Business Plan Resources You Can Use

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create your business plan. There are numerous resources you can use to help you. Use this list to find resources to use to help you create the best and most functional business plan possible.


The more you work on this, the more likely you are to be successful. But don’t forget, set a deadline for yourself so that you finish your business plan so that you can get started living the life you dreamed you’d have as soon as possible.


  • Small Business Administration – [] In the USA, you can use information from the SBA to help you create your business plan. They have a lot of precious information on their website and in their offices across the country, and most of it is free or low cost.


  • Business Plan Software – There are numerous choices, such as,, and others. They’re all pretty much the same, so you can choose based on what you need.


  • Business Plan Templates – You can find them right inside your MS Office templates and free online. Whatever you do when you do use a template, don’t copy someone else’s information. Make sure you add your own information so you don’t make a mistake. Just use the template for layout purposes.


  • A Business Plan Outline – Once you decide the type of plan you want to create, make your own outline, so you don’t forget to add any information. It does help to have the basic structure laid out, so all you do is fill in your own information.


  • An Accountant or Other Professional Expert – CPAs, Enrolled Agents (EAs), and some bookkeepers who specialize in a business start-up are professionals you want to have on hand to help you with the financial aspects of your business plan. Plus, they can help you with tax planning. Every small business owner should visit a tax planner before they start their business.


  • A Mentor, Coach, or Consultant – There are people who are willing to assist you for free or for payment, depending on your situation. Try going to a local office to get some help with your business plan. You can also find a coach or consultant online. Ask your colleagues for referrals.


  • Find an Incubator – Almost every local city with a college or university has a small business incubator that is willing to help. Check out your local coworking spaces for more information about this. They can help guide you through your research and business plan creation.


Finally, you can also hire someone to create your business plan for you, but this can be expensive. It depends on your situation whether you do it alone, go the volunteer route, or hire someone. The main thing is to learn as much as you can about creating a business plan, read other people’s plans, and then get yours started and done.

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Information You Need to Know for Your Business Plan


There are many reasons to write a business plan. You may need a plan to borrow money, attract investors, or to validate your ideas. Plus, creating a business plan helps work out operating procedures and can put your business at a strategic advantage over other businesses.


To create your business plan, work on collecting the following information and documentation.


  • A Description of Your Business – This is simply what you do, who you do it for, why you do it, how you do it, and when you do it.


  • Describe the Problem(s) Your Customer Has That You Solve – Make a list of each problem you solve for your customer. Describe them fully and why they need to be solved. It can help to attach the product to the problem for reference.


  • Describe Your Solution – Explain how this solution solves the problem for your ideal customer. Try to write this from their perspective to ensure that you are putting the customer in a central place.


  • Describe Your Target Customer – You may need to describe more than one target depending on your products and services, especially if you have different levels of products, depending on their place in the customer buying journey. This is a good place for customer avatars.


  • Describe Your Competitive Advantage – This is all about how you are different from the competition. It may be due to price, service, innovation, operation, or something else. Some people also describe this as a unique selling point or unique selling proposition. It’s all about your place in the market and how you can leverage it to your advantage.


  • Describe Your Selling Process – Website, storefront, affiliates, distributors or salespeople, door-to-door, or something else? For example, perhaps you’ll set up a squeeze page with a freebie to build your list then nurture your relationship with them in email. Be specific and thorough.


  • Describe Your Business Model – This is a list of your revue streams and how you’re going to make money. If you have no revenue stream potential, you have no business. For example, starting a blog is not a business until you monetize it.


  • Describe Your Start-Up Costs – What are the funds you need to get started? List each expense and why you need it.


  • Describe Your Goals and Benchmarks – If you don’t set deadlines, it won’t happen, so make sure you match a deadline or benchmark to each of the goals you’ve set for your business. For example, “I will get 100 new customers each week by hosting two-hour long webinars each week.”


