Tools and Tips to Help You Automate HR Management

From time tracking to expense management, automating your human resource management will save time and money.  Anything that happens on a recurring basis is ripe for automation. Tasks like data collecting, file creation, document sharing, form filling, and more can all be done using the software in a way that eliminates the need for an HR person to do these tasks and frees you up to do more.


  • Contractor and Employee Onboarding – When you bring on a team member, they need to have access to information about your company, including branding information, document templates, and more. If it’s important that your people comply with a particular thing, it needs to be in the onboarding process.


  • Offboarding – When someone leaves your company and moves on with another, it’s a good idea to survey them about why so that you can improve. Use your HR system to send an automated exist interview via email that they can do on their own before they leave. Plus, once they fill out the exit survey, they can also be automatically sent other information such as COBRA info.


  • Vacation Requests – If you have employees, they may want to leave, even contractors, if you rely on them to do regular tasks on a long-term contract, offering a way for them to let you know they’re going away is always going to make everyone’s life easier.


  • Expense Claims – If you reimburse your people for expenses related to the work you do, letting them automatically enter a request for expenses is a lot simpler when done via computer technology and reduces the paperwork and time needed to process such requests.


  • Payroll – Allowing your employees to enter their own time in a system that creates the paychecks is a great way to cut down on your need to do data entry. All you have to do is approve the time, and the check or direct deposit for their pay happens automatically.


  • Training – Whether employees or contractors offering company training is helpful to them and can improve their work. You can offer branding information and train them on using all your systems without having to do it individually for each person you bring on board.


  • Time Management – Let your contractors and employees keep track of their own time using the software.


  • Benefits Management – Let your contractors or employees take advantage of their benefits on their own. Self-serve, saving lots of time.


  • Tax Forms and Filing – Most bookkeeping software and systems automatically offer tax forms and filing options depending on your needs.


Even if you don’t have a bunch of employees and only work with contractors having everything together in a centralized place organized according to the laws and regulations where you live is going to free up your time and help avoid issues in the future.


Where to Find Contractors for Outsourcing

No automation plan is complete without an outsourcing plan. Outsourcing means that you find other experts to do tasks for you. If you outsource to a contractor, they are not employees because you can only make requirements on the deliverables but not on how they use their time creating and making the deliverables. Combined with automation, outsourcing is very powerful.


  • Your Network – When you want to work with someone, the first thing you should do is survey your network to find out if you already know someone who is an expert, uses experts or knows who you can use. The person recommended by trusted sources will almost always perform better than if you hire a total stranger.


  • Your Customers – When you have fleshed out the tasks you want someone else to do for you, send out a message to your current customers and audience who have signed up for your list already. You never know who is already in love with your offerings that can make them even better for you.
  • – Don’t be fooled by the name. Most of the time, if you want someone who is an expert, you’re not really going to get it done for five bucks. However, there are some amazing people who use as their storefront that you can hire to do various jobs, from editing video to coding. The sky is the limit.


  • – This is a job board where, for a fee, you can place an advertisement for your position. Ensure that you figure out everything you want the contractor to do so that you are clear about your deliverables.


  • – This is another worksite much like, but it’s also an excellent place to find contractors for your needs. You can hire all kinds of people for any virtual position or project that you have open.


  • Advertising on Your Website – Once you know what you need, you can put your job right on your website. Using the same promotional methods, you use for blog posts and other content, you can get the word out about your openings.


  • – This is a great site that enables you to list your needs or go through and find someone offering what you need already.


  • Amazon Mechanical Turk ( – This has been around a long time and is still working great. People list the work they do and make offers on the system. You just need to search for what you want.


  • – If you want to hire people to do a task in person or virtually, PPH is an excellent resource for you. Workers list their offers, and people who need projects done also list their needs.



Outsourcing, like automation, saves money and time because it takes things off your plate that you aren’t an expert at doing, so you can focus elsewhere. Using a combination of experts and automation in your business will boost your productivity exponentially.






8 Things You Should Outsource in Your Business

As you learn more about business automation, it’s important to realize there is another way to automate your business, and that is by hiring someone else to do the work for you. Hiring experts to deliver work for you on your behalf is called outsourcing.


