Important Instagram and Facebook Story Differences to Know

While Instagram and Facebook offer similar features, it is important to highlight the differences to pick the right one or use them efficiently to market to your target audience. Choosing the perfect platform is only as successful as your knowledge and understanding of using it or creating highly engaging story content. The story features offered on each platform are slightly different and can provide many different outcomes depending on your niche and goal as a business.


Here are the important differences to know between Instagram and Facebook stories:


Slightly Different Interface and Feature Options


Instagram is often slightly easier to use, but there are not many differences beyond the layout and art style. The main difference includes the amount of picture and video filters Instagram offers compared to Facebook. Instagram also allows you to go live, and it still appears within your stories section, unlike Facebook, where it will appear in the newsfeed. However, the benefit to Facebook posting the live to the newsfeed means it will last forever, but at that point, it is no longer a story, and you would need to create a new story to promote the video.


Age and Amount of Active Users


Instagram is for a younger audience, while Facebook is slightly older. The age range for Instagram includes those between eighteen and thirty-four, and Facebook consists of those between twenty-five and forty-four. Facebook’s audience is larger and more diverse because they created the option to make a business page and many different groups related to your niche or industry. Unlike Instagram, you only have one profile and a highlights section that heavily relies on hashtags to gain more views and exposure.


Group and Community Building Priorities


Facebook is better at this, and using stories allows you to beat the timeline algorithm by keeping you near the top of your follower’s news feed. In addition, Facebook group stories inspire user-generated content and get your target audience more involved and engaged.


Return on Investment


Facebook has the best return on investment for any social media platform due to its ads and the high number of users. While Instagram has the same ads, they don’t have the same daily active users or diversity.


Don’t waste time any longer struggling to pick between Instagram and Facebook. As you can see, each of them provides its own benefits. If you have the time, using both is a great strategy; however, adopting either will still bring you success as long you use them correctly. Take the time to test both and be sure you know where your target audience lives the most to make the best and most optimal decision.


What You Need to Know About Instagram Stories Highlights


Eight Facebook Story Ideas for Increased Engagement

Creating Facebook stories is a fun and creative way to engage and interact with your target audience. However, suppose you want to stay ahead of your competition and get the most out of what Facebook can bring to your business. In that case, you need to take the time to craft compelling, interactive, and highly valuable stories.


Here are eight Facebook story ideas to try to increase your audience engagement and business success on this platform:


  • Ask a Thought-Provoking Question – One way to really boost engagement and action from your audience is to make them think. So ask a question without giving your answer, giving them time to respond. Then you can give them your solution that feels more conversational while also learning more about your audience gleaning information that can be used in the future for more content.


  • Share Something Behind-The-Scenes – Your true fans love finding out more about you. They like feeling like they’re VIPs getting a stage pass by getting a sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes goings-on. Show them how you set up for a shoot, or how you make your product, or whatever you want that you think they want to know. If you aren’t sure, ask them.


  • Use A Trendy Topic for Inspiration – While you do need to keep going with a thought-out content plan that is based on the future offerings, you also want to pay close attention to trending topics that you can create off the cuff by sharing your thoughts or otherwise engaging with your audience around that trend.


  • Share a Meme or Infographic – If you have no other ideas about what to share, look at your current offerings and grab a meme or develop an infographic from them to showcase parts of your message.


  • Tell a Real Story – Do you have a story to share relevant to your audience that they can learn from or even be entertained by engaging with it? Tell a real story about yourself or your business, or even a customer.


  • Showcase Popular Products – If you sell products, showcase them on your stories as if you’re doing a review for them. You can also do reviews for others if you’re an affiliate right on your stories.


  • Highlight Your Email Newsletter or Opt-In – Create a story all about your email newsletter or opt-in that you’ve created.


  • Have Fun with Staff or Influencer Takeovers – A really fun thing to do is let someone else take over your page, or you take over someone else’s page who markets to your audience a complementary product or service.


Test these Facebook story ideas to see what personal benefits they can provide to your business. Each idea may suit certain business goals or niches better, so it is important to get to know your target audience and take risks to understand them better. Just because one post doesn’t deliver the results you want or need doesn’t mean the next idea won’t, nor does it mean you have failed. A proper social media content plan includes being aware of where you need to improve and doing the work to get there.


