Get Business Education: Know and Understand Your Offers

It’s not uncommon for a business owner, especially a small mom and pop business online, not to fully understand what they are really selling. If you think you’re selling website design, content writing, and customer service, for example, you may go into discussions with your customers on the wrong foot.


As you get to understand your offers more, you’ll end up:


Increasing Enthusiasm


When you know your offers and what they will do for your audience backward and forwards, you’ll not only be more enthusiastic when you speak to your customers and audience, whether by blog, vlog, or in-person that you automatically increase theirs too because enthusiasm is contagious.


Developing More Confidence


When you know what your offers are and what they really mean to your ideal customer, you’re going to exude confidence when you talk about your offers. Not only that, your audience will feel a lot more confident about you too.


Becoming a Trusted Expert


When you can answer questions quickly, people start to trust you a lot more. They’ll see you as an expert in your field and turn to you when they need help. This happens because you can answer any question about your product or service in a way that helps the customer choose.


Calming Fears


Knowing everything about your products helps you not only be less fearful as you promote your products and services, but it reduces the fear of your customers too. They start to trust that spending money with you is safe because you’re so knowledgeable.


Helps Overcome Objections


When you know your products inside and out, you also know what objections your ideal audience may have in their mind. You can answer them immediately without reservation because you know your stuff.


Keeps You Ahead of The Competition


Your competition will always be on your heels (or you on theirs), and that’s okay. It will keep you above everything if you pay close attention to the details about your products and services.


You’ll Recognize the Gaps Sooner


When you are real with yourself and your audience about what your products do and don’t do, it’ll let you figure out your own gaps sooner so you can create even more wondrous products and services or recommend great solutions that others created already, becoming an amazing resource to your audience.


Remember that what you are selling is a lot deeper than virtual assistant services. You’re really selling the benefits of your virtual assistant service, and it’s imperative that you fully grasp what they are. You may be really selling, from the customer’s perspective, time-freedom, expertise, courage – it just depends on your product, but the more you can identify, the more you’ll be able to help lead your customers to purchase your offers.

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Create Customer Personas or Avatars Based on The Buying Journey

Once you get to know your competition and customers, it’s time to create customer personas or client avatars. The process of developing customer personas will help you develop targeted products, services, and content that resonates with your audience. To create your customer personas or avatars, follow these steps.

Keep learning

Identify Their Goals and Values


Just like you and your business have principles, morals, and values for which you stand, so do your customers. The customers you choose must share a moral center similar to yours. Not everyone has to be exactly the same as you. For example, even if you’re Catholic, not everyone needs to be Catholic because you are, but more than likely, they’ll resonate more with your content, products, and services if they notice a way that they relate to you.


Find Out Where They Get Their Information


Where people get their information to help them make choices is very important. Knowing what is important to them in terms of sources and other information can help you more fully develop your customer persona or client avatar. For example, if they like hanging out on an online magazine community area, that informs you that you may want to advertise there.


Know Their Place in Their Buying Journey


A buying journey is simply the steps that the customer takes to work their way through your information and offers to finally make a purchase. In most cases, they first become aware they have a problem, then consider and evaluate the solutions. Once they do that, they make a purchase, then afterward, their journey continues as a customer into the delight and, eventually, the advocacy phase.


Determine Their Demographics


An important bit of information about each of your customers is their demographics. Understanding who your customers are can assist in product design, and customer service offers, and so much more. The demographics of your ideal audience is essential for helping you figure out how to create the most targeted marketing methods.


List Their Pain Points and Challenges


As you study your audience, notice the things they talk about that are keeping them up at night as it relates to your expertise and niche. These are the pain points you need to try to solve for them. You can back up and choose an early pain point or challenge to address in your freebie that is right before these meaningful solutions for their major problems too.


List Potential Objections


The other thing you may want to include in your customer persona is their typical objections. This will help you answer those objections in your sales pages and include them in your products and services.


