Many people claim that the reason they cannot walk more is their busy schedule. However, the truth is, the things you make time for are the things that get done. By planning for roadblocks and developing a plan to overcome them, you can fit walking into your daily schedule seamlessly without much trouble. Just follow these tips.


* Walk during Lunch – You shouldn’t miss your food break, but you can eat a sandwich or fruit and walk at the same time. If you have a flexible office, another alternative is to walk during lunch and eat at your desk while doing your work.


* Only Watch TV while Moving – If you like to watch TV, make a rule that you can only watch while moving. You can walk on a treadmill, or you can just march in place during the show. That is going to bring lots of extra walking into your life.


* Listen to Audio Books – If you like to read, instead of reading buy audiobooks, then make a rule for yourself (and even your kids) that you can only listen while walking and moving.

* Start Your Day Right – Get up 30 minutes early so that you can work in a 20-minute speed walking session before your shower, coffee, and breakfast. By starting your day right, you’ll be ahead of the game.


* Walk Instead of Email at the Office – If you work in an office building, you probably send a lot of emails back and forth. But if you know that the person you send the email to has to print the document, you can print it yourself and then walk it to them to get in those extra steps.


* Park Your Car Further from Your Destination – Always park as far from an entrance as you can and then walk to it. That is going to add a lot of steps, plus it’s going cut down on stress in parking lots. You’re less likely to be involved in an accident if you park far from the crowd.


* Get Off the Bus Early – If you take public transport, don’t get off at your stop but get off early in an area that is safe for you to grab 15 extra minutes of walking.


* Walk to the Store – Do you live near a minimarket or some sort of convenience store? Instead of grabbing the next carton of milk by driving to the store, just walk to your local store. Even though it cost more money there, the added benefit of walking and using less fuel makes up for it. Use a backpack to carry your groceries home safely.

* Keep Your Gear with You – Keep a set of walking gear in your vehicles such as shoes, socks, and clothing, so that you can dress for walking any time you want to.


* Add Walking to Your Daily Family Time – Walking for 20 to 30 minutes after dinner used to be a time-honored tradition for families who lived in the suburbs in the days of wrap-around porches and close community connections. You can still do that with your kids and partner to add walking into your day while also spending time with the people you care about.


* Avoid Sitting When Waiting – If you must wait on people for appointments, instead of sitting, take the time to pace and walk. Even if you just march in place, it will make a difference.


Any bit of movement you can squeeze out of your day is beneficial to your health mentally, physically, and spiritually. You’ll feel better about yourself the more you can walk, and it’s going to show to others in your appearance and your health.





Speed walking, power walking, race walking… These are terms that describe walking very fast without running or going into a jog. The main reason for speed walking over running and jogging is the damage that running can do to your body. Speed walking is a low-impact way of exercising that enables you to get more out of your walking workout.


Here are tips to follow if you are a beginner to make sure you get the most out of this type of walking.


* Stay Hydrated – Start your walk hydrated and then drink small amounts throughout your course. Don’t over hydrate yourself by drinking too much, but keep a keen eye on the amount of fluid you are ingesting to ensure your body stays optimally hydrated.


* Your Posture Is Everything – When you are speed walking, it’s imperative to keep your posture correct. If anything hurts, you may be doing it wrong. It can help to have someone checking in with you. Your spine should be straight, you should not be leaning forward or backward, and you should look straight ahead (not down). Keep your chin up so that you can reduce pain on your neck and back.

* Keep Your Form – The way to walk when you are speed walking is different from your standard walking form. You need to relax your shoulders, keep your spine neutral, and keep your core tight. Ensure that you take natural strides that cause you to roll from your heel to your toe, giving you lift from your toes. When you want to go faster, don’t make your strides longer – just quicker.


* Wear the Right Shoes – You still need walking shoes that fit you well. It can help to go to a real shoe place to get fitted correctly with the right type of walking shoe. You also need to replace them every 300 to 400 miles of walking to ensure proper protection.


* Start Small and Add Daily – Don’t try to start speed walking 10,000 steps in one day. Instead, work your way up to it. You can add some speed walking into your daily walk for a minute or two at a time, working your way up until you are doing the entire course speed walking.

* Find a Coach – You need to mind your form so much that you probably should at least find a coach or someone who is an experienced power walker to demonstrate and then check how you do it so that you don’t injure yourself. It is quite a challenge to learn the new form and way of walking.