How to Easily Crank out Content Daily


Five Tips for Using YouTube and YouTube Stories for Business

To squeeze more benefits out of your YouTube channel and stories, you need to plan and make quality content for your target audience. YouTube is only as beneficial as the content you bring to your viewers.


Thankfully, you can follow many tried and true methods or tips to ensure you get the most out of this platform. In addition, once you reach the required number of subscribers, you can also unlock their story features, giving you yet another valuable tool to creating better and more engaging content.


The following are five tips on using YouTube and YouTube stories to market your business effectively:


Create Content That Provides Value or Solves a Problem


While you also need to post highly valuable long-form content, stories should be no exception. However, make it more interactive and always think about how you can get the viewers involved. Think of the content you create as a conversation between a family member or another loved one.


Build Community


Use the reply to comment in the story feature to build a strong bond and community with your viewers and audience. Don’t ignore their comments or responses. This tool allows you to do it more directly and personally. Further increasing your credibility and trust as a business and a YouTuber. Adding a “Mention.”


Share Announcements or Updates

Use YouTube stories to update your audience with brand new information or product announcements and releases. Add an option for them to reply to get their direct feedback, and be sure to find a certain amount of time to respond to as many as you can.


Tease Your Next Long-Form Video


YouTube must have regular video content in order to take advantage of its stories features. The main purpose of the YouTube stories feature is to keep your audience subscribed and involved with your brand or niche. In other words, it further installs the value you bring to them with your long-form videos. So never miss a moment to share your new videos. YouTube stories provide a feature called the “Video” sticker to do this very thing – making it a super simple and easy process to get started.


Think Mobile

How to Repurpose Your Influencer Marketing Content

Finally, but certainly not least, YouTube stories can only be viewed on mobile – giving you another way to create different and new content.


Be sure you take advantage of the benefits YouTube provides by following each of these tips. The more you put into your YouTube channel, the more benefits your business will receive. Quality and engaging content allow you to build the community you need to market your business better and achieve your goals.




Increase Your Snapchat Story Views with These Easy Tips

While Snapchat can bring your business many benefits, it can be one of the hardest platforms to gain views. In order to gain more followers, you need more views, just like any other social media platform. Because Snapchat focuses on close friendships rather than discovery, it takes more work to find new followers and gain more views. However, as long as you make unique, fresh, and inspiring content while using other tools and tips, it can be quite easy to gain more views.


Here are four tips to help you attract more Snapchat story views:


Increase Your Snapchat Score


Your Snapchat score is displayed below your profile picture and username. This number increases every time you send and receive a Snap or story. In other words, this number indicates how active you are on the platform. Use this scoring feature to encourage and motivate you to be more active and show new followers that you are a real business that provides value by sharing snaps and stories.


Get Featured on the Discover Page


Use location tags and hashtags, and be sure to add your story to the “Our Story” section from your editor tool after you post your story. The Discover page is Snapchat’s version of a newsfeed that features stories from publishing partners, influencers, or other brands.


Use Other Platforms Too


Having an Instagram or YouTube to advertise your Snapchat is always a good idea. It shows others that you have more than one way to communicate with them, and they may find Snapchat a more personal tool to connect with. However, be sure the content you share on each platform is different in some way. In other words, don’t repurpose without editing the content you share on the other platform. This increases your exposure on each platform and keeps you in good standing with them as many platforms strive for original content.


Keep a Consistent and Frequent Posting Schedule


The more quality content you provide, the more likely your current followers are to share your content.  Keep this content consistent and frequent throughout your day to keep your stories at the top of your follower’s feed. However, be sure the content you share always provides value. You don’t want just to throw up anything or share the same boring sales piece. Always enhance each of your stories with stickers, including one of your Snapcode, so new viewers can instantly add you. When they take a picture of this code through Snapchat, it will add you to their follower list.


When developing your Snapchat story content plan, keep these tips in mind to ensure you get the most views and gain more followers. Remember, make sure the content you post on Snapchat is unique and different from any other platform. Please take advantage of their tools and features and find a way to get on their discovery page to increase your chances of success on Snapchat.


