Five Actionable Tips to Boost Your Email Opt-In Rate

Your email opt-in rate is the percentage of those who visit your website compared to those who become email subscribers. The higher the rate, the more email addresses you have to better market and communicate to your target audience. In other words, the imagine you had 1,000 people visit your website this month.


Fifty of those viewers decided to provide their email and opt-in to your campaign. Therefore, your opt-in rate would be five percent, the average that many other businesses see. An opt-in rate that is two percent or higher is said to be on the right track. To determine your opt-in rate, use the following formula:


(Monthly or Weekly Opt-In Subscribers/ Monthly or Weekly Website Viewers) * 100


(50/1000) * 100


0.05 * 100 = 5%


Opt-ins are materials that hook your audience in by providing them high-value content in exchange for their email address or cell phone number. Once you acquire their information, you lead them through your email marketing funnel to hopefully persuade them to be paying loyal customers. Therefore, improving your opt-in rate is important to running a successful email marketing campaign.


These five tips will help you boost your email opt-in rate:


Use Pop-Ups

Pop-ups can be a great reminder for your viewers as they are leaving or browsing your website. However, don’t overuse them as they can quickly become annoying and make them click off altogether. Many readers expect a few, but if they pop-up too frequently or make it too difficult for them to browse the site, they will simply get discouraged and leave.


Make the Opt-In Process Obvious and Easy

Be sure to optimize the signup process to the mediums your readers use the most such as smartphones. If the opt-ins or lead magnets are not optimized for their cell phones, they won’t be able to complete the process. Many readers will abandon a brand or business altogether if they refuse to learn how to adapt to their audience as well. Keep the opt-ins organized and straight to the point. Don’t overload the reader with too much information. For the most part, the opt-in should be scannable and understood in a few seconds.

Add Prominent Testimonials

Show social proof with customer testimonials. Make them obvious and near the signup button to show your readers that you are trustworthy. If others are seeing the benefit you promised they will want to participate.


Use the Fear of Missing Out

Urgency is a useful tactic to get your readers to act now. Discounts with deadlines or early bird tickets for hands-on classes are great examples of these. Most people can’t pass up a good deal, nor do they want to miss out.


Invite Them to a Call or Webinar

Humans love to feel like they are important or part of a community. Not only that, inviting them to a short one-on-one call or free webinar makes them feel more valued and that there is a real person who cares on the other side. It shows that you are there for more than just monetary gain. Increasing their trust and loyalty to the business.


Overall, providing value is key to increasing your opt-in rate and achieving your email marketing goals. If you don’t have valuable content to provide nor follow these six tips, it’s likely your email opt-in rates will be poor, destroying your sales and overall email marketing conversions.


 10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success

Lead Magnet Mistakes to Avoid

The entire point of creating lead magnets as list builders are to build your list with targeted customers who want and need the products and services that you offer. The people who think marketing with freebies doesn’t work usually are doing it wrong. You can avoid mistakes by learning the most common ones and not doing them.


  • Your Lead Magnet is Too Expansive – A really good freebie is going to be ultra-focused on solving one small problem and even poke the bear a bit in order to soften them up to buy the big product you’re selling. Keep it narrowly focused to increase success. For example, if you are a weight loss coach, don’t give away the entire program in your freebie. Instead, focus on one thing, such as providing a checklist or app to help them.


  • Your Lead Magnet Has No Reason for Existing – You need to know why you want the person who needs that information in the lead magnet or the app you’re giving away. Why does this lead magnet exist, and what does it do for the person who needs it? If you have no goal for it, it’s not going to work.

Need More info Creating compelling Lead Magnets

  • Your Lead Magnet Isn’t Targeted to The Right Audience – Your lead magnet cannot be targeted to your entire audience. It really needs to be narrowed down to specific people based on where they are in their buying journey. Try mapping your buyers’ journey to help identify points at which they need a little something extra to push or pull them to the next stage.


  • You Didn’t Create an Autoresponder Series Based on The Lead Magnet – When your customer downloads the lead magnet, it’s imperative that they receive targeted messages based on their choice in the autoresponder. A welcome message, a confirmation message, a more personal email to check on them, and so forth, including asking for the sale if that’s what’s next.


  • You Didn’t Cross-Promote Yourself Within Your Lead Magnet – People are downloading the lead magnet. You may as well take advantage of that fact. At the end or the beginning, tell the people about you and invite them to your social media platforms, events, and tell them about the other things you do.


  • You’re Not Following the Laws for Your Country – Every country has SPAM laws. In general, most want you to get a double opt-in to avoid spam complaints. Plus, of course, what you say must be the truth. You can’t make promises that aren’t true.


  • Your Lead Magnet Title is Boring and Not Targeted – When you title the freebie, you’ll want to make sure you use straightforward words that your target audience understands. However, you don’t want to be boring about it. Use action words and tug at their emotions in the title.


  • You Don’t Market and Advertise Your Lead Magnet – The idea that building a lead magnet will attract your ideal audience without marketing and advertising is just not accurate. You do have to tell everyone about it just like you would your most expensive and compelling paid product to get people to sign up.


  • You Don’t Create Lead Magnets for All Stages of The Buying Journey – Don’t just create one freebie based on awareness. Instead, map your ideal buyer’s journey so that you can identify areas when a freebie might push them to the next stage in their buying journey.


  • You Neglected to Create a Landing Page for Your Lead Magnet – To get the most interest in your freebies, make a landing page for each. After that, write a blog post too. Then use that to market and advertise the freebie to your audience.


  • You Ask for Too Much or Not Enough Information in Exchange for The Freebie – It really depends on your audience and the goals you have for them. But, at the very least, you need to ask for a first name and email address. But if it’s relevant to your audience, you may want to ask for other information to qualify for the freebie, such as business size or something else that is relevant to determining if someone is serious or not.


  • You Failed to Welcome New Subscribers – When someone signs up for your freebie, whether they were already on your list or not, they should receive a welcome message or thank you message regarding their choice.


  • You Never Ask for the Sale in Your Email Messages – When you create the autoresponder messages based on the behavior of your list members, don’t fail to ask for the sale or the conversion using a well-formed and targeted call to action.

Positive thinking

Avoiding these lead magnet mistakes means that when you create a lead magnet or freebie, it will help you build your list with targeted audience members who really want and need your offers. You can only do this right if you take the time to get to know your audience as well as your offers so you can easily explain to the audience what you do, who you do it for, why you do it, and then demonstrate why you’re the best through your freebie.