You can outsource to contractors, or you can hire employees. It’s up to you and depends on the type of business you want. Outsourcing to contractors allows you to hire experts for parts of projects without keeping them on payroll long term and is focused just on deliverables. In contrast, hiring employees puts you in charge of their time and gives you the ability to direct them more closely.


  1. Legal Work – Most small business owners will not hire a legal person to work on their team as an employee. Instead, they hire a law firm on retainer and use them only when necessary. If you do have a lot of contracts and other needs for a legal team, this is your best answer to those annoying legal issues. It’s also nice to have someone on call that you can ask simple questions of and check over contracts.


  1. Finance – Most small business owners can save a boatload of time, stress, and money if they find someone to help them with taxes, bookkeeping, payroll, and other issues with money and accounting. You can hire a bookkeeper, a CPA, an EA, or even an admin person to do the data entry to help remove some of these responsibilities, but this is where you really do need an expert, at least at first.


  1. Technology Needs – Most small business owners hire people and use automation technology when it comes to their websites. Building websites, using automation software, and all that technology really does need someone who understands it all in a professional sense.


  1. Marketing – Whether it’s social media marketing or some other type of marketing, hiring an expert will pay off. Experts know how to use the software available and know all the tricks of the trade to ensure the process works. When you outsource marketing, you free up time to do something you’re more knowledgeable and skilled at doing.


  1. Graphic Design – Giving a designer ideas for your graphics is so much easier than trying to design them yourself. Even if you think you can deliver good ideas using software like, it’s not going to be as excellent as an expert can make it, and letting someone else do the design will save an enormous amount of time.


  1. Customer Care – No business owner should be handling their own customer care because it’s just too hard. You’re too close to your product or your service, and it’s too easy to get upset about issues. But an expert can help set up your customer care in a way that takes it off your plate for a lot less than you may realize.


  1. Administrative Tasks – Track the admin tasks you do every day, and you can likely save a few hours a day if you hire a virtual assistant to do the administrative stuff all business owners have to do. Whether it’s managing events, performing personal errands, or other tasks as directed by you, this is a substantial time saving and can really turn your business on like nothing else.


  1. Writing – Your business needs a lot of content for customer education, product information, and so forth. Whether it’s blog content, article content, sales page content, or internal content, a professional writer can help you with it.


Whether sales, marketing, finance, accounting, customer service, or helping manage a team, you need to outsource in your business. You may not have enough resources to outsource it all right away, but you should consider creating earning benchmarks that signal the time to outsource the task. When you outsource more, you free up your time to focus on what you do best.



What Do You Do All Day?


As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. But, in order to figure out how to automate your business, you first need to know in detail what you do all day long so that you know which tasks can be automated, should be automated, and even whether it’s something you should be doing at all.

Stay focused

In every business, you will have daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks, and even yearly tasks or quarterly tasks. The best thing to do is to get out a calendar and enter the items you know you have to do.


For example, you have to pay quarterly taxes, and you have to balance your books at the end of the month. You must buy a business license each October or January depending on your location and the rules and laws in your area. Whatever it is that you know for sure has to be done, enter it into your calendar, blocking off the approximate time it will take you to do it.


But there are also the daily things you do that generate your income. When it comes to generating income, it’s essential to specify which actions you are doing that generate income and which actions you’re doing that support generating income. Go through the steps you take in your day and write down what you’re doing, step by step.

What’s Your Job as The Owner of Your Business?


Coaches Example


Ø  Business: Coaches retired teachers starting a second career as independent course and project designers.


Ø  Morning: Checks the mail, email, and Trello to find out if there are any fires to put out this morning before paying any bills due for the day. Calls her group coaching clients for the weekly hour Zoom group coaching session. Writes 7 product educational and nurturing emails for a new one-on-one coaching product to market to her group coaching clients.


Ø  Afternoon: Records part of an online course in development. Transcribes the group call and sets up her part as a standalone presentation video.


Ø  Evening: Answers coaching client questions for those who signed up to receive daily emails and schedules them to be delivered in the morning.