  • Describe Your Business Setup – For example, if you’re a sole proprietor who outsources to contractors, state that; if you are an employer with a management team, state so. If you plan to buy human resources, as time goes forward, mention those benchmarks so you know when this will happen.


  • Describe Resources You Have and Need – Make a list of the resources you have available now and how you’ll use them and a list of resources you need to buy, and when you’ll do so based on benchmarks.


As you work on creating your business plan, it can help to understand fully all the information and data that you need to complete a business plan that is useful for you. Use this list of information you need for your business plan to guide you as you create the plan and build your business.

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What Is Your Business’s Financial Outlook? How Can You Know?

As you are creating your business plan, the part about understanding your industry and business’ financial outlook can seem daunting. But the truth is, while the numbers are assumptions based on what you studied, if you do a good job, your projections should be pretty close. Let’s look at how you can know and document your business’s financial outlook.


  • Study Your Industry – Remember that killer technologies are always being invented that can impact your business and even end your business. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, but you should keep up to date so you can mitigate or change course as needed.


  • Study Your Competition – If you keep aware of your competition and what they’re doing every day, you’ll also see signs of issues in the industry or with your customers, especially if you’re in business by yourself and not a huge multinational corporation. If big businesses are worried about something, you should be too.


  • Project Your Expenses – Make a list of all the potential expenses you’ll have for your business—for example, website hosting, software updates, contractors, employees, supplies, and so forth. Before you make one cent, you’ll have a few expenses.


  • Project Your Income – After you know how many customers you can go after and how many you think you’ll convert over time, you can now project your income. You do that by figuring out how much they’ll buy per purchase, whether or not they’ll be repeat buyers, and how you’ll get more customers over time.


  • Know Your Break-Even Point – Your break-even point is when your basic expenses match your income. Knowing this is going to help you know where you can cut back in hard times.
  • Understand Your True Financial Needs – The business plan only includes how much you are going to make, how you’ll make it, and how you’ll spend it per your business, as a small business owner who wants to make a certain income, you can include that figure for your own needs.


  • Document the Potential Income and Expenses For 12 Months – Once you have the information, create a spreadsheet to enter the income and expenses you’ll have for your business over the next 12 months.


  • Use the Figures for Planning – Each of the numbers you generate can be used for future financial planning and business planning. For example, you can set up benchmarks that inform you when you add to your business. “When my net income is $5000.00 per month, I’ll hire a virtual assistant for $1000 a month.”

Know your number

  • Be Ready for The Unexpected – One thing that is always good to do with any financial projections is to have contingencies in place if your plans don’t work. For example, what will you do if there is a natural disaster? What if you can’t do business in the way you are used to? Can you change and how will you do it?


  • Monitor the Reality – While you’re making projections, understand that reality will happen as you grow your business. As reality happens, update your projections to account for that reality.


  • Update as You Know More – Update your projections any time you have new information that will make your numbers more accurate.

Use a spreadsheet to enter the figures you discover so that you can easily update it and change them based on new knowledge or assumptions. As you grow your business each year, your projections will become more and more accurate. This means the planning you do, based on those projections, will also become even more useful.

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Creating Your Executive Summary Is Not Just for Investors

The executive summary is an important component of your business plan. It’s the part of your plan that is first, but it is often created last. You need all the other information collected, studied, and analyzed to create the executive summary. This summary will explain in a concise yet thorough way what you do, who you do it for, and why you will be successful doing it.


To complete the executive summary, include:


  • Information about your research – The research you conduct will inform business decisions and help you develop your strategy for achieving your goals.


  • Results of said research – The research produced results that need to be analyzed for the executive summary.


  • Suggestions about how to do business based on the research – Based on what you learned during the research, what steps will you take, when will you take them, and how will you take them?


Your executive summary is mostly an informative piece of writing that doesn’t need to be very persuasive other than you should point out the research methods and why they’re accurate and explain the results thoroughly.


