Avoiding Burnout by Doing What You Love

Maybe when you started your business, you thought you would love it, but you don’t love it, and that reality is causing you to become burned out. So how do you manage when what you thought was your passion turns into burnout?


Keep a Journal


The more you know yourself, the more you can figure out the things in life that make you feel satisfaction and joy instead of anxiety and burnout. Try different types of journals to determine the type that will work best for you.

Do what you love

You may prefer a bullet journal, or you may want to use an emotional journal to help you get to the bottom of your feelings. It’s up to you. You may find ways to use different types of journaling to help you resolve issues with or avoid burnout.


Take Time to Reflect


Every day as you are cleaning up your desk to end your workday, reflect on what you have accomplished as well as what you want to accomplish tomorrow based on your overall business and life plans. It can help to look at metrics that show progress so you can make better decisions every day.


Develop a More Realistic Routine


As you study your use of time, you may want to develop a more realistic routine that helps you achieve all your goals. For example, instead of working traditional hours, you note that you’re much more energetic after 10 am, so you stop working before 10 am. You can adjust your schedule accordingly to fit your energy levels.


Find Your Own Version of “Balance”


There is a lot of talk, especially with women, on finding “balance,” but maybe a balance in the way you think of it does not exist. Most people picture a scale that they try to make even. A little work here, a little fun here – but that doesn’t always work because sometimes work will need you more than home. Instead, try to create your own version of balance that feels harmonious to you.


Get Support from Others


Even as a business owner, and maybe especially as a business owner, you should not do everything yourself. Get support in life from others for business, for family, and friends. You need the comradery to help you cope with life’s ups and downs.


Find Ways to Do More with Less

Minimalism isn’t about doing without; it’s about doing more with less. For example, if you have set aside four hours a day to work on your business, you can get a lot more done in that four hours if you automate everything you can and outsource anything that doesn’t require your personal touch. Likewise, if you never use your dining room for dining, is it really a dining room?


Put Your Health First


Regardless of anything else you want to accomplish in life, whether business or personal, the truth is, without your health, you have nothing. It may seem trite to say it, but it’s very true. Put your body’s need for sleep, hydration, exercise, and nutrition before business.


The thing you have to accept is that you’re only human due to the fact human beings need certain things to be healthy. Learn about the areas of life that you need to focus on to live a full and well-rounded life full of joy and accomplishment in business and life. Body, mind, relationships, business, finance, and spirituality are a few of the most essential areas of life in which you need to find your own version of harmony and balance.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



Avoid Burnout: Building Motivation into Your Life

Even if you love what you do, burnout can still happen. Most of the time, burnout is related to a feeling of mental and physical exhaustion and being unable to do all that you need to do to get to a place of rest.


Burnout can happen for numerous reasons that are not necessarily controllable for workers, but the main reason it happens to entrepreneurs is a lack of planning and an unrealistic view of how much one can do in a day. If you have nothing of pleasure to look forward to, it’s hard to stay motivated.


You can fix this problem and avoid burnout by building motivation into your life by planning for it.

Feeling Extra negative

Take More Breaks During the Workday


The mind works at a high rate of efficiency for about 90-minute increments, according to science. Try implementing short ten to twenty-minute breaks between 90 minutes of hard work incrementally throughout the day.


Plan More Weekend Getaways


Don’t put off time away from work, especially on weekends. Alternatively, if you have a business where you’re needed more on weekends and less during the week, you can make your own weekend getaway midweek work. Try hard to take at least two days in a row off every week.


Plan for More Long-Term Vacations


Everyone deserves a vacation. Taking a vacation does not mean that you have a poor work ethic or that you’re lazy. In many wealthy industrialized countries around the world, 30 days a year vacation is not uncommon. Use that as your guide and plan at least one, two or more-week vacation per year to recharge and experience the fruits of your hard work.


Disconnect Digitally Every Day


You have to have an ending tie every day. Even as an entrepreneur, you need a time of the day that is just for your friends, family, and yourself and time that is just for work. You should be able to disconnect digitally at least two to three hours before bedtime every night. Science shows that eliminating this digital connection before sleeping will improve your rest.


Do Something That Interests You


Even on days that you are working, you should do something outside of work that is interesting a few times a week too. What is interesting to you that you want to learn, experience, or understand? Want to learn a new language, make it happen. Want to learn how to bake, make it happen.