As you can see, this is just one day out of an entire year and is not representative of all the money-making tasks this coach does, nor is it a complete picture of what happens in the business overall. But it does give you a great idea about where to start automating and even outsourcing. Once you see what you’re doing visually written out, it’s a lot easier to figure out places that you can improve your process. Take the time to write out every process you do each day that you do them. Once you’ve documented the different activities you do each day, you can identify what needs to be perfected and then automated or outsourced or both.

The Fundamental Parts of Your Small Business


The first thing to think about when you seek to make your days more manageable and more effective is the parts of your small business. What parts of your business are essential to your success? For each business, you’ll need to look at your own situation to determine it, but this can get you started.


  • Human Resources – If you hire or contract out to others, you’ll need to concern yourself with setting up, organizing, and managing all your HR. Having some knowledge of this even if you think you’re going to do everything yourself is essential because you should not do it all yourself, and there are laws to consider.


  • Accounting and Finance – Every business must figure out how they plan to keep track of income and expenses and set up benchmarks for planning purposes. There is a lot you can automate in this area too.


  • Marketing and Advertising – No business can exist if they don’t get the word out about their solutions.


  • Production – If you have a product, whether physical or digital, the product has to be produced somehow. Much of production can be automated depending on the type of products you have.


  • Information Technology – Most small businesses today do have to deal with technology in some way, which means you need to have a general understanding of the technology available in your industry to help you manage and do your business.


  • Operations – The inner workings of your business are ripe for automation. It doesn’t matter if you sell products, manufacture products, or perform services, someone has to be in control of this work, and that’s typically the small business owner because they don’t typically hire managers, but you can.


  • Customer Service – Even if you only serve five customers a year, you need to focus on customer care in order to keep your customers happy. A lot of this process can be automated too.


  • Purchasing – This is a department that will often fall to the owner of a small business but exists as a separate department in a large business. In this department, you’ll want to figure out what the business needs, how much, when, and negotiate better prices, and so forth.


  • Legal Department – This is one of the first areas to go for a small self-owned business, but it is still important to acknowledge this area. You always want to make sure what you do is legal and follows the laws.


  • Business Development and Growth – This includes sales, marketing, project management, product management, and more. If you focus on business development, you’ll focus on how you can use what you have to expand your audience and make more money.


While in general, all businesses share the same fundamental parts, some businesses, especially home solopreneurs, may place importance on different parts depending on their goals. But these potential fundamental parts of your small business bare considering so that you can create a solid automation plan.




Business Plan Resources You Can Use

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create your business plan. There are numerous resources you can use to help you. Use this list to find resources to use to help you create the best and most functional business plan possible.


The more you work on this, the more likely you are to be successful. But don’t forget, set a deadline for yourself so that you finish your business plan so that you can get started living the life you dreamed you’d have as soon as possible.


  • Small Business Administration – [] In the USA, you can use information from the SBA to help you create your business plan. They have a lot of precious information on their website and in their offices across the country, and most of it is free or low cost.


  • Business Plan Software – There are numerous choices, such as,, and others. They’re all pretty much the same, so you can choose based on what you need.


  • Business Plan Templates – You can find them right inside your MS Office templates and free online. Whatever you do when you do use a template, don’t copy someone else’s information. Make sure you add your own information so you don’t make a mistake. Just use the template for layout purposes.


  • A Business Plan Outline – Once you decide the type of plan you want to create, make your own outline, so you don’t forget to add any information. It does help to have the basic structure laid out, so all you do is fill in your own information.


  • An Accountant or Other Professional Expert – CPAs, Enrolled Agents (EAs), and some bookkeepers who specialize in a business start-up are professionals you want to have on hand to help you with the financial aspects of your business plan. Plus, they can help you with tax planning. Every small business owner should visit a tax planner before they start their business.


  • A Mentor, Coach, or Consultant – There are people who are willing to assist you for free or for payment, depending on your situation. Try going to a local office to get some help with your business plan. You can also find a coach or consultant online. Ask your colleagues for referrals.


