Common Mistakes Every New Entrepreneur Should Be Aware Of

Making mistakes is a common part of the business. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the time to avoid it if possible. Especially the mistakes that are easily avoidable and can destroy your success.

The following are six common mistakes every new entrepreneur should be aware of and avoid:


Letting Fear and Lack of Information Prevent You from Taking Action

Fear is only natural as a new entrepreneur. In fact, it is likely something you won’t ever be able to shake as a business will always be inconsistent. Waiting to take action until you believe you have all the information will keep you behind your competition. You can’t possibly expect yourself to know all the answers or be perfect. But, the more you take action, the more you will learn and perfect your skills.


Over Planning or Suffering from Analysis Paralysis

Too much information or over-planning can also prevent you from seeing the results you need to be a successful entrepreneur. Again, you can’t expect yourself to know everything. Which means you will never have the perfect plan. Most plans are adjusted as things change. If you are constantly replanning your business ideas, you are only preventing yourself from taking action.


Have a Poor Understanding of Your Target Audience

If you don’t understand your target audience, you won’t create value. Value is essential to building a successful business. It’s simple, without some kind of value, you won’t acquire revenue. Do not skip doing the research. Makes sure you research your audience and understand them. This includes asking for direct feedback any time you can.


A Lack of Focus, Business Goals, and Objectives

If you skip a business plan, you might skip your goal of being an entrepreneur. Business plans are designed to help you come up with a viable business. Each section of a business plan helps ensure you know what it takes to make your business profitable.


Ignoring Finances and Proper Marketing

A big reason businesses fail is due to poor finances and cash flow. This can easily be solved through proper research and creating a realistic business plan. A business plan should be financial projections and the start-up costs or fees required to get it going.


Having a clear understanding of this helps ensure you know what it takes to be successful and what kind of marketing plan you need to reach your goals. Without marketing, you can’t expect your target audience to find you or know your business exists.


Taking On All the Work Yourself

Finally, but certainly not least, doing all the work yourself. This is an easy mistake as many new entrepreneurs try to save funds. However, realism is how much work you can do in the long run.


Without reaching burnout, you cannot expect yourself to be a business owner, accountant, marketing consultant, content creator, and virtual assistant for years. Often hiring just one person to help you get started or do the tedious work can save you more time and add more money to your pocket.


Be sure to avoid these common mistakes if you want to be more successful in the entrepreneurial world. Avoiding these mistakes can save you time, important resources, and overall success.

The Ultimate Boost in Productivity: Automation and Outsourcing

How Does Consistency Affect Your Bottom Line

You want to be more productive, right? Get more stuff done. Make a lot of progress.

Start to move the bottom line to make your business more profitable. It’s the goal in some way, shape, or form for all of us. And most of us think we have to make some big leaps to get there.

But here’s the big secret. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you focus on consistency and do something to make progress every single day, you’ll greatly increase your chances of success.

Think back on the parable of the turtle and the hare. There’s a lot of truth in that old story and it applies to all areas of your life, including your business.

Yes, you can go all out and get a lot of work done all at once. There’s a time and place for that. For example, you may put long and hard hours in for a week or two to prepare for a new product launch, or when you’re first setting up your website. It shouldn’t be your default strategy. Why? Because you’ll burn out.

Burnout is a serious problem. Most entrepreneurs and small business owners have experienced it and it can take a long time to get over it.

A much better strategy – aside from those brief periods of hustle – is consistency. If you make an effort to get something done every single day, you’ll make a lot of progress in the long run.

Over the course of a year, you will go further and your business will grow more than if you overdo it and then go into a slump because you have no energy for anything else.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. It’s much easier to motivate yourself to get something done that takes fifteen minutes and to do it every day, than something that takes you hours. It’s much easier to justify not doing something that’s hard or takes a long time.

Instead, keep it easy, make it fun, and get into the habit of doing it each and every day. In the long run, you’ll get a lot more done if you put in half an hour per day, six days a week, than working for two hours once or twice a week.

Habit is one way how consistency can help you grow your business.

But there’s something else that will work in your favor when you start to put in a small bit of effort every day.