Be More Accountable and Consistent, Share Your Goals


How to Boost Sales with the Instagram Stories Shopping Feature

Visual storytelling will always be why Instagram remains the number one platform for stories and social media marketing. If you have visual products or can easily tell your message through pictures, videos, and other visuals, Instagram must be the platform you use, especially if you sell products with the Instagram story shopping feature.


Nearly eight hundred thousand users use Instagram to shop every single month. In addition, almost seventy percent of their five hundred million daily active users follow a business account even beyond the shopping feature. Meaning you will have no problem getting your stories in front of your audience. To use the shopping feature, you need to have a business account and connect to your Facebook catalog that sells physical goods.


Here are five ways to boost sales with the Instagram stories shopping feature:


Use the Product Sticker


Add or take a picture of you the product you want to promote. Tap on the “Stickers” icon and select “Product” stickers. Select the product from your Facebook catalog, then further enhance the story as needed. Be sure the product name you want to use is the name listed in the Facebook catalog. You do not have the option to change the name from your story. Select “Send to” at the bottom right of your screen when you are ready to share.


Highlight Customer Testimonials


Add other slides that include your products in action by customers or quotes about how much they love your products. Social proof or reviews is an essential part of the selling process. In fact, according to research published by Fan & Fuel, nearly ninety-two percent of consumers have stated they hesitate to purchase if there are no reviews on the product, and ninety-seven say they use reviews to influence their decision further.


Add a Swipe Up Link


Once you reach ten thousand followers, your account will unlock the “Swipe Up” feature to your stories to further encourage your viewers to click and go to your website and make a purchase.


Showcase One to Two Product at A Time


Don’t show too many products at once as it will only overwhelm your audience. Be sure each product you share is relatable to each other. For example, a clothing store highlighting a model sunglasses and hat for sale. Each of these products is near each other and has similar purposes. Thus, making it easier to market each product and tell a cohesive story.


Include Hashtags and Locations


Always include hashtags and location tags. This way, your viewers who don’t follow you have the chance to see your content. In addition, while stories advertise to your current followers, this gives you an increased opportunity to be placed on Instagram’s Explore page and those who search public accounts.


Use these tips to get your first sale through Instagram right away. Instagram shoppable posts and stories have been shown to increase traffic by over one hundred thousand percent — showing you just how important developing an Instagram stories content plan is to your overall business success.

Four Ways to Make Your Social Media Stories Stand Out


how to boost online sales on instagram

How to Use Instagram Story Analytics to Improve

In order to know if your Instagram stories are making an impact, you must check and keep up with your analytics. This background data gives you a direct insight into how well your content is performing with your audience. Without this information, you won’t be able to put a content plan together that maximizes your benefits and success.

Making Money Online is Easy Because …

You can locate your analytics, individual story analytics, or the full page and stories in two places. To find the analytics for a specific story, select the story you need the information on and swipe up to view its insights. You can also view the insights from the Archive button located in the upper-left corner of your profile. Then select “view all saved stories” and then swipe up on each to view the analytics or insights of both. To locate the analytics page for all of your stories, select the Insights button from the top right of your profile screen on the menu.


Here are the Instagram story analytics to keep track of and what to do to improve your conversions:




The first set of metrics you will see is just a quick glimpse of important metrics that will be covered shortly, including the number of accounts reached, your content interactions, and profile activity.




Next includes your reach, a set of metrics that refer to how many people see your content and where they find it. Be sure to add important hashtags and location stickers so your story can appear on the Explore page and expand your reach. Reach metrics includes:


  • Accounts Reached – The unique number of times your story has been viewed or seen, at least once.
  • Impressions – The total number of times your story has been viewed or appeared on the screen. This can include repeat views by the same Instagram user.


Content Interactions


Content interactions are a group of insights or metrics that show your viewers’ or followers’ actions when engaging with your stories. Include questions, polls, slider stickers, and a clear call-to-action to increase your content interactions. These metrics include:


  • Shares – The number of times a viewer shares your story.
  • Replies – The number of responses you received from your story, including quick reaction replies.
  • Forward – How many times viewers tapped forward to view your next slide.
  • Exited – The number of times viewers exited your story before finishing it.
  • Next Story – The number of times your viewers viewed your next story after finishing the story you selected to view metric information for.


