Never Quit: Go After Your Breakthrough

To succeed you might have to fail without giving in to the temptation to quit. Have the courage to go after what you want, regardless of the many times you will miss the mark. Seeing your dream come true will bring fulfillment in ways that will overshadow any failure you encounter. Giving up will only bring a lifetime of regrets. So instead of quitting when the going gets tough, push forward and claim your victory.


shoot for the moon

The myths around failure.

When people commit to their dream, the expectation is that passion coupled with excellent planning will prevent failure. The truth, however, is nothing worth pursuing is that predictable. Many unforeseen circumstances can still cut your legs from under you, even with all the glorious plans. You could expect setbacks and still be ill-prepared to handle them. Certain things might catch you off-guard. You need to accept that reality if you are to build resilience in the face of adversity.

At ten, doctors diagnosed Kieran Behan, a young boy with a dream to become an Olympic gymnast with a cancerous tumor on his thigh. The doctors decided on an operation to remove the tumor, but it went so bad that he suffered nerve damage. He received the news that he would never walk again. With great determination, Kieran started his journey of recovery. After fifteen months in a wheelchair, he found his way back to the gym, only to slip from a top bar a few months later. He sustained a head injury that took him out of school for a year. His determination to become a professional gymnast saw him retraining his brain to get his co-ordination back. Years later, he persisted and qualified for the European Championships. Unfortunately, the strain he had put on himself had caused several fractures and a blown knee. The youthful man was ready to give in until he remembered his goal. He pushed himself past the pain to become the Challenge World Cup floor champion in 2011. He realized his dream of competing at the Olympics when he qualified as a contender in 2012. Though he never won the gold medal, the young man’s resilience brought him where the doctors had never envisioned he could ever go after facing all the physical trauma and pain.

Failure does not always mean that you should rethink the vision. Sometimes, it means your methods did not work the way you thought they would. It could be the right indicator towards a better way of tackling the work ahead. Do not quit because you failed once. Instead, give yourself room to fail a few more times before throwing in the towel. Somewhere along the way lies victory. Don’t miss it just because you encounter a few stumbling blocks.

How to stay motivated when quitting seems easier. 

  • Remind yourself why you started.

Remember the excitement you developed upon discovering your passion? Everything seemed so possible, so within reach until you encountered the first few hurdles that showed you it would not be a walk in the park. When you doubt yourself and your ability to perform well in your endeavors, take time to remind yourself why you chose that dream. Remind yourself of the strides made so far and how those achievements validated your pursuit. Remind yourself of how it felt to see things falling into place and it will encourage you to jump right back into it.


the journey

  • Keep your eyes on the prize. 

Many people lose sight of the bigger picture when things take a sticky turn. This loss of focus is dangerous as it amplifies failures. It becomes easier to compare your progress with your peers, and comparison seldom yields any good. Keeping the end goal within your sights will help the vision seem closer and more attainable. Visualize the feeling of contentment you will get once the rewards come through and it will motivate you to pull through towards your victory.

  • Take the road less traveled.

Successful people are often risk-takers. They will do what no one else is comfortable doing. Whatever seems daunting to the ordinary person is fodder for a winning mindset. While it is important to plan, one can easily quit at the planning stage because they feel they are not up to the task. If you are going to win, you will need to perfect the art of leaping into tough tasks before you are ready. Do not allow room for stagnancy. It only brings a greater level of discomfort and disappointment in the event of setbacks. Always stretch yourself to build resilience for adverse seasons. Set a few challenging goals that will shake off complacency and gear you up for tough times.

  • When it’s overwhelming, ask for help.

No man is an island. Whilst it is ideal to pursue your passion alone, dreams are better achieved with the help of others. Surround yourself with a healthy support system. The kind that does not clip your freedom to try things and that is available to help build your confidence back up when things are not going your way. Find people who can provide a safe space in which you can discuss your fears with no fear of judgment or ridicule. Reach out to people who have gone ahead of you and find out how they stayed the course when faced with challenges of their own.

When quitting is tempting, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat “I will not quit until I am living the life I dream of!”




Creating a Niche Home Base on Your Blog

After you choose a niche to target, you need to develop a home base – somewhere that you can talk to your audience about it, promote products as an affiliate and launch your own info products from.


A blog is the perfect place to showcase your insight, capture names and email addresses to build a list of loyal followers, and monetize your daily efforts without fear of repercussions.


Stay in Control of Your Virtual Real Estate


It’s important to own your own virtual real estate as opposed to using social media platforms alone, because then you’re not in control of your business. Whenever you use free platforms, it gives someone else the power – on a whim – to eliminate your entire business without any input from you.


You might build an account of 1,000 popular niche YouTube videos and wake up one morning to a deleted account. Or house a business account on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and find they don’t exist because someone decided you’d done something to warrant a closure.


There’s little, if any recourse for you when these things happen. They’re often decided with a permanent ban and no amount of begging and pleading will reverse their decision.


What happens then?


