Questions to Answer to Build a Successful Brand Community

Taking the time to question your motives, inspirations, ideas, and goals is important to building a solid and successful business. Developing a brand community that benefits both you and its members is no exception to this fact either. It allows you to truly identify what you need to achieve your goals more efficiently. In addition, creating a solid plan of action ensures you build a strong and active brand community from the beginning.


The more you understand and work to improve before building your community, the more likely you will succeed. Online communities allow you to form better connections with your customers while giving them a sense of purpose. In addition, they increase your brand awareness, recognition, and trust as long as they start with the right foundation.


Here are five questions to answer and evaluate to build a successful brand community:


Question One: Why do you need to build a community, and how will it support your target audience?


Knowing what’s in it for your group is really important because that’s how you’ll sell the idea of joining your community to them. When you tell them why the community exists and exactly how it will support them, they’re going to be more likely to want to join because you’ve told them why.


Question Two: Where should you start and grow your community and why?


Knowing where your audience likes to get their information and which social media platforms they use most will help inform you about what type of community you need to build. For example, some audience members are more likely to join Facebook groups over joining a community on your website. It will depend on what your audience wants and needs.


Question Three: What kind of actions do you want your community to take and why?


What do you hope each member of your community does to make their lives better or solve their problems as part of your membership or group? As people join, it’s imperative that you tell them what to do next. Whether filling out their profile information, creating an introductory post, or answering a survey, letting them know what to do and why you want them to do it will ensure more do it.


Question Four: What products or resources do you need to form an engaging and active community?


Make a list of all the products, services, and resources you need to create the engaging community you want to create. For example, do you need to invest in a customer service bot, create a self-serve FAQ, or something else?


Question Five: What key performance metrics should you track to ensure you achieve your community goals?


There is much more to success than likes and even engagement if none of that leads to sales. Therefore, your metrics should include matching your actions with increased revenue, but you also want to study engagement.


Filling in these questions is essential to outline the initial framework of your online or brand community. Understanding your value and showing how you can match that value with the needs of your audience ensures you have the resources and understanding to build a successful community. The community only returns what you put in. Therefore, starting with the right framework and knowledge secures maximum returns.



Six Strategies for Successful Community Building

Five Google Web Story Content Ideas for Business Success

In 2018, a new competitor to the social media stories game was created and launched by Google; at the time, AMP stories — now referred to as Google Web Stories. It is a powerful feature that draws in more traffic to your WordPress blog through a more interactive and engaging feature for those who use their smartphone to search on Google and scroll through their Discovery page.


They are short virtual clips of content in video or picture with text that teach your audience something or further advertise your website. To attract these new viewers, you need to develop the right content. While the content is consumed in a story-like feature, it is much different than the stories’ function found on Instagram. Meaning the story content, you create for your blog will likely be different.


Here are five Google web story content ideas to utilize for your business to maximize your success and exposure with this feature:


How-To Series or Step-by-Step


By far, the most interactive, educational, and useful Web Stories to create for your target audience are how-to series or step-by-step tutorials. Cooking or baking blogs can easily benefit from this idea. Recipe how-to stories are highly popular, attractive, and engaging.


Top Ten Recommendations


The next powerful Google web story content idea that is highly attractive and shareable among many readers is the top ten recommendations within your industry. This shows your personality as a brand and can further educate your audience on your products without a sales-like approach.


Product Highlights or Promotions


Create a story that is around five to ten frames all-around a specific product or service. Be sure to avoid a sales-like approach. Education and knowledge are power. Tell your audience how and why you created the product or service and that your product solves their problem through your Google web story.


Top Industry or Niche Facts


Are there powerful facts or beneficial tips you know about your industry or niche that will helps your readers or followers? Answering frequently asked questions is a good place to start.


Industry Related Quotes and Inspiration


Step away from your niche for just a moment and inspire and motivate your audience instead. Find a similar subject that gets your audience to act towards the niche with a group of related quotes.


Adding these ideas to your Google web stories content plan is vital if you want to use this feature correctly. Maximizing and enhancing your content is the most important first step in order to attract the right audience and get them interested. Anything worth a long-form post is worth a supporting Google Web story to increase your reach further, traffic, and success on your blog or WordPress website.


