working. You have to set those boundaries yourself. Scheduling your personal time and time with your family is a way to ensure you stick to your work hours.


#4: Create Daily To-Do and Expectation Lists for You and The Household

To ensure you have the time you need to get work done, make daily to-do lists for you and the household. Include chores or fun activities they can do while you need to work. Set up timers and don’t allow them to finish until it’s done. Make sure the tasks you do can be done within these times. Don’t use this time for any critical tasks that require more of your attention.

 Don’t Forget That You Can Automate and Outsource Your Home Management Too

#5: Communicate as Much as Possible and Expect to Make Compromises

Most importantly, you must communicate. You can’t expect others to know what to do just because you work from home. Creating your own home business comes with compromises from you and the entire family. While it provides you the freedom to be a parent and make money, it can also be disrupting. As a carefree space of their home is now for business. Proper communication and not expecting perfection will go a long way to ensuring your success.


As you can see, running a business and your household as a parent is possible. However, you must know what it takes to set yourself up for success realistically.



The Importance Of “Why”

Before you start any business or goal in life, you should get to know and truly understand your “why” first. Knowing why you’re doing anything in life is a crucial step as it can easily make or break your business or goal before you even get started. When you know why you want to do something, you can better understand the actions and resources needed to get there.


Your why is the determination, focus, inspiration, and motivation you need to keep working towards your goals each and every day. As uncomfortable as it may feel to accept your daily actions are the direct results of what you want in life and have already achieved.


If you don’t achieve something even if you want it, it’s likely because you didn’t take the necessary action to get there. Your “why” to get there either wasn’t clear enough, or you simply weren’t true to yourself.


The following tips and tricks help discover your true “why” and how to use it to your advantage:


List Your Values and Aspirations

Start by listing your values and aspirations for all areas of life. List the most important thing you would like to achieve. The first value or aspiration that comes to mind is likely the one that you value the most.


Are There Consequences to Not Getting There?

Ask, “What will happen if I never do it?” Take notice of your emotions and write down precisely what you are thinking and feeling. Then evaluate what you wrote down—your true why is likely within these words.


Be Sure It’s for The Right Reasons

Why do you want to achieve what you want in your life? Whether it’s money, fame, or happiness, make sure it aligns with you, your values, and your morals; no one else’s. Even if everyone else is doing it, it may not be for you, and that’s okay.


Passion Doesn’t Always Equal Business Success

While this may be hard to hear, it can also be a great and beautiful thing. Just because you love something or are very passionate about it doesn’t mean it can be a viable business opportunity. You must make this realization before you get started and fail. Use it as a hobby and a great way to de-stress instead.


Be Aware: Money Won’t Ever Be Enough

While money unlocks some freedoms and can reduce stress, money by itself won’t be enough. If you didn’t need money, would you still want to do it? If the answer is no, then start somewhere else.

the purpose

As you can see, your “why” is what empowers you to get things done. Your “why” helps you become successful. If it’s not realistic, you likely won’t get there no matter why you do what you do.



How to Use Automation for Boosting Efficiency

One of the main reasons people like to use automation in their business is because it boosts efficiency. If you can automate any task that is repeatable such as invoicing, creating files, saving files, and so forth, you can save many hours of time in your workday and work year. Those are hours you can use to create even more awesome products and solutions for your ideal audience.


  • Sort and Respond to Emails – Your email software has many features that you may not be implementing fully. Apps like Boomerang for Gmail or Sales Handy for Outlook will help you sort and respond to emails using automation features.


  • Manage Projects – This is especially important if you are working with a team. Set up a project management software that allows you to know when each part of your team is done because they check it off, make a note, or otherwise use the system to ensure smoother collaboration and avoid bottlenecks.


  • Improve Your Sales Funnel – Using software to automate your sales funnels is a no-brainer today. There are numerous options for you to implement, such as and, but also many email marketing solutions come with sales funnel automation options.


  • Enhance Your Workflows – Software like,, and others can help you automate your workflows whether you work alone or with a team. Improving and enhancing your workflows will ensure that when you do automate something, it’s done most efficiently.


  • Optimize Your Online Presence – Use an all-in-one platform that enables you to use all your social media in one spot, such as or When you use one of these social tools to automate sharing, engagement, and relationship building, you’ll really realize the power of social media marketing.


  • Drop the Dead Weight – You don’t need to keep doing tasks that are not working. For that reason, you want to always check your metrics to ensure that when you act, the result is what you’re looking for. If it’s not, stop doing it and move on to something else.


  • Automate Every Possible Task – Make a list of any tasks you do each day that are repeated. For example, perhaps each morning, you walk into your office, turn on your computer, and check email. What can you automate? You can automate turning on the light in your office as well as turning on the computer. You can even automate organizing emails using tags and other features so that it’s faster to get to the emails you need to respond to.