You will start to build momentum that will carry you much further than you would have gotten otherwise. More on that in a future blog post.

I encourage you to shift your mindset towards a focus on consistency that will allow you to continue growing, expanding, and most importantly moving the needle in the right direction when it comes to your bottom line.

Do This to Be More Consistent in Life and Business



Stay More Focused with These Five Simple Steps

Focus shows you have the drive and desire to want to achieve something. It’s about putting all your energy into one thing and getting it down with grit and determination. It ingrains your goals and keeps you on the path of success. However, it’s hard to maintain and easily affects your business if you don’t.


Here are five steps to improve your focus and prevent self-sabotage from destroying your success:


Step 1: Find Your Mantra

Everyone has something unique to them that drives them to keep going—for example, putting on music while you work or giving yourself words of encouragement. Whatever it may be, find what resonates with you and repeat it every day before you get to work. If you are not sure, try giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror first thing in the morning and see just how much more productive and positive your day becomes.


Step 2: Commit to Healthy Routines

Adopting a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine is one of the best ways to ensure you get the right nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Poor concentration and memory problems are direct messages from your body that it is missing essential nutrients to work correctly. Learn to listen to it and always strive to provide it what it needs.

 Avoid Burnout: How to Exercise and Sleep More

Step 3: Eliminate Distractions

Put your distractions like cell phones in a different room or turn on your StayFocused chrome browser extension to block YouTube or other sites you always lose track of time on. Create the right working environment that inspires you to work at your best and quickly. Throw out clutter and things that don’t provide value to your work.


Step 4: Commit to Mindfulness

To be more focused, you have to commit to do so and be mindful of your actions and surroundings. You can’t expect others to provide that information for you, nor will their perspective be automatically valuable. As only you know what you need and want from life, no one else. Only you know if music distracts you or if your set goals don’t actually align, for example.


Step 5: Plan More Effectively

Find the right time of day to do your work. All humans have a set number of productive hours and times of day that work best for them. Test and experiment with various schedules to see what works best for you. Just because everyone else works a 9 to 5 schedule doesn’t mean you have to, too.


Don’t let your lack of focus get in your way any longer. Determine what you really want in life, create an action plan, take responsibility, and control your own life.

Stay More Focused with These Five Simple Steps

Always Plan First and Last

The thing that marks a good business is planning. A business plan for where they hope to bring their business and daily plans to guide their actions to achieve it.


You’ve likely heard the famous quote “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” many times before, and that is because it is so powerful and accurate. There is no other way to put it. Just because you don’t plan doesn’t mean you don’t know the direction it will go. As statistics prove over again, you are more likely to go down than up.

Business Plan Resources You Can Use

Here are a few tips and tricks to apply for better planning your day and business:


Plan First and Last

An often-used productivity hack by many businesses and entrepreneurs includes creating a to-do list at the beginning and end of their workday. This strategy improves your business overall by increasing your time management skills, consistency, and accountability.


When you start and end with a to-do list, you allow flexibility and ensure you are always working on your top priorities and staying on topic—enabling you to cut out unnecessary or mundane tasks that only keep you away from your main objective.


Not only that, but it can also be a great reminder and motivational factor. Lists enable you to be ready to go and can give you the push to get started sooner.


Make It Simple and Fun

Planning doesn’t have to be complicated, and business isn’t always dull. Use colorful pens or fun phone applications to write down your goals. Add fun and small rewards when you accomplish each step. Remember to keep it simple, and to the point, so it doesn’t overwhelm you.


Think Small, Medium, and Large

Think about three objectives you want to accomplish for that day but organize them into three separate categories:


  • One Large – The task you want to do right away as it’s the hardest to do and makes the most significant impact on your main objective for that month.
  • One Medium – This is the bulk of your day that isn’t too hard to do but likely to use more of your time—for example, a group meeting or coffee with a client.
  • One Small – This is the task you can focus on at the end of your day and relax. Ideally, you want this task to be easy and pretty mindless.


This method aims to give you a starting point and organize your day where you are not running out of energy and momentum.