Because running is so hard on the body, with runners causing an impact on their limbs many times over their own body weight, speed walking and power walking can give you the same health benefits without the wear and tear and problems that running can cause.

What You Really Want to Know to Get Started Fast

Once you learn about yourself, figure out what you really want from your life, choose the type of business you’re going to build, and decide how you’ll run the business, you’re going to want to get started fast. Get to know who you are so that you can start a business that thrives.


Realize Who You Are Really


While you may change as you learn more about the world, you’re mostly who you are. You like to get up early, or you like to sleep late, or you’re naturally organized, or you need to practice – it’s all fine as long as you are honest with yourself about it. Nothing you know about yourself is wrong. Knowing yourself will enable you to ensure that you set up your life for success.

Components of a Business Plan

If you know that you need an extra hour each morning to fully wake up and be ready for company, then you can make sure you do just that. If you know you get nervous speaking in public, you can work on it and practice.


Don’t deny who you are or think you’re wrong for being who you are. Instead, work around your challenges to reach the success you desire by knowing who you are and being honest with yourself about it.


Understand What You Really Ultimately Want and Need from Life to Be Happy


Part of knowing yourself is knowing what you want out of life, not what society or your folks told you that you wanted or even needed. As long as you’re a kind person who doesn’t use others or oppress others, there is nothing about you that is wrong or bad. If you want a traditional marriage and kids, that’s great. If you want a nontraditional life, that’s great too. It’s up to you.


Remember to focus on tangible things you want and need like healthy food, shelter, medical care, recreation, and so forth. Be very specific about what makes a good life for you so that you can ensure it happens.


Know the Fundamentals of Starting a Business


Don’t assume you understand the laws and rules about starting a business. Educate yourself about your particular industry and niche so that you understand the way things are done. There is no need to create a new way to do things for most businesses, as someone else has already designed the best way to succeed. All you need to do is figure out how to emulate them.


Know What Your Best Average Day Will Look Like


Take some time to imagine what a given day might look like if you lived the life you wanted to live. What does it look like? What time do you usually get up in the morning, and what do you do? What do you do for work? What are you doing when you’re done with work? Describe an average day, week, month, and year so that you can work toward that ideal realistically.


Know What Resources You Have and Need


As you design your life, make a list of the resources you have and how you’re going to use them, and the resources you need. Brainstorm ways to obtain the resources you need. You’re either going to have to pay for them, create them, or otherwise work around these needs you don’t have yet in order to succeed. If you know what you have and know how to use it and know what you need and how to find it, you’ll be prepared.


Your Business Plan

Keep learning

Don’t skip the process of writing a business plan. The business plan will help define your business as well as the day to day activities you do that make up your business. The business plan will also help organize all the marketing, advertising, and other information you need to attract your ideal customer to your offerings. It’s a necessity. Some studies indicate that creating a business plan increases the likelihood of business success.


The Legalities


One thing you’ll discover as you create your business plan is the legal parts of your business that you must get right before you get started. You may need a business license, or there may be other legal requirements that you must follow. You may need to set up sales tax payments and regular quarterly tax payments to keep your income tax up to date. You won’t know what you need until you go through the process. You need to go through that process. Don’t assume.


The Action


You need a fabulous and effective schedule of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks that you will implement to ensure that you reach each goal that you set. Without acting, nothing will happen. You can talk about having a business, and you can work on your business all you want, but until you make sales, you don’t have a business. You have an idea.


When you know what type of business you want to start and what type of life you want to live, it’s just a matter of doing it. Live your life and build your business joyfully, knowing that you are the one in control of your destiny.


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18 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

As you get started building your email list, it’s imperative that you work to avoid the problems others have with email marketing. Email marketing is not dead. Email marketing is still “where the money is,” and there is no doubt about that. The stats are clear. Email marketing will, when done right, produce a high return on investment of 38 to 40 times what you spend.

  1. Not Spending Time Writing Better Subject Lines – Each time you create an email, make it a practice to write at least ten potential subject lines. The practice of doing that will help you create more effective subject lines improving opens and conversions.


  1. Avoiding Two-Way Communication from Subscribers – The days of anonymity online is over. If you’re not open about who you are and allow two-way communication in the email, your audience will not trust you.


  1. Focusing on Promotion Over Education – Email marketing doesn’t have to be the hard sell. Instead, it should be a gentle way of educating, informing, and engaging with your audience. When you do that, they trust you and will follow your lead.

Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

  1. Not Creating Lead Magnets for Each Stage of The Buyer’s Journey – A generic lead magnet or freebie is not going to cut it. You need to create lead magnets that speak to your ideal customer where they are on their personal journey.


  1. Not Sending Useful Emails Often – Once you get someone to sign up for your list, don’t ignore them. Welcome them, educate them, inform them, and pique their curiosity about your offers with the information you offer.


  1. Forgetting to Include a CTA That Makes Sense – Even emails that aren’t focused on making a sale should include a CTA such as “share,” “respond,” or go read that blog post or something to direct the reader what to do next.


  1. Not Understanding How All Your Content Marketing Works Together – Email marketing is part of your overall content marketing strategy. The content you create in email, your blog, and elsewhere can all be repurposed and used.


  1. Trying to Reinvent the Wheel – There are many experts out there who have already figured out the tricks to get the most out of email marketing. Don’t think you have to do it your own way. Instead, do it the professional way by studying what industry experts do.


  1. Avoiding the Numbers and What They Teach You – The data you collect with analytics is imperative to the success of your business. Use that data that you can collect to get things right.


  1. Not Building an Email List – Some people think you don’t need email today, but you do. Email marketing is an essential component of all businesses today.


  1. Not Setting Then Meeting Subscriber Expectations Early – From the day someone signs up for your list, you should welcome them and let them know what to expect. When you then follow up with what you said you’d do, they start to trust you more.


  1. Creating Unprofessional Sloppy Messages – While you don’t have to be an English professor to craft persuasive messages, do check your spelling and your grammar to ensure that your audience understands. Ensure it also looks appealing the way you have it laid out so that it’s easier to consume.


  1. Being Too Much Like a Stereotypical Used Car Salesperson – While there is a time and place for the hard sell in email marketing, most of the time, you want the messages to be a lot more subtle and not harp on selling but on information instead.


  1. Not Using All the Tools of The Trade – Don’t try to do email marketing with your personal email or your business email platforms. Instead, use a professional platform that is set up to automate that has a good reputation.


  1. Forgetting That Most People Use Mobile Devices Now – Most people check email now using their smartphone, not a PC. Your messages need to be readable on a small screen, and the CTAS needs to work that way too.


  1. Sending Too Many Images – Images are fine but make sure you use the alt text information so that if they have a slow connection, a description shows up around what the image is that encourages them to keep reading.


  1. Not Setting Clear and Realistic Goals – When you start building your list, you need to know why and what you expect the results to be. If you want to get, 1000 subscribers don’t just say 1000 subscribers without setting a time limit and a method for doing it.


  1. Not Monetizing Your Messages – If you don’t monetize your email list, you won’t earn money from it. At least every three or four emails, send something that can earn money from your subscribers that solves a problem for them.


Email marketing is the most effective form of marketing ever created. No matter how big or small your business, email marketing can make all the difference. Start building your email list now because, in the future, it will pay off exponentially.

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How to Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Once you have a lead magnet, a landing page, and an opt-in form, you need to start building traffic to the freebie so that you can build your email list. Getting more traffic for a landing page is not really any different from how you get traffic for anything you do.

content creation


  • Create Offers Your Ideal Audience Wants – The only way to make offers that your audience wants and needs is to get to know them. Study them. Engage with them. Survey them. Then put what they want right in front of them where they are.


  • Tell Your Current Subscribers About Your New Offers – Anytime you create a new offer, whether free or not, tell your current subscribers about it. This might seem counter-productive since you want to build your list, but it will keep your list healthy, segmented, and engaged.


  • Get Affiliates Involved – Set up your funnels with freebies that your affiliates can promote too. Show them what’s in the funnel, so they know it’s worth their while to promote your freebies too.


  • Send Out a Press Release – Tell the world about every single offer you have, including your freebies. If it’s newsworthy, it deserves a press release, and letting your audience grab a free solution is something they want to know about.


  • Host a Live Event – When you make the freebie available to the public, have a live event on Facebook Live or a webinar via Zoom or another preferred platform to help get the word out about your offer.


  • Include Smart SEO – The landing page and opt-in form for the lead magnet allow you to use excellent search engine optimization techniques that help pull traffic to your site via your audience searches.