The best way to determine what you want to automate is to track what you do each day, week, month, and year. Anything that repeats, do a little research about how other people automate that task. You may be shocked to learn how simple automating your business really is. Automation is not nearly as expensive or complicated as you may think before actually finding the right solutions.


Tools and Tips for Automating Your Sales and Inventory Process

Whether you sell physical products or hours and services, automating as much as you can of your entire sales process and inventory, if needed, will save you tons of time. When you save time, you’re saving your most valuable and irreplaceable resource, but more than likely, automation will also save money.


  • Understand Your Buyer’s Journey – Every business type who has a buyer can learn what they do to make a business decision. Most buyers go through a process from awareness to delight, and it’s your job to know what the buyer’s intent is so that you can deliver just the right information at the right time to advance sales.


  • Stop Doing Repetitive Work Manually – If it can be automated, stop doing it yourself. There are too many ways you can automate things today that fit any budget for you to keep doing everything like file creation, backups, and inventory tracking. If you continually need to transfer customer information to another system, find a way to automate using or another option.


  • Provide the Right Information to Your Stakeholders – Ensure that anyone who is interested receives information that they need to make decisions in a self-serve manner. This can be via internal documentation that you provide access to based on their place, such as or You can assign access based on who they are. For example, the customer of product A gets access to information, groups, and help about product A.


  • Empower Customer Care – If you hire customer service personnel or use a chatbot, empower your customer care to make sales when it seems like the right thing to do, depending on the conversation. You can even set up your chatbots to do it.


  • Empower Your Customers – Let your customers care for themselves with self-serve information and AI chatbots so that you don’t have to answer repetitive questions, and they can help themselves.


  • Create the Right Email Messages – Every product that you create needs certain email messages set up right away. You’ll need a series for all stages of the buying journey, from awareness to delight.


  • Get the Right Software – It depends on the types of products you sell, but many shopping carts have inventory management included in the system. The most crucial factor is to get the right software for your needs and not try to make bad software work for you.


Automating your sales process may only involve setting up a landing page, a freebie, and moving them to your email list so that you can teach them information, make offers, and move them through their buying journey faster. But if you sell physical products, you probably want to keep track of how many you have available to buy—the same thing with the hours you sell for your VA business. If you’re a service provider, keeping track of what you’ve sold will ensure you don’t oversell but also ensure that you meet your goals.


Tools and Tips for Automating Discovery Calls

Many small business owners like virtual assistants, business and life coaches, and others who work one-on-one with customers and clients use discovery calls to help pitch their offers and close sales. Discovery calls are a powerful way to get more customers, but it can be time-consuming if you don’t develop a process that can be automated and replicated.

HBA Funnel Builder…

  • Build a Landing Page with Your Offer – Your first step is to build a page that tells your audience about your discovery calls and what’s included, and why they should set up a call with you. You can do this with your basic website pages, or you can use landing page software like net or


  • Set Up a Questionnaire Via Your Scheduling Software – Using scheduling software like com offers you the ability to force your lead to fill out a questionnaire in order to set up their appointment, all without you helping in person at that moment. Most people will happily fill out a short questionnaire but remember that you are trying to qualify your leads, so don’t be afraid to ask questions that make them leave the form.


  • Develop Transactional Emails for Your Autoresponder – Now, set up some information in your autoresponder so that once they submit the questionnaire as well as choose their time for a call, they receive automated emails giving them more information and instructions. You can use your email autoresponder for this, and it doesn’t matter which platform as long as you check to see if the other software you’re using integrates. works with most.


  • Let Your Potential Customer Choose Their Time to Call – The scheduling software allows you to put the times you’re free. In fact, you can choose different free times for different types of calls so that you know when you get a call what it’s for due to the time and date.


  • Get a Dedicated Phone Line for Calls – Having a dedicated line or at least a unique ring will help alert you to the call. You’ll want to set up your calls so that your customers call you instead of the other way around as it eliminates the need for you to remember anything.


  • Read Their Questionnaire Before the Call – You can sign into the scheduling software to read the questionnaire, or you can set up a Zap ( to force the system to put the questionnaire into a special Dropbox or file on Google Docs.


  • Set Up Follow Up Information to Go Out Automatically – Once the call is finished, you’ll want other information to go out to your lead automatically so that you can close the deal if you did not already on the call. You can use tags and triggers within your autoresponder using or to make it happen automatically.


Discovery calls help you get more clients and close deals. However, due to the fact they can be time-consuming, it’s best to go in with a plan. Use the customer’s answers to the questionnaire to help guide your meeting in a way that showcases what you can do for them based on their needs.


Follow up as soon as possible within 24 hours after each discovery call with an offer giving them a few days to consider your offer but setting a deadline so that you can avoid overbooking yourself. This process works wonders for booking more clients for the one-to-one service provider or coach.

