How Communities Promote Lead Generation

Did you know that brand communities pull nearly seventy percent of traffic from search engines? In other words, communities due to SEO attract larger audiences from the search engines as they have the power to reach more customers and provide more value than other resources.


As time goes on and you share more content or encourage your members to interact, developing user-generated content, you increase the keywords or data you need for search engines to find you and your business.


Not only that, but people also thrive in communities—people like feeling connected to others. Even self-professed introverts are online and participating in online communities. When you have a wider reach and get more members, you are also more likely to easily sell more products with the generated social proof — which is exactly what online or brand communities provide. So, the wider your reach, the more engaged your communities, the more you can grow.


Here are five ways online or brand communities promote lead generation:


Superior Quality Content


The content generated in your communities will naturally be more relevant than anything you can produce on your own. Even if you are a member of your own ideal customer base, there will always be things that you’re just not going to know to ask. Having a community will reveal inside information from your group members about what type of content they want to consume. Hint: Once you have this information, you can use it to generate content outside of your community too.


Word-Of-Mouth Marketing


We keep mentioning word-of-mouth marketing because it’s imperative that you understand how important this is. It’s a big deal to know that you can speak to your customer directly, and they are essentially holding you in the palm of their hand.


They may even read your group content while taking care of their personal business, waiting on kids, or even while drinking coffee. As a result, they feel relaxed and can engage when they want to on their time which makes them feel good about you, so good they tell others about you.


Insights and Analytics

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You know that everything is about data today. All the choices you make in your business, and your life, are affected by the information you collect and the data you generate. Just reading this, you are generating data because your IP address is almost always recorded when you go to someone’s website to read it. Likewise, you will know when your audience members read your content and even where they go next, and if they leave a comment, you will learn even more.


This information can help you develop sales material, new products, more services and give you ideas about problems and solutions that your audience needs.


Feedback and Reviews


For some reason, group members are much more likely to provide feedback and product reviews than people who buy the same thing but never interact with the community. If you want more feedback and reviews, hosting a community is a sure-fire way to make it happen. When you get this feedback and the reviews, it’s on you to use them to improve.


Member-To-Member Engagement and Interaction


Watching your members interact and engage with each other is also a really big deal. In the old days, you might have to form a focus group, but in these modern times, all you need is to create a vibrant and active community to find out what your members think of your products and services.


As you can see, communities are attractive to consumers. They provide the social proof and trust they need to join your community and potentially increase your revenue. In other words, the larger and more engaged the community is, the easier it will be to find people to market to. So, if you want the potential of endless leads, starting a brand community should be at the top of your priority list.





Building a Community is The Competitive Advantage Your Business Needs

Research and statistics show that you must have a competitive edge to make it in business. No businesses succeed without fierce competition, especially with the advancements in technology and online communication.


The truth is, many of these exciting advancements destroyed common barriers to entry that most businesses had in the past – meaning you can start a business with next to nothing. Unfortunately, due to that, the competition only gets worse as more tools and resources are created.


Building a community around your brand will provide you with a competitive advantage because customers are increasingly dissatisfied with the kind of customer care they are receiving. A branded community can help you provide better customer care because as you build a community, you’re also building relationships that advance trust, which increases your ability to influence sales.


The following are a few ways community building helps you stay ahead of your competition:


  • Through Strong Member Connections and Relationships – People like feeling as if they belong to a community. Unfortunately, building community in our private lives is harder than ever. Everyone is busy, but creating these customer-centric communities can make your customers feel more connected not just with you but with the other customers as they converse and comingle.


  • By Being a Source of Endless Lead Generation – Every single person you get into your group is a source of more members. Because of this, once you start building a community, your reach will increase as your leads grow.

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  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing – Even if your customers only talk about your products and services inside the group, new members will still see the discussions, which will reduce their fear and help them make a purchasing choice for the products they see discussed within the group community. However, once a member becomes your loyal customer, they will start asking their friends to join them in the community because it feels good to share what’s good in your life.


  • Through Community Feedback and Engagement – One of the most important aspects to you, and from your viewpoint as a business owner, is the ability to read your customers’ minds. Of course, you really can’t do that, but by watching the discussions take off that you prompt and experiencing the feedback generated, the information you glean will become invaluable. Eventually, your customers will start claiming you can read their minds, and then you’ll stand far out from your competition.


  • By Being Unique, Fun, and Helpful – Face it, most businesses are not unique, fun, or helpful. But you have this amazing opportunity to stand out and be that for your customers in a way that benefits you both.


Overall, community building shows your target audience that you want to support them and their needs. Your community shows, and the information you provide shows them that you are willing to listen to them and serve them instead of your own needs. The more you focus on your target audience, the more you can easily stay ahead of your competition. Which is why building a community around your brand is the competitive advantage your business needs to be successful.




Four Easy Steps to Creating a High-Converting Email Funnel

Crafting the right Email funnels is an important marketing strategy to understand if you want to maximize your profits and better communicate and engage with your target audience. While it may be hard to believe, email marketing still outperforms social media by nearly forty percent more. Not only does email marketing generate more revenue, but it is also more productive as it is three times faster.


Here are the four easy steps to creating a high-converting email marketing funnel:


Step One: Lead Generation

The most crucial step to creating a high-converting email funnel includes your brand awareness and lead generation. Next, you need to create an acquisition process that draws in your target audience. This consists of an opt-in form and incentive to get their information and start them down the email funnel. Once they are opt-in, they can then be segmented as a new subscriber and receive welcome content and other further information.


Step Two: Nurture Content

The next step is to further build their interest with lead nurturing content. Content that teaches them about the products or services and has less to do with promotions. Lead nurturing is about building a stronger relationship with your customers to keep them around long-term. It allows you to learn your audience better and form a deeper connection to craft engaging content and leads to more action.


Step Three: Content Persuasion

Once strong relationships are built with your readers, you want to persuade them further to make a certain decision. This is where the promotional content begins to flow or stream into your sequences to convince your readers to make a purchase and become loyal customers. Be sure you always include an easy and obvious call-to-action, so your audience knows what to do. Your click-through rate depends on it.


Step Four: Engage and Follow Up

Nurturing your leads never stops. The step keeps going as is required to keep their interest and see more conversions. Even after your readers purchase, you want to follow up with them and keep them engaged. Send thank you emails and invite them to other groups or platforms that teach them how to use your products or services even better. The more places and ways you can keep your audience engaged, the better and fewer chances for them to unsubscribe or become disinterested.

HBA Funnel Builder…

Following these steps ensures you have everything you need to create high-converting email funnels. A great marketing strategy to learn to get the highest return on your investment that costs little to nothing to get started.


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