When you know your customers, you’ll be able to figure out the best places to market and advertise, what types of ads will get a response, the type of tone you should use, the words or vocabulary you should incorporate, and it’ll help you develop a cohesive story to use in your marketing campaigns. Set your goals, choose the persona you want to communicate to, and laser target your content based on that information.


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Freedom Launch Video



Reasons to Study Your Competition Carefully

It might seem strange if you’re new to the business to spend time studying your competitors. In fact, some small business owners get afraid that the competition’s existence makes it impossible for them to succeed.


Develop a Deeper Understanding Regarding What Your Customers Expect


When you study your competition and see how they interact with and serve your like audience, you’re going to learn more about what the customers expect. Remember that you want to observe the customer to find out how they feel about the competition based on the way the competitors do business.


Learn More About Your Business Shortcomings and Flaws


When you get a handle on what the competition is offering and how they are offering it, you’ll be able to figure out where you are falling short. These are all areas of improvement by bringing in the right resources, either human or technical, to help you become more proficient.


Note How Your Offers are Better for Your Customers


As you study the work that your competitors do and the offers that they make, buy them. This is going to help you learn what makes a fair offer and also ways you can make the offer even better. Note the points that your offers stand out in comparison so that you can capitalize on that difference.


Identify and Improve Your Unique Selling Proposition


Your USP is your “unique selling proposition” is what makes your offers stand out from the competition’s. It’s all about what’s unique about you, your products, and your services in the eyes of your audience. You may be the low-cost option, the high-quality option, or maybe you differentiate yourself by offering top-notch customer care that is different from any other offerings.


Identify the Gaps in Client Services


When you study the competition, you can get an idea about how they serve their customers, which can teach you what to do and what not to do. Join their lists and read the messages. Try their freebies, buy their products, and ask for customer service to find out how it works for them. You can identify the gaps they have, fill them for your business, and stand out in that way.


Capitalize on Your Competitor’s Mistakes


Everyone, including you, makes mistakes. When you’re studying the competition, learn from their mistakes, and you can even capitalize on them if you’re paying attention. For example, if you note that they send 30 emails a day that feel SPAMMY, you don’t want to do that too.


Learn from Your Competitors Success


Likewise, you can learn from what your competitors are doing right. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. Yes, you want to be unique, but the truth is every business needs to use all sorts of content marketing to get the word out, including email marketing and list building. There is no reason to try to run your business without doing this. It’s not out of style, and it still offers an astounding 38 to 1 return on investment.


Really Get to Know Your Audience Through Their Communities


An excellent use of your competition is to join their communities. By doing so, you can learn about your audience. Since they’re your competitors, that means their customers are in the same demographics as your customers. You can capitalize on that by participating in their communities so you can get to know what they want.


You can use a lot of methods to study your competition. You can do a simple Google search about the industry to find out who are the movers and shakers that you need to follow. Plus, once you identify the competition, you can spy on them using software like, a TapClicks Company, by joining their lists and becoming part of their communities. Know who they are and find out how they please the audience so you can fill the gaps and succeed.

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10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better

The only way you or any business owner can truly be successful in attracting their target audience is by understanding who they are. Many small business owners, especially people who start their business alone from home, often skip a few steps in the process, causing issues with finding an audience for your product.

Get better


Instead, focus on who you want to serve before you do anything in your business—knowing who you want to serve and why will help you fill your email list with people who are ready to buy from you. These ten ways to get to know your audience better will inform products, services, and even the words you use to communicate to them the value you offer.


  1. Research Your Industry – When you first start, you need to know what industry you are in. Those industry metrics will help you know where you can start making goals and setting standards in your own business. Look at business organizations, associations, and nonprofits to help you do the research both online and offline.


  1. Study Your Competition – Even if you don’t have the first customer, you can get to know your audience by studying your competition. Participate in their groups, join their email lists, and network with their customers for the most traction into getting the right information about them. When you become part of the community, you’ll get so much more inside information.


  1. Create Customer Personas – As you get to know your audience, create customer personas that match the person you’re directing the information to. You may have many client avatars or personas based on the customer’s buying journey.


