What Is Business Resilience?

Being able to pull yourself up after a setback and move on from it – not just learning but thriving in the process – shows resilience. You can demonstrate resilience by your actions after disruption regardless of planning, but real business resilience is baked in from the day you start your business through planning, organization, and persistence.


If you have a resilient business, you have taken the time to plan every aspect of your business, from the workflows to the big hairy goals you’ve set, to determine precisely what is essential so that you can maintain even in difficult times.


A resilient business can:


  • Adapt to Disruptions – There are always going to be setbacks and things that disrupt your business. It might be something internal with yourself, or it might be something external that you have no control over at all. Regardless of the issue, you can put in place planning to accommodate most issues.


  • Maintain Continuity – If you take the time to put in place plans to keep going in hard times, your business may not be super-profitable during that time, but it can continue until the hard time is finished.


  • Safeguard People – If you do hire people, sometimes disruptions come from having to lay them off, or from having them make a mistake or don’t show up. If you plan in advance for these contingencies, you can avoid disaster.


  • Protect Assets – Good planning, saving for a rainy day, and using the right tools can protect your assets when something goes wrong. A business that has trouble should not mean that your entire life is put in jeopardy. With the right type of planning, you can protect your assets.


  • Build Brand Equity – If a national disaster happens, which is a set back for all, but you can maintain business continuity even if it’s difficult and things change slightly, your business will build brand equity even then. Some of the most well-known companies today have survived the great depression, many recessions, and other internal and external disruptions.


  • Recover Quickly – The future planning for disruptions will not be able to cover every single thing that might happen, but it can help you recover faster if you have at least given potentialities some thought and consideration.


  • Reduce Stress – Continuity planning in the face of disruptions inside and outside your business will also help you personally by reducing your stress. Anyone who has experienced setbacks knows that the wrong thing happening at the wrong time without any planning can make things worse due to the stress it brings.


To accomplish this, each business, even a small sole proprietor online business, or mom and pop store, needs to think about – possibilities in advance as part of the normal business planning process to develop disaster and disruption strategies that help avoid downtime and shore up vulnerabilities.



The Fundamental Parts of Your Small Business


The first thing to think about when you seek to make your days more manageable and more effective is the parts of your small business. What parts of your business are essential to your success? For each business, you’ll need to look at your own situation to determine it, but this can get you started.


  • Human Resources – If you hire or contract out to others, you’ll need to concern yourself with setting up, organizing, and managing all your HR. Having some knowledge of this even if you think you’re going to do everything yourself is essential because you should not do it all yourself, and there are laws to consider.


  • Accounting and Finance – Every business must figure out how they plan to keep track of income and expenses and set up benchmarks for planning purposes. There is a lot you can automate in this area too.


  • Marketing and Advertising – No business can exist if they don’t get the word out about their solutions.


  • Production – If you have a product, whether physical or digital, the product has to be produced somehow. Much of production can be automated depending on the type of products you have.


  • Information Technology – Most small businesses today do have to deal with technology in some way, which means you need to have a general understanding of the technology available in your industry to help you manage and do your business.


  • Operations – The inner workings of your business are ripe for automation. It doesn’t matter if you sell products, manufacture products, or perform services, someone has to be in control of this work, and that’s typically the small business owner because they don’t typically hire managers, but you can.


  • Customer Service – Even if you only serve five customers a year, you need to focus on customer care in order to keep your customers happy. A lot of this process can be automated too.


  • Purchasing – This is a department that will often fall to the owner of a small business but exists as a separate department in a large business. In this department, you’ll want to figure out what the business needs, how much, when, and negotiate better prices, and so forth.


  • Legal Department – This is one of the first areas to go for a small self-owned business, but it is still important to acknowledge this area. You always want to make sure what you do is legal and follows the laws.


  • Business Development and Growth – This includes sales, marketing, project management, product management, and more. If you focus on business development, you’ll focus on how you can use what you have to expand your audience and make more money.


While in general, all businesses share the same fundamental parts, some businesses, especially home solopreneurs, may place importance on different parts depending on their goals. But these potential fundamental parts of your small business bare considering so that you can create a solid automation plan.