If you didn’t own your own domain, your virtual home on the ‘net, then you have to start from scratch! You have to hope your audience finds you elsewhere. You have to redo all of the previous posts and media and you lose all of the interaction and engagement you had over the previous months and years.


When you own your own domain and house a blog on it, you never have to worry about your account disappearing. Your content will be safe on the web day after day. And all of the comments and shares you got from it will stay intact because nobody else is capable of shutting it down.

KEEP YOUR CONTENT SAFE: Use a Word Press Blog.

My Blog

Now it’s perfectly fine to supplement your virtual real estate with those social media accounts, because they’re great for branding and free traffic – but they shouldn’t be your sole business presence online.


You’ll want to buy a domain name and host a WordPress blog on it so that your followers will have a reliable, stable home they can turn to with you and always feel confident it will be there.


Choosing a Domain Name That Makes Sense


Choosing a domain name is something some people struggle with because nothing ever feels good enough – and others do on a whim without giving enough thought to. You need to be somewhere in the middle.


There are a couple of different ways you can approach choosing a domain name. Most people agree that you should get a dot com extension because it’s what most average consumers type in – not .net, .info, or the other ones.


It’s also universal that you should pick the shortest name possible that makes sense. Whenever you make a name longer than it needs to be, it’s not only harder for them to remember, but it gives them more chances to have a typo when entering your URL into their browser.


One way you can tackle your domain is to decide whether you want to brand your name as a major leader in the niche. So this would be similar to how Tony Robbins did it with self help and the other niches he’s involved in.


He owns his name as his primary domain – This is fine if you plan on branding yourself as a major player within a niche topic. Many people do this in various niches, like, who is known for weight loss and fitness through her popular walking program.


But if you don’t want to take that approach, you can also use keywords to develop a profit-pulling domain name you can build your home on the ‘net with. Start by brainstorming some commons words and phrases in your niche such as:


  • Diet
  • Weight loss
  • Burn fat
  • Lose weight
  • Shed fat
  • Get fit…and so on.


Work with a keyword tool to find variations of things people are searching for, keeping in mind any drilled down slants you may want to target. If we take a niche example like fasting for losing weight, you can always play around with the wording and find something that fits.

This domain was available: – and the word tips is always helpful to put at the end of a domain URL because it tells the person they’ll gain valuable insight.


Depending on your business branch, you might even be able to use a different combination of words. For example, if you were only going to promote tangible products like protein items as an affiliate, you could find a specific buyer-driven domain such as:

This domain – – is available and it instantly tells the person that this is where they’ll find a lot of information about a variety of protein products.


Try to steer clear from vague or cutesy domains like (help what?) or (powerhouse what – speaker? Bodybuilder?).


Always look for a good coupon whenever you get your domain because you should be able to get it for $0.99 for the first year of its registration. Otherwise you’ll be paying close to $18.


Make sure you get reliable hosting for your account, too. You want something easy for you to use, with a good rate of up time. You don’t want to go with a company who has a lot of drawbacks and poor customer service.


Basic WordPress Elements You’ll Need to Know


Installing WordPress is very easy. But where should you install it? Some people like to put it on their root domain, meaning – but others like to have a special place for it such as


You can do it either way. If you wish to put a landing page on the root domain, with a lead magnet offer, that’s fine! But you can also simply install the blog there and have the lead magnet offer in your sidebar where you capture names and email addresses.

Click here for More about lead magnets and funnel builders.


Once you install WordPress, you’ll want to choose a theme design that works well for your plans. If you want text-based information to be at the forefront of your blog, then choose a theme that’s good for that purpose.


Or, pick one that showcases images prominently if you want the focus to be on pictures, such as someone who is in the cooking or food niche, where images may play a bigger role.


Go through and change your settings to the best options that work for you, in terms of things like what URL is displayed, whether or not people have to wait for you to approve their comment, and so on.


Set up some common pages for your terms and policies, contact form, and your about page that gives them some insight into who is running the blog. Once you’ve done that, install any plugins that you want to use to help you operate your blog, such as spam filters, and so on.


Strategizing the SEO Plan for Your Blog


Many bloggers fret a lot bout search engine optimization (SEO). They worry about doing things wrong and spend countless hours trying to set things up to dominate the search engines or even game the system.


Be sensible about your optimization and do it for humans, not a robot that crawls your site. It’s easy to balance the two. One thing you want to do is make sure your blog settings allow search engines to index the site and don’t discourage it.


After that, you want to make sure you do a few things that help your site get indexed (found) by search engines and prospective visitors. To do this, you’ll want to start with consistency.


Blog humans and web crawlers both like it when you blog regularly. Whenever you blog infrequently, like once every 3 months when you happen to find time and remember it, it makes humans not see you as a viable niche leader – and it causes search engines to not bother sending their crawlers to your site very often because they also won’t see you as a serious niche contender.


Try to make sure your blog posts include sensible keywords and phrases for your audience, but don’t go overboard and try to stuff too many in there just to appease the search engines.


