Five Important Freelance Writing Business Tips to Know

Businesses needing quality content to market and teach their target audience how their company benefits them will never disappear. However, to reach their target audience, their content needs to have a certain style and know-how to communicate to them effectively. This can take time and skills that businesses cannot do themselves. If you have a knack for words and know how to persuade certain audiences, starting a freelance writing business may be a lucrative option for you to get away from that nine-to-five life.


These five important tips to follow to run a profitable freelance writing business will help.


Find a Niche

Finance, technology, diet, and exercise are just a few popular examples of writing niches to explore. Finding a niche is how you perfect your skills and better market your business. When you know exactly what type of services you provide, you can implement better strategies to find the right audience that needs these services.



Just because you are the face of the business doesn’t mean you need to do all the physical writing or other work yourself. Outsourcing the busy work allows you to take on more clients. The more clients you have, the more profitable your business will become. However, you only have so many hours in the day, and relying on yourself will not give you the time you need to turn high profits.


Sell Monthly Writing Packages

Instead of selling per hour or project, work your clients into monthly or yearly contracts. You can better predict your revenue and strategize your schedule to meet your clients’ needs with longer contracts.


Develop a Website and Portfolio

Show off your work with a beautiful and functional website. Your portfolio is how you advertise to your target audience that your work is high quality and can meet their standards. Don’t expect your future customers to trust you before seeing proof. This will make it harder to take on clients. Instead, highlight your best work with a website that also allows your audience to see a preview of your prices as well as schedule a meeting.


Take Advantage of Writing Tools

Resources like Grammarly are important to invest in as they can set you apart from your competition. One thing that prevents many people from working with content writing businesses is poor grammar and worse, plagiarism. However, using Grammarly allows you to fix each of these problems instantly, and advertising that you use this tool to your potential customers gains their trust.


These five tips are designed to grow a sustainable and highly profitable freelance writing business. Finding a niche, hiring a writing team, setting monthly package prices, and using appropriate marketing strategies are crucial to being profitable within this industry.




Don’t Forget That You Can Automate and Outsource Your Home Management Too

While we are so busy talking about business automation, remember that you can boost your efficiency by also automating and outsourcing your home management too. The time saved will allow you to get more done that you really want to do for yourself, your family, and your business.


  • Lights – With a smart house set up, you can fix your lighting so that it stays at a specific level of natural light. For example, if you close the shade and the light has reduced, the lighting in the room automatically compensates. You can also turn on lights via a motion sensor at night when people are using the toilet and so forth.


  • Door Locks –Using automated door locking is a great feature and helps you get in your home with packages. You can also lock your front and back doors or garage using your smartphone instead of checking physically.


  • Security Cameras – Setting up security in your home with cameras can also be automated once it’s set up. You can film the parts of the house you want based on motion, lighting, sound, and other criteria.


  • Blinds – Close your blinds based on how dark or light it is outside. Even if you’re not home, the blinds will close, which can make your home less likely to be broken into but also reduces the time you must take to raise and lower the blinds on your own.


  • Heating and Cooling –Setting up your heating and cooling to be based on the ideal temperature for you based on the room and time of year will not just save time but money too.


  • Filling Your Tub – Newer smart homes come featured with a smart bathtub that can be programmed to fill up at the right time without you ever going in there using your smartphone or the control dial. Set up a hot bath when you’re outside sledding with the kids to save time and get warm faster.


  • Starting Your Coffee – If you like to drink coffee in the morning or at any time, set up your coffee maker to automatically brew your coffee for you. When you get out of bed, you will eliminate a few steps from your day.


  • Paying Your Bills – Just like you can set up your business bills to be paid automatically, you can do the same with your household bills. Setting up automation for saving, bill paying, and so forth not only saves time but will help you stick to your budget better.


  • Sending Birthday or Holiday Cards – Do you like to send your friends, family, and perhaps business partners cards in the mail? You can use a service like Send Out Cards or to automate this process by setting up an account and the criteria.