It should be interesting, grab attention, and give you the info it needs to in the case of needing a business loan or angel investors. If it’s just for your use, you still want to continue creating the executive summary as if someone from a bank might read it. Try capturing your reader with a thought-provoking statistic or tell them about a quote you love that relates, or a book.

Get Business Education: Know and Understand Your Offers

The executive summary should be able to exist without the rest of the business plan as its own document to use when needed. However, you’ll want it to be concise and short. It’s a summary by nature, but it should give all the information the reader needs. You’ll be able to use the document in other aspects of your business to come up with content marketing ideas, to remember your mission, and more.


You can write your executive summary in the same way as normal article writing. Create a title for each section. You can use this order to keep it all straight in your mind as you develop your executive summary for your business plan. But remember, you should not even start writing it until you’ve collected the information for each section.


Start with an overview of your business; include what you do, who you do it for, why, and how you do it. Next, add information about your target market, your competition, and at least three points about the marketing strategy you plan to use. Now add in information about how you will operate the business. Will you be a sole proprietor, or will you be a corporation? Will you work in a brick and mortar atmosphere, or will you build your business solely online? You also want to include information about your projections based on your research. Give information about finances now, a year from now, two years from now, and up to five years. Be sure to include your break-even point and concrete ideas about when you’ll finally produce a profit. If you need an influx of money, this is also when you mention the type of financing you will get or venture capital you’ll seek. All your numbers should align and make sense.


 How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


What You Really Want to Know to Get Started Fast

Once you learn about yourself, figure out what you really want from your life, choose the type of business you’re going to build, and decide how you’ll run the business, you’re going to want to get started fast. Get to know who you are so that you can start a business that thrives.


Realize Who You Are Really


While you may change as you learn more about the world, you’re mostly who you are. You like to get up early, or you like to sleep late, or you’re naturally organized, or you need to practice – it’s all fine as long as you are honest with yourself about it. Nothing you know about yourself is wrong. Knowing yourself will enable you to ensure that you set up your life for success.

Components of a Business Plan

If you know that you need an extra hour each morning to fully wake up and be ready for company, then you can make sure you do just that. If you know you get nervous speaking in public, you can work on it and practice.


Don’t deny who you are or think you’re wrong for being who you are. Instead, work around your challenges to reach the success you desire by knowing who you are and being honest with yourself about it.


Understand What You Really Ultimately Want and Need from Life to Be Happy


Part of knowing yourself is knowing what you want out of life, not what society or your folks told you that you wanted or even needed. As long as you’re a kind person who doesn’t use others or oppress others, there is nothing about you that is wrong or bad. If you want a traditional marriage and kids, that’s great. If you want a nontraditional life, that’s great too. It’s up to you.


Remember to focus on tangible things you want and need like healthy food, shelter, medical care, recreation, and so forth. Be very specific about what makes a good life for you so that you can ensure it happens.


Know the Fundamentals of Starting a Business


Don’t assume you understand the laws and rules about starting a business. Educate yourself about your particular industry and niche so that you understand the way things are done. There is no need to create a new way to do things for most businesses, as someone else has already designed the best way to succeed. All you need to do is figure out how to emulate them.


Know What Your Best Average Day Will Look Like


Take some time to imagine what a given day might look like if you lived the life you wanted to live. What does it look like? What time do you usually get up in the morning, and what do you do? What do you do for work? What are you doing when you’re done with work? Describe an average day, week, month, and year so that you can work toward that ideal realistically.


Know What Resources You Have and Need


As you design your life, make a list of the resources you have and how you’re going to use them, and the resources you need. Brainstorm ways to obtain the resources you need. You’re either going to have to pay for them, create them, or otherwise work around these needs you don’t have yet in order to succeed. If you know what you have and know how to use it and know what you need and how to find it, you’ll be prepared.