Profile Activity


This group of insights shows the actions your viewers or followers take when engaging with your story. Update your call-to-actions and get your viewers more engaged if you want to improve your profile activity. You can’t expect your viewers to react if you don’t ask them. Profile activity metrics include:


  • Profile Visits – Profile visits are the number of times your profile was visited after viewing or viewing a story.
  • Follows – Follows are the number of times someone followed your Instagram account while or after viewing your story.
  • Call Button Taps – This is the number of taps you received to call your business.


Keep track of these analytics and update your plan with these tips to maximize your engagement and other conversions with Instagram stories. Instagram stories are a powerful marketing tool as long as you know how to use them correctly and pay attention to the information it shares.




Five Steps to Posting your First Instagram Story

By far, the number one platform to take advantage of for social media stories is Instagram. However, while Snapchat was the first, that does not make them the best. Instagram has nearly double the number of active users compared to Snapchat – making it not even a close comparison.


Almost eighty-seven percent of its nearly billion monthly active users post stories. Even better, a quarter of millennials and generation Z who use the platform say they use stories to find and purchase new products. So if you are a business not taking advantage of Instagram Stories, you should get right on it.


Here are five steps to posting your first Instagram story:


Step One: Plan Your Content


Always have a plan before you upload or record a story. You want to be sure everything you share is not only valuable but entertaining and engaging. The more you plan it out, the more likely you will have well-rounded stories to share sustainably.


Step Two: How to Upload or Record a Story


Find the plus icon from the Instagram application. The plus icon is currently located on the top right of your profile.  You can also create a story by selecting the plus icon below your profile picture where it says “Your Story” when you open the app or swipe with one finger all the way to the left for the camera to open. Then from the bottom, select “Story.”

Step Three: Upload or Record Your Content


Now you can either upload your previously recorded story, take a picture, record a video or go live. Select or hold down the white circle in the middle to take a picture or record your video. Select the box in the bottom left field to upload content and choose the content you would like to upload from the new window selections. Select the filters from the button next to the record or capture button to edit your content.


Step Four: Personalize and Enhance Your Story


After taking a picture or recording your story, you can enhance it with stickers, emojis, text, and music. Tap the center of the picture or video to add text, change the font style, size, and color or add motion. Select “Done” from the top right of the screen when you are finished with the text. Then you have an option to add a link, save the story, add stickers, and do other things you can do via the menu located in the top right of the story.


Step Five: Tap Publish and Watch Your Metrics


Select ” Send to ” from the bottom right corner. Then, select ” Send to ” from the bottom right corner. Next, select ” Send to ” from the bottom right corner – once you add in features that increase understanding and engagement, select “Send to” from the bottom right corner. Then select “Share” next to “Your Story” and profile picture. From here, you can even choose to share it with others.


Don’t neglect your Instagram stories any longer with these five easy steps. Instagram stories are a valuable resource to better market and increase your sales or engagement among your target audience. In addition, stories allow you to make your products, services, or business more interesting, personable, and trustworthy.




Top Fives Platforms for Social Media Stories

Just about any social media platform you go to since 2016 has a story feature. A set of clips or images that are live for twenty-four hours that provide an update on your life or any important information your target audience is interested in or needs. They are highly interactive, immersive and give your audience a different experience. As a result, they can increase your sales, website traffic, brand awareness, and trust as a business owner.


Here are the top five platforms to use for social media stories and some important information about each to find the one that is right for you: 




Facebook is still the worldwide leader in social media marketing as its users have a wide range of demographics. While their story feature was not as popular at first, that is certainly changing as they continue to tread behind Instagram slightly, and if these trends continue, they may surpass them. The main difference is the groups and pages you can create on Facebook — giving you even more tools to communicate and engage with your target audience.




This is the platform to be on if you have a product or highly visual brand. Over half of their monthly users utilize their stories feature – showing you just how important this tool can be if you want to advertise to more millennials and generation z.




Snapchat is the original creator of stories. Just about anything to do on this platform relies on creating or viewing stories. This is the platform to use if you need to advertise to a younger demographic. Nearly six out of every ten internet users between thirteen and twenty-four use Snapchat.