  • Find an Incubator – Almost every local city with a college or university has a small business incubator that is willing to help. Check out your local coworking spaces for more information about this. They can help guide you through your research and business plan creation.


Finally, you can also hire someone to create your business plan for you, but this can be expensive. It depends on your situation whether you do it alone, go the volunteer route, or hire someone. The main thing is to learn as much as you can about creating a business plan, read other people’s plans, and then get yours started and done.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Are You Being Realistic About Your Goals?

People often struggle in both life and business with the process of goal-setting—more than likely, you’ve read a lot about creating SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Being realistic is one of the criteria for setting goals that will serve you, but the truth is, the rest of the acronym helps ensure that your goals are realistic.


It’s fun to fantasize about starting a business, and it’s not uncommon to imagine becoming a millionaire or making a high six-figure salary while sitting on the beach. The problem with this is that it’s just not that realistic. It’s not to say that no one has ever done it, but more than likely, they already had tons of resources like money and contacts that allowed them to simply delegate while they’re lying on the beach.


This is not an uncommon happening. Even the neighborhood dog walker probably had high hopes for how much money they can earn. When you come up with a figure or a measure for your goal to track, you want the number to be realistic and not just pulled out of thin air.


For example, let’s say that you are a virtual assistant. You plan to work as a VA full time. At first glance, you may think that means you can bill at least 40 hours a week. We often choose 40 hours because that’s what we’re used to in terms of work. However, it’s not really that realistic. There are other things you need to do for your business aside from the direct and billable work you’re going to do for them.


To be super accurate and realistic about how much you can earn, you need to figure out the order of operations at your VA business. What will you do all day? More than likely, once you figure out, you’ll realize you can work four or five hours a day that is billable, and the rest of the time, you’ll need to work on marketing and other aspects of your business.


After you’ve organized your day, you accept that you have five hours a day, Monday – Friday, that can be considered billable hours. That means you have that much time to work directly for a client that you can bill them for the time. How much money will you earn with that criteria at the rate you planned to charge? If you only charge $20 per hour, you’ll only make $500 a week before taxes or expenses. Is that enough?


You can raise your rates, or you can find other ways to earn more money, such as by going to a flat fee per service and finding people to outsource to or by hiring a full-time employee to help. Perhaps you can automate a lot more than you have so far to free up more billable hours. Maybe you develop an app that does what you would do automatically that you sell to your audience or that you use to serve your audience.


The main thing is that you should not leave these numbers to chance. Design your entire day and figure out what is realistic for your goals in each case. Don’t just pull a number out of the air. Think about the number and how it can happen or not happen before you put it in writing.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

I work from home. Do I still need a business plan?


Home business owners often underestimate their business. If you start a home business, respect the importance and value of your home business. A home business is not a fake business. A home business can be more stable than a wage job. A home business can earn millions. Where the business is located really doesn’t matter as much as you may think. The location doesn’t define either legitimacy or potential.


Many people think of business plans as a document you create if you need a bank loan or investors, but the truth is, the business plan is a lot more useful than that. A business plan helps you evaluate whether your idea is feasible or not.


Plus, your business plan will also inform your marketing, operations, and pretty much everything you do. Not only that, but the business plan can also be used every single year as you update parts of it to make it even more accurate.


So yes, the short answer is that if you’re going to start a successful business that you enjoy, you need a business plan. Studies show that if you have a well-thought-out business plan, you boost your chances of success by more than 30 percent. Since most businesses that start from home either go nowhere or do not succeed, this is a big deal. Because here’s the truth, businesses don’t fail for no reason.


If your business fails, most of the time, it will be due to a lack of planning. More than 70 percent of successful businesses had a plan before they started. The other successful businesses usually develop a plan after the fact for the future, or else it’s hard to replicate success. Understand that a business plan that boosts your success potential is not something you will make in one day. It takes time and effort to create a quality business plan that truly sets you up for success.


However, as a home-based business, you can create a smaller plan where the summary and outline fits on one page with attachments (appendices and supporting documents) making up the rest of the business plan.