Your Business Plan

Keep learning

Don’t skip the process of writing a business plan. The business plan will help define your business as well as the day to day activities you do that make up your business. The business plan will also help organize all the marketing, advertising, and other information you need to attract your ideal customer to your offerings. It’s a necessity. Some studies indicate that creating a business plan increases the likelihood of business success.


The Legalities


One thing you’ll discover as you create your business plan is the legal parts of your business that you must get right before you get started. You may need a business license, or there may be other legal requirements that you must follow. You may need to set up sales tax payments and regular quarterly tax payments to keep your income tax up to date. You won’t know what you need until you go through the process. You need to go through that process. Don’t assume.


The Action


You need a fabulous and effective schedule of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks that you will implement to ensure that you reach each goal that you set. Without acting, nothing will happen. You can talk about having a business, and you can work on your business all you want, but until you make sales, you don’t have a business. You have an idea.


When you know what type of business you want to start and what type of life you want to live, it’s just a matter of doing it. Live your life and build your business joyfully, knowing that you are the one in control of your destiny.


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You Really Can Design Your Life the Way You Want It

When most people grow up, they end up with about the same finances and lifestyle as the family they are raised with. Very few people do better than their parents or change that much about their lives compared with their folks.

Failure is

It’s not a bad thing, but if you want to do something different, it can seem daunting. However, you really can design your life the way you want it. It doesn’t matter who you are now or where you are from, or what situation you were born to. If you understand who is really in control of your life, (you) you can do amazing things.


  • Begin Where You Are – Some people are born with more resources than others due to their family or place in life. Others are born with more challenges. In the scheme of life, this only matters if you don’t believe you can improve your life based on your birth. If you believe you can, and take the steps necessary to do it based on the situation’s reality, you will be more successful. Maybe you have to work two part-time minimum wage jobs while working your side hustle to pull it off for five years – it doesn’t matter – whatever it takes to reach your goals is what’s important.


  • Figure Out What Your Morals, Principles, and Values Are – No one can make good choices in life about anything if they have no idea what guides them. When you know who you are deep down, you don’t need any outside forces to guide you. Try writing a mission statement for your life and your business to help set up that guide.


  • Summarize What You Want – Take the time to go through the eight areas of life “The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success” that you need to design and write a summary of the ultimate end goal that you want to achieve in each of the areas. As you develop your goals, you may need to get more in-depth with each area for the goal to be well thought out with steps set up for achievement.


  • Set Realistic Goals – Based on what you want from life, set goals using the SMART Goal setting technique. Each of your goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Instead of something like “I want to get rich and retire,” you will explain what this means. “I will have 2.5 million saved by the time I am 45 years old. I will do this by saving a specific amount each month that I earn by doing a specific thing each day.” Write it out exactly as you will do it.


  • Figure Out What You Have – Develop a resource list of all the resources you have as they’re related to each of your goals. For example, if one of your goals is to be fit and healthy at 80, what steps are necessary to be more likely to experience success with that goal? Probably time for self-care, money for regular health care appointments, funds for dental work, gym membership – whatever it is that you have that will help you succeed, list it. It may be a person, place, or thing that is the resource, or it may just be a skill you possess.


  • Figure Out What You Need – As you determine what resources you need to achieve each goal, you’re going to realize that you already have some of the resources but that you don’t have some of the others. When you identify the resources you need that you don’t have, it’s time for you to search for them either by paying for them, outsourcing, or creating them.


  • Create a Resource List Associated with Your Goals – Now that you know what you have and what you need, make a resource list. Define what you have, what you need, and the budget for the things you need to pay for. For example, there is a budget associated with healthcare, groceries, and the like. There is also a monetary number associated with every single thing on your resource list. And remember, time is money.


  • Set Your Daily Schedule for Success – Once you know what you want to do and have identified the resources to get you there, it’s time to set up your daily schedule for achieving the goals you’ve set. If you have more time available due to more resources, you’ll experience success faster, but even if you take twice as long, you will make it if you set it up and follow your plan.