  1. Monitor Engagement – An enjoyable way to get to know your audience is to participate in their social media engagement and discussions. Social media should be a two-way conversation that helps you get insight into their deepest fears so that you can help them.


  1. Ask Them – Once you’ve identified precisely who you want to market to, you can simply ask them questions about what they want and need when you’ve incorporated yourself into their communities. You’re going to get far more insight when you participate and network with your audience.


  1. Do a Test to Determine Interest – Another way to check if you have the right audience is to generate a test of some kind. Create a checklist for a topic that you think they care about, offer it as a freebie to see who takes it. Then ask for feedback.


  1. Identify Their Pain Points – When it comes to knowing your audience’s pain point, you’ll need first to understand your expertise and the niche you want to be of assistance to your audience. In other words, choose pain points you can solve.


  1. Be a Resource – Sometimes, you may not be able to fix a problem on your own due to a miss-match with the audience. When this happens, don’t force it. Focus on being a resource to your audience, and it’ll be a win-win.


  1. Use the Tools of The Trade – Don’t skimp on software that helps you get to know your audience and network with them. Use paid versions of the software that you want to help you get more done, such as email marketing software, landing page software, and others.


  1. Build Relationships – As you get to know your audience, make the focus relationship building. When you build a close relationship with your audience due to your honesty, transparency, and ability to stay on the topic, you’re going to build strong relationships.


As you work on getting your first 1000 subscribers, you’ll want to keep each of these tips in mind. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Instead, do what works repeatedly, and you’ll soon find that you’re building your list with an active and interested audience who needs what you offer.


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Power of Linkedin Groups

LinkedIn Groups provides businesses a place to connect with other members who are in the same niche or industry and share information, make connections, share content, post job vacancies and network.

As a member of LinkedIn, you can join up to 50 groups at a time. However, even though you can join up to 50 groups, this can spread you thin. It is much better to be active in just a few groups than to deplete your resources by trying to participate in too many.

LinkedIn Groups offers you the opportunity to connect and interact with other members, join discussions, share your knowledge and build influence, authority, and credibility in your industry, become a top influencer, expand your reach and find followers, and source information and increase your knowledge base.

However, it is important to remember that you shouldn’t use LinkedIn Groups to blatantly promote your products or services.

Joining a Group

One of the major advantages of joining a group on LinkedIn is that members appear in the search results of that particular group.

So, if you go to a group and click the number stating how many members the group has, you can see whether any of your connections are already members.

To find groups that you are interested in, you can click on the “Interests” tab on the top menu of your profile and then click on “Groups” in the drop down menu.

This will allow you to search groups based on keywords that you enter and start filtering and viewing the results. You can view “Open Groups” without joining but you can only view content of member only groups once you’ve joined.

Linkedin Groups


There are over a million groups currently on LinkedIn so you can afford to be selective when choosing the groups you want to join.

Before joining, however, you need to make sure that you’ve worked out what your goals are. Are you looking to build connections and relationships or do you want to gain knowledge from key influencers, or establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry?

If your main goal is to drive traffic to your website or blog, then you need to look for groups that will allow you to post links.

When searching for groups you can view the descriptions of the group along with the group statistics. The group statistics will show you the number of members the group has, and the number of discussions and comments that have been made.

Joining smaller, lively groups with a lot of interaction may be more advantageous for you as opposed to joining larger ones with little activity. This is where quality can significantly outweigh quantity.

The demographics of the group are also important. It might be a huge waste of time joining a group where most of its members are international if you are running a local business. Taking a look at the group’s activity feed can help you see whether the group is relevant to you and whether you think you might be able to contribute in some way.

After you’ve made your selection and joined a group or two, you can introduce yourself and start commenting and joining in on the discussions. If you are looking to build influence then you need to stay active and engage with the other members and contribute to the discussions taking place.