  • Blog About Your Offers – Once you’ve finished your landing page or opt-in form, always write a blog post announcing your freebie offer linking to the landing page and opt-in form. Then you can share that blog post freely multiple times as you spread the word.


  • Share on Social Media – Share multiple times across all your social media platforms about the freebie. Don’t just share once and call it done. Instead, share multiple times during any launch and then repeatedly over time as long as it’s still a good offer. Use Hootsuite.com or other software to help automate this process.


  • Reach Out to Social Influencers – A fun way to get noticed is to work with social media influencers. Whenever you have a freebie offer for your audience, let the influencers know about it so they can promote it too.


  • Run Ads Via Social Media and Google – Don’t forget that you can speed everything up with targeted paid ads. Before you do that, consider hiring someone to help you ensure your targeting is working, as well as your landing pages and freebie are optimized for your audience.


  • Ask People Who Are Downloading to Share – Set up your download page to make it easy for your audience who downloads the freebie to share the opportunity with their friends.


Driving traffic to your landing pages is an essential element in marketing online. You can use a variety of methods to get more eyes on each page you create but don’t ever waste money just sending people to your home page. Use the time and money you have budgeted for marketing to send your visitors to specialized pages because you’ll build your list faster.

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Common Mistakes When Choosing Autoresponders

Your email autoresponder is one of the most critical technologies that you’ll ever invest in outside of your website for your business because of the high ROI you can earn via email marketing, and it would be shameful to underestimate the importance of this one system for your entire business. Avoiding these mistakes will ensure your success with email marketing so that you can earn that 38 to 42 dollars return on every dollar you invest.


  • Not Knowing Your Goals – Yes, you want to build a list, but why do you want to build a list? Why do you want to get these people on your list? More than likely, it’s so that you can build a relationship with them that helps them choose to buy your products and services.

If you know your Goal

  • Focusing Too Much on Price – If you focus only on the price, you will miss out on the right technology that you need. Surely some are above your ability to pay for right now, but there is going to be something you can afford that works excellent for you, so first focus on functionality. But after that, narrow it down based on what you can afford.


  • Not Caring About Reputation – The services you choose need to have a top-notch reputation because it doesn’t take much to ruin the trust you have worked so hard to gain. If you choose a company that has a bad reputation, it’s going to rub off on you someday.


  • Not Reading the TOS – Each service has its own terms of service and rules that you must pay close attention to. You don’t own this platform, and they can easily cut you off with barely an explanation. Therefore, pick the right choice that allows you to do what you need to do with the software. For example, if you want to do affiliate marketing, don’t pick one that makes it hard.


  • Not Being Concerned with Deliverability – Some services have better records of deliverability than others. Read the fine print to find out. Test them out when you use their free version to find out if they’re telling the truth. Ask others who use the software if they have issues. Find out if they have a relationship with the email service providers that your audience uses.


  • Forgetting to Focus on Credibility – Each niche and industry has its preferred autoresponder services, so its credibility depends on the people using it. If people you respect are using that service, it’s likely a good one.


  • Not Testing the Interface – No matter how fantastic the service is, if you can’t figure it out, it’s not awesome. Choose the service that is easy for you to understand and learn or easy for your virtual assistant or service provider to use.


  • Ignoring the Availability of Important Analytics – Inside your autoresponder platform is analytics. Some systems offer more than others. Ensure the choice you pick has the information available that you need or a way to integrate other software to get it.



  • Not Paying for Your Choice – Many new business owners are fearful of spending money. But this is one case when you should not cheap out and use the free version, not even until you make money. Instead, give up something else so you can have the best software you can afford to buy and then get busy using it so you can get that return on investment fast.


When you choose your autoresponder and system that you want to use to build your email list so that you can get your first 1000 subscribers, you’re ready to get started, so don’t delay getting it started and set up. Remember that you need to create a business email to use your autoresponder as well as an address that will be included automatically on each email. It’s the law. You can get a virtual business address and phone number via sites like Rovva.com or Regus.com, and others. If you use self-hosted WordPress, you can create as many unique email addresses as you need via your website host.

You can Work Less and Live More.  And remember… you’re dream lifestyle is always just 3



Learn to Focus on The Benefits of Your Offers

As you work to create products and content and build your list with smart lead magnets, learning how to focus on the benefits of your offers will help you a lot. You’ve likely heard the phrase “benefits over features” during your business studies. This is exactly what we’re talking about here.