  • Evaluate Regularly – As you age, you’re going to change. Those changes will be more than physical they will be mental, emotional, and spiritual. You cannot even imagine the type of changes you’re going to experience in the next 20 to 30 years of your life. Due to this fact, take the time to evaluate your plan regularly to ensure you’re on the right path that makes you feel happy about your life.


Designing a life that works for you and gives you the balance you want in terms of work-life balance requires that you first accept the truth of where you are, what you have to work with, and where you want to go. It might take you longer than someone born on third base, but you can still accomplish whatever you set your mind to if you understand what it takes to achieve the results you desire.

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Why You’re Not Alone Even When You’re a Sole Proprietor

While exciting, starting a business can be lonely. This is especially true for small business owners who traditionally start “home” businesses that they plan to run independently. But the exciting thing about this is that today you’re not alone even as a sole proprietor because today, there are many resources that you can tap into right from the comfort of your home via your computer.


Take a Class

online class

If you need to know something to help improve your business or life, taking a class is a great way to do it. Participating in the class with the other students and the instructor is also a great way to network with other like-minded people. Most of the time, the people taking the course and you will have something in common if only the reason for taking the class.


Join a Mastermind


If you need motivation, sometimes a mastermind group is the way to go. Not only will you be able to network with others, but you’ll learn something and potentially acquire a new resource to use to meet your goals.


Find Your Community


There is a community out there for you to join as a solopreneur that can help you learn, socialize, and grow your business. It may be local to you, or it might be online via a forum, message board, or private group on Facebook or another platform.


Build Your Team


Just because you are a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do everything. To acquire a skill (a resource) fast, pay for it. For example, if you don’t have financial knowledge, you may want to hire a CPA to guide you, or if you lack time to provide the proper customer care, you may want to employ a customer service expert or pay for a chatbot to help.


Find a Coworking Community

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

Locally to you, there are probably coworking communities already working together and helping each other grow. You can also find coworking communities online too through groups and forums. It can be very motivating working alongside other movers and shakers. Plus, once again, through networking, you may be able to fill your need for a particular resource based on your list.


Go to Live Events


An enjoyable and lucrative way to avoid being alone is to go to live events. Live events will stand out for you as a networking tool that will introduce you to new people to fulfill your resource list.


Connect with Your Customer


Also, don’t forget that you have customers, or you will once you start your business. You can connect with them on many levels. For example, use your hobbies and interests to build rapport when you can tie them to your business and work. Your customers are essential, and the more you can get to know them, the better.


As you can see, you’re never alone. As the owner of your business, it’s up to you to fill all your needs, but you don’t need to do it alone. You can network and build your team and remember to delegate and outsource so that you aren’t doing it all alone.

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Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

It’s not that unusual for some people to start a side gig without any notion of what they’re doing, including a business plan. They just notice something they like doing and do it and start earning money. But understand that you’re much more likely to experience success if you create a business plan.

setting goal

To Show That Your Business is Possible


You may think you have a great idea to make widgets for the masses, but only through research can you ensure that your idea is possible. When you study all aspects of your market, you can avoid the mistake of starting a business with no chance.


Just because you think your idea is a good one doesn’t mean it is. You’re not your market even if you think you are. There may indeed be ten people who need your widget but are there enough people to support you as you need to be supported?


To Understand Your Competition


One really cool fact about discovering your competition is that competition proves your idea is a good one. If there are no competitors, this is not necessarily a good thing. It’s hard being the first to market with a new idea. In fact, it can be costly to be first.


If you study businesses, you’ll note that it’s not always the first to market that makes it. It’s often the copycats that come later that truly make it work after a known market for the product. You can use your competition to avoid mistakes as well as find your audience.


To Know Your Customer Better


When you develop your business plan, it forces you to find out not only who your exact ideal customer is, but where they are, what they need, and how you can best communicate with them about their problems.