Why You’re Not Alone Even When You’re a Sole Proprietor

While exciting, starting a business can be lonely. This is especially true for small business owners who traditionally start “home” businesses that they plan to run independently. But the exciting thing about this is that today you’re not alone even as a sole proprietor because today, there are many resources that you can tap into right from the comfort of your home via your computer.


Take a Class

online class

If you need to know something to help improve your business or life, taking a class is a great way to do it. Participating in the class with the other students and the instructor is also a great way to network with other like-minded people. Most of the time, the people taking the course and you will have something in common if only the reason for taking the class.


Join a Mastermind


If you need motivation, sometimes a mastermind group is the way to go. Not only will you be able to network with others, but you’ll learn something and potentially acquire a new resource to use to meet your goals.


Find Your Community


There is a community out there for you to join as a solopreneur that can help you learn, socialize, and grow your business. It may be local to you, or it might be online via a forum, message board, or private group on Facebook or another platform.


Build Your Team


Just because you are a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do everything. To acquire a skill (a resource) fast, pay for it. For example, if you don’t have financial knowledge, you may want to hire a CPA to guide you, or if you lack time to provide the proper customer care, you may want to employ a customer service expert or pay for a chatbot to help.


Find a Coworking Community

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

Locally to you, there are probably coworking communities already working together and helping each other grow. You can also find coworking communities online too through groups and forums. It can be very motivating working alongside other movers and shakers. Plus, once again, through networking, you may be able to fill your need for a particular resource based on your list.


Go to Live Events


An enjoyable and lucrative way to avoid being alone is to go to live events. Live events will stand out for you as a networking tool that will introduce you to new people to fulfill your resource list.


Connect with Your Customer


Also, don’t forget that you have customers, or you will once you start your business. You can connect with them on many levels. For example, use your hobbies and interests to build rapport when you can tie them to your business and work. Your customers are essential, and the more you can get to know them, the better.


As you can see, you’re never alone. As the owner of your business, it’s up to you to fill all your needs, but you don’t need to do it alone. You can network and build your team and remember to delegate and outsource so that you aren’t doing it all alone.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


18 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

As you get started building your email list, it’s imperative that you work to avoid the problems others have with email marketing. Email marketing is not dead. Email marketing is still “where the money is,” and there is no doubt about that. The stats are clear. Email marketing will, when done right, produce a high return on investment of 38 to 40 times what you spend.

  1. Not Spending Time Writing Better Subject Lines – Each time you create an email, make it a practice to write at least ten potential subject lines. The practice of doing that will help you create more effective subject lines improving opens and conversions.


  1. Avoiding Two-Way Communication from Subscribers – The days of anonymity online is over. If you’re not open about who you are and allow two-way communication in the email, your audience will not trust you.


  1. Focusing on Promotion Over Education – Email marketing doesn’t have to be the hard sell. Instead, it should be a gentle way of educating, informing, and engaging with your audience. When you do that, they trust you and will follow your lead.

Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

  1. Not Creating Lead Magnets for Each Stage of The Buyer’s Journey – A generic lead magnet or freebie is not going to cut it. You need to create lead magnets that speak to your ideal customer where they are on their personal journey.


  1. Not Sending Useful Emails Often – Once you get someone to sign up for your list, don’t ignore them. Welcome them, educate them, inform them, and pique their curiosity about your offers with the information you offer.


  1. Forgetting to Include a CTA That Makes Sense – Even emails that aren’t focused on making a sale should include a CTA such as “share,” “respond,” or go read that blog post or something to direct the reader what to do next.


  1. Not Understanding How All Your Content Marketing Works Together – Email marketing is part of your overall content marketing strategy. The content you create in email, your blog, and elsewhere can all be repurposed and used.


  1. Trying to Reinvent the Wheel – There are many experts out there who have already figured out the tricks to get the most out of email marketing. Don’t think you have to do it your own way. Instead, do it the professional way by studying what industry experts do.


  1. Avoiding the Numbers and What They Teach You – The data you collect with analytics is imperative to the success of your business. Use that data that you can collect to get things right.