Don’t let your days get away from you anymore with these planning tips. Remember, a business without a plan is one that will likely fail. Don’t let that be you when you have the power and control to make it happen with the right strategy and commitment to daily action.


How to Be Realistic About Time

What is Business Continuity Planning?

To build resilience into your business, you’ll need to understand that your business continuity plan will provide the resilience necessary to overcome setbacks and disruptions in essence. Business continuity planning consists of examining your business for weaknesses based on known threats that may affect your ability to do business on any given day.


You’ll have to go through your processes, systems and examine what you do each day along with the resources you use (human and otherwise) to help you mitigate problems and issues. Business continuity planning includes:


  • Determining and listing possible types of distributions – You need to set up a plan for every eventuality that you can think up. Illness, lousy weather, destroyed technology, government regulations, and so forth are already known issues. Listing them out will help you figure out what you’re going to do for each of them automatically.


  • Studying your workflows – Part of the process includes having standardized workflows to identify bottlenecks and note the software and other resources you regularly use so that you can develop a plan if something within that system and process goes wrong. For example, if you outsource blog writing to one person and uploading the posts to another person, you can eliminate the problem of relying only on one person for everything.


  • Establishing key performance indicators – As you study your processes and workflow, you can also establish a few important indicators to track that can signal a problem or lead to a solution.


  • Setting up benchmarking – One key to overcoming a setback is to live by your data more than your gut. A combo of the gut with data is always better than just doing things without any idea of the metrics. For example, if you set up an emergency budget for your business that allows you to keep going during hard times, what is the number you need to meet? Do you know what your break-even point is?


  • Including redundancies – As you set up your processes and systems and examine your workflows, you can identify areas to create redundancies. For example, instead of using only one server space for your website, you can set up two, which will enable you to switch if one goes down quickly.


  • Developing plans – Using all the information you derive from a thorough study of your business and enabling you to keep going during hard times, you can use that information to develop concrete plans that you simply implement during a hard time instead of creating it from scratch.


When it comes to crisis management, having a plan in place before anything happens is essential. A proper continuity plan will include actual plans in place for the things you know will occur, such as illness, whether governmental or other issues. While you cannot plan for everything, any of these ideas can be adapted to unknown emergencies when needed. The act of planning and putting in place this plan will make your business more resilient and even eliminate many of the pitfalls that cause more than half of all businesses to fail in their first three years.




The main thing to remember, no matter what you’re setting a goal for, is that your goals should be SMART. That means they need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If you make a habit of creating goals for all aspects of your life using this acronym, you’ll be a lot more successful – no matter what you do.


But before you get started with your SMART walking goals, let’s talk about some factors to consider as you’re creating your goals.


1) Know Your Fitness Level – Almost everyone can walk. This includes people who are very unhealthy, even if they can only walk for five minutes. Start with your fitness level and set your goals accordingly.


2) Know What You’re Working Toward – Pretend you stuck to everything you are supposed to on this journey; what is the dream goal you’re working toward? Even if it seems crazy, knowing that final goal is essential for designing your plans.

3) Know Your Time Availability – This is part of being realistic because if you have roadblocks to having enough time to devote to walking for health to meet your goals, you may not succeed

Creating SMART Walking Goals


Here is an example of a healthy yet sedentary office worker for you to follow:


* Specific – My goal is to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day by the end of six months, starting where I am now at 1000 steps per day.


* Measurable – Every day, I will add 100 steps to my total. It will take me 90 days to reach 10,000 steps per day.


* Attainable – I am overweight but with no health problems, so my goal to walk 10,000 steps a day by the end of 90 days and to maintain it for 6 months is entirely doable in terms of my health.


* Realistic – Adding in 100 steps a day is realistic because I am healthy, and I have enough time. It’ll take me about an hour and a half at my walking pace to reach 10,000 steps. I plan to walk each morning between 7 and 9 am. I also have an indoor place I can walk when the weather is terrible.


* Timely – By adding the goal of reaching 10,000 steps in 90 days, then maintaining that for six months, it makes the goal timely – meaning it has a time limit that you have set for you to reach your goal.