  • Yard and Housekeeping – It’s not hard to hire people to help you keep your home clean and organized, from landscaping to basic lawn care to keeping your home clean and shiny without lifting a finger. You can find what you need through sites like and

yard and housekeeping

  • Childcare – Even a work at home mom needs time away from the kids. You can find a mommy’s helper, or you can hire a childcare worker or teenager to help you with your kids using or other online sites.


  • Grocery Shopping – Using a service like to get your groceries delivered can save hours of your time and help you avoid last-minute purchases, thus actually saving money over shopping yourself.


If you have a voice assistant like Google or Alexa, you may already have the ability to automate some of your home life. Take a look at what’s available with your particular assistant and the tools you have. When you eliminate personal steps in a process and turn it over to a bot, you save time and generate an opportunity to do more with that time.


3 Reasons to Automate and Outsource

As a business owner, it’s important to understand what your expertise is. If you’re spending time in areas that you lack skills or information, you may be making mistakes that you don’t even realize you’re making while sacrificing what you are good at doing.


When you understand the core business, you will know what you sell, who you’re selling it to, where your buyers are, and how to find them. You’ll also know how you’re going to distribute the product or serve the customer. Additionally, you know how you stand out from the competition, and you use that to your advantage by differentiating yourself in the marketplace.


Remove Bottlenecks


When you start to automate and outsource tasks in your business as you develop each process, you’ll start to notice that bottlenecks are a thing of the past. Because the truth is, in most small businesses, especially those run by people starting them from home with no business experience, the bottleneck is the business owner.


Sometimes lack of skill causes the roadblock. Sometimes they just lack desire or energy because everything becomes so overwhelming. But whatever the reason, if you are engaged in organizing and planning as business owners should do and focused on automating and outsourcing, ensuring that others are responsible for doing, you’re going to get more done.


Reduce Errors and Mistakes


When you work with software, fewer mistakes will happen once you set it up correctly. Even outsourcing to an expert will ensure that mistakes and errors are less likely to happen. The main reason is that you’re going to use software that is tried and tested, and you’re going to hire people who are experts.


The truth is, hiring experts or using automation software can reduce your errors and mistakes so much that the cost will produce an amazing return on investment. You’d probably spend a lot more time worrying over the issue than your customer service expert or the automation software will. But you’ll get superior results in the end.

Setting Boundaries: It’s Not Selfish to Go After What You Want

Spend Time on Higher Value Projects


This is the biggest reason of all to automate and outsource. Focus on your primary business, which is the core of your businesses’ existence. As a business owner, while you may need to do things in your business as a job, once you reach specific benchmarks, you should hand those tasks off to machines or to experts so that you can spend time on projects that produce a much higher value for yourself such as business planning and idea generation which is the key to business growth.

You live in an amazing time to be a business owner. You can find plenty of technology to implement in your automation plan and plenty of people to hire in your outsourcing plan. Figure out what you want to do, set your goals for doing it, and then follow through.


What Type of Business Do You Really Want?


As you work on your business plan, one of the things you’re going to have to figure out is what type of business you really want. The type of business you start will inform many of your choices due to legalities and simply traditional practice. Whether your business is part-time, full time, a sole proprietorship, or you decide to incorporate depends on the rest of your research and your goals.


Determine Your Business Entity Type


The simplest type of business to start is a sole proprietorship, and it is the main type most people start, especially if they start the business part-time as a side hustle or while they are still working at a full-time job.


Before choosing your business type or entity type, you need to know what type of business you’re starting. Then you’ll need to review the legal and financial requirements for your type of business. The entity will help you by informing operations and tax advantages and implications and other legal issues surrounding your business type.


There are many things to think about, such as whether you’ll keep inventory on hand or whether everything is digital or not. You’ll also need to educate yourself about income taxes and sales taxes, not to mention business licenses and so forth.


The best thing to do is to talk to a professional such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Enrolled Agent (EA), or another business professional that understands this topic and knows how to give you good advice. You can get free help from local SCORE.ORG offices and potentially via your local community college or University.


Determine How Many Hours You Can Put In


One of the other things you need to think about, mentioned above, is how much time you want to put into your business. If you want a business that allows you to have time freedom and a more balanced lifestyle, think about this before choosing your business entity or type.