Tools and Tips to Help You Automate Email Marketing

There aren’t many business owners today who aren’t aware of automated email marketing technology that uses autoresponders. If you’re not sure, autoresponder software like will send out messages to your list members based on either your schedule or a behavioral trigger that you set up and define.

email marketing

Two ways to automate your email marketing:


  1. Trigger Based Email Messages
  2. Drip-Fed Scheduled Messages


A trigger-based email message is set up to be sent to the subscriber based on something they do. For example, if your customer downloads a free report, or clicks through to read a specific blog post, or even if they simply open a particular email, you can set up your autoresponder to automatically deliver specific messages to them based on what they did.


A drip-fed email message is simply set up to deliver based on the schedule you choose in a specific order. Usually, the messages are a sequence and often referred to as your “autoresponder sequence.” For example, if you offer a free report about a specific problem that you solve, the customer downloads the report, which puts them on that list, which triggers the system to start the drip schedule.


Besides these two ways you can automate, you can also use the automation features inside your software to segment based on new information you obtain from your customer such as demographics data, and product purchased, product not purchased, how they learned about your solutions, and more. Frankly, if you can think it up, you can create a segmentation trigger.


When you automate your email marketing in this way, you can create more targeted and personalized messaging, create customized landing pages, and even use split testing for your emails to create better results from your email marketing. You can also use the native software to examine delivery rates, view rates, open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more to make it all work better together – mostly automatically.


The trick for getting this right is to choose the right software for your needs. Some small business owners using a combination of and a WordPress site will work fine, but for some others, they may need a more robust platform to work with, such as or


Write down the functions you’d like to have now and in the future. Choose your software based on longevity, functionality, and growth – but of course, also consider your budget. Fortunately, most email marketing software choices have options that can grow with you based on your usage. You can find solutions for as little as $20 to start and on up to thousands of dollars, depending on how you’re using it. The main thing is to do your due diligence checking out the software you want to use to ensure that it works for your needs. For example, some autoresponder software expressly forbids affiliate marketing – if you want to build an affiliate marketing business, you don’t want to start with that choice.



Tools and Tips to Help You Automate HR Management

From time tracking to expense management, automating your human resource management will save time and money.  Anything that happens on a recurring basis is ripe for automation. Tasks like data collecting, file creation, document sharing, form filling, and more can all be done using the software in a way that eliminates the need for an HR person to do these tasks and frees you up to do more.


  • Contractor and Employee Onboarding – When you bring on a team member, they need to have access to information about your company, including branding information, document templates, and more. If it’s important that your people comply with a particular thing, it needs to be in the onboarding process.


  • Offboarding – When someone leaves your company and moves on with another, it’s a good idea to survey them about why so that you can improve. Use your HR system to send an automated exist interview via email that they can do on their own before they leave. Plus, once they fill out the exit survey, they can also be automatically sent other information such as COBRA info.


  • Vacation Requests – If you have employees, they may want to leave, even contractors, if you rely on them to do regular tasks on a long-term contract, offering a way for them to let you know they’re going away is always going to make everyone’s life easier.


  • Expense Claims – If you reimburse your people for expenses related to the work you do, letting them automatically enter a request for expenses is a lot simpler when done via computer technology and reduces the paperwork and time needed to process such requests.


  • Payroll – Allowing your employees to enter their own time in a system that creates the paychecks is a great way to cut down on your need to do data entry. All you have to do is approve the time, and the check or direct deposit for their pay happens automatically.


  • Training – Whether employees or contractors offering company training is helpful to them and can improve their work. You can offer branding information and train them on using all your systems without having to do it individually for each person you bring on board.


  • Time Management – Let your contractors and employees keep track of their own time using the software.


  • Benefits Management – Let your contractors or employees take advantage of their benefits on their own. Self-serve, saving lots of time.


  • Tax Forms and Filing – Most bookkeeping software and systems automatically offer tax forms and filing options depending on your needs.


Even if you don’t have a bunch of employees and only work with contractors having everything together in a centralized place organized according to the laws and regulations where you live is going to free up your time and help avoid issues in the future.


Tools and Tips to Help You Automate Engagement

Customer engagement is crucial to building the all-important “know-like-trust” quotient that is so important for a business owner’s success today. After all, the main reason you even exist is to solve your customers’ problems in a way that makes them feel satisfied and delighted. The best way to engage with customers today is to automate as much as you can while remembering to focus on the customer of one.


  • Set Up a Customer-Driven FAQ – Most customers today like going to a website to find information by searching for answers to questions that they have before they contact anyone in person. You can assist this process by setting up an automated FAQ for the customer and potential customer to use for themselves.


  • Be Easy To Reach – Don’t hide your contact information from your customers. You want them to be able to contact you in a number of ways so that they can use their favorite method. If they want to contact you via email, SMS, or more directly, making that happen will help you both.