As you see, crafting SMART walking goals will help you set up a plan that is achievable if you simply follow it. Once you have set the plan up, you can put it in your calendar, tell your accountability partner, and then just follow it. You will reach your goal without issue.

Setting Boundaries: It’s Not Selfish to Go After What You Want

As you work on designing your life and business to match your version of a fulfilling and happy life, it’s imperative to realize that it’s not selfish to go after what you want. While it’s not selfish to make yourself happy as long as making yourself happy doesn’t include criminal or unethical activity, there are times when being so-called—selfish is good for you and good for business.


Stick to Your Budget


When most people think of sticking to a budget, they think of only money. While yes, you need to create and stick to your well-thought-out budget so that you keep your bank account healthy and can go after other things you want, remember that you have other non-money resources like your health, time, and so forth.


Follow Your Schedule


When you set up a schedule with real planning and thought about fitting in the things you want to do in life, it’s important to mostly follow your schedule. If you are having a hard time sticking to the schedule, maybe you’re not putting your plans first, or maybe you need a new schedule that is more realistic. When you develop a schedule that includes everything, including lunch with your four-year-old, data entry, exercise, and so forth, you’ll have a much more balanced life.


Say No (or Yes) with True Thought and Consideration


Don’t say yes or no to any request without thinking about it first. You need first to ask yourself if you even want to do it, figure out why you want to do it, what the benefits are, and then check to see if you even have time to do it. If you don’t want to do it, you can say no without guilt.


If you do want to and can’t, due to time or other constraints, state so and do not feel bad. If you can do it and want to do it, then you’re in the clear. But it’s imperative that you really think about it and study each question well.


Take Care of You First


This is probably the hardest for females. Women tend to put everyone else first but feel bad when they put themselves first. When it comes to your needs, always put needs before wants. Your needs come before your wants. Your needs come before someone else’s wants. This is how it should be. If you aren’t happy, healthy, and living the life you really want to live, what’s the point?


Prioritize Tasks, Especially Money-Making Tasks


As you create your schedules for your business activities, remember to prioritize any money-making tasks. The main reason is that without money you can’t do all the things you want to do that make your life worth living.

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

However, this doesn’t mean that you work 20 hours a day on money-making tasks. Instead, you’ll simply spend some of your time each day hard at work making money. When you designed your life, you discovered how much time you have left to make money. Use that time wisely. There is no point in spending time, for example, chatting with people on social media before you send offers to your customers.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…





Guess Who Is In Control of Their Life?

Life has a way of moving really fast when we are not paying attention. One day you’re walking across your High School auditorium stage accepting your high school diploma, and the next, you’re sitting at your kitchen table freaking out about the bills, your own kid’s graduation, and your parents’ move to assisted living. You may wonder who is really in charge.

If you know your Goal

But guess what, it’s you. You are in charge of your own life, and you can make choices that rock the world if you want to.


If you want to make a change, or start a new venture, or even improve the path you’re already on, the fact that you are the one in control is an important factor to accept. It does not mean that you haven’t had struggles, or you’re overly privileged, or even that you’re not.


It just means that you can make choices and take action that leads you to the lifestyle you desire or take you away from it. To help change your mindset to accept your control, let’s think about a few ideas to help you move forward.


  • You’re a Work in Progress – Whomever you think you are today, and whomever you want to be tomorrow, is not really finished. You can decide to be different when you learn new things about yourself and the world. Maybe you never heard of the career or business you want to start until you were 40, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You may not be able to, but you should research it and figure out if it’s feasible or not before you give up.


  • Try New Things – You cannot know for sure what you want from life if you have no idea what is out there. Most of us never travel much further than our state’s capital and rarely leave our hometown unless it’s for a job, and then we stick around there too. Even if you can’t travel, read a wide variety of books, try new things, and dip your toe into new ideas so that you can figure out what you want to do. Take some risks and let yourself be uncomfortable.


  • You Can Create Positive Habits – Most people think of habits as bad, but you can develop positive habits that lead to your desired results. Figure out what you want to accomplish and study what others have done before you to succeed. For example, if you want to become a baker and open a bakery, you need to learn how to bake first, which means you need to add baking to your daily routine.