It may backfire with both the crawlers and humans who find your writing difficult to understand. Instead, write organically as you would when discussing the topic with a friend, and include specifics so it’s clear what you’re talking about.


For example, if you’re writing about a fasting diet, don’t call it skipping meals or anything silly you make up like hangry rage day – just call it a fasting diet plan and make it easy on both human readers and crawlers to know what you mean.


Use the keyword phrases in your titles as well as in the content itself. Many people make the mistake of titling their posts something vague such as, The Day I Felt My Stomach Growl Nonstop – which tells everyone nothing at all.


It needs to be topic specific, such as, 3 Ways You Can Start a Fasting Diet Plan. That is very specific for everyone, and then you can use the same phrases and keywords within the body of the content.


When you pair keyword choices with consistency, you’ll have most of the equation solved for good SEO. But there are couple more elements that can contribute to your success with being found on search engines.


Make sure the content you’re writing is long enough in terms of value. Some people can write many words that others don’t find value in. So it’s not just length, but value as well. Don’t publish daily short paragraphs and assume that’s enough to get noticed, either.


The last organic strategy you want to implement for good SEO is to make your posts shareable. Having social sharing buttons helps your posts get links back to your site where other interested parties can find them.


Setting a Reliable Publishing Schedule for Your Readers


When you take on the role of a niche leader, it’s your job to disseminate information to your followers. They’ll be waiting for each drop of data that you release to them, so it needs to be consistent and reliable – as well as fresh.


You want to choose a schedule that’s doable for you. Some bloggers can only manage 1 post per week, if they’re working another job for instance, while others post several times per day.


Ideally, your blog will publish at least 3 times per week if possible. This keeps people tuned in regularly and makes it appear as if you’re a fulltime leader, not a part time hobbyist.


You can determine your topics months out if you want to, or fly by the seat of your pants and pick a topic in the spur of the moment. Make sure you cover everything under the main umbrella of your niche topic.


For instance, if your site is broad and called, then you’ll want to make sure you equally cover a variety of plans, such as low calorie, low carb, keto, vegetarian, and so on.


If your site is then cover a wide variety of fitness, such as CrossFit, Bodyweight Training, Aerobics, etc. Don’t do 15 blog posts in a row on CrossFit training because it’s your favorite and maybe address the others once in comparison.


If you see yourself doing that, it might be best to narrow your domain down and focus on the one topic you enjoy covering more prominently so that others don’t feel like your site is light on information.


Creating a home on the ‘net for your niche is something that you work on more initially, and once everything’s set up, you manage the day to day operations of publishing and build a loyal fan base who will support your bus

Choose Affiliate Promotions That Make Sense for Your Business

It is so important to promote only Affiliate Programs, Tools and Courses that make sense for Your Business.


When choosing an affiliate marketing program you should go through a checklist of important items.

From choosing a program with high payouts to a program with excellent customer service, there’s a lot to consider before saying I Do to a program.

After you’ve checked off your list, it’s important to make sure that the promotions you join make sense for your business.

If you sell products that serve a specific industry, it might not make sense to introduce a product that feels disconnected to your audience.

Choosing a product simply because of the potential commissions or because you adore the product creator might not be in your best interest.

Be sure your customers won’t be confused by the goods, services, or products you promote.



Here are three tips to choose promotions that make sense for your business. 


Tip- Choose programs that compliment what you already do

Tip- Choose programs that enhance what you already do

Tip- Choose a program that opens up a new opportunity


It’s ok to promote products that are similar to your own- Choosing to promote affiliate programs offering products similar to your own is a wonderful way to compliment what you are already doing. Sharing businesses who mirror what you do isn’t about competition, it’s about collaboration. Consumers love finding new outlets and resources for the things they love. If someone in your industry is promoting a similar or like product, you can have an easy time making sales and passive income because your market is hot.


It’s ok to promote products that enhance your products- One of the awesome ways to use affiliate marketing programs is to offer items that take yours to a new level. If you offer a service, promoting goods that support your service or make it easier or better is a no-brainer. If a promotion can add value to the goods and services you already sell, it makes perfect sense to encourage your tribe to buy. Finding a solution to a problem your customers face or product that they likely will use makes you a hero for doing the hunting on their behalf.

increase income
Increase income value ladder

It’s ok to promote products that open up new opportunities- If you’ve been connected with your customers for a while and you’ve done a great job of rounding out your communication, you may be in a great position to open up new funnels or opportunities to connect. There may be a product that you’d like to promote that at first glance doesn’t seem like a natural fit. If you’ve been creative in your communication, you can capitalize on the opportunity to endorse something from a different angle. If you’ve connected with your tribe about a secondary issue like parenting, lifestyle, or health, it’s possible that you can promote a product that is unrelated to your typical sales funnel but connects with your tribe on a more personal level.

Choosing products that make sense for your business is important. Making sure what you offer your tribe is logical is part of the sales pitch. If something is a natural fit, the sale will be easier. Pay close attention to how the affiliate program jives with your tribe and you’ll see higher traffic and sales.