  1. Not Building an Email List – Some people think you don’t need email today, but you do. Email marketing is an essential component of all businesses today.


  1. Not Setting Then Meeting Subscriber Expectations Early – From the day someone signs up for your list, you should welcome them and let them know what to expect. When you then follow up with what you said you’d do, they start to trust you more.


  1. Creating Unprofessional Sloppy Messages – While you don’t have to be an English professor to craft persuasive messages, do check your spelling and your grammar to ensure that your audience understands. Ensure it also looks appealing the way you have it laid out so that it’s easier to consume.


  1. Being Too Much Like a Stereotypical Used Car Salesperson – While there is a time and place for the hard sell in email marketing, most of the time, you want the messages to be a lot more subtle and not harp on selling but on information instead.


  1. Not Using All the Tools of The Trade – Don’t try to do email marketing with your personal email or your business email platforms. Instead, use a professional platform that is set up to automate that has a good reputation.


  1. Forgetting That Most People Use Mobile Devices Now – Most people check email now using their smartphone, not a PC. Your messages need to be readable on a small screen, and the CTAS needs to work that way too.


  1. Sending Too Many Images – Images are fine but make sure you use the alt text information so that if they have a slow connection, a description shows up around what the image is that encourages them to keep reading.


  1. Not Setting Clear and Realistic Goals – When you start building your list, you need to know why and what you expect the results to be. If you want to get, 1000 subscribers don’t just say 1000 subscribers without setting a time limit and a method for doing it.


  1. Not Monetizing Your Messages – If you don’t monetize your email list, you won’t earn money from it. At least every three or four emails, send something that can earn money from your subscribers that solves a problem for them.


Email marketing is the most effective form of marketing ever created. No matter how big or small your business, email marketing can make all the difference. Start building your email list now because, in the future, it will pay off exponentially.

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11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

When you think about search engine optimization (SEO), you probably think about what you do on a blog post with the help of plugins like Yoast! SEO, to help with keywords, tagging, and other on-page factors. But SEO includes off-page options too that also help improve your marketing efforts.

Search engine Optimization

  1. Drives Qualified Traffic to Your Website – You may not realize this, but once someone is on your list, you’re not done with them coming to your website. Invite them back to your site by sending new blog posts, new product information, and so forth to them via email directly, based on their interests.


  1. Improves Social Engagement – Sending email messages that bring your readers to your social media platforms will help improve engagement exponentially. For example, if you have a Facebook Group, you can send messages via email and ask them to come to discuss that message on the platform.


  1. Helps Clarify Your Content Strategy – Due to the information you can gather from your email subscribers, you’re going to be able to find out exactly what type of content they need based on their interests, problems, and other factors that you will find out about them within the analytics of your email autoresponder software.


  1. Ensures More Emails Get Opened – When you use acceptable SEO practices like keyword-rich subject lines and using the first paragraph of the email to deliver the message, you’re going to ensure more people open the email.


  1. Lowers Your Bounce Rate – Using search engine optimization techniques like subject lines and using the right terms inside the email to keep your emails from bouncing. If the information is useful and they open them, the next emails are less likely to bounce.


  1. Encourages More Social Sharing of Email Messages – Good SEO practices say that you should put most of the content you want your audience to consume on your website, not inside an email or on other platforms. Because of this, encouraging readers to share the email message with non-list members will help build your list more.


  1. Allows You to Deliver Highly Personalized Content – The way email technology is set up, you can gather a lot of demographic information that the email autoresponder company collects on your audience as they sign up. That means the content you create later can be that much more pointed and directed.


  1. Creates More Website Content – SEO encourages you to create more content for your website. When you create an email message, remember that it can also be republished on your website too.


  1. Allows for Simpler Cross Promotion – It’s a lot easier to cross-promote to a captive audience within your email marketing than to try to get people randomly to come to your social media platforms and follow you.


  1. Builds Product Awareness – The people who sign up for your email really want to know about you, or they would not sign up. Use email messages to help them get to know you and your offers even more.


  1. Keeps Your Brand Top of Mind – Sending emails every day to your audience based on their interest within email will also help keep your brand in their mind. When they need your solutions, they’re going to remember you.