LinkedIn keeps track of the interactions that take place in groups and appoints ‘The Top Influencers of the Week.’ You can view this list at the top right of the group page to see who have contributed and participated in discussions and liked and commented the most.

This is a tremendous opportunity for your business to gain exposure and for your brand if you are appointed to the list.

LinkedIn Discussions

Discussions on LinkedIn are a great way to communicate with others in your niche and build connections with like-minded individuals. To start a discussion in your group, hit the ‘Discussions’ link at the top of the group page and add a title and description for your discussion.

You can add an article or ask a question. You also have the ability to post relevant content with a link to your company page, website or blog. You should also check to see if your group has a special section for adding promotions and jobs.

You can participate in discussions by liking and commenting on the discussion and you can also follow a particular discussion and receive updates anytime someone comments on the post.

The Benefits of Starting Your Own Group

If you are unable to find a group that meets your needs, you might want to consider starting your own LinkedIn Group. Creating your own group has a multitude of benefits, especially if you are a company focused on B2B sales.


Joining groups

Raises Your Profile

When you create a group on LinkedIn, your name, as the creator, will be clearly featured as the owner of the group. Being able to successfully run a group will help you to be seen as a thought leader in your industry.

The more you contribute to the group personally, by interacting with its members and offering valuable content, the more you will build your credibility and be considered an expert in your niche.

Lets You Send Weekly Emails

As a creator of a LinkedIn group, you are afforded the ability to send emails to your members every week. This provides a great opportunity to gain attention by sending your members the links to your top quality content relating to the group subject matter.

Drives Traffic to Your Website

There are a few ways that you can use your LinkedIn group to drive traffic to your website or blog.

• Add your URL to the group profile to gain more exposure.
• Include your URL in the welcome message that you send to the group.
• Include your URL when you send valuable content to your
members in your weekly email.
• Create discussions within the group and including your URL.

Creates Community

People love to be part of a community and join with like mined people and engage in discussions. If you are the creator of a thriving group on LinkedIn, you can bring people together and help them make connections. This will create trust with your members and good will toward you and your brand.

Expand Your Personal Network

Creating a group on LinkedIn is a great way to build connections with others. If your group is active then members are going to want to connect with you because you are the authority and you are likely to receive numerous invitations to connect with other LinkedIn members.

Generate Leads and Sales

When you send out your initial welcome email and thank people for joining your group, you can include details and benefits of joining the group and provide a brief background and description of you and your business.

You can also invite them to join your newsletter or invite them to connect with you on your other social networks.

LinkedIn groups is a great way to become active on the social networking platform and can help you get connected with potential customers and other thought leaders in your industry.

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Content is King even on LinkedIn

You need to clearly understand what content marketing is if you want to effectively use it on LinkedIn.

Content marketing is marketing that doesn’t focus on a “pitch,” but rather focuses on informing your target audience about solutions to their problems. With content marketing, you want to focus more on making the buyer intelligent rather than just saying that they need to purchase your products and services.

Content marketing allows the buyer to better understand what they are getting, why they need it, and how it will help them. To accomplish this, it requires a regular placement of necessary information, either via private email, articles, or blog posts.

Publishing content on LinkedIn is becoming more and more popular for companies to market their items because it helps them to build the trust with their customers, creating brand and company loyalty.

This, in turn, leads to a longer relationship between the company and customer, which leads to repeat customers and customers who are referred by others, which helps to offer a more sustained relationship.

linkedin laptop

Rather than creating a demand for your product or service, content marketing anticipates the needs of your customers and delivers to them information on products and services that already exist.

Since content marketing is primarily done online, it’s easier for companies to target their audience and deliver the information that their customers need to feel informed enough to make a decision on which product they should buy.

The goal of content marketing is that the company that consistently delivers the most valuable information in the best way possible is rewarded with the business.

Using LinkedIn for Content Marketing

Since LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world, it makes sense for businesses to use LinkedIn as a part of their online marketing efforts.