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Get Bored Sometimes


Accepting that it’s okay to be bored or get bored is hard for some people to do. Most of us have been so brainwashed into constant and continual productivity that we never get bored. Due to that lack of boredom, we may start feeling less than creative. It’s okay to take some time each day to just do nothing and be bored so that you can explore other ideas.


Focus on Impact and Meaning


When you do things, it’s essential to focus on the impact and meaning of the actions you take. While the intent is also important, the true measure of effect is the impact you create.


All exhaustion and malaise are not necessarily caused by burnout, though. Make sure you double-check with your doctor if you implement burnout busting measures and still don’t feel differently. You may need a physical that includes blood tests to ensure that you are healthy since many diseases can also cause symptoms of burnout, such as low iron or vitamin B12 levels.

My Two Recommendations for building your Business.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


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Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Many people who experience burnout had one thing in common: poor time management. Everyone is given the same number of hours in the day, but some people tend to seem super productive, while others seem to run in circles being very busy but not accomplishing anything.


The thing to remember is that productivity is not about how busy you are but about how many things you accomplish.  Productivity is all about results. If you want to have more achievements and thus be more productive, you’ll need to learn how to schedule your life in a way that lends itself to your entire life, including downtime and breaks.


Understand Your Limitations


Feeling Overwhelm


It’s easy to compare yourself to others. If you use that other successful people are working 100 hours a week, it’s tempting to think you must. However, you really don’t need to do that, nor should you.


There are 24 hours in a day, and you need to sleep at least 7 of those hours, exercise about an hour, and eat for about three hours a day. Then you may want to spend time with your family, friends, and yourself learning and exploring.


If you really want to fit it all in, you’ll have to be realistic about time and your own limitations in terms of resources financially, mentally, and physically.


Know Your Priorities


When you look at your overall life plan and goals, what are your actual priorities? You have priorities for all the different areas of your life, including spiritually, personal development wise, health-wise, romantically, socially, family, business, career, and so forth.


Determine Your Daily Energy Levels


Everyone has their own daily rhythm to life that works best for them. Some of us are night owls, and some of us are more productive in the morning. Know where you fit in so that you can schedule the most physically or mentally taxing tasks to the right time frame.


Delegate and Automate When Possible


You shouldn’t do everything yourself in business or life. Instead, get help either by using automation technology or outsourcing or both. It costs a lot less than you think to hire someone to handle your customer service emails or to install automation that saves lots of time.


For automation and outsourcing ideas, look at your accounting, bookkeeping, administrative tasks, customer service, data entry, marketing, tech support, web design, web maintenance, content writing, and so forth. If the task does not need your personal touch or smiling face, let go of it.


Set Up and Organize Properly


It cannot be overstated how important using the right tools for the job can save you time and frustration. This is true whether you’re cooking a nice dinner or if you’re setting up customer service options with software. If you don’t invest in the right tools, you’re not going to get the best result.


Avoiding burnout requires that you be very honest with yourself and others about your capabilities. No one really needs to work 80 hours a week. The human body was not designed for that. Therefore, you will need to learn how to schedule yourself to accomplish your goals without overworking because you’re not here to simply work and make money. You’re also here to have a full and well-rounded life that includes downtime, vacations, family, friends, and joy.

Focus and Find a Good Mentor

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…





Journaling Tips for Burnout Prevention

Numerous studies tout the benefits of journaling for all sorts of issues from helping you lose weight, to helping you build better relationships, and yes, to help you avoid experiencing burnout. Keeping a journal is a great way to get organized as well as dump your thoughts and feelings out to analyze.

Studies are showing that journaling:


  • Reduces symptoms of illness
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Offsets adverse effects of stress


While there are some drawbacks such as tired hands, if you’re handwriting your journal, the disadvantages are easy to overcome now that you can use electronic journals. In fact, journaling is a great way to prevent burnout or reduce the effects from and overcome burnout that pretty much anyone can do even if you have a physical or mental disability.


There are different types of journals you can use depending on the problem you’re trying to solve. Let’s look at a few options.


  • Gratitude Journal – This type of journal is simply for writing in it once or twice a day, one to three things you’re grateful for that has happened or that you experienced. It’s useful to read back when you’re struggling as well as beneficial to bring thoughts and feelings of gratitude to your heart and mind daily.


