Four Email Follow-Up Strategies to Implement

Did you know that, on average, only about two percent of sales are made on the first initial contact? This means those who use email marketing successfully see most of their profits through their follow-up strategies. If you don’t follow up with your subscribers after the initial contact, you are not using email marketing correctly or to its fullest potential.


Every great sales person knows that you have to reach out and communicate with the same lead more than once to grab their attention and hook their interest finally. In fact, research shows that nearly eighty percent of sales come from the fifth contact, which jumps significantly compared to the two to ten percent of sales you see from the first to the fourth follow-up.


Meaning you shouldn’t be the one to opt-out or give up; leave that up to the readers and implement these five follow-up strategies to improve your email marketing sales:


Say Thank You and Ask for Feedback

When an audience member signs up for your list or purchases a product, an automated email to thank them or ask for feedback should happen. The feedback you get allows you to make sure the process is easy to complete and that the products or services you promoted throughout your emails provide the value you promised.


Add Value and Personality

Show subscribers your brand’s personality, which is often your personality. Show them that you are there for more than just monetary gain. This means you should always find ways to add value and your character when sending an email. While many of these messages are automated, you should make it obvious or the same every single time.


Keep it Short, But Not Too Short

Emails between fifty and 125 words have often been the most successful, especially when increasing click-through rates. Too little information provides the incorrect amount of time to marketing to your readers, while too-long emails distract and overwhelms them. Thus, showing you just how crucial it is to make sure your emails are direct and to the point to make sure they follow your call-to-action.


Add Personalized Support

Send periodic emails to invite your readers’ personalized support through one-on-one calls or even creating support groups within your community. The point is the remind your readers that you are there for them and someone they can reach out to if they need it.


Don’t expect results right away from one email or opt-in sequence. The power of email marketing starts with continuously getting to follow-up with your interested readers more directly and personally. The more personalized and valuable the follow-ups, the more likely you are to see positive conversions. Give your readers the trust and credibility they need to transition into loyal and paying customers through proper follow-ups.

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Six Easy Ways to Improving Your Email Open-Rate

Email open rate determines how well your emails are getting in front of your subscribers and if your subject line or titles are doing their job to pursue them to read. Either your titles are boring and unattractive, or the timing of when the email was sent is off.


Whatever it may be, it is important to figure it out and improve it in order to see the return on investment you are hoping for. A low open rate means your audience is not reading or seeing your content. Meaning you won’t have the opportunity to convert them into paying customers or achieve other email marketing goals.


Here are six easy ways designed to help improve your email open-rate:


Ask A Question

Intrigue your audience with an interesting question. Spike the curiosity, but be sure it is relevant to your overall goal and message as a business.


Discover Optimum Delivery and Frequency Time

Sending poorly timed emails can easily destroy your open rates. In addition, email boxes can get crowded, and people are not always on them like they are on social media.


It’s not as likely for them to continue to scroll through for hours, especially if they just received hundreds of emails. Instead, find the time your audience is active by testing different times throughout the day for the email campaign you create. Be sure to set a short deadline to track your results to compare which time is best to get your emails synced to their schedule.


Be Conversational and Personable

Write all your content, including emails, as if you are talking to a friend, but use a branded tone and style that your audience understands and knows is you. A message that is coming from another human or friend is more likely to get attention and results.

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Provide Value Every time

Even if you are doing a sales pitch, always find an opportunity to provide value. Add a fact as well as a coupon. If you are the only one who gets any value from the email, you need to start over.


Review and Refresh Your List

Be sure the email lists you have are new and updated. Old email lists are likely to have poor open rates. Maybe people change email accounts or interests over time, meaning no matter how hard you try, some of your lists will go stale, and it will be up to you to get them off your list. List hygiene ensures that you get a better understanding of what your real open rate is.


Use Short but Detailed Subject Lines

Your subject lines, like titles, are the first thing your subscribers get to see. So, make it count. Spend time crafting one that makes them want to click on it and discover what is next.


If you have a low open rate, one of these six areas is likely to be blamed and improved. Be sure your lists are up-to-date, your titles are attractive, and that you always find ways to add more value for optimal open rates.