SEO is not just for your website; it’s also for email marketing. It all works together. Your website is where your content should live, but you can then use other tools like email, social media, and so forth to deliver more information in a more personalized way that gets results.

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Create and Set Up Email Autoresponder Messages

Once you have created your freebie, you need to create and set up autoresponder messages based on that freebie and based on the goals you have for the people who downloaded that freebie. You can use these ideas to get started with ideas for your autoresponder series.


  • Thank You Email – Once your target fills out the form to get the freebie, they should receive an email right off that thanks them and gives them a link to the download page. If you have a good system that delivers the download right away, that is even better, but you still want to send the thank you page with another link to the download.


  • Get to Know Me Email – Once they’ve gotten on the list, it’s your chance to tell them more about you. Tell them about what you do, why you do it, who you do it for, and invite them to get to know you more by sharing your books, your blog, or other platforms where they can find you.


  • Get This Offer While It Lasts Email – Set up another message for the next day or in a day or two that gives them another offer based on what they downloaded. For example, if they’re trying your free trial, you may want to give them a chance to sign up now for a discount.


  • How’s It Going Email – You want to find out how they liked the freebie, so send an email asking them how it’s going and ask if they need any additional assistance. Invite them to a group of others who are using your advice to get more help. Ask your list member to reply to the email directly to get more help.


  • Here’s a New Blog Post Email – If you have blog posts relevant to the freebie, set up a message sending them to the relevant blog posts and information.


  • Do You Need Additional Help Email? – When they’ve had enough time to consume and use the freebie and form an opinion about it, send them an email offering additional help. Ask them for feedback. You can send an email or a survey for this one.


  • Cross Promotional Email – Let your subscribers know where you are on social media, what books you’ve written, or where you guest post, and so forth. The more information that you can provide about what you’re doing, the more they’re going to trust you.


  • The Next Offer Email – Don’t be afraid to make offers in email based on your list member’s behavior. The next offer in your product funnel is a good option, as are other affiliate products that relate or complement what you do.


  • A Great Product or Resource Email – Send your subscribers an email telling them about the products and services they need to be successful based on your niche. Use affiliate links to monetize this email and list. Hint: You can make this a stand-alone page on your site and just send them the link.


  • An I Want to Know More About You Email – Don’t forget to send an email asking them about themselves. You can ask one question, or you can send them a survey to get to know them more.


  • My Resource List Email – Send them an email telling them about your sources of products and services and so forth if it relates to them. For example, if you teach others to build an email list, send them a resource list of all the products you use with affiliate links to build your email list.


  • A Reminder Email – Send an email reminding them of why they downloaded the freebie, and where to get more information about their issues, and how they can solve their problems.


  • An Upsell Email – Make them an offer for the next level product or service you have in your funnel.


  • A Down Sell Email – If they don’t take you up on the bigger product or service, offer them something smaller.


The main thing is to send emails at least every day but make sure the emails are worthwhile and useful. If you send information to them that is not relevant, they are going to be trained not to open your emails. Make each email worthwhile to open, and soon they’ll be opening all your emails.

More info: What you need to make it all Work

Common Mistakes When Choosing Autoresponders

Your email autoresponder is one of the most critical technologies that you’ll ever invest in outside of your website for your business because of the high ROI you can earn via email marketing, and it would be shameful to underestimate the importance of this one system for your entire business. Avoiding these mistakes will ensure your success with email marketing so that you can earn that 38 to 42 dollars return on every dollar you invest.


  • Not Knowing Your Goals – Yes, you want to build a list, but why do you want to build a list? Why do you want to get these people on your list? More than likely, it’s so that you can build a relationship with them that helps them choose to buy your products and services.

If you know your Goal

  • Focusing Too Much on Price – If you focus only on the price, you will miss out on the right technology that you need. Surely some are above your ability to pay for right now, but there is going to be something you can afford that works excellent for you, so first focus on functionality. But after that, narrow it down based on what you can afford.