Creating a Niche Home Base on Your Blog


Common Social Media Story Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The best way to know how to use a certain feature correctly is to learn what not to do first. This is done by understanding some of the most common mistakes many do when first using social media stories to market and advertise their business. While social media stories and the other features it provides can offer your business many benefits, learn how it works so your efforts will not be wasted.


Here are four of the most common social media story mistakes and what to do to avoid them:


Inconsistent Schedule and Posting Time


Social media is attractive due to the high amounts of communication and its movement and speed at which that communication can be found and digested. However, it is constant and never-ending — making it almost addicting as humans love to socialize. This means you need to find a schedule that keeps you consistent and always engaged. Of course, this will be different depending on the platform you use, but most stories only last for around twenty-four hours, which means at least once a day is vital at minimum.


Ignoring Audience Interaction and Engagement


Stories are about engagement and audience interaction. Don’t use this feature to post the same content you do everywhere else and ignore your audience. Get them involved, ask them questions, get their feedback, and always provide maximum value in exchange for their time.


Cross Promoting or Over Prompting


Repurposing is a great idea, but not for your stories. You always want to be more creative and transform the idea into something better and different to keep your audience attached or interested. Posting the same boring content on all platforms will likely disinterest them, making them head over to your competition as you no longer provide any value.


Poor Branding and Overall Message


Always plan your content to ensure your goals and company values are clear and obvious. If you don’t take the time to plan, you may inadvertently send the wrong message. Take advantage of the features, such as changing your font and colors to match your branding and using the Highlights section offered by Facebook and Instagram. A consistent message and branding statistically translate into more revenue for businesses. This is because your communication is clear, making it easier for you to create products or content your target audience needs and enjoys.


Don’t be caught making these same social media story mistakes. Start your social media story content plan off right by avoiding these common mistakes and taking advantage of the tips provided above. Being aware of these common mistakes gives you the tools you need to be one step ahead of your competition and offer better value and high-quality content to your target audience.




Five Tips to Creating Your First Google Web Story

Before you publish your first Google web story, it is essential you understand the basics first. Google requires certain information and criteria to produce quality content worth sharing with its audience on its Discovery page or the Google search engine results page.


Google web stories offer your blog or website a new way to generate more traffic and revenue through a creative, powerful, and immersive storytelling format. They are much different from regular social media stories. You are the owner of all the content and the host – giving you more control, ownership, customization, and ways to increase your revenue than other platforms with the story feature.


Here are five tips to keep in mind when creating your first Google web story:


Think 10 to 15 Second Hooks


Each Web story slide lasts about ten to fifteen seconds, depending on how you set it. Meaning that the information you share in each frame, even if you create a full thirty pages, should be easily and quickly digested. It is unlikely many will go back too many times to re-read stories as it can be tedious. Of course, that should never be your goal when creating stories in the first place. The point of stories is to make it even easier for your target audience to take in your information.


Animate and Choose a Theme


Stories are more entertaining and easier to digest when they have a consistent theme and proper animations. Animations keep your viewers interested, and themes keep your brand image clear and focused.


Keep Titles and Story Lengths Short


Google stories that are between five and thirty frames perform the best. However, it highly depends on your niche and the type of content you create. Title lengths should be around ten characters long but no more than forty.


Include an Attractive and Compelling Cover Image


Before creating a valid google web story, you must add in your cover image and publisher logo. Be sure your cover image is highly attractive and makes your viewers want to click. Your cover image is no different than the image that appears before your blog post link or YouTube thumbnail. However, the more compelling it is, the more likely someone will click on it. Use images with a good resolution of 900 pixels by 1200 pixels.

Include Relevant Links


Always include a relevant link to your story. In fact, this needs to be done in order to create a valid web story. Again, the main function of Google web stories is to increase your website traffic. If there is no link, it’ll be hard for your viewers to reach you. They will be more likely to click off.


To maximize your reach and potential with Google web stories, following these tips is a must. These tips, along with the checklist the plugin provides, are required to properly communicate and build an effective story that converts to more revenue or increased traffic.