Features and benefits

The main reason you must focus on benefits over features when explaining your offers is that your audience doesn’t care about you or much about how. They only care about what you offer them and the results of those offers. “What’s in it for them?” is the central question you need to answer.


The first thing you’ll need to learn so that you can differentiate from features and benefits is how to identify a benefit. The best way to think about this is how the feature you’ve created impacts the user. The impact is the benefit. The impact is what you want to focus on when marketing to your audience because that’s what they care about the most.


You may be offering email customer service to your customers, but what impact does that offer have on your customers? Does it give them time freedom? Does your customer service give them peace of mind? What is the impact of your offer on them ultimately?


It might help you to do the following exercise. Ask yourself what the benefits are of various items you own, products you use, or services you buy? For example, what are the benefits of the deep side pockets on cargo pants? They let you put tons of stuff inside when you go on a hike without worrying about losing them. Choose some items you have around your home and list the benefits of them so you can practice getting this down.


To do better writing about benefits over features, you’ll want to think about what they do. What is the verb that the feature does? Start by listing out all the features of your product and then write down the benefits of that feature. Some features may have more than one benefit. For example, if you offer remote email customer care, a benefit of that is time savings, emotional protection, and the knowledge that your customers won’t wait for care.


When you’re writing about anything regarding your offers, don’t write like you’re in school. Forget the lessons your English teacher taught you about using the word “you.” In fact, you’ll want to use the word “you” and speak directly to your ideal customer and no one else as you write about the benefits of every offer that you put in front of them. Also, don’t be negligent about answering the questions they have about what’s in it for them.

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Reasons to Study Your Competition Carefully

It might seem strange if you’re new to the business to spend time studying your competitors. In fact, some small business owners get afraid that the competition’s existence makes it impossible for them to succeed.


Develop a Deeper Understanding Regarding What Your Customers Expect


When you study your competition and see how they interact with and serve your like audience, you’re going to learn more about what the customers expect. Remember that you want to observe the customer to find out how they feel about the competition based on the way the competitors do business.


Learn More About Your Business Shortcomings and Flaws


When you get a handle on what the competition is offering and how they are offering it, you’ll be able to figure out where you are falling short. These are all areas of improvement by bringing in the right resources, either human or technical, to help you become more proficient.


Note How Your Offers are Better for Your Customers


As you study the work that your competitors do and the offers that they make, buy them. This is going to help you learn what makes a fair offer and also ways you can make the offer even better. Note the points that your offers stand out in comparison so that you can capitalize on that difference.


Identify and Improve Your Unique Selling Proposition


Your USP is your “unique selling proposition” is what makes your offers stand out from the competition’s. It’s all about what’s unique about you, your products, and your services in the eyes of your audience. You may be the low-cost option, the high-quality option, or maybe you differentiate yourself by offering top-notch customer care that is different from any other offerings.


Identify the Gaps in Client Services


When you study the competition, you can get an idea about how they serve their customers, which can teach you what to do and what not to do. Join their lists and read the messages. Try their freebies, buy their products, and ask for customer service to find out how it works for them. You can identify the gaps they have, fill them for your business, and stand out in that way.


Capitalize on Your Competitor’s Mistakes


Everyone, including you, makes mistakes. When you’re studying the competition, learn from their mistakes, and you can even capitalize on them if you’re paying attention. For example, if you note that they send 30 emails a day that feel SPAMMY, you don’t want to do that too.


Learn from Your Competitors Success


Likewise, you can learn from what your competitors are doing right. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. Yes, you want to be unique, but the truth is every business needs to use all sorts of content marketing to get the word out, including email marketing and list building. There is no reason to try to run your business without doing this. It’s not out of style, and it still offers an astounding 38 to 1 return on investment.


Really Get to Know Your Audience Through Their Communities


An excellent use of your competition is to join their communities. By doing so, you can learn about your audience. Since they’re your competitors, that means their customers are in the same demographics as your customers. You can capitalize on that by participating in their communities so you can get to know what they want.


You can use a lot of methods to study your competition. You can do a simple Google search about the industry to find out who are the movers and shakers that you need to follow. Plus, once you identify the competition, you can spy on them using software like iSpionage.com, a TapClicks Company, by joining their lists and becoming part of their communities. Know who they are and find out how they please the audience so you can fill the gaps and succeed.