The least popular option as you need ten thousand subscribers to unlock this feature. However, creating a YouTube channel and taking advantage of this feature is highly beneficial to any brand on the internet. It is a free resource that can be used to market to anyone around the world. Adding the stories features keeps your audience further engaged and interested in the value you bring.

How do YouTubers Make Money?

Google Web Stories


There are two ways to view web stories that can be seen on a smartphone or personal computer. Stories are shared through the Google Discovery page or as a carousel after searching for Google’s search engine. These stories are useful as they can drive traffic to your blog or online store. If you have a blog or website, then Google web stories are a no-brainer.


Overall, there are many platforms to choose from to share your social media stories. The right one for you depends on your niche, goals, and what your target audience uses the most. Starting with one or two of these platforms will get you started in the right direction.




Why You Should Take Advantage of Social Media Stories

To Increase Brand Awareness and Exposure


Social media stories are highly shareable content, making it easy to increase your exposure and awareness on the internet. Bringing value to your audience ensures that they want to share it with their peers, increasing your views and exposure. A vital step to the success of any business on the web. It’s simple, the more people you can get to view your content, the more likely your viewership or audience will grow. Social media stories are another creative and interactive avenue to do this.

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To Humanize and Personalize Your Brand


Social media stories are powerful because they are viewed as a more personal and less informal way to communicate with your audience. Showing your human side effectively increases your reputation as a business, as many viewers see this as a more trustworthy trait. This inspires more trust and credibility required to transition your readers or viewers into loyal or paying customers. Being more personable and human also shows your relatability beyond your business responsibilities and goals. You can understand what your audience goes through daily.


To Increase Audience Engagement and Interaction


Audience engagement is how you keep them interested in your business. It also provides them value or solves a problem, further increasing your exposure and reputation as a brand or business. Again, the more value you bring, the more successful you will be. Engaging content keeps your viewers wanting more and provides you more resources to update and perfect your products or services.


Take advantage of these benefits by adding social media stories to your marketing plan today. The more tools you use within each platform, like stories, the easier it can be to build your awareness and exposure as a business while improving your audience engagement and participation. In other words, not taking advantage of social media stories is a poor decision and only shows your audience that you don’t care to adapt or provide them more value.




Four Ways to Reduce Your Email Unsubscribe Rate

Customer retention is a top priority if you are a business owner or email marketer. It is quite well known that it can cost five to twenty times more to find new customers than to please the ones you have. Therefore, if your unsubscribe rate is below two percent, you are currently on the right track and should strive to keep it there or even lower.


The following are four ways to reduce your email unsubscribers and build a more sustainable list: 


Audit Your Email Funnels Often

Better segment your readers, be sure they have a consistent schedule, not too long or too short, watch out for spammy looking content, segment by interest, and add them to multiple lists.


Plan and Map Your Content

Add in value and fun content, don’t just be a salesperson. Be cautious of your titles, as they are your first impression. Don’t use click-bait or sound obnoxious. Instead, speak to them naturally and let them know exactly what they will get out of the opening and reading your email.


Personalize and Incentivize

Be generous to get back what you are worth. If you only focus on what you get out of each email, then the content you are providing lacks quality. Instead, it would help if you concentrate on your audience and what they need the most for it to come back around to you. Then, keep the content personalized and find ways to incentivize them to continue engaging or reading your content. Giveaways, free downloads, or discounts are a few ideas.


Engage and Follow-up

Don’t ignore your audience once they become a subscriber or paying customer. The point of email marketing is to grow a sustainable and active audience that you can communicate with for the long-term. It is not a one-and-done strategy.

How To Improve Your Email Marketing ROI

Keep up with your audience by sending free educational material and asking for feedback or other questions that help you improve your content and overall value as a business. The more you engage and ask questions, the more you get to know your audience to become a better information source, improving your business’s growth and suitability.


A Harvard Business Review report states that simply increasing your retention efforts by as little as five percent can improve your profits by 25 to 95 percent. Showing you just how valuable keeping your unsubscribe rate low can be to your email marketing efforts. If you want to maximize your revenue and keep your subscribers interested, reviewing your goals, content, and getting to know your audience more is vital to your success.