Eight Facebook Story Ideas for Increased Engagement

Creating Facebook stories is a fun and creative way to engage and interact with your target audience. However, suppose you want to stay ahead of your competition and get the most out of what Facebook can bring to your business. In that case, you need to take the time to craft compelling, interactive, and highly valuable stories.


Here are eight Facebook story ideas to try to increase your audience engagement and business success on this platform:


  • Ask a Thought-Provoking Question – One way to really boost engagement and action from your audience is to make them think. So ask a question without giving your answer, giving them time to respond. Then you can give them your solution that feels more conversational while also learning more about your audience gleaning information that can be used in the future for more content.


  • Share Something Behind-The-Scenes – Your true fans love finding out more about you. They like feeling like they’re VIPs getting a stage pass by getting a sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes goings-on. Show them how you set up for a shoot, or how you make your product, or whatever you want that you think they want to know. If you aren’t sure, ask them.


  • Use A Trendy Topic for Inspiration – While you do need to keep going with a thought-out content plan that is based on the future offerings, you also want to pay close attention to trending topics that you can create off the cuff by sharing your thoughts or otherwise engaging with your audience around that trend.


  • Share a Meme or Infographic – If you have no other ideas about what to share, look at your current offerings and grab a meme or develop an infographic from them to showcase parts of your message.


  • Tell a Real Story – Do you have a story to share relevant to your audience that they can learn from or even be entertained by engaging with it? Tell a real story about yourself or your business, or even a customer.


  • Showcase Popular Products – If you sell products, showcase them on your stories as if you’re doing a review for them. You can also do reviews for others if you’re an affiliate right on your stories.


  • Highlight Your Email Newsletter or Opt-In – Create a story all about your email newsletter or opt-in that you’ve created.


  • Have Fun with Staff or Influencer Takeovers – A really fun thing to do is let someone else take over your page, or you take over someone else’s page who markets to your audience a complementary product or service.


Test these Facebook story ideas to see what personal benefits they can provide to your business. Each idea may suit certain business goals or niches better, so it is important to get to know your target audience and take risks to understand them better. Just because one post doesn’t deliver the results you want or need doesn’t mean the next idea won’t, nor does it mean you have failed. A proper social media content plan includes being aware of where you need to improve and doing the work to get there.


How to Easily Crank out Content Daily


How to Use YouTube Stories for Business

Every single day nearly one billion hours of content is viewed on YouTube daily. With around thirty million visitors every day, there is no reason you shouldn’t be taking advantage of this platform if you run or want to own a business. YouTube and its story feature are powerful avenues to better market your products, services, values, and ideas to your target audience. It also provides you a chance to create powerful and beneficial content in order to build a community that benefits your brand. YouTube stories are short clips only viewable from a smartphone and available to your audience for seven days.


The following is how to use YouTube stories for your business:


First Understand the Requirements


You must have 10,000 subscribers first in order to unlock the story feature. While this can be a downside to many business owners, you need to remember that YouTube is a great marketing tool. Additionally, note that you will not have this feature if you set your audience to kids.


Find the Plus Icon on Your Smart Phone and Select “Add to your story.”


The plus icon is located near the bottom center of your screen when you open the YouTube smartphone application. After you select the plus sign, you then need to select “add to your story.” If you do not see this as an option, your channel has yet to reach the requirements or needs to wait seven more days for the feature to appear.


Record a Video or Snap a Photo and Enhance


Tap or hold down the red record button, then save, trim, add text, stickers, or polls that enhance your content and make it more engaging. There are three more important stickers to include: video stickers to help promote a video, mention stickers to mention other YouTubers, and location stickers to reach your audience in a certain location.


Share and Reply to Comments in a Story for Extra Engagement


Finally, you can share the post once you believe the quality is right for your audience. Be sure to stay engaged with your audience. Don’t just post a story and then forget about them. If they are interacting, reply or post new stories to keep it up. The more value and engagement you bring to YouTube, the more successful your business will be.


Be sure to reply to comments to increase your engagement. You can do this by going to your profile and selecting comments. Then below the comment, you would like to reply select “reply in story.” Finally, record or upload your reply and choose post to share.

How do YouTubers Make Money? 

Just like other platforms, the YouTube Story feature is straightforward and easy to use. Once you post your story, they are viewable from your channel for all your subscribers to see and last for a full seven days. The more you can connect to your target audience, the more you can grow and increase your success on the platform.




