Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Many people who experience burnout had one thing in common: poor time management. Everyone is given the same number of hours in the day, but some people tend to seem super productive, while others seem to run in circles being very busy but not accomplishing anything.


The thing to remember is that productivity is not about how busy you are but about how many things you accomplish.  Productivity is all about results. If you want to have more achievements and thus be more productive, you’ll need to learn how to schedule your life in a way that lends itself to your entire life, including downtime and breaks.


Understand Your Limitations


Feeling Overwhelm


It’s easy to compare yourself to others. If you use that other successful people are working 100 hours a week, it’s tempting to think you must. However, you really don’t need to do that, nor should you.


There are 24 hours in a day, and you need to sleep at least 7 of those hours, exercise about an hour, and eat for about three hours a day. Then you may want to spend time with your family, friends, and yourself learning and exploring.


If you really want to fit it all in, you’ll have to be realistic about time and your own limitations in terms of resources financially, mentally, and physically.


Know Your Priorities


When you look at your overall life plan and goals, what are your actual priorities? You have priorities for all the different areas of your life, including spiritually, personal development wise, health-wise, romantically, socially, family, business, career, and so forth.


Determine Your Daily Energy Levels


Everyone has their own daily rhythm to life that works best for them. Some of us are night owls, and some of us are more productive in the morning. Know where you fit in so that you can schedule the most physically or mentally taxing tasks to the right time frame.


Delegate and Automate When Possible


You shouldn’t do everything yourself in business or life. Instead, get help either by using automation technology or outsourcing or both. It costs a lot less than you think to hire someone to handle your customer service emails or to install automation that saves lots of time.


For automation and outsourcing ideas, look at your accounting, bookkeeping, administrative tasks, customer service, data entry, marketing, tech support, web design, web maintenance, content writing, and so forth. If the task does not need your personal touch or smiling face, let go of it.


Set Up and Organize Properly


It cannot be overstated how important using the right tools for the job can save you time and frustration. This is true whether you’re cooking a nice dinner or if you’re setting up customer service options with software. If you don’t invest in the right tools, you’re not going to get the best result.


Avoiding burnout requires that you be very honest with yourself and others about your capabilities. No one really needs to work 80 hours a week. The human body was not designed for that. Therefore, you will need to learn how to schedule yourself to accomplish your goals without overworking because you’re not here to simply work and make money. You’re also here to have a full and well-rounded life that includes downtime, vacations, family, friends, and joy.

Focus and Find a Good Mentor

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…




Are your Beliefs and Attitudes in Alignment with your Success Outcome?

Is Self Sabotage something you struggle with?

Are you working daily to improve your beliefs and attitudes to support the outcome in business and in life that you desire?

To be a Top Producer you need to work on your beliefs and values needed to accomplish your best outcome for Success.



Leadership requires a belief in others. If you want a strong team of people around you it is crucial that you learn about what is important to your team members and you must believe in their abilities.

Here are some steps you can use to change limiting beliefs.

First, recognize the belief.

Example: You Don’t believe you can accomplish a specific task.

You can Redefine:

1.   There is always a way if committed to the result.

2.  Don’t be afraid of failure as Success comes from learning from outcomes.

3.  Celebrate your successes

4.  Talk in positive phrases, you can be a blessing to many

Look for a Counter-Example:

You believe you are to shy to be able to make a video explaining to someone a training you did and showing what you experienced.

Well, a counterexample would be finding a Leader who was also painfully shy but overcame this and continued on to be a Great Leader.


Use of Affirmations to change limiting Beliefs

I am working daily on myself to become a better person

I show up daily with enthusiasm ready to receive all that is good into my life.

I am Successful

I attract Success and Good Fortune

I attract into my life people who are Successful and Like Minded