Important Email Marketing Key Performance Indicators to Track

When running an email marketing campaign, you must perform audits to ensure you get the most out of your time and effort. One of the key steps to running an email audit includes keeping track of vital key performance indicators or KIPs and metrics. These metrics allow you to pinpoint areas you need to improve on while also highlighting where you excel to improve your overall email marketing conversions and communication with your audience.

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Here are five important email marketing metrics you should be tracking:


Email Delivery or Bounce Rate

This is the rate at which your emails are delivered to your customers and make it to their email box. You want to keep track of this to ensure you have corrected and updated information on your leads and that your internet service provider is safe and secure to prevent rejection. This can be improved by using double-opt-in forms and authenticating your email address.


Open Rate

This number indicates how often your subscribers are opening your emails. An open rate of twenty percent or higher is a vital goal to maintain, as your email marketing goals can’t be achieved if your subscribers don’t open your emails. In addition, be sure your opt-ins are targeted to the right audience and that your titles are crafted to hook in and persuade your readers.


Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate or CTR indicates that your subscribers are clicking the links or call-to-actions within the email copy after opening it. It is recommended to keep your CTR at four percent or higher to see proper results. CTR can be improved by enhancing the copy and call-to-action.


Click-To-Open Rate

A highly undervalued metrics that gives you a clear indication of how well your content is performing. It measures the number of unique clicks by the number of unique opens to determine how unique or interesting your content is to your subscribers. This metric can vary and should be around twenty to thirty percent, if not higher, if you truly know your audience and develop amazing content. Getting to know your audience and keeping up with the latest industry trends work together to help you produce better email copy.


Unsubscribe Rate

This rate shows how many people have unsubscribed or removed themselves from your email campaign. If your unsubscribe rate is high, this can tell you a few things. Either you are sending too many emails, not enough emails, or the content is poor or not up to expectations for those who chose to follow from the opt-in form.


Don’t neglect or ignore your key performance indicators. As you can see, metrics provide a lot of information to help you make good choices. If you know what the numbers mean and how to read them correctly, the data will help you. For example, proper click-through rates, low bounce rates, and high conversions are essential to email marketing success.



Email Funnel Red Flags to Take Notice Of

To perfect your email marketing funnels, you need to be aware of certain factors that hinder your success. Many red flags are obvious if you just know where to look. Thankfully these red flags have plenty of solutions to them as well.


Here are five common email funnel red flags to take notice of in order to see proper conversions:


Low Open Rate

While this is not a metric you usually want to use on its own, a low open rate at least indicates that your subscribers are not reading the content. Meaning your deliverability could also be low, the titles don’t spike their interest, or you are simply sending them at the wrong time.


However, a high open-rate will not always translate to success, so you should always track other metrics to measure your results more accurately—for example, a high open-rate with a low click-through rate.


High Open Rate with Low Click-Through Rate

This means you are on the right track as your readers are interested, but something about the product you are advertising is off. Maybe the price is too high, or it doesn’t actually solve their problem.


High Click-Through Rate with Low Conversions

Again, this can be associated with the same problem presented above. The readers are clearly enjoying the content as they click through; however, you cannot make the final conversion. This could indicate a disconnect in your landing page from your email. Your email had enough detail to persuade them to click on the landing page; however, the expectations were not set. Be sure you don’t have any misleading discounts and that your email and landing pages have similar expectations.


High Unsubscribe Rate

This can happen for a couple of common reasons. First, you are either marketing your opt-in copy or forms to the wrong people, sending out too many emails, or are developing copy that is not compelling enough or too spam-like for your audience.


A great way to solve this is to keep your sequences and segmentations short and direct. Don’t send emails too often. If you know your target audience well, including how you can help them, you can develop the right content, products, and services to prevent a high unsubscribe rate. Usually, unsubscribe rate is not a problem if you start with your buyer personas in mind.


Varying Unsubscribe Rates Per Sequence

Some email sequences may be too long, short, or seen as spam. Some customers may end up in the wrong sequence, too, leading to them unsubscribe. Meaning you should be sure most of your readers are in more than one sequence.


Keep these red flags in mind to know where to improve your email marketing content when a problem arises. Successful email marketing will always require consistent reviewing and updating.