Four Fun Ways to Use Instagram Stories Polls and Questions

Social media stories are attractive because they are highly interactive and engaging for you and your target audience. One popular way to increase your engagement while learning more about your audience is using Instagram story poll stickers and questions. Adding polls, stickers, or emojis is an easy and simple process that keeps your audience interested and curious about your business. In addition, polls and questions provide you an opportunity to educate your audience and learn more about them.


To add a sticker or emoji, select the “Polls” icon after taking a picture or recording a video for your story. Next, type the question you would like to ask in the field that appears above “Yes” and “No.” After you input the question, you can even choose your different responses by simply tapping the “Yes” or “No” field to change it. The response fields can only be twenty-two characters long. However, there is no text limit for the question filed. Select “Done” in the top right of the screen to finish the poll.


The following are four ways to use Instagram Stories polls and questions:


Put Your Best Products Up for Battle


Compare your best products and have your audience pick the winner. Be sure to share the results of the polls so your audience can see how they relate to others who follow your business. It will also persuade them to participate more. For example, if you are a food blogger, you can share a story with one cake recipe you made on the top with another of your recipes on the bottom, such as chocolate versus caramel, and see which your viewers pick the most.


Develop a Creative Survey or Quizzes


Get to know your viewers more by asking them different questions related to your business or industry. Think outside of the box to know their most common problems and the goals they would like to achieve in life. You can even make fun quizzes that test their knowledge on the topic you would like to teach them or spread awareness. This is done by using the “Quiz” icon near the “Polls” icon when you swipe up from your story.


Test Your Audience Knowledge with Feedback Questions

Tools and Tips to Help You Automate Engagement

Ask your audience a series of questions to see if you understand their main problem. Not only does this create more engagement with your target audience. It also ensures you know what you can do for them and that you are providing value. Successful business solves problems, and asking them a direct question allows you to be sure you know what it is. Yes or no stickers or the sliding hand sticker where you use text to offer different answers is a great way to further learn about your audience and get them to interact with your stories.


Overall, using the Instagram polls, questions stickers, and slider features is a powerful way to understand and get to know your audience fully. It is not only fun for your audience to participate but gives you valuable information to perfect your craft, product, and services.




Five Email Marketing Tips to Boost Sales

Email marketing is the most effective marketing strategy to date. Even compared to social media marketing by nearly 40% more. Industry or niche doesn’t really matter; you will see a high return on investment if you implement the proper email marketing tips and strategies.


These are the five email marketing tips you need to follow to boost your sales and increase your return on investment:


Enhance your Opt-Ins and Acquisition Process

You must generate leads by strengthening your acquisition process or opt-in forms. This is the content used to persuade viewers to subscribe to your email campaigns. Small eBooks, discount codes, or simple newsletters are a great place to start. Make sure the opt-in you use is what your readers want or need, and be sure to execute on that promise as soon as possible. If you know your audience struggles in a certain area, then this is the best place to start when developing opt-in or lead magnet content.


Value Your Subject Lines

While subject lines are short and sweet, you should take the time to craft the most compelling one. In fact, you should create at least two to three for every email you send and test them among different subscribers to pick the one with the best return eventually.


Perfect Your Call-To-Actions

Always include a call-to-action and be sure it is consistent between email and campaign. Don’t add more than one type per email, or you will likely split or confuse your subscribers. Instead, pick one goal and then perfect the call-to-action to optimize your chances of accomplishing it.


Focus on Personalization and Quality Content the Most

A huge benefit to email marketing includes how powerful it can increase your authority, credibility, and trust as a brand. The more personalized, engaging, and valuable the email content, the more likely you will convert your subscribers to paying customers. Valuable and quality content is key to gaining their trust and believing in your word. It’s simple if your target audience doesn’t know you very well, they are less likely to trust you with their money or time.


Create Multiple Landing Pages for Each Campaign

If boosting your sales is your email marketing goal, as it is for many, then you must create landing pages for each campaign you create. Landing pages are sales pages that further describe, entice or invite someone to join or purchase their products. Your call-to-action should lead them right to the landing page.

