Social Media Marketing: What it is and Why it’s Important to Entrepreneurs

Social media marketing uses social networks and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create awareness about a product, service, or event. Social media marketing is vital for entrepreneurs because it can help get your business or value out to the public.


Social media marketing is important to solo entrepreneurs because:


It Directly Engages Your Target Audience

Social media is a great way to engage your audience and keep them up to date on what’s happening in your world. It allows you to easily target specific audiences with the information they’re interested in. Using hashtags is a popular way to engage and find your target audience on many platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.


For example, if you have a company called “MOVING COMPANY,” you might choose to use the hashtag “#MovingCompany” at the beginning of your posts. Then tag the company name in the post to ensure that anyone interested in moving their current location to yours will find the information they need to decide.


It Reaches More Loyal Customers

Businesses can now reach more loyal customers than ever before by posting content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. A recent study found that nearly eighty-four percent of consumers would trust a company if they had their social media account or company website listed on their landing page, and seventy-one percent of people would actually follow the company’s social media account if they liked what they saw on the platform.


It Helps to Promote Your Products and Services

It is believed that roughly fifty percent of purchases online are influenced by social media. This is because social media provides a connection between customers and businesses. In addition, the use of social media creates a two-way conversation between consumers and marketers, which means that the consumer can also share feedback about how they feel about the product or service being offered.


This can be done more personally and directly with social media than with traditional media. For example, a customer might post on social media that they found out they were never offered student discounts at the store because the employees didn’t know what those were, which could lead to better training for employees in the future or discounts for students in store.


Social media is a crucial marketing tool you can’t skip as a solo entrepreneur. This tool helps you reach more people and improve your communication to provide better products and services. Over time, social media helps increase your revenue as you have another way to share your products or services with your target audience. So don’t delay. To succeed at online marketing, look for the right social media platform for your business and share your best content regularly.



Can You Describe Your Business?

One of the things you need to do to write a useful business plan is to describe your business. It might seem simple on the surface, but you want to be careful how you describe your business so that it is crystal clear what you do, who you do it for, how you’ll do it, and why you’re the right one to do it.


  • Be Specific – When you choose the wording for your business description, you want to ensure that you are as specific as possible. You must use the right terms that the audience understands best to get the information to them clearly. Hint, you may need more than one description if you have created more than one client avatar, to ensure that they truly understand.

10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better

  • Describe Your Customers – Your customers are your business. For this reason, it’s imperative that you can succinctly describe who your primary ideal customer is. You need to be able to describe them as if they’re a person sitting right in front of you. Include demographics and even how they look. You can even give them a basic name. It also helps to learn your customer’s buying journey so you can describe your customer at each stage of their decision-making process.


  • Describe Your Products – Do the same thing about each of your products. List them all and describe who the product is for what problems it solves, and how and why it will work. Do this for all your products, whether it’s a paid product or a lead magnet. One trick is to list the features of each of your products and then connect that feature to how it benefits your ideal customer that it’s meant for.


  • Describe Your Services – If you have services and products or instead of products, you will want to describe each service fully. One way to do this is to focus on the result or impact that the service will have for them and their ideal customer.


  • Describe Your Talents as Related to Your Business – Include information about your education and expertise related to what you do in your business. If you have others involved, you’ll include their information too. You can even ask them to write their own short description, especially if they’re contractors since they likely already have that ready in their own business plan.


  • Describe Other Experts and Tools That Will Work With You – If you have contractors, employees, or other resources that help you do what you say you will for your ideal customers. Whether it’s people, specialized software, or something else, describe what you will use to get the job done and why they’re right for it.


  • Why Do You Want to Do This? – Why are you the right person to do this and to create or make these solutions? This is a great time to talk about a pivotal moment in your life that made you want to do this. What unique insight and talent set you apart from the competition?


The more you can make this section complete, the more you can feel proud when someone wants to know about your business. The act of creating the executive summary solidifies in your mind what it is that you do, who you do it for, why you do it, and how you do it.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Day 5 Write Your Business Goals Down. Why is this important


In this short little series on setting Business goals, I have discussed the importance of recording goals by writing them down.

This is not just an exercise, there’s a whole lot more to it. There have been studies that suggest this is a very important step.

In this post I share my ideas on this and also with any luck influence you to jot down your very own objectives going forward.

By the way, this benefits any kind of goal, not just business ones.

The basic act of writing your goals down helps to give Clarity and, doubles your chances of success.

Why Business Planning Is The Secret To Success For The Coming Year


Record keeping

That’s a pretty big bargain by itself, isn’t it?

If you take it a step further and have those goals recorded on computer or phone and review them often, you’re 10 times more likely to have success.

Check out that last line once again, please. That’s right … you can increase your possibilities of making it by 1,000%.

That’s astonishing.
There are a few different mental and psychological processes going on below that start to give us a glimpse into why it is so crucial and efficient to jot our objectives down.

The first is that it is better to keep in mind something that we’ve written down.

You have actually experienced this with your grocery store list.

When you make a mental list of 10 or 15 items, you’re likely to forget fifty per cent of them when you reach the store.

If you write out the grocery list on the on a piece of paper, and after that end up neglecting it on the counter, you will remember the huge majority of the products you needed.

This is explained through the fact that information has to be moved from one location of the mind to one more to transform it from ideas right into created words on paper.

A process called encoding is part of the equation. This helps you retain and store the details much better.

It’s the reason we’re asked to make a note or keep in mind throughout lectures in college.

Last but not least, when you list your goals, you have something you can evaluate regularly.

This includes an additional layer of cognitive handling as well as raises your opportunities of success.

Sadly, only an extremely small percentage of people make the time to routinely examine business goals and objectives.

The ones that do review business goals on a regular basis are the most effective at meeting the goals they set,

Success leaves clues so if successful business owners are writing down goals should we follow their lead.

To recap, start by setting smart goals.

Write them down in as much detail as possible.

Our objectives should be routinely reviewed to keep on track.

This can be once a week, twice a week or even daily.

Use this goal setting and reviewing goals routine for this coming quarter.

Record an objective. Make the goal as clear as possible. This might be something like ultimately producing that very first paid product or adding a specific dollar amount to your bottom line.

Choose a definite date when you’ll reach your goal and also how you plan to get there.

Write everything down and also commit to reviewing it daily.

This will bring clarity to the business goal and keep you on track.

Reviewing Goals regularly will give you clarity and will provide focus to progress forward in having a successful Business Plan.

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