  • You Can Learn Goal Setting – Honestly, one of the best things you can learn for yourself is goal setting. There is a specific method of goal setting that works for most situations. Look up and study SMART goal setting and then implement it in every area of your life, including your business.


  • Learn to Self-Reflect – Self-reflecting means that you are careful, honest about who you are, what’s happening around you in and out of your control, and how you affect what’s happening. Everything you do going forward should be judged by what you can do differently or better or even what you did right and not what others are doing, have done, or could do. All you can do is control yourself. That’s it.


  • Practice Makes Perfect –You don’t need to be perfect, but this is a saying that most people relate to. If you want to accomplish something, you need to keep doing it until you accomplish it. If you want to become a fantastic painter, even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush, you can. You just have to start practicing now and keep practicing as often as possible.


When you fully accept that you are in control of your decision making, that means you’re in control of your life. This doesn’t mean that outside influences can’t mess up things for you, but it does mean that with good planning and thoughtful introspection, you can figure out what you want and how to get it, then take the steps to see it through.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



What is Bitcoin

dollar bitcoin



Bitcoin is a digital monetary system. Instead of “dollars,” the unit of currency is referred to as a “Bitcoin.” Like traditional money, bitcoins can be used to store and transfer value among other bitcoin users within the bitcoin community. Bitcoin is considered a cryptocurrency. The currency utilizes cryptography for management and creation of the currency.

There is a bitcoin protocol, which resides primarily on the internet. It’s possible to utilize the protocol on your smartphone, computer, tablet, and other computing devices. It’s easily accessible to anyone with common available technology.

Essentially, anything that can be done with conventional currencies can be done with bitcoins. It’s possible to buy and sell goods and services, give money to other individuals or organizations, or even provide credit to others. Bitcoins can be bought, sold, and exchanged for other currencies.

Bitcoin is considered by many to be the ideal currency. It’s secure, free from borders, and very fast.

Bitcoins are virtual. There are no physical bitcoins to be found anywhere in the world. The bitcoins are merely an idea to convey value. All that’s required is that other bitcoin users accept the same premise.

Interestingly, bitcoins are a peer-to-peer system. There is no central authority, computer server, or control point.


As with the founding of Facebook, the history of bitcoin is a little fuzzy, but these are the high points:

  1. In 2008, someone named “Satoshi Nakamoto” published a paper titled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the author’s name is an alias. It has even been suggested that several people wrote the article.
  • The premise combined the previous technologies and philosophies of HashCash and b-money. The idea was to create an electronic monetary system that was completely decentralized.
  • The primary innovation was a global accounting process that would take place every 10 minutes. This would allow the entire network of users to reach a consensus regarding the previous 10 minutes of transactions worldwide. The advantage of this process is the elimination of users double spending their currency.
  • Previous attempts and electronic currency dealt with the double-spend issue by clearing transactions through a centralized clearing system. This is considered a weakness because a centralized location could be hacked.
  1. The actual bitcoin network was launched in 2009. The first issuance of bitcoins was 50 coins. The value of the coins was negotiated by the users at that time.
  2. The first notable transaction was 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa John’s pizzas. The transaction was indirect and did not include Papa John’s as one of the involved parties. The first bitcoins weren’t worth much!
  3. There has only been one significant exploited vulnerability. In 2010, 184 billion bitcoins were created. The transaction was quickly noticed, reversed, and the flaw was removed from the system.
  4. By the beginning of 2013, over 1,000 merchants were accepting bitcoins as payment. Many charities also began accepting bitcoins for donations. The Internet Archive gave employees the option to receive their salaries in the form of bitcoins.
  5. Bitcoins have ranged in value from less than a penny to over $1,200. The value of a bitcoin is very volatile. The value in November 2015 was roughly $400. Who knows where it will be in a few months?
  6. The first government seizure of bitcoins occurred in June of 2013. The DEA seized 11.02 bitcoins as part of a raid and listed the bitcoins as a seized asset.
  7. Also in 2013, Vancouver, Canada became the location of the first bitcoin ATM. The ATM allowed the purchasing of bitcoins.
  8. Many larger companies are now accepting bitcoins. These include Overstock, Zynga, and several Las Vegas casinos. There is even a bitcoin financial product on the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.