Work On Your Funnel Each Week And Continue To Branch Out 

Be sure to follow these email marketing tips or use them to audit your email marketing process to ensure you are doing what you need to boost your sales. Working on each part of the email marketing process is your key to success.



Four Tips to Writing Better Email Subject Lines

Subject lines are like first impressions or hooks that grab your readers’ attention. It’s often thought that since subject lines or titles are short, that they shouldn’t take valuable time to develop, but this could not be further from the truth.


You need subject lines and titles to be highly clickable and make your readers interested to click and read your content. If they don’t read your emails, then it doesn’t matter how big your list is. They won’t convert into paying customers or achieving other marketing goals if they don’t open them.


Here are four tips to writing better email subject lines to increase your email open rate and other conversions:


Tell Them What’s Inside

Be simple and straight to the point. If there is valuable content or a discount code inside, let them know. For example, “Don’t forget to download your free guide” or “Your 20% discount is waiting for you” are great examples. Be sure to execute on that promise too. If the title says there is a discount, make it obvious and don’t be misleading. For example, if it’s 20% in the title, it must be 20% in the copy, or your click-through rate and reputation will be affected.


Be Minimalistic Yet Unique and Personable

Titles should be scannable, meaning they shouldn’t be any longer than fifty characters. Otherwise, they will be cut off, and readers will be too caught off guard by all the information. Finally, there are mere seconds to impress your audience. Researchers have stated that you have anywhere from seven to forty seconds to grab their attention.


Include Deadlines and a Sense of Urgency

Use the power of urgency or the fear of missing out to your advantage. However, again, be sure not to mislead or take advantage of your readers. Urgency and fear of missing out include short deadlines on discounts. It’s not using poor language to make your audience feel bad that they don’t participate.


Create More Than One and Test Them

Most email marketers craft more than one title and test it on different readers for a few hours or days to see which one creates the most results. This is a great way to ensure you communicate and understand your audience the best way you can. When you test titles, try different terms, languages, and styles. Then use the results to craft even better titles in the future as you see which tones and styles work better on your audience.


As you can see, your email’s subject line or title is important to improving your open rates. Sometimes it’s about timing, but it’s mostly about the content and how you relate and understand your audience.

11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

The Three Keys to Optimizing Your Email Content

Maximizing your profits and effectively communicating to your audience is required today to be successful in business. Without quality content, email marketing would be dead. Without content to engage with, there would be no reason to use it as it wouldn’t correctly engage, educate and persuade your audience. Without it, you can’t convert them into paying or loyal customers. Therefore, you need to learn and understand how to optimize your email content to maximize your email marketing success.


The following are the three key pieces required to optimize your email marketing funnels fully:



The point of emails is always to find ways to educate and add value to your subscribers’ life. Education is the best way to persuade or direct your audience to make a purchase. You don’t need to and shouldn’t constantly be selling to them. In fact, if the title looks like an obvious sales pitch, they are unlikely to open.


Only about one out of every four sales emails is opened. However, if your readers know that they will gain value every single time they open your email, they won’t want to leave. They understand that you need to sell products or services at the end of the day to see a return on investment. If they find value in your content, products, and services, it will come around. In other words, don’t make sales your only point of focus.


Engaged and Personable

All content should be engaging and personable. This means your readers feel like they are talking to a human and are forming a deep connection. It inspires or drives them to take action and makes them feel more involved or important while reading your email. The more interactive and humanized the content, the more trust, and credibility you establish that grows your audience and conversions.



You may feel like you can’t write. But the truth is if you simply write as if you are talking to a friend or loved one, you’ll do better. Write how you speak and edit later. A natural conversation with automated personalized features like adding their name goes a long way. Not making an effort to use personalization will be obvious to your subscribers. When you don’t personalize, you make your readers feel unimportant and that you are only there to get something from them instead of providing value in return. Personalization shows you value them as an individual and strengthens the customer experience and relationship.


Be sure to follow these three keys to optimizing your email content if you want to see more conversions. Increasing your click-through rate and return on investment is reliant on valuable, engaging, and personalized content. Commit to always getting to know your audience, tracking your metrics, and asking for feedback to improve your content and increase your email marketing success.


 10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success