Who do you Want to Work With?

Hey, It’s Barb,

I have a question for you.

If you could choose who you work with What type of person Would it Be?

Are you an Entrepreneur and building a business so that you can have more time Freedom?

Have you been dreaming of leaving a 9-5 job and work from Home?

Then you are living in a Great time with many options to build a Lifestyle that many only Dream about.

But you are Different. You are on a Journey and are willing to do the things necessary to Build a Freedom Lifestyle.

So let’s get working together on discovering the Best of all Worlds as an affiliate marketer.

There are many affiliate marketing programs out there so how do you decide on where you want to plant your Flag?

Well, find a program with a track record and that has the training to help you on your Journey.

Please remember though there are no get Rich magic pills out there.

You will need to invest in yourself with time and at least some money to start your Business.

You will need to surround yourself with positive, like-minded people.

You want to attract the positive and creative people who believe there is a better way.

Take the Next Step:

Once you find a Program you want to promote continue to work on your mindset and skill set with Creating and sharing Valuable content.

Choose 1 to 2 platforms to get the message out into the world that you are looking to build a business with a team of positive energetic partners.

Market by using Free (Social Media) Traffic and Paid Traffic.

Remember they Both have a Cost so if you a lot of time you can concentrate on Free Traffic but if have little time you must have a consistent marketing Budget.

If you are creating the good valuable content and marketing to your target audience People with be coming to you for more information.

Don’t think everyone has to join your team.

The Key is this is your Life, Your Dream Business and you want to keep the Negative people out of your Bubble.





4 Tips For Success In Home Business

Success Tips for your Home Business

The first step to having a Successful Home business is to be Growing your Mindset and Skillset on a daily basis.

Your mindset can determine whether or not your home business will be successful.

Here are a few steps to assist make your home business measure up to the Lifestyle you desire.

In keeping with the concept that a positive outlook helps your home business, keep in mind you should be feeding your mind daily with Positive thoughts and communication.

Keep in mind that you can do almost anything that you set your mind to do.

With hard work and determination, your home-based business can be all that you’ve dreamed it would be.

Don’t let individuals or issues distract you or get you to let go of your home business dreams.

You should be spending 1-2 Hours daily working on your Positive Mindset and improving your technical Skillset.

    • Read good books in your niche
    • Listen to good Audios (while driving, walking the dog etc.)
    • Meditation or Prayer-You need quiet and calm in your mind
    • Affirmations/Vision (morning & night)
    • Skillset Training (marketing, how to use social media platforms.)

Keep learning

Skillset Training:

Any training you can get your hands on that teaches you the marketing method you are looking to do!  I buy trainings all the time!  If I’m trying to learn Facebook Marketing you bet I own all the Facebook marketing courses on the market and actually go through them!  Always be improving your skill set!

I may be a little biased here but I believe the best skillset training you can ever get is inside The Home Business Academy.  This is a product I have been using to improve my skillsets and mindset.

This is more than just another membership site with training.  The Home Business Academy has all kinds of tutorials on things like Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Blogging, what to say to leads etc.   But the bigger vision of the HBA community is to help you win your freedom through principle centered leadership!  

All we see are possibilities, and we would love to help you win inside our community of freedom crusaders!

The Second step to your daily Business Activities


There are 2 types of Marketing your Business.

Active Marketing:


  • I’m not a huge fan of traditional prospecting, but when I figured out we can do it via Facebook messenger or any social media site I WAS IN!  Why?  Because it’s the fastest way to get results!  You find a Facebook messenger strategy A-Z in our Home Business Academy training vault.  I recommend you learn this and do it daily while you learn the passive methods!  


  • There are other methods of Prospecting out there that you can search for, but the bottom line is you want to get 2-5 people per day in front of your business presentation actively each day!  However, you can do that will work!  I like social media, you may like using the phone!  Doesn’t matter,  Just make it happen!   


Passive Marketing:


  • I personally love Blogging and YouTube marketing for this.  You can easily do short blogs just jotting down your thoughts for the day, and then shoot a quick video on those thoughts and upload to YouTube! 

    Video are now an important part of all marketing.  We have a complete A-Z YouTube and Blogging training in our Academy here! 


Other Passive & Paid Marketing Ideas:


Here are some examples of marketing methods you can use to build your email list!  Your email list is your #1 asset when it comes to making money on the internet.   I suggest investing at least 20% of your current income (even if it’s from a job) and future income from the business…


The bigger your email list, the less Active Marketing you have to do. 

I’m looking forward to a point when my email list is large enough that I don’t  ever have to do any Active Marketing to make a multiple 6 figure income per year. 

That is my Goal!

Grow that Email List.


Before you start marketing on any of the platforms below.  You will need a way to create capture pages, bridge pages and more!  Click Here To Try The HBA Funnel Builder, the capture page software I currently use!