LinkedIn recognized this idea and created tools to help businesses run effective marketing campaigns from start to finish. It even allows users to track and gather data on their ideal target so they can deliver content in a variety of formats.

It also provides tips to help with marketing campaigns, including how to measure the effectiveness of the campaign. Content marketing on LinkedIn is a vast ocean of potential customers.

When you first start to use LinkedIn for your content marketing, it is important that you know what your goals for the campaign are, and your company mission statement. When you know these, then you will be able to start an ad campaign on LinkedIn.

When you know your goals, you can start to create content to meet those goals. Your mission statement will outline the reason why your company exists. Your company’s mission statement needs to feed into three marketing components.

• Core target audience
• Type of content
• The desired outcome of the advertisement

When you go about creating the ad campaign for your company, you want to clearly document the strategy that you will take to reach your goals.

You can document your strategy in any way that works best for you, just as long as you do it.

When you write down your documented strategy, you are more likely to succeed and be effective, feel more capable with your content marketing, and you’ll be able to visualize each step in the process, which will help to draw connections for you for a more comprehensive plan.

When you document your strategy, you will be able to further elaborate on the objective you are seeking more easily. You’ll be able to see where you need to place your content mapping and personal development when you are planning your campaign.

These two steps will help you to recognize buyers, as more than just numbers but as individuals with problems, as well as helping create content that addresses the questions at each stage of your campaign development.

Take the time to organize your plan, decide what you are doing and who is assigned to do what part.

Finding Your Target Audience

Next, you will need to identify who your target audience is before you can create your ad campaign.

LinkedIn has over 500 million members and counting, with 61 million of these members senior influencers and 40 million are decision-makers.

These are the people that you hope will be purchasing from you. When you are creating your content you need to consider the questions and problems that they have, as well as your solution to those problems.

Content marketing is supposed to anticipate the needs of your audience and supply information for meeting those needs while the impression that you are the ideal company to help solve their problems.

For you to do that, you need to research your target audience. Take some time to look at what your target audience is posting on their news feeds, consider the industries they work in, and look at what other products and services are available to them.

Your target needs to be narrower than simply, everyone.
Your ideal target audience should be the people you want to sell your items to, otherwise, you will be wasting your time and marketing resources on people that you won’t be able to convert to paying customers.

Not everyone is someone who will need or want your product or service.
Use your current connections to see what your target audience will want because these are usually your direct buyers or associates of your target audience.

Generally, your target market is already aware of the type of product or service you are offering.

LinkedIn has a marketing tool called Web Demographics, that will allow you to track the kinds of people who are visiting your site by cataloging their profile information. This will allow you to see company names, seniority level, job title and other necessary information that will help you to tailor your content.

Creating Content

Once you’ve determined your target audience, you can start to create your content. You will need to decide what you want to say, how you want to say it, and when you want to say it.

Carefully consider what you want your readers to do with the information that you are releasing. Start by defining your topic and deciding.

• What is the outcome that you want?
• Who you are writing for?
• What are the obstacles of your intended audience?

Once you have answered these questions you can set aside some time to brainstorm and take the time to shape your thoughts into meaningful ideas.

You are trying, ultimately, to decide what stories you want to tell of your company, and what information is going to get you to your objective and then creating the outline to tell the stories or determining what is missing from your company story.

Next, you will need to narrow down your topic to fit the timing of your article. The content that you are creating needs to be relevant to the market landscape at the time of your marketing campaign.

If you skip this step, you may end up with out-of-date content or content that is based off information that hasn’t been released yet.

Your content should be original and should initiate engagement and discussion.


Make sure to add graphics to your articles and blogs, and choose an eye-catching and effective cover image for articles, and remember to always cite your source. Publishing the right information for the right customers will help to boost your thought leadership in your industry.

Releasing Your Content

When you’ve created your content, you will need to plan when you want to release what pieces on different areas within LinkedIn.

You need to have a variety of content that includes everything from long-form blogs, articles, videos, sponsored content, InMail, status updates, and infographics. It is also important that you find a way to measure performance.