When you really know who your customer is, you can create marketing and advertising content that is more effective as well as create better solutions for them too. Study the customer through their buying journey to ensure you know exactly who they are and how they make decisions.


To Document Your Revenue Model


The thing about business is that it’s supposed to earn money. Therefore, part of creating your business plan is to ensure that the business idea you are going with can possibly earn enough money for your intended lifestyle and purposes but also what type of accounting you’re going to need.


Most small businesses are relatively simple to set up, but you really need to understand how to keep track legally so that you don’t pay one more penny in taxes and fees than you need to. You’ll need to know how you’ll collect the money, what happens after you collect it, and follow all the rules and regulations based on the type of business entity you choose.


To Reduce Risk and Judge Potential Success


When you put everything down on paper, from how you’ll set up your bookkeeping to how you’ll process each customer’s order, it’s a lot simpler to figure out if success is possible. You’ll definitely reduce risk by setting up everything in advance of starting. When you can see how the process works, from attracting a customer to converting a customer to serving a customer, you can fix any problems before they start, ensuring your success.


To Develop an Operation Roadmap


When you create your full business plan, you will also create a how to do everything you need to run your business step by step process. For example, if you’re starting a reselling business on, you’re going to need to figure out your process for purchasing, a purchase price point, a markup formula, and also cleaning, packing, photographing, and posting procedures. Everything that needs to be done needs a step by step plan written out.


To Reorganize During a Crisis


Sometimes a business plan can also help you get through a crisis. If you write your business plan right, you’ll know your break-even point, the minimal resources you need to make it work, and so forth. This information will make it simpler for you to figure out what to do if business slows due to outside reasons such as health or political turmoil. Everything is taken into consideration while developing the business plan.


To Develop and Document Your Marketing Plan


The business plan covers everything you need to do to actually do your business with your customers, including how you’ll get the word out. The marketing plan is an essential part of your business plan that will help ensure your success.


To Forecast Business Needs


As you develop your business plan, you should end up with a list of resources, staff, money, equipment, software, and so forth that you need to be successful. You’ll know exactly what you want and need and how much it’s going to cost you. Even if you note things that you cannot afford right now, you can set up a plan to get around it until you can afford it.

To Highlight New Opportunities


As you are creating your business plan and going through each of the steps and areas of the business plan, the brainstorming gives ideas for more products and services aligned with what you’re planning to offer. These new opportunities can help you grow your business bigger and better than you may have thought to start with.

7 Easy Steps to Start an Online Business

To Set Up Your Daily Tasks

The business plan is so robust that you can use it to set up each day full of tasks that build results. You should come up with due dates, timelines, and more with your business plan so that you can insert the tasks into your calendar.


Many small business owners think they don’t need a business plan because they aren’t going to borrow money from a bank. However, the business plan helps you set up your business in an organized way to work step by step on building your business.



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Reasons You Need a Content Marketing Plan

When you are trying to build a strong list of hungry buyers, it’s important to understand how everything works together. Email marketing is part of content marketing. To be successful with content marketing, you should not try to do it blindly. You need a content marketing plan. Let’s go over the reasons you need to plan things out. Hopefully, this encourages you to create a comprehensive content marketing plan going forward.

daily content

  • Keep Your Audience’s Attention – When you develop a plan for the content you’ll create and publish for your audience, it’s going to ensure they are interested enough to pay attention to it. It’s easy to get off track, but if you have a plan to look at and you know why, for example, you’re publishing today’s blog post – the point of it or the CTA for it – you will be more successful.


  • Establish Trust with Your Audience – When you produce content that looks cohesive, it helps build trust. If you’re not planning content, you may get off track, speak out of voice, and confuse the audience. Even if it’s subtle, it can cause a lack of trust.