  • Youtube  (can be good but takes time and consistency)
  • Blogging (Blogging is good but takes time)
  • Video Marketing on Facebook 
  • Facebook PPC (pay per click)
  • Twitter PPC
  • Bing PPC
  • Youtube PPC
  • Craigslist Ads
  • Forum Marketing
  • Banner Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • Instagram / Pinterest


I suggest picking 1 paid method above and 1 free method to get things rolling… You can learn how to do all that stuff on Weekly masterminds and and at The Academy.

Step Three Generate Sales – Follow Up & Get Paid


A lot of people get stuck on this step after they finally learn how to generate leads.  They don’t know how to increase their conversions which is really what pays you! Sales!


Here are some suggestions:


  • Broadcast Email your list daily! (outside of your autoresponder followups)  Not just pitch pitch pitch.  Add some value to your emails too!  

Hold a webinar or hangout 1 time per week.  Even if it’s a simple hey come ask me any questions you have about my business and I’ll answer them live!  Have a list of common questions ready in case people don’t ask you anything.  That way you have something to talk about.


Step Four Get Off the Couch- Exercise & Develop Healthy Nutritional Habits.




At times I have not been very focused on keeping a good exercise schedule and not followed good nutritional habits.

Today I can say I need to be more consistent in more healthy habits.

Because we sit all day on the computer it is important to exercise on a regular basis.

I find when I don’t do proper exercise and eating I end up gaining weight! 

If you plan on doing Internet Marketing long term then you need to focus on health because we tend to be less active than a normal job where you are on your feet!    


Here are some suggestions that have helped me get back to a good healthy zone. 




  • Cardio can be done easily with a 20-30 minute video training
  • Stretching. Stretching is great for your body and should be a part of daily routine
  • Walking – I like to walk daily while feeding my brain with some good marketing training.


This one is easy.  Your body NEEDS a lot of water to function and flush out all the bad toxins… So the suggested amount is half your bodyweight in ounces…  So if you weigh 150 lbs, you need 75 oz of water per day!   Simple enough formula!

Clean Eating

I’ve done a lot of different diets. I like to keep a journal and try to make healthier food. 

Journaling seems to be the thing that keeps me the most consistent.


Supplements I take:


  • I take a multivitamin and Vitamin D3 because most people are deficient in these supplements.
  • High quality CBD oil from here.  I have suffered with depression for many years and found relief in 2018 when I started taking CBD.   Taking this quality product has helped me have greater control of my emotions. I Love this stuff. 

So, that’s it for now!  I hope you get value from this daily action plan! 

If you follow it every day there is no way you won’t succeed eventually! 

Start now with Focus and Purpose.

Do you Know your Freedom Number?

You Have To Know Where You’re At Right Now To Measure Growth & Figure Out What You Should Be Working On


Are you ready to take your online business to the next level and watch some explosive growth unfold over the coming months? Great. Before you start to plot and plan what you want to do to make that happen, it’s important to stop and look at where you’re at right now.

Business planning for future success is all about data. You can work most efficiently and spend your time and money most effectively if you know exactly where you are starting from. By recording data, you can start to see what’s working, what isn’t, and what trends are starting to play out. And it all starts with recording where you’re at right now.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you want to record. First though, you should decide how you want to record this information.  You can write it down by hand in a notebook, open up a word document to do it digitally, or use a spreadsheet. I prefer a spreadsheet because I have the option to have it calculate fun additional information like weekly and monthly averages and even map it all out in graphics to help me get a clearer picture.

Traffic – To grow you need to expand your reach. That means getting more traffic, but also engaging the people that come to your site by encouraging them to click around and read more. Good things to keep track of are total visitors, unique visitors, bounce rate, and of course where the traffic is coming from.


Know your number

List / Subscribers – Your next goal is always to get these people on your list. Here you want to track total number of subscribers, conversion rates for each of your opt-in forms and pages, open rates for your emails, and also unsubscribes. As you start to collect and review this data regularly, you’ll get a much better picture of your subscribers.

Customers – Subscribers are great, customers are better. Start by keeping track of how many total customers you have and how many purchases per day, week, and month. Other good numbers to look at are total lifetime value of your average customer, repeat purchases, and refund rates.

Income & Expenses – Last but not least, look at your bottom line. This is your typical accounting data. You want to keep track of your income as well as your expenses. With those two sets of numbers, you can easily calculate your overall profit. I find it helpful to look at profit for the month, but track income on a daily basis.

Yes, you can look at most of this data in various different places like Google Analytics, your shopping cart, and your autoresponder service for example, but it’s important to have it all in one place. This makes it much easier to connect the dots and see the relationships between the different sets of numbers.

Now that you have your initial data collection set up, make it a habit to update the numbers regularly so you can see what’s working, what isn’t, and how much you’re growing as you move through the coming months and years.

Who are your Mentors?

Are you working with people who love what they do and help others reach a Lifestyle of Freedom:

What if you could find a community that believes in giving everyone an opportunity for Success.