The important parts of the business plan that you need include:


  • Your Business Vision – Answer the question about what you are building. Include specific information, including time, expertise, and the who, when, what, why, and how of the business and customers you’ll serve. “Build a worldwide network of support for women who need to get healthy and lose weight.”


  • Your Business Mission – Develop your business mission statement. The mission statement needs to include your target audience, the product or service, and what makes this product or service different. “Motivate overweight and unhealthy women to become healthier by teaching them how to change to a healthy Keto diet.”


  • Your Business Objectives – All the goals and objectives you develop need to have a number attached to them. List everything you plan to measure, from reach, to list members, to sales, and so forth. For example, if you’re an author who wants to sell a specific number of books, you’ll state how. “Speak about once a week for a target of at least 40 speaking events this year.” “Generate revenue of $75,000 in 2021.”


  • Your Business Strategies – At this point, you’ll want to describe fully in chronological order each milestone and success you’ll experience over time. For example, “I want to become known as the go-to source for Keto Diet information.”

How to Pick a Niche You Can Succeed In


  • Your Action Plan – This is one of the most important parts of your business plan as a home-based business. This is the work you’ll do. Make a list of each thing you’ll do over the next year, at least including deliverables, deadlines, and results. “Develop a Keto Cookbook for Two by 3/21.” “Complete building of my studio kitchen by 2/22.”


As you can see, the point of the plan is to help you know what you need to do to build and grow your business. Without the plan, you may be very busy all the time, but your busywork may not be accomplishing anything without a plan.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

What Methods Work Best to Ensure You Make Your Goals?

As you work through developing goals for your business and your happy life, you may notice that you need to change what you’re doing now. In fact, as you move along in your business, whatever is in your business plan now might change. As you gain experience, some of the assumptions you made in the past will be thrown out for the reality of what really works and what doesn’t work per your metrics.


Learn How to Create SMART Goals


The main issue with goals is that many times excited entrepreneurs don’t set goals that will work. A goal needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. If it’s not all of these, more than likely, you will not succeed. It might seem like extra work for you to focus on the minutia to set goals. However, the proof is in the pudding.


Did you know that, according to, businesses that create well-researched business plans and then use those plans to develop each goal and the steps to reach each goal are 80 percent more likely to experience success? Because of this, SMART goal setting for your life and your business will be one of the practices that pay off for you the most.


Write Specific Goals


For a goal to be specific, it needs to spell out the result and how you’re going to do it. For example, if you want to list 100 products a week on your Poshmark and 100 on your eBay platform, you have to set it up so that it can happen. “I will list 20 products each evening from 8 to 10 PM.” Describe what constitutes done, so you know when you met the goal. Remember, if you don’t set aside the time to do it, it won’t happen.


Make Sure Each Goal is Measurable


As you noticed, the specific goal above mentions numbers. It states that you’ll list 100 products within five workdays by listing 20 products each day Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 and 10 PM. Knowing this information, you also need to set up the rest of our day to ensure you have the time to devote.


Work Only for Attainable Goals


If you want to list more products because you know that getting more listings up means that you have the opportunity to earn more money, it’s important to be realistic about the number.


If you don’t have the funds to buy 100 products a week, you’re not going to be able to list them. If you don’t really sit down each evening to process the products, it won’t happen. Don’t make the goal so impossible to reach that it doesn’t take into consideration the reality of your life and the goals you’ve made for the rest of your life too.


If you really only have 2 hours, it’s possible you will not have enough time to list 20 products, so you’ll have to lower your goal so that it’s actually attainable. Also, there may be outside influences that make your goal impossible, for example, if it’s against the terms of service or somehow against the law or other rules.


Ensure Your Goal is Realistic in The First Place

Outsourcing: The Key to Success for The Life Affirming Entrepreneur

Don’t make impossible goals. It’s fun to dream about being a billionaire but don’t start with that goal. Start with a goal of making enough money to maintain your current lifestyle, then add to that as you go. Also, think about other aspects of your life that might make the goal, while attainable, unrealistic for you.


For example, if you have a chronic illness, you may need to modify some of your goals to ensure you can meet them. The easiest way to succeed is to stop trying to do things that can’t be done and do things that can be done by studying the situation to make sure it’s real and a sensible goal to set for your situation.