You can still achieve your dreams even if you only have a couple of hours a day, but you have to make sure your dream is possible first. Also, this is an excellent time to discuss being realistic as you make your daily schedule. Think about how much time you have. Don’t overschedule, which can create roadblocks that don’t need to exist.


Know Whether You’ll Hire Employees or Use Contractors


The other important thing to know is whether you’ll do everything yourself or if you’re going to hire employees or contractors. One thing is clear: people who know how to delegate end up with a much better quality of life and a more successful business. The type of business you build will inform whether employees, contractors, or a combination is best. Even if you have to do it all yourself today due to lack of funding, set up your business to know when you reach a certain profit point that is when you’re going to find someone to delegate to. That way, you don’t become reliant on the income you’re producing yourself and trap yourself into a job instead of a life-affirming business.


There are no wrong answers when it comes to choosing the type of business you want to run. It can be part-time, full-time, more than full time – if that’s what you enjoy and what makes you happy – that’s all that counts. But don’t mistake being busy as being productive or happy.

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Develop a Realistic Business Plan

One reason for burnout is incongruency between the life you want and the life you’re living. Most of that problem is due to a lack of planning.

Entrepreneur Burnout

Many small business owners think that if their business is a home business or a small business that they don’t need a real business plan. After all, they think I am not going to get a business loan, so why do I need to do all that planning?


The truth is if you want to succeed, and you want it to be repeatable, and you want to avoid the potential for burnout, you must develop a business plan. A business plan will help you structure, run, and grow your business realistically and sustainably. Plus, creating a business plan isn’t even hard to do. Let’s learn how to make a one-page business plan for your home business right now.


Your one-page business plan should include the following. However, keep in mind it doesn’t literally have to live on only one page. You should include as much information as you need in your business plan to help you develop a guiding document for your business. If one page works for you, that’s fabulous!


Describe the Problem


You’ll want to write a well thought out description of the problem that your customers have that you can solve along with any relevant data that describes how you can do that to show proof.


Your Product or Service


This is the solution to the problem above, so you’ll want to go through each product or service you offer and describe the solution in terms of how it solves the problem that the customer has. If you have more than one solution, this is the area that might end up taking more than one page. However, going through this can help you with marketing later.


How You Make Money


This is considered your business model. How will you make the money, how much will it cost you to make the money, and what is the price the customer will pay for the solution and how will they pay it?


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Know your number

Describe Your Customer(s)


Understanding your target market is an essential component of your business plan and your business planning needs. Include a customer avatar through the buying journey. Talk about how many customers there are, and how much you can earn from each customer throughout their customer life cycle.


Describe How You’re Different


It can help to describe how you’re going to differentiate yourself from your competition. This is called your “competitive advantage” in business. It’s how you use your differences to stand out from the competition and create customer loyalty.


Describe Your Team


Even if it’s just you, it helps to write down all the tasks and roles that need to be accomplished to make this business work. However, even if it is just you, it’s not just you due to the technology you can use, such as email marketing software, funnel software, and other automation.


Also, if you plan to outsource anything, write that down too. Maybe the first year you’re doing it all yourself but include financial metrics that trigger outsourcing or major software purchases.


Include Key Financial Metrics

Do you Know your Numbers?

You need to know what your budget is for marketing, software, outsourcing, and so forth. This is often called a Financial Summary in a business plan. You’ll want to include figures for now, and your future as you forecast potential sales. Finally, you’ll want to add what funding you need right now to get started or to move forward with your business.


As you go through this, just focus right now on writing a summary of each section so that you see what needs to be done in one easy to read page. As you move forward, you can add more information to the plan, which may make it grow past the one page, but it will be a helpful exercise to help keep on moving toward your goals.


As you move toward your goals, you’ll be a lot less likely to experience burnout when you’ve set up your business realistically in balance with your entire life. Writing down the business plan helps you see it more clearly and plainly, thus allowing you to really accomplish what you set out to do rather than keeping it as a dream.