10 Simple Steps to Building a Blog on Word Press.

  • Build Stronger Social Media Communities – When you’re consistent with your messaging, you will build more robust and more engaging communities for your audience. When people are more engaged, they’re happy to share.


  • Generate Higher Quality Leads – When your content is on point, the quality of the leads you generate from that content will be a lot higher. They’ll be much more likely to become prospects that buy from you and become customers.


  • Improve Your Conversion Rate – Good content simply leads to more conversions because you have a reason for the content you publish. If you don’t know why you’re creating it, you may end up with gaps that lower your conversion rate.


  • Enhances Your Search Engine Optimization – Content is the food that feeds search engines. When your audience types in their search query or asks Alexa to give them information, the search engine locates the content you have published to deliver it to them.


  • Build Subject Matter Expertise and Authority – If you want your audience to see you as an authority on a topic, you need to publish extensively on that topic.


  • Ensure Subject Matter Cohesiveness – The plan helps keep everything in order so that it makes sense. If your content isn’t planned, it may seem unorganized in a way that is distracting to your audience.


  • Establish Your Brand Identity – Your brand needs a voice, a tone, a personality, and yes, an opinion about the topics you publish about. The topics you choose and how you talk about them, whether text, video, or audio, will establish your brand identity far beyond your email list and website.


  • It Keeps You Accountable – When you have developed a content marketing plan that includes information about what you will publish and when you will publish it, and who it’s for, you’re going to be more likely to accomplish your goals.


  • You’ll Get Better Data – If you try to create a content marketing plan based on your goals for your audience and your business, the truth is the data you generate will be more useful to start with.


  • Your Return on Investment Will Be Higher – If you really care about investing in the right places, creating a content marketing plan will ensure a higher ROI that is consistent.


Understanding how the content you produce, both public-facing and private, affects your audience is essential to creating the right content marketing plan for list building efforts. When you know the goals and match the content with the goals and the right audience, building your list with hungry customers who need and want your offers, paid and free, will become simple.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

How Many Landing Pages Does Your Website Need?

As you work on creating your lead magnets and landing pages to build your list and get your first or next 1000 subscribers, let’s think about why you need landing pages and look at what the research suggests about landing pages.

daily content

Keep  your Audience Engaged


A landing page is simply a page on your site that is very precise and directed toward a specific purpose. It’s a stand-alone page that you make just for marketing and advertising one thing. When your visitor lands on this page, they will be able to educate themselves on the offer without distractions and convert into a lead through the sign-up form.


According to, the more landing pages you have on your website, the more traffic you’ll receive and the more conversions you’ll get. In fact, studies show that websites with more than 40 landing pages will increase their conversions by over 500 percent.


Ensure that you follow the rules of landing pages to ensure they really do convert. Optimize the landing pages you create for SEO, sound design, effective CTAS, and of course, make sure the landing page copy speaks directly to the audience member you want to convert, focusing on the benefits to them your offer gives them.


For example, create a new landing page for each traffic source you want to attract, even if it’s the same freebie. You want each visitor to your landing page to feel unique and important to you, so the people who come to get your freebie from a guest blog post see information important to them compared to the people who visit from your email list. If you segment the landing pages and write the copy for your audience of one, based on where they’re coming from and where they are in their buying journey, you’ll be more successful converting your visitors to leads.


To be successful, create at least one landing page for each segment you want to download your freebie and follow the rules for a well-made and highly converting landing page.


  • Focus on your Unique Selling Point – What makes you different?
  • Use Compelling Images and Video – Use directional images that relate to your audience.
  • Tell Them What’s In It for Them – Benefits over features.
  • Develop Effective Calls to Action – Practice writing CTAs and test them.
  • Include Social Proof – Who else likes it? Why you?
  • Optimize for SEO – Search engine optimization helps everyone. Learn all you can about on-page and off-page SEO.


When you do this, you will be very successful in converting people to your list. Remember, once you get them on your list, you need to keep them there by providing interesting and informative information every day.

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