  • Not Caring About Reputation – The services you choose need to have a top-notch reputation because it doesn’t take much to ruin the trust you have worked so hard to gain. If you choose a company that has a bad reputation, it’s going to rub off on you someday.


  • Not Reading the TOS – Each service has its own terms of service and rules that you must pay close attention to. You don’t own this platform, and they can easily cut you off with barely an explanation. Therefore, pick the right choice that allows you to do what you need to do with the software. For example, if you want to do affiliate marketing, don’t pick one that makes it hard.


  • Not Being Concerned with Deliverability – Some services have better records of deliverability than others. Read the fine print to find out. Test them out when you use their free version to find out if they’re telling the truth. Ask others who use the software if they have issues. Find out if they have a relationship with the email service providers that your audience uses.


  • Forgetting to Focus on Credibility – Each niche and industry has its preferred autoresponder services, so its credibility depends on the people using it. If people you respect are using that service, it’s likely a good one.


  • Not Testing the Interface – No matter how fantastic the service is, if you can’t figure it out, it’s not awesome. Choose the service that is easy for you to understand and learn or easy for your virtual assistant or service provider to use.


  • Ignoring the Availability of Important Analytics – Inside your autoresponder platform is analytics. Some systems offer more than others. Ensure the choice you pick has the information available that you need or a way to integrate other software to get it.



  • Not Paying for Your Choice – Many new business owners are fearful of spending money. But this is one case when you should not cheap out and use the free version, not even until you make money. Instead, give up something else so you can have the best software you can afford to buy and then get busy using it so you can get that return on investment fast.


When you choose your autoresponder and system that you want to use to build your email list so that you can get your first 1000 subscribers, you’re ready to get started, so don’t delay getting it started and set up. Remember that you need to create a business email to use your autoresponder as well as an address that will be included automatically on each email. It’s the law. You can get a virtual business address and phone number via sites like Rovva.com or Regus.com, and others. If you use self-hosted WordPress, you can create as many unique email addresses as you need via your website host.

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LinkedIn Ecosystem

LinkedIn has a network of over 500 million members, of which, 46 million of those users are students that are looking to get a jumpstart on their career search or are recent graduates.

This is a huge audience for your business to market to. However, there are many features available to business marketers that narrow down the target audience, even as the network continues to grow.

With that many members, it’s hard to imagine not using LinkedIn in your business marketing strategy.

When Microsoft acquired the platform in 2016, it enabled the company to look further into what LinkedIn can do for all of its members.

In October of 2018, LinkedIn partnered with Oracle, a software company that specializes in databases, to announce that it has several new integrations working the two businesses together.

The most prominent of the integrations is the overhaul of the recruitment tools, which makes maneuvering back and forth between screens easier for recruiter and finding talent easier and more streamlined, among other things.

linkedin dashboard
The recruiter can now use the LinkedIn sourcing with Oracle Recruiting to find more candidates recommended by the “Recommended Matches,” who show candidates based on position fitness.

This has allowed Administrators and Recruiters the ability to see the skills of their current employees, any gaps that they might have, and it enables them to compare their workforce with their competitor’s workforce.

Oracle customers also gained access to the LinkedIn Learning feature, which means they can now use the learning catalog offered by LinkedIn, and a centralized location for administrators to view which of their employees have accessed and completed courses.

Administrators can also view reports on engagement with the course. Currently, there are 30 to 50 new courses offered every month, including courses on how to make work environments more inclusive. Some of the other new features on LinkedIn Learning include the following.

• Insights and recommendations for making the learning more relevant.
• Allowing administrators to add their own content, or use third-party created videos.
• Upload, manage, and track videos.
• Reports showing the progress of learners and the completion of videos.
• Tag videos to make searching videos for content based on purpose easier.

Microsoft products are also seeing updates. In Microsoft’s email software, users can now see the profile information on the people in their contacts and in 2019 added insights into the people you meet with to further personalize interactions. Collaborating with members on LinkedIn will be easier as well since you will now be able to create content in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint with your connections even if you don’t have their email address.

The “Groups” feature in LinkedIn has also undergone improvements. It is available now in the app, with the ability to manage, post, and edit content as well as accept join requires and all other moderator functions and receive notifications of activity.