Looking for

  •  Lucrative Commissions
  •  Residual Income
  • Being Job Free
  •  Not having a boss
  •  Time Freedom
  •  Unlimited Income Potential
  •  Positive, Inspiring & Supportive Relationships With Great People
  • ​The Ability To Travel The World
  •  Fun Events
  •  Be A Business Owner Without Having To Create The Product

The Home Business Academy


How to Easily Crank out Content Daily

Have you been working on your Blog and trying to do Videos to maximize exposure?

Here are some tips I use to be able to Crank out New Content Daily.

As an Entrepreneur, we never stop our education.

We study tools, Strategies, and personal development daily.

We attend product Webinars, Company training and Live Events,

The notes we have taken should be put into Blog Post and turned into Video.

Everyone knows Video is powerful and should part of our overall marketing plan.

To Start Branding yourself you should have a blog where can begin getting your valuable content out.

In addition to your Blog you should think about using Youtube to increase your Audience.

Here is what I do to have endless content to increase my Brand Awareness.

Content Creation Strategy.

Listen to Good Youtubers, Daily.

Use your Blog to make rough drafts of content you want to create as you get ideas During the day.

Whether it is an Idea you got from a Training, a product review, or just a Rant on something you are experiencing through your journey to a better lifestyle for you and your family. Put these Ideas on paper or why not go one step further and title a new Blog Post.

If you are in moment and have time create a Blog on the Fly.

If you are tight on time just get that Idea in your Idea bucket and Revisit it at another time.

Now my answer for Creating Videos is a Tool I found a couple of years that has helped me make Videos in Minutes.

Vidnami (Formerly Content Samurai) Can turn a Blog post into a beautiful  Video in minutes.

This is a Great way to take a new or old Blog post and multi-purpose it into a Video and it is Quick.

The product breaks the Blog or an article into small amounts of Text onto beautiful Slides which you are able to Edit. Royalty Free Images are included but you can also upload your own images.

You can decide on a music track or put your voice on the Video.

None of this will work if you are not constantly learning and taking action in your Business.

Make sure you are writing 3-5 blog posts ideas down a Day.

If you are new to working your business this may seem like a lot but just start.

Get a Blog, start keeping track of ideas and then turn them into Videos.

I will include links in the description for a Free Trial to Vidnami

Vidnami Free Triali

That’s all for Today!

What 3 Key Questions to Ask about Online Marketing

Online marketing is interesting, difficult, and confusing. It can make or break your internet service profession and yet many individuals who depend on web marketing don’t have a complete grasp of the fundamentals involved in online marketing.

shoot for the moon

Lots of entrepreneurs waste a Great deal of time, energy, and momentum due to the fact that they do not totally understand internet marketing. Don’t let this absence of comprehending undermine your earnings potential.

In order for you to better understand online marketing and its impact on your internet organisation you must understand the answers to these 3 essential concerns:

1. What Is Internet Marketing?
2. What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?
3. What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

What Is Internet Marketing?

Marketing is in fact rather easy. Marketing is communication about an idea, product, service, or company. Marketing for that reason encompasses marketing, promo and sales in addition to the different methods and forms of communication used to market, offer and promote.

Marketing is more comprehensive than simple advertising or promotion in that it consists of researching the marketplace to discover what customers want and then setting out to meet their requirements with the proper product, cost, and distribution method. Marketing consists of marketing research, choosing products and rates, marketing promoting dispersing and offering.

Marketing likewise covers all the activities associated with moving services and products from the source to the end-user including making clients knowledgeable about services and products, attracting brand-new customers to a product and services, keeping existing consumers thinking about a service or product, and building and preserving a consumer base for a product and services.

Internet marketing consists of these exact same activities but also draws in numerous internet tools including web sites, email, ezines, banner advertising, blogging, RSS, text links, search engine optimization, affiliates, autoresponders, and other eCommerce applications.

What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?

The variety of expenses for internet marketing is substantial. There are a variety of marketing and marketing ventures that can cost you nothing or just pennies a day while other advertising efforts can cost you thousands a day.

It is necessary to consider your goals– both long-lasting and short-term– as well as how much each prospective customer is worth to you. This will help you figure out a realistic budget plan for your marketing campaign.

Numerous internet promotions are free, you can establish a website and/or blog for $250 a year, and you can drive traffic to the site. Posting Quaility content on your site for your subscribers will build long term relationships.

The very best program is to start inexpensive and slowly test to see what is working and learning what is successful for your market and product. There is no ideal advertising solution that works wonders for everyone. Each product and each marketer has a different formula.

What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing uses more benefits than lots of standard marketing mediums. The very nature of web sites and blogs is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. Many advertising efforts, such as ezines, newsletters, banners, and text links also continue to increase in power over time.

Email marketing can be a significant surge in contacts and sales and uses the capability to individualize your message, in addition, to reach a targeted audience so your possibility for sales increases tremendously.

500 dollar days

The other significant advantage of web marketing is that it provides benefit and immediate fulfilment. That is the power of web marketing.

Now that you have the responses to these 3 key questions, you are all set to start your own online marketing campaign– and be successful with your internet business.