  • Emotional Release Journal – With this journal, you’re going to write in it when you feel overwhelmed emotionally. It’s a good idea to use this type of journal in private so that you can experience your emotions. You can write or speak your feelings, without judgment, to get them out.


  • Bullet Journal Method – This type of journal is a way to keep a journal without having to write complete sentences. You’ll want to have tabs for each part of your life, business, and work. Then you’ll simply use phrases and words in bullet form to remember the task or information.


  • Personal Planning Journal – This type of journal is great for planning your life and your business. It can help you identify places for improvement in your business and your life. It enables you to gain accountability in all areas of your life.


Depending on the type of journal you want to use, the main point is that you should work on being honest with every entry, and also commit to using the diary for at least thirty days before you even start. The only way a journal works is to use it regularly and continually until it’s as second nature as walking and talking. Choose your type of journal, and your method of entry, then just keep doing it every day for a month. After the month is over, you can evaluate whether it helped you or not.


How to Have A Highly Profitable Online Business in The Next 30 Minutes Without a Website, Without Creating Products, and Even if You Don’t Have a List Yet!







Advice for life from a Navy Seal! One of the Best Motivational Speeches

I recently watched a video of a commencement address by Admiral McRaven, who has been a Navy Seal for over 30 years.

In his talk to the graduates, he outlined how they can be instruments in changing the world.

Click Below to view the Speech.

I wanted to include the link so that you could watch the talk as Admiral McRaven can say it much better than I.

Here are his 10 suggestions that can help us on our way to a better world.


Be The Change



10 suggestions to help us overcome our struggles and help others in this world.

  1. Start the day with a task completed.

  2. Find someone to help you through life.

  3. Respect everyone.

  4. Life is not always fair, move forward.

  5. Don’t be afraid to fail often.

  6. Take risks.

  7. Facedown the blues.

  8. Step up when times are toughest.

  9. Lift up the downtrodden.

  10. Never Give up


Number 10 Is one of the most important and that is


I hope you take the time to watch this short 16-minute video.

It is extremely motivating and inspiring and will give you a good feeling about the future of our world.


Here is my FREE Resource you might find helpful on your home business journey.  

The 30 Minute Workday System– Super awesome and high converting and duplicating system for internet marketing money making madness.  🙂 Put together by my friend Nick.  *Great info *Done for you *Simple and fast lead source included inside. I have used this with success.

Stop Burnout Now: Overview of the 30 Day Avoiding and Overcoming Burnout Challenge

During this Series, some of the ideas you have about business, life, and productivity will be seriously challenged. However, what you’re going to get out of this series is how to recognize the signs of burnout, know how to avoid burnout, and if you’ve let it go too far, how to overcome burnout.

Two Thirds experience

Burnout is a problem that entrepreneurs sometimes develop. The following symptoms characterize that problem:


  • Exhaustion – Do you feel tired no matter how much you sleep? It’s not just tiredness; it’s not able to get up at all.
  • Fatigue – Are you tired whenever you get stressed out about something?
  • Lack of Energy – Do you notice that you lack the energy you had previously when completing specific tasks?
  • Sleep Issues – Do you have trouble falling asleep, or are you sleeping more or less than usual. Adult humans need from 7 to 9 hours of sleep each evening for optimum performance.
  • Poor Performance – When you are doing your work or doing tasks for your family, you aren’t doing them correctly and are making more mistakes than usual.
  • Memory Issues – You’re late for appointments or miss meetings or just cannot remember your thoughts as you speak.
  • Problems Focusing and Concentrating – If you have circular thoughts in your head, it can affect sleep but also affect your daily life keeping you from focusing on one thing at a time.
  • Indifference – You’re starting to feel as if you really don’t care about anything, whether business, family, friends, or fun. You don’t really get anything out of anything now.
  • Disillusionment – You don’t think anything you thought was true is true now, and it’s causing you problems with getting joy out of your chosen business.
  • Restlessness – You keep looking up something new instead of focusing on your business choice.
  • Loss of Empathy – You notice that you aren’t able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes right now due to your own issues overshadowing everyone else.
  • Cynicism and Bitterness – You feel downright bitter about the situation, and you can’t overcome it because you think nothing can change, including you.
  • Relationship Issues – What is happening in your business can also affect your home life and vice versa. If your friendships and family relationships are being affected, it’s time to get some control over it.
  • Less Initiative – You just can’t be bothered to do anything because it’s just too hard, and you don’t come up with any new ideas.
  • Lower Imagination – It’s hard to imagine anything because you can’t focus, you’re tired, and your mind won’t relax enough.
  • Poor Health – Burnout can affect your physical health as well as your mental health and sometimes even be due to your physical health and poor nutrition.
  • Heightened Anxiety – When you are experiencing burnout, sometimes you’ll also feel very anxious whenever the subject of work or the thing causing the issues comes up.
  • Depression – Burnout can be either caused by a severe major depressive episode or produce one. If you feel depressed or find yourself idealizing death, please seek professional medical care.