Searching for jobs will also be easier. When searching for jobs and entering criteria, the option for “remote jobs” is in the “location” checkbox, and jobs offering telecommuting or working from home will be the posted results.

Company information on the right side of the screen now shows quick context for each posted job so users don’t have to leave the search results page. The option for notifications when certain companies and positions open up is also a newly available feature in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has many new integrations and feature updates planned for the future. It will be more dependent on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to get to know a member’s clients and make minor decisions, including scheduling, accepting or denying connection requests, and facilitating meeting mutually beneficial people.

Virtual meetings will allow face to face contact without having to leave the office. Video profiles will replace regular resumes and give opportunities to add personality to your self-promotion.

LinkedIn will start allowing Learning Lounges to be set up as virtual training centers, and will offer resources to current employees and potential candidates to help them improve their current skills or learn new ones.

This will be helpful for both recruiters and candidates because it will show a candidate’s willingness to learn new skills as well as their adaptability to changes that may be required in their position.

LinkedIn for Business

Another new feature that businesses should take advantage of is the Campaign Manager feature. This new feature will automatically adjust bids on sponsored content through the automated bidding feature so businesses can gain the optimal outcomes for their advertising budgets.

The Campaign Manager feature, allows marketers to put in an objective and the automatic bidding feature will find the best members to fulfill the objective.

Advertising will now be allowed on personal pages as well to support the branding of products for smaller businesses.

Customer-centric marketing will start to become more prominent when the AI elements begin to change how we use digital products and how we communicate online.

These days, the business to customer buying cycle is getting much shorter because of recommendations from artificial intelligence compiled data. Customers are starting to rely more on the data compiled by the artificial intelligence.

This allows them to make minor purchases on behalf of them, which becomes more passes in their buying cycle.

However, the opposite is true of business to business buying cycle. That cycle is getting longer due to more consideration of and deeper examination proffered of the proffered content.

Due to the growing popularity and increased practicality of AI, more business marketers are planning to invest in artificial intelligence in the coming years.

Artificial intelligence is being recognized as the next important thing in business. AI can significantly raise efficiency with communication and notifications of better marketing approaches.

LinkedIn is joining this train by adding the Lead Gen Forms to make generating leads easier by automatically populating a customer form using that member’s LinkedIn profile when they click on an ad.

Then Lead Gen From transmits that customer’s information, including their name and contact information. Once the potential customer clicks the submit button, they can be transported to the thank you page.
Then the business will be able to see the content that attracted the potential customer to the page to begin with.

On the marketer’s side of Lead Gen Form, once the prospect submits the data, it can be stored into the Campaign Manager for follow up, or download it into other marketing tracker software.

LinkedIn is providing business members more and more of these marketing tracking tools to better assist a company’s marketing campaigns. It is also offering ways to integrate sales and marketing teams to better streamline the buying process for business to business sales by creating an easier to navigate sales and marketing tab.

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Setting Boundaries Helps Avoid Burnout

Avoiding, preventing, and overcoming burnout requires that you learn how to set appropriate boundaries in all areas of your life, whether business, friends, or family. Once you learn how to set boundaries, your life will change, and you’ll actually end up even more productive, all without getting burned out.

Establish a cut off time

As you set your boundaries, remember the reason you’re doing it and the ways the limits you set on yourself and others regarding using your time and resources advance the goals you’ve set for yourself for the different areas of your life.


Be Kind


When you seek first to be kind to yourself and others, you will be able to set the right type of boundaries. You see, being kind is about doing the right thing, not the convenient or even fun thing.


For example, if your friends are pressuring you to go out to a party and you have to get up in the morning, you’ll easily say no. Saying no for something else due to it interfering with your overall life goals is exactly the same thing. It’s kind to say no because it’s the right thing for the future and doesn’t hurt anyone now.


Know Your Limits


You know the minute someone asks you to do something you really would rather not do, but you’re doing it to avoid a confrontation, to look lazy, or because you cannot think up an excuse to say no. The point is you don’t need a reason to say no. If the only reason you have is, you don’t want to do it, that’s good enough.


