Four Tips to Optimizing your Google Web Stories

To increase your blog traffic or beat out your competition, you need to add Google web stories to your content marketing plan. These stories are the new way to attract mobile users on the Google Discovery page or utilize the Google search engine.


When you search a keyword through Google’s search engine, a carousel appears below the search with stories from different blogs or websites. To view, simply click and tap to view each page of the story. As you can clearly see, these stories give you another opportunity to make it to the top of the Google search results page.


4 tips to optimize your Google Web stories for max conversions:


Include High-Quality Videos and Images


Keep your video size under 4MB, no larger than 720 pixels, and ten seconds in length. Images used should be 900 pixels by 1200 pixels. Fill in the alt text of your images, and don’t use GIFs.


Create a Solid Narrative, Theme, and Fill in SEO


Never cut off the viewer or expect them to finish the content on another page. Create a full story that educates and inspires them to continue instead. Be sure to keep the length of each of your stories between five and thirty pages. Add a title to your story but limit the text to forty characters. Each page you make should have a max of two hundred characters or less but keep in mind that they only last fifteen seconds. The more text you have in one frame, the more distracting it can be.


Test Your Stories Using the Google Web Stories Test Tool


By adding your story’s link to this tool, you can be sure you filled in all the required information to create a valid web story. Missing information such as your cover image and publisher logo will prevent your story from being recommended or shared by Google. Using this quick and easy tool ensures the work you put into creating Web Stories is worth it.


Don’t Share Content That Isn’t Yours


A final tip to note is only to post content you created to your stories. Google will not share content that is not by the publisher; you, which means if you want to share other people’s content, use Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat instead or ask your audience to submit new content directly to you. This way, you can have full ownership of the content you share on your blog and with Google Web Stories.

Optimizing your Google web stories is vital if you want to get the most benefits out of this new feature. These stories provide a more attractive, creative, and immersive way to market and advertise your products, services, or content to your target audience while increasing your traffic and potential revenue.




Four Email Follow-Up Strategies to Implement

Did you know that, on average, only about two percent of sales are made on the first initial contact? This means those who use email marketing successfully see most of their profits through their follow-up strategies. If you don’t follow up with your subscribers after the initial contact, you are not using email marketing correctly or to its fullest potential.


Every great sales person knows that you have to reach out and communicate with the same lead more than once to grab their attention and hook their interest finally. In fact, research shows that nearly eighty percent of sales come from the fifth contact, which jumps significantly compared to the two to ten percent of sales you see from the first to the fourth follow-up.


Meaning you shouldn’t be the one to opt-out or give up; leave that up to the readers and implement these five follow-up strategies to improve your email marketing sales:


Say Thank You and Ask for Feedback

When an audience member signs up for your list or purchases a product, an automated email to thank them or ask for feedback should happen. The feedback you get allows you to make sure the process is easy to complete and that the products or services you promoted throughout your emails provide the value you promised.


Add Value and Personality

Show subscribers your brand’s personality, which is often your personality. Show them that you are there for more than just monetary gain. This means you should always find ways to add value and your character when sending an email. While many of these messages are automated, you should make it obvious or the same every single time.


Keep it Short, But Not Too Short

Emails between fifty and 125 words have often been the most successful, especially when increasing click-through rates. Too little information provides the incorrect amount of time to marketing to your readers, while too-long emails distract and overwhelms them. Thus, showing you just how crucial it is to make sure your emails are direct and to the point to make sure they follow your call-to-action.


Add Personalized Support

Send periodic emails to invite your readers’ personalized support through one-on-one calls or even creating support groups within your community. The point is the remind your readers that you are there for them and someone they can reach out to if they need it.


Don’t expect results right away from one email or opt-in sequence. The power of email marketing starts with continuously getting to follow-up with your interested readers more directly and personally. The more personalized and valuable the follow-ups, the more likely you are to see positive conversions. Give your readers the trust and credibility they need to transition into loyal and paying customers through proper follow-ups.

What is Email Deliverability and How to Improve It