You may also feel as if you are the only person who can do anything to solve the problems that have developed. You tend to make it your job to do everything as if you’re indispensable, and due to that feeling, you never have enough time, resources, or ability to do everything needed.


You may feel like you cannot say no, and due to that work for free, or feel resentment about the work you are doing due to the lack of recognition you’re getting. These are all actually normal feelings if you don’t set up your life to recognize and avoid burnout and treat it if you should experience it.


While true burnout may need professional treatment, you can do a lot to help yourself, including seeking professional intervention if everything else you’re trying is not working for you.


During this series you will get 30 Blog post focusing on how to keep your mind healthy and able to better focus in life and in your Business.



Five Steps to Reviving A Fading Dream

Do you remember what you wanted to be growing up?

Many people forget their once cherished dreams because of bad things that have happened from the time they realized their dream of becoming such and such to where they currently are.

Growing up, you may have wanted to be an Astronaut only to end up with a completely different profession due to unfavorable conditions or a series of misfortunes along the way.

the journey

If you are wondering whether reviving a fading dream is possible, I need you to know that it is.

You can begin chasing your long-lost dream, bring it to life, and start living the life you have always wanted no matter where you are, what you have accomplished, how many times you have failed, or how old you are.

You just have to believe you can do it and begin taking the necessary steps that will get you a step closer to your dream every single day.

Top 5 Ways Of Reviving Your Fading Dream And Making It Work.

  1. Write down your vision.

Every professional worth her salt knows that keeping a journal of the most important things you intend to achieve is a smart way of moving forward.

Writing down your fading dream is going to give you a clearer image of where you desire to be and it will make you realize that fulfilling your dream is still possible.

Writing things down is a smart way of reducing a seemingly huge and impossible task into a much more sizable and doable undertaking. It is a brilliant way of reviving a dying dream.


  1. Find out what needs to be done to bring it to life.

After writing down your dream as a way of reminding yourself of what you once desired, start finding out what you need to do to bring it to life. Identify the main things that you need to begin paying more attention to.

For example, “Do you have to change your schedule?” “Do you need to take a short course?” etc. Once you realize what needs to get done or changed, go ahead and implement the change.


  1. Take small essential steps.

A lot of people haven’t gathered enough courage to renew their vanishing dreams because they fear things may not turn out the way they are expecting.

You may be thinking of changing careers but you are afraid that resigning from your job may not be the smart move at the moment.

The good thing about revisiting your vision is that you don’t have to quit your job. You can begin working on your dream while continuing with your occupation.

The only thing that matters is that you allocate at least an hour a day to reviving your dream and always take small but significant steps.

Let that sink in for a minute. Even small steps can move you closer to your Goal. Keep Moving Forward.


  1. Take calculated risks.

Taking risks isn’t something that many people are comfortable with mostly because not all risks turn out the way they are expected.

However, the most noteworthy academics and business magnets had to take risks at some point in their lives and some of the risks they took turned them into the experts they are today.

Know that there is nothing wrong with taking risks.

You just have to make sure you make a careful estimation of the outcome that is most likely to occur.

Once you have concluded that you have more to gain from making that choice, go ahead and take the risk. It may turn out to be just what you need to begin living your dream life.


A perfect example of someone who took an unusual risk is Steve Jobs who sold his Volkswagen bus to raise $1, 500 in capital to start his tech company Apple Inc. Steeve Job’s shares had a net worth of over $10 billion at the time of his death!


  1. Be persistent.

The most effective way of renewing your fading dream and making it work is by being persistent.

As you continue to bring your vision to life, you will experience feelings of insufficiency and doubt but don’t give up.

Keep moving and stick it out until your long-cherished dream becomes a reality.