Building a business is a Journey and takes consistent purposeful daily action.

Marketing is communication about a concept, company, service, or item. Online marketing provides more advantages than numerous conventional marketing mediums. The very nature of websites and blog sites is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your preliminary marketing effort is over. The other significant advantage of internet marketing is that it provides convenience and immediate complete satisfaction. That is the power of marketing online.

Affiliate Marketing Explained for Beginners

The introduction of affiliate marketing may be very overwhelming for beginners.

If you are just beginning you may be easily distracted by all the different strategies available for marketing.

However, if you plan your actions and focus on this, you will make a difference. But first, you need to realize that affiliate marketing takes a lot of time and effort to build your affiliate business, and you need to focus on this; otherwise, you will end up frustrated.

Membership marketing for beginners can be confusing, but when you develop an action plan and focus on this time, it will become easier. So here are things you need to have:

Affiliate Marketing
Stay focused

Thousands of affiliate programs will attract you to join them, and promise to obtain huge profits with very low investment. If you participate in fierce competition, please expect to spend precious time around fictitious profit margins.


You must learn the correct method of internet marketing to get actual profits. Internet novices have a major advantage: they can buy off-the-shelf products that can be sold to generate cash immediately. With this method, you can now earn about $10,000 per month.


Find a good mentor before entering affiliate marketing.


There are hundreds of sites and thousands of online marketing opportunities. Search engines provide a way to attract traffic or buyers interested in products. If the buyer does not see the page you want to advertise, it does not mean that the buyer does not get what they want.


You can be sure that other websites are selling at your cost, just make the web-page appear in front of the seller at the exact time when the seller is looking for the product. This is only one example of how member products are marketed.



Online marketing is a scientific process that constantly changes as technology advances. Unless your business plan clarifies the entire marketing blueprint and you have a sufficient understanding of the processes and changes to be implemented, you will likely compete for high positions in search engines.


Ideally, you should look for an excellent mentor to teach you the basics in an easy-to-understand and implementable way without the technical knowledge required to sell products.


If you want to learn about member marketing for beginners, please follow the success stories and recommendations published on marketing forums, review sites, and rank based on the published member sales revenue. The good news is that if you follow the instructions provided, you can use several genuine programs that can bring you a lot of benefits.


Treat affiliate marketing as a serious business.


You may have heard that only 5% of affiliate marketers actually made money. The reason is simple. If you are not suitable to run a business and complete the processes required for profit, then you will not make money.


So, is online marketing effective? The Internet is a rapidly developing and vibrant atmosphere. The membership plan you join must provide technical expertise, back-end support, and must keep pace with the times. For example, e-books on product marketing must provide up-to-date information to help users follow the ethical process used to promote products.


As long as you find the right program, are willing to learn, and find the right mentor, membership marketing is very easy for beginners.

Purpose and Focus
Affiliate Marketing Staying focused

Promote something


The purpose of becoming a member is to promote others’ products, so you need to decide what you want to promote. When deciding on the product to promote, please take some time to understand the product, get as much information about the product as possible, and understand the product. In this way, it can improve your credibility, your readers can feel your sincerity, and people will know if you are talking about something.


Promote your product somewhere


Member marketing for beginners involves many aspects, including building a web page, a website, any form of the login page, squeeze page, or just a blog. Many times, affiliates are at this stage because they are afraid of the process involved in building a web page. However, if you think about it, the construction site these days has become very easy to use, and if I can add, the price is lower. Not to mention the ease of creating a website. To make it easier for you, you can simply create a simple blog using free resources.


Build traffic to your web-page/blog or website.


Don’t just let nature follow its course. You need to do something to help  people find your website and attract attention. Member marketing for beginners now involves different marketing types that have recently emerged, so there is no reason to keep your website free of traffic. Compared to previous types of advertising, you need to pay per click so that you can advertise your website, and now you can use other free resources to generate a lot of traffic for your website. This is what they call backlinks. The popularity of a website now depends on the number of backlinks a website has.


How to find good products to promote


One of the most important components of affiliate marketing is to choose the right products for promotion. The fact is that even if your offers are flooded in, you won’t see many sales if the products you choose to promote are not worth a dime. In a worse case, you may even damage your reputation in the niche market by recommending poor products.


So, how to find good products to promote? Before deciding on a product, the following four factors need to be considered:


1) Demand-Is there a demand for products?


In the afternoon, many products were put together, and there was not much research done at all. If the demand for the product is insufficient, please discard it. Looking for products that many people want and need. These can take the form of tutorials, memberships, user guides, videos, etc.


2) What is the commission-commission structure?


What is your bottom line commission? It’s best to check the final amount you will get, not just the percentage provided. I believe you will agree that a 30% commission for 100 USD is better than a 75% commission for a 10 USD product. In addition, you may want to consider whether the product is a regular payment or a one-time payment. Sometimes, it’s worth promoting a regular $10 commission instead of a one-time $50 commission.