Accept Your Feelings


It’s okay to feel bad about saying no. If you are feeling bad because you just don’t want someone mad at you or you want everyone to always like you and be happy, this is something you have to learn to deal with. Likely, as you say no more often or stop doing things that cause resentment in you, you’ll have stronger relationships, and your fears will not be realized.


Take the Direct Route


The best way to set boundaries with anyone is to be as direct as possible. Don’t make excuses; don’t give extra information. Just state things the way you want them and let that be. It’s up to them how they respond, not you.


Release Guilt


There is no reason to feel bad when you say no or don’t act in a manner others are used to you behaving. If you’ve always done all the housework and you stop, people are going to get upset. Change is hard on people, but if you stick to your guns long term, it’ll pay off, and people will get over it because they know it’s unreasonable to expect everything of you. Unless someone confronts you, pretend you don’t notice.


Let Experience Guide You


When you need to decide about something, look back at how you felt in the past about it. Don’t underestimate your own experience in life. Your feelings, thoughts, and ideas matter and are important.


Get and Accept Support


You are likely surrounded by people who want to support you if you let them. Many people-pleasers who experience burnout tend to turn down offers of help. Don’t allow pride to get in your way. Get and accept support whenever it’s offered as needed.


One way to know if you’ve set appropriate boundaries is you notice you start to feel less stressed, less resentful, and more successful with getting the stuff done you need to get done. Remember, the boundaries you’ve set are not about anything but ensuring that you use your own time and resources as wisely as possible in a healthy and manageable way. It’s not about saying no or even saying yes, it’s about the practical use of your time and resources mentally, emotionally, and financially.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure..





Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Many people who experience burnout had one thing in common: poor time management. Everyone is given the same number of hours in the day, but some people tend to seem super productive, while others seem to run in circles being very busy but not accomplishing anything.


The thing to remember is that productivity is not about how busy you are but about how many things you accomplish.  Productivity is all about results. If you want to have more achievements and thus be more productive, you’ll need to learn how to schedule your life in a way that lends itself to your entire life, including downtime and breaks.


Understand Your Limitations


Feeling Overwhelm


It’s easy to compare yourself to others. If you use that other successful people are working 100 hours a week, it’s tempting to think you must. However, you really don’t need to do that, nor should you.


There are 24 hours in a day, and you need to sleep at least 7 of those hours, exercise about an hour, and eat for about three hours a day. Then you may want to spend time with your family, friends, and yourself learning and exploring.


If you really want to fit it all in, you’ll have to be realistic about time and your own limitations in terms of resources financially, mentally, and physically.


Know Your Priorities


When you look at your overall life plan and goals, what are your actual priorities? You have priorities for all the different areas of your life, including spiritually, personal development wise, health-wise, romantically, socially, family, business, career, and so forth.


Determine Your Daily Energy Levels


Everyone has their own daily rhythm to life that works best for them. Some of us are night owls, and some of us are more productive in the morning. Know where you fit in so that you can schedule the most physically or mentally taxing tasks to the right time frame.


Delegate and Automate When Possible


You shouldn’t do everything yourself in business or life. Instead, get help either by using automation technology or outsourcing or both. It costs a lot less than you think to hire someone to handle your customer service emails or to install automation that saves lots of time.


For automation and outsourcing ideas, look at your accounting, bookkeeping, administrative tasks, customer service, data entry, marketing, tech support, web design, web maintenance, content writing, and so forth. If the task does not need your personal touch or smiling face, let go of it.


Set Up and Organize Properly


It cannot be overstated how important using the right tools for the job can save you time and frustration. This is true whether you’re cooking a nice dinner or if you’re setting up customer service options with software. If you don’t invest in the right tools, you’re not going to get the best result.


Avoiding burnout requires that you be very honest with yourself and others about your capabilities. No one really needs to work 80 hours a week. The human body was not designed for that. Therefore, you will need to learn how to schedule yourself to accomplish your goals without overworking because you’re not here to simply work and make money. You’re also here to have a full and well-rounded life that includes downtime, vacations, family, friends, and joy.

Focus and Find a Good Mentor

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…