You will also need to decide on how frequently you will publish content. Do you want to publish daily, weekly, or monthly.

You have to strike a delicate balance because while you want to stay at the forefront of your potential leads’ minds, you don’t want to become overwhelming.

You should post status updates no more than one or two times per day, and news articles and blog posts should be posted one to two times a week.

Once you’ve published content, keep an eye on the comments so you can interact with those who are commenting on the article or sharing it with their network.

The measurement tools in LinkedIn can help to increase your followers, click-throughs on your information and inquiries form viewers.

Utilizing Video Ads on LinkedIn

Video ads can be utilized for all aspects of your marketing funnel. Video ads make it easy to share your brand and customer success stories with your audience.

When you create your video ad, you want to make sure you put the most important information within the first two to three seconds so that you can grab the viewer’s attention before they lose interest.

With video ads, you can give previews to webinars, offer demos of your products, and explain upcoming events.

LinkedIn Groups provides businesses a place to connect with other members who are in the same niche or industry and share information, make connections, share content, post job vacancies and network.

As a member of LinkedIn, you can join up to 50 groups at a time. However, even though you can join up to 50 groups, this can spread you thin. It is much better to be active in just a few groups than to deplete your resources by trying to participate in too many LinkedIn Groups.

Creating Passive Income When You Have a Full-Time Job

Learning to balance work and other activities is important. It’s especially difficult to put in a full day at your regular job and then go home and work some more. But if you want to create passive income, it will require some additional effort.

recognize opportunities

Creating passive income can greatly enhance your financial well-being. If you have any desire to break free of your full-time job, it will require you to put in some quality time at home getting those passive income projects up and running.


Consider these ideas for creating passive income when you’re working full-time:


  1. Think about the best times to work. Maybe waking up earlier each morning is a viable option. Perhaps you can work through your lunch break. Are evenings best? Would you rather work all weekend and have your evenings free?


  • There isn’t a perfect strategy, but you need a starting point if you want to achieve success.
  1. Set a schedule. A common misstep is thinking that you can work on passive income streams whenever you have free time. But “free” time is hard to come by. Therefore, it’s helpful to create a specific schedule and stick to it.


  • Treat your pursuit of passive income sources as you would any other regular job.
  1. Eliminate distractions. We all have our ways of distracting ourselves, whether it’s with TV, the computer, or food. Others get sleepy when faced with work they’d prefer to avoid. Do whatever is necessary to stay focused on the work at hand.
  2. Make a list. Before you go to bed each night, make a list of the things you want to accomplish the following day. When it’s time for those tasks, avoid working on anything else. Keep working until you’ve completed all the items on your daily list.
  3. Take advantage of breaks in your day. Ideally, you’ll have some things you can do when you have a few extra minutes. Maybe you can make a few phone calls or respond to emails.
  4. Avoid working on your passive income activities at work. It can be tempting to spend some of your regular work hours on your passive income projects, but avoid doing so. Many companies monitor internet usage and emails.


  • Be cautious and avoid jeopardizing your job.


  1. Get involved with smaller passive income projects. It may be difficult to find a good 200 unit apartment complex for a great price, get commercial financing, hire management, and oversee the project when you’re already working 40+ hours a week. Start small and build from there.


  1. Take planned breaks. Every few weeks, consider taking a week off from your passive income activities, even though it might seem like you’re losing ground. Your productivity will be about the same, but you’ll be less overwhelmed and much happier.
  • Studies have shown that marathon runners will finish a race faster if they walk for one mile after running four. It’s the same idea.


  1. Keep your projects to yourself. You might want to refrain from discussing your other passive income activities at your full-time place of employment. Many bosses take exception to the idea of you earning extra money outside of your regular job, thinking your free time ought to be spent working harder for them.
  2. Learn to meditate. Meditation is a great way to give your mind a break. It’s one of the few times your brain gets to rest. As long as you’re thinking, your mind is still working. Learn to relax and focus.