Bitcoins have a somewhat shady history. If you recall, the infamous Silk Road drug website relied on the use of bitcoins. However, the use of bitcoins is becoming more accepted, and even mainstream companies are now getting involved. Even the US stock market has investment options for those interested in bitcoins.

“I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential  to do something like change the world.”

– Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency

With Bitcoin sitting more bullish than ever…

Many are adding this asset to their Portfolio.

Would you like to start Earning Bitcoin?

Buying BTC is great for those who have the money.


However, I believe the smartest way to get Bitcoins is by earning it.


Check it out here:




The Most Important Cryptocurrencies Besides Bitcoin

The Most Important Cryptocurrencies Besides Bitcoin


Everyone has heard of Bitcoin, even if they don’t fully understand it. There are numerous other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin. According to Wikipedia, there are 19 active cryptocurrencies, and most of these were released in the last couple of years. lists 100 cryptocurrencies. Many experts believe the numbers will continue to climb.


Bitcoin has a considerable head start on the other offerings. Several cryptocurrencies are slight variations on the Bitcoin platform and may be more attractive to conventional financial institutions.


The first cryptocurrency to be welcomed by the banking industry will likely dominate the market. Which one will it be? Only the future will reveal the one that comes out on top.


Currently, these are the top five cryptocurrencies after Bitcoin:


  1. Ripple has a market capitalization of nearly $150 million. For comparison purposes, Bitcoin is almost $5 billion. This cryptocurrency was released in 2012 and has been making strong inroads into the banking industry and payment networks.


  • A “Bitcoin Bridge” permits Ripple currency holders to make payments to Bitcoin users without ever holding Bitcoins themselves.
  • Some financial experts believe that Ripple will eventually overtake Bitcoin and become the dominant digital currency.


  1. Litecoin is the third largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $137 million. Charles Lee, a former Google employee, released Litecoin in 2011. This cryptocurrency is very similar to Bitcoin.


  • Litecoin offers several enhancements when compared to Bitcoin, including a higher limit on the maximum number of coins, improved user interface, and faster transaction approvals.
  • Several exchanges permit transactions of Litecoin with Bitcoin users and various conventional currencies, including US dollars, Euros, and Chinese Yuan.
  1. The Ethereum market is half the size of Litecoin. Ethereum is challenging to understand, even for the experts. Ethereum combines the blockchain technology of Bitcoin with a programming language. This platform permits the construction of new applications to be developed.


  1. Dash was started in 2014 as XCoin. You may have heard of XCoin or Darkcoin before they were rebranded to the name Dash. Dash is roughly one-tenth the size of Litcoin at $14 million. There are currently 6 million Dash coins in circulation.


  • Dash transactions are arguably more private than those of the previously mentioned currencies. Inputs from multiple users are needed to complete a transaction. Multiple identical outputs are also generated. These identical inputs and outputs shield the location and identity of the true parties.
  1. Dogecoin has approximately the same market capitalization as Dash. However, Dash currently has 6 million coins in circulation compared to the 102 billion coins of Dogecoin! This crypto currency started as a joke, but quickly developed a loyal following.


  • Coins are produced very quickly and have very little value, roughly $0.0001 per coin.


  • The Dogecoin community has been actively involved in fundraising for interesting causes, including the Jamaican Bobsled Team, a NASCAR driver, and building a well in Kenya.
  • Several online exchanges exist to service those that wish to use Dogecoin.
  • The cryptography technology employed is similar to that of Bitcoin and Litecoin and utilizes a private and public key system.
  • There is no limit on the number of Dogecoins that can be produced. More than 5 billion coins are expected to be produced each year.


There’s more going on in the cryptocurrency world than just Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin is the oldest and most well-known cryptocurrency in existence. The current Bitcoins in circulation are worth more than all of the other cryptocurrencies combined. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.