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Avoid these Mistakes on Linkedin

If you want to generate new leads and increase sales, you have to prepare, and the better prepared you are, the better your results will be. That preparation also extends to the things that you shouldn’t be doing. When you are setting up your LinkedIn account, there are several things that you need to avoid if you want to create a LinkedIn account that will achieve results.

Content Not to Post

LinkedIn is a professional network and needs to be treated as such. The connections you make on LinkedIn have no interest in your social life, your family, knowing what your kids are up to right now, or looking at the endless cat photos that are prevalent on other social networks. All of that content has its place on the other social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

increase income
Increase income value ladder

LinkedIn is the place where you share information that serves your connections and followers. Everything that you add to this platform should be things that will benefit your connections in some way.

Privacy Settings

One of the most significant mistakes that you can make is setting all or part of your profile to Private. When you have all or part of your profile set to Private you are limiting the information people can obtain on your company. This is not something that you want to do, especially if your goal is to generate more leads and increase sales.

Adding Your Connections to Your Email Database
Aside from being illegal, this is a really bad idea. Just because someone has requested to connect with you, or have accepted your connection request, does not give you permission to add these people to any form of database. What you can do is contact them directly through LinkedIn. More and more emails that are being sent outside the LinkedIn platform are being reported as spam.

Over-posting Updates and Publishing Too Many Articles

While you want to create content on LinkedIn and provide updates about your company, you want to do it sparingly. When you add to much content, either through posting links to content on your website or publishing directly to LinkedIn, you run the risk of being seen as unprofessional and worse a spammer.

Sharing a minimal volume of content means you can save your best stuff for LinkedIn. Think of it like inviting your best customers to a dinner party where you bring out the best cutlery and plates.

LinkedIn is your fine-dining experience, whereas Facebook and other social media platforms is for the block party.

Additional Information: Content is King even on LinkedIn

Spamming Your Groups

When you are a member of a LinkedIn group, you have the ability to message other members directly, however, this doesn’t mean you should message them all the time. Before you message anyone in your groups you have to consider whether what you are sharing serves them more than it serves you.

Sending Generic Messages

LinkedIn allows you and encourages you to send messages to your connections on their birthdays or work anniversaries. This is a lot like a post they share, a reply to an InMail message, or a recommendation you have requested. LinkedIn will also provide you with a default message for each instance.

Sending one of the generic messages LinkedIn suggests is about as engaging as handing someone a birthday card that simply reads Happy Birthday without any personal message from you.
The likelihood of the recipient feeling warm and thought of from these messages is highly unlikely.

Instead, you need to think of contacting your connections in a way that makes them feel appreciated. All you need is a few seconds to change the impersonal default message to something different that actually means something.


Again, LinkedIn is a professional network, and to get the most out of it and generate new leads you have to provide your connections with value-added content. This means that you shouldn’t only be posting self-promoting content or sending messages that don’t provide any value to your network. There is a big difference between social serving and self-promotion.

the journey

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Linkedin Conclusion

Using LinkedIn as a marketing tool is a great start for generating new leads and increasing sales. LinkedIn is used by over half a billion people, with 40 per cent of the members in positions of decision making.

Between the mergers with LinkedIn and other useful business ideas and the purchase of LinkedIn by Microsoft, LinkedIn is set to become even bigger and reach more people, providing you and your business the opportunity to dramatically increase the number of leads you receive.

laptop lifestyle
laptop lifestyle

Creating an engaging and informative profile is critical for turning a casual browser into a highly targeted and qualified lead.

Your profile photo, along with a complete and detailed profile section and published content can help you build your brand credibility and establish you as an industry leader and encourage more people to look to you and your business for the best, quality solutions to their needs.

The use of content marketing will not only help you to build leads and make sales, but it will also allow you to build stronger relationships and create loyal customers as well.

Click Here: For more information on Content Creation

Upgrading to a premium account will allow you to go farther in marketing your company. With the many tools and features included in premium accounts, like access to advanced searches and suggested profiles based on saved searches, you can create, target, distribute, and analyze your marketing materials and makes your audience more streamlined and easier to manage.
Using a premium account can also help to show stability in your company.

Now that you’ve gained more information about the many features and tools you can utilize to generate more leads on LinkedIn and increase sales, the next step is for you to take this information and apply it to your business. Get started on creating a killer profile and gather your marketing data so you can create a solid brand strategy that will help you generate even more leads and increase your company sales.

PS: Check out Income # 3 in the 30 Minute Work Day System: 

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…