It’s challenging to manage a full-time job along with other activities. Limit yourself to the most important tasks and use your time wisely. Passive income takes some time and effort to create. Ensure you’re giving yourself adequate time to manage it all.

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Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Avoiding, preventing, and overcoming burnout requires that you learn how to set appropriate boundaries in all areas of your life, whether business, friends, or family. Once you learn how to set boundaries, your life will change, and you’ll actually end up even more productive, all without getting burned out.

Establish a cut off time

As you set your boundaries, remember the reason you’re doing it and the ways the limits you set on yourself and others regarding using your time and resources advance the goals you’ve set for yourself for the different areas of your life.


Be Kind


When you seek first to be kind to yourself and others, you will be able to set the right type of boundaries. You see, being kind is about doing the right thing, not the convenient or even fun thing.


For example, if your friends are pressuring you to go out to a party and you have to get up in the morning, you’ll easily say no. Saying no for something else due to it interfering with your overall life goals is exactly the same thing. It’s kind to say no because it’s the right thing for the future and doesn’t hurt anyone now.


Know Your Limits


You know the minute someone asks you to do something you really would rather not do, but you’re doing it to avoid a confrontation, to look lazy, or because you cannot think up an excuse to say no. The point is you don’t need a reason to say no. If the only reason you have is, you don’t want to do it, that’s good enough.


Accept Your Feelings


It’s okay to feel bad about saying no. If you are feeling bad because you just don’t want someone mad at you or you want everyone to always like you and be happy, this is something you have to learn to deal with. Likely, as you say no more often or stop doing things that cause resentment in you, you’ll have stronger relationships, and your fears will not be realized.


Take the Direct Route


The best way to set boundaries with anyone is to be as direct as possible. Don’t make excuses; don’t give extra information. Just state things the way you want them and let that be. It’s up to them how they respond, not you.


Release Guilt


There is no reason to feel bad when you say no or don’t act in a manner others are used to you behaving. If you’ve always done all the housework and you stop, people are going to get upset. Change is hard on people, but if you stick to your guns long term, it’ll pay off, and people will get over it because they know it’s unreasonable to expect everything of you. Unless someone confronts you, pretend you don’t notice.


Let Experience Guide You


When you need to decide about something, look back at how you felt in the past about it. Don’t underestimate your own experience in life. Your feelings, thoughts, and ideas matter and are important.


Get and Accept Support


You are likely surrounded by people who want to support you if you let them. Many people-pleasers who experience burnout tend to turn down offers of help. Don’t allow pride to get in your way. Get and accept support whenever it’s offered as needed.


One way to know if you’ve set appropriate boundaries is you notice you start to feel less stressed, less resentful, and more successful with getting the stuff done you need to get done. Remember, the boundaries you’ve set are not about anything but ensuring that you use your own time and resources as wisely as possible in a healthy and manageable way. It’s not about saying no or even saying yes, it’s about the practical use of your time and resources mentally, emotionally, and financially.

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Unexplained Fatigue and Insomnia: Burnout or Something Else?

Often, one of the first signs of burnout manifests as the inability to sleep or the ability to sleep all the time. For some people, they end up not being able to sleep due to being up all night long with circular thoughts that won’t stop coming. When this happens over a long period of time, more than a few weeks, insomnia is feared.

eliminate, delegate, automate

Insomnia will cause you to be tired all day long, but no matter how tired you are, when you get to bed, the stress of knowing you need sleep and the other issues you’re experiencing that started the sleeping issues to start with come back and cause problems all over again. Then due to the lack of sleep at night, they’re tired all day long, and a horrific pattern is born.


While this is absolutely a sign of burnout, it can also be a sign of depression or other illnesses. Therefore, it’s imperative that if you experience insomnia with fatigue for more than a few weeks that you should consider getting a full physical and health workup by your primary care physician.