  • Let Your Customers Self Schedule Appointments – If you do take sales calls or do discovery calls, it’s essential for you to let your customers schedule these for themselves. Use software like to automate the process. If you provide the phone number to them to call, you can even let them call you at the arranged time, so you have less to remember.


  • Automate Your Email Marketing Campaigns – Definitely use an email marketing software that uses triggers like tags to deliver the right message at the right time to the right person on your list. Software like,, and if you’re not an affiliate marketer, all work great.


  • Automate Your SMS Marketing Campaigns – Using automation software for your SMS campaigns is also important. You’re just not going to get good traction trying to do everything manually. Using a service also helps you with legal compliance.


  • Consider Adding a Conversational Chatbot – With the advent of inexpensive conversational chatbots, you can engage with your customers 24/7 in a way that feels very good to them and boosts sales exponentially.


  • Recommend Products or Services Based on Customer Behavior – Using internal triggers in the software you choose, such as your autoresponder software or your landing page software. You can efficiently deliver product recommendations to them based on what they do.


  • Make More Sales by Targeting Cart Abandonments – This is a fun way to automate your sales. Set up a system that automatically starts a remarketing ad campaign to target cart abandoners or to send them a message via email if you have their email when they leave their cart.


  • Boost Customer Retention by Following Up Post Sale – When you do make a sale, your job is not over. You need to send follow up information to them via your autoresponder and have the info via SMS. Even if all you do is send a series of messages to them after the sale, that will help.


  • Find Ways to Reward Your Best Customers – Remember that customers get tired of seeing all the sales directed toward new customers. Treat your customers like VIPs so that they want to stick with you.


  • Practice Social Listening Strategically – A really great way to automate engagement is to set up your social listening to send you information each time your product or name is mentioned. Then you can go respond directly to any mentions of your name or a like product so you can help people. Set up Google Alerts to send you the information that you need as often as you want it.


  • Use Automated Invoicing Tools – Why spend time with time-consuming invoicing tasks when you can automate the process as much as possible. Look at using systems like Go Daddy Bookkeeping or with their time tracker to automate your invoicing tasks as much as possible.


For your business to grow and flourish, you need to pay close attention to how you communicate with your customers. It needs to include two-way conversation in order to really take your engagement to the next level. When you are easy to find and are responsive to your audience, you’ll end up building a more successful business. Because when people feel like they like you, they also trust you more.


Sales Automation Tools and Tips

When it comes to automating sales, you’re in a great time to be involved in selling anything. Selling online is fun and exciting because you have access to so much data from your efforts. You can perfect your sales process to the point that it produces tremendous results for you if you’re paying attention to the metrics.


  • Capturing Leads – You can automate your entire lead capturing process by using the right software. For example, you’ll need autoresponder software and a landing page to deliver a freebie. Just set up the autoresponder to deliver the link to the download page after they sign up. You can make this work even better if you use software for your landing pages, such as or, to set up a dynamic lead capturing system.


  • List Building – Building your list is an important thing to do if you want to be successful in marketing online. When you build a list of hungry buyers, you can give yourself a raise anytime you want by making them an offer. Using systems like,, or any autoresponder system that enables you to set up automated messaging, tagging, and segmenting is essential.


  • Communicating – To automate your communication process, use templates to get the work done faster. Once you set up a template, you can use it for all your communication needs, only changing what needs to be changed each time.


  • Qualifying Leads – You can use automated systems to help qualify your leads. Once you capture a lead and they sign up for your list, you can send more information automatically to them via your autoresponder system. Then, based on their behavior, you can tag them all automatically, depending on their behavior.


  • Nurturing Leads – For most people, the easiest thing to understand about automation is the autoresponder, which sends out messages that you loaded in the system in the order you determined was best based on the exact customer’s needs.


  • Following Up – Most transactional and follow up emails can be designed in advance and then delivered right away as soon as the customer needs them. For example, if your customer buys widget A, you’ll send information about widget A and how to use it right away. Only later will you follow up with a recommendation that they buy widget B.


  • Scheduling Meetings and Calls – The other important thing you can automate when it comes to sales is calls and meetings. Let your potential customer fill out a questionnaire and sign up for the exact time they prefer to go to the meeting or participate in the call. When the customer feels in control, they’re more likely to show up, and you can close the sale.


  • Webinars – Webinars are often used in the sales process. You can do one of them live, then automate the remaining ones and run them “as live” to build your list and get more followers. You can run these automatically and pop on at the very end if you want to make that part live and more interactive. An excellent tool to check out if you’re interested in running live and recorded “as live” webinars are


When it comes to automating sales, you can’t go wrong with investing in a good autoresponder service, a webinar service, and/or a funnel-based system like to build your business by capturing leads, building your list, and nurturing your list members with appropriate content every single day.