Always Assign Yourself (and anyone who works with you) Deadlines to Make Them Time-Bound


No goal will ever be done on an ongoing basis to see real results if you don’t set deadlines. When you set deadlines, always take the time to understand how long it really takes. Don’t try to be faster than others. Take the time it really takes to do a good job, regardless of what it is. Some people have found success using something called Block Scheduling. This is where you state you’ll do XYZ during a particular block of time.


When you learn good goal setting technique, you’ll be amazed at how much better you become at succeeding. It doesn’t matter what you want to do. Using SMART goal setting techniques will make a difference.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…  

What You Really Want to Know to Get Started Fast

Once you learn about yourself, figure out what you really want from your life, choose the type of business you’re going to build, and decide how you’ll run the business, you’re going to want to get started fast. Get to know who you are so that you can start a business that thrives.


Realize Who You Are Really


While you may change as you learn more about the world, you’re mostly who you are. You like to get up early, or you like to sleep late, or you’re naturally organized, or you need to practice – it’s all fine as long as you are honest with yourself about it. Nothing you know about yourself is wrong. Knowing yourself will enable you to ensure that you set up your life for success.

Components of a Business Plan

If you know that you need an extra hour each morning to fully wake up and be ready for company, then you can make sure you do just that. If you know you get nervous speaking in public, you can work on it and practice.


Don’t deny who you are or think you’re wrong for being who you are. Instead, work around your challenges to reach the success you desire by knowing who you are and being honest with yourself about it.


Understand What You Really Ultimately Want and Need from Life to Be Happy


Part of knowing yourself is knowing what you want out of life, not what society or your folks told you that you wanted or even needed. As long as you’re a kind person who doesn’t use others or oppress others, there is nothing about you that is wrong or bad. If you want a traditional marriage and kids, that’s great. If you want a nontraditional life, that’s great too. It’s up to you.


Remember to focus on tangible things you want and need like healthy food, shelter, medical care, recreation, and so forth. Be very specific about what makes a good life for you so that you can ensure it happens.


Know the Fundamentals of Starting a Business


Don’t assume you understand the laws and rules about starting a business. Educate yourself about your particular industry and niche so that you understand the way things are done. There is no need to create a new way to do things for most businesses, as someone else has already designed the best way to succeed. All you need to do is figure out how to emulate them.


Know What Your Best Average Day Will Look Like


Take some time to imagine what a given day might look like if you lived the life you wanted to live. What does it look like? What time do you usually get up in the morning, and what do you do? What do you do for work? What are you doing when you’re done with work? Describe an average day, week, month, and year so that you can work toward that ideal realistically.


Know What Resources You Have and Need


As you design your life, make a list of the resources you have and how you’re going to use them, and the resources you need. Brainstorm ways to obtain the resources you need. You’re either going to have to pay for them, create them, or otherwise work around these needs you don’t have yet in order to succeed. If you know what you have and know how to use it and know what you need and how to find it, you’ll be prepared.


Your Business Plan

Keep learning

Don’t skip the process of writing a business plan. The business plan will help define your business as well as the day to day activities you do that make up your business. The business plan will also help organize all the marketing, advertising, and other information you need to attract your ideal customer to your offerings. It’s a necessity. Some studies indicate that creating a business plan increases the likelihood of business success.


The Legalities


One thing you’ll discover as you create your business plan is the legal parts of your business that you must get right before you get started. You may need a business license, or there may be other legal requirements that you must follow. You may need to set up sales tax payments and regular quarterly tax payments to keep your income tax up to date. You won’t know what you need until you go through the process. You need to go through that process. Don’t assume.


The Action


You need a fabulous and effective schedule of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks that you will implement to ensure that you reach each goal that you set. Without acting, nothing will happen. You can talk about having a business, and you can work on your business all you want, but until you make sales, you don’t have a business. You have an idea.


When you know what type of business you want to start and what type of life you want to live, it’s just a matter of doing it. Live your life and build your business joyfully, knowing that you are the one in control of your destiny.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…