3) Conversion-Is the sales letter of the product convincing?


Is the order button visible? Also, check the bonus provided by the product owner. Whether these bonuses are tempting, or just a pile of useless materials makes it likely that no one will care. If the sales letter is not convincing, you will have difficulty converting visitors into buyers.


4) Tools- Have any tools been created for members?


Although I don’t recommend you to use the “canned” ads that come with the affiliate tool, good graphics, testimonials, backstory, etc. are very useful for your marketing. Having a range of membership tools can also be a good indicator of how important product owners are in supporting their members.


Affiliates introduce or sell company products in exchange for commissions. You need to understand this basic concept. This is very similar to selling products offline, the difference is that the sales process becomes faster and has a wider reach, just because millions of Internet users are using their computers or laptops every day to find online product.


Types of affiliate marketing


Today, affiliate marketing programs are becoming more and more popular for making money online. There are many reasons for this situation, the most common reason is that the business has great potential, can obtain profits at a very low cost, and is very simple to start the company. Member marketing now plays a vital role in the internet marketing world. Alliance members can choose different types of programs and start making money online.




Pay-per – click is the most common affiliate marketing model for members of small websites, and can be the fastest way to make money. It is a practice for members to position product ties on retailer websites on their websites. Whenever someone visits the merchant’s website by clicking a link on the member’s website, the member receives a certain commission. The Commission shall be paid on the basis of the number of visits to the Member’s website. Normally, the company doesn’t make a lot of money for participants, so the reward sum is very low.



PPS is the most common model in member marketing programs today. In this model, advertisers pay commissions for the sale of their products. In this type of model, website owners place advertisements on their websites, and if any visitor clicks on an advertisement and purchases a product, the website will receive a sales commission.




Pay-for-performance is another popular membership model in the industry, it is the highest salary model for members. In this model, merchants only pay affiliate members when their recommendation is turned into action (that is, the recommended visitor actually purchases products from the merchant’s website or when the visitor becomes a potential customer). This means that merchants make a lot of money.


Paying by potential customers


The membership model of paying by potential customers is often used by financial and insurance companies engaged in the development of potential customers of the company. In this model, the visitor, through the efforts of the member, pays the member when the visitor fills out the registration form or similar documents or provides any type of personal information on the merchant’s website.



Pay per link


Members place links to merchant products on their websites. The owner pays based on the number of links you put and the amount of traffic generated.



Pay per registration


After redirecting from your website, the number of people who will register at the merchant’s site or quote for their offer is considered “registered.” For each registration provided by your website, you will get paid

If you want to make money through affiliate marketing, you must study it carefully and consider whether you are willing to spend time making it work. In addition, please carefully study the types of products you want to sell. Check various providers and compare the commissions provided by each provider for each sale.

This has been a lot of information to take in all at once.

In the coming weeks I plan to break it down.

Will you start your own membership site?

Will you Create your own digital product?

Or will you study other Creators Valuable Products?




Day 6 Real Growth Requires You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Can you think back on a time of real life-changing Growth, be it in-home business, in your individual life, or anywhere else? Did you need to get out of your comfort zone?

More than likely, you had to step out of a place where you are comfortable for that growth to occur.

Yes, we can make progress by doing what we have actually always done.

danger zone

It will be slow as well as much more notably, by staying within your comfort zone, you are limiting your possible development.

It’s when we step out of that area, try something new, take a little bit of danger, and allow for personal and skills growth that we start to see big changes for the better.

Let’s say your goal is to grow your reach and also increase your target audience.

What you’ve done so far and what really feels comfy is creating a blog post a week and afterwards sharing it on social networks.

Yes, some readers will certainly discover you.

Yes, if you increase workload, publishing even more blog posts per week as well as sharing regularly across all your social media accounts, you will see some increased growth in your business.

However, you’re remaining in your comfort zone.


What if instead of increasing the same types of tasks you switched it up a bit.

Why not explore writing as a guest blogger on another blog for more exposure?

How about finally facing your fears and start a YouTube, Channel?

Youtube is a perfect way to repurpose some old blog post.

Once you produce your video on the Blog topic you can embed it on your blog post to give new life to your Blog.

Including Video in the mix of your weekly workload increases your chances of being found and building your community.

Recording a series of video clips provides you with the opportunity to get to a totally different part of your target market.

There are lots of people who would rather view video web content to typed out articles on a Blog.

There are people that spend hrs daily on YouTube who would never come across you and your blog otherwise.

Investing money on paid ads can sound like a terrifying idea but once you find something that works, convert well and you if you have a budget it may be time to scale with advertising.

Note this should not be done without knowing what your conversions are.

If you decide to put your money into paid ads make sure are tracking your results

I would like to mention everyone feels awkward when starting something new.

Remember your first Blog post?

How long did it take you to finally hit the publish button?

When you start anything it may seem hard or awkward but with consistent work, it does get easier.

So jump out of your comfort zone.

If you need to set up a Youtube do it today!

Then do your first video.

Good luck.