Let them know why you need the exam so that they know what to look for. Some of the issues that may be causing your insomnia and fatigue aside from burnout are:


Vitamin Imbalance


Your doctor should order a full panel to find out what your vitamin levels are. Being low in vitamin B12, D3, and other vitamins and minerals can manifest as insomnia and other health issues, including brain damage and severe body pain. Once you know what you need, take a good supplement that has third party studies to certify it.


Poor Sleeping Habits


If you’re not going to bed at the same time (as much as possible) every night and getting up in the morning at relatively the same time, you may be causing disturbances in your circadian rhythms. This is true, especially if you’re not exposing yourself to daytime sunshine, drinking enough fluids, exercising, and eating right. Try setting up your sleeping area as dark, cool, comfortable, and quiet, void of technology and made for sleeping.


Hormone Issues


When your doctor does the blood test, they’ll also be checking your hormone levels. If your hormones are out of whack, it can cause you to have insomnia, heart palpitations, and other problems, even circular thoughts. If you do have an issue, your doctor will recommend hormones for you or a new diet to help.


Financial Problems


If you have allowed your budget to get out of control or something external has caused you to experience financial problems this can cause anyone to end up burned out, stressed, and not being able to sleep. Try to do what you can to fix what you can and let go of what you cannot fix. If it’s awful, you may need to find a bankruptcy attorney.




Whether you are sick, or someone you care about is sick, it can affect you in many ways, including causing insomnia and fatigue due to lack of sleep. If you know you’re ill, talk to your doctor about your issues. If it’s a family member, you may need to talk to a professional counselor or life coach to help you deal with it more healthily.


If it turns out to be burnout, which you may know deep down, you’ll still end up with a clean bill of health, which is worth the trouble. Being healthy will help you, whether the fight to come out of burnout and get your life straight so that you can avoid repeating the actions that caused you to end up burned out in the first place.

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How to Accept Failure and Mistakes

No matter how well you plan or implement, sometimes things aren’t going to work out as you expected. Sometimes you’re going to make mistakes, but sometimes you’re going to experience failure due to nothing you have done. However, it happens, and due to that, it’s essential to learn how to accept failure and mistakes as part of life and not the end of the world.


Feel Your Feelings


One thing to realize upfront is that your feelings are perfect and are ‘allowed’ no matter what. No one has a right to tell you not to feel a certain way. However, understand that your own thoughts are what make you feel something. If you can change the way you think of something, you may be able to affect how you feel about it too.


Be Kind to Yourself


There is a vast difference between the notion of being nice and that of being kind. When you are kind, you are mindful of the impact your thoughts and actions have on yourself and others. Think and do kind things, and you’ll end up a happier, healthier person who is not at risk for burnout.


Acknowledge Your Own Mistakes


When you do make a mistake, it’s imperative that you accept responsibility for your actions that lead to the failure but not the things you cannot control. For example, if you missed a deadline because you binge-watched a new TV show, that’s on you. But, if you missed a deadline because you were sick, that’s not on you.


Prepare Yourself Mentally for Failure


Everyone makes mistakes no matter what, and everyone falls short of their goals. This is normal life. If you don’t fail sometimes, it’s likely you’re not even pushing yourself hard enough. Everyone cannot be number one every time, and that includes you. Instead, focus on your effort in proper goal setting to help you avoid failing for that reason.


Learn from The Failure or Mistake


When you do make a mistake or a project or idea fails instead of beating yourself up, figure out what you can learn from the situation. For example, most failures start from day one with goal setting. How could you do this over again differently and get a better outcome? Even if you can’t actually get a do-over, it’s good to explore the reasons.


Develop a Plan for Moving Forward

3 step plan

Once you’ve examined the mistakes you made and figured out why you failed, it’s time to create a plan to move forward. If you can do everything over again, that’s great, but if you can’t, learn from it and move on.


When you take the time to learn from your failure and mistakes, you can actually avoid making the same one twice. When you avoid making the same mistakes again, you will improve your life exponentially as you grow and improve over time. When you keep an open mind about failure and errors, you’ll find that you start being more realistic about the goals you set, the actions you take, and the way you view failure and success.


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