Eight Facebook Story Ideas for Increased Engagement

Creating Facebook stories is a fun and creative way to engage and interact with your target audience. However, suppose you want to stay ahead of your competition and get the most out of what Facebook can bring to your business. In that case, you need to take the time to craft compelling, interactive, and highly valuable stories.


Here are eight Facebook story ideas to try to increase your audience engagement and business success on this platform:


  • Ask a Thought-Provoking Question – One way to really boost engagement and action from your audience is to make them think. So ask a question without giving your answer, giving them time to respond. Then you can give them your solution that feels more conversational while also learning more about your audience gleaning information that can be used in the future for more content.


  • Share Something Behind-The-Scenes – Your true fans love finding out more about you. They like feeling like they’re VIPs getting a stage pass by getting a sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes goings-on. Show them how you set up for a shoot, or how you make your product, or whatever you want that you think they want to know. If you aren’t sure, ask them.


  • Use A Trendy Topic for Inspiration – While you do need to keep going with a thought-out content plan that is based on the future offerings, you also want to pay close attention to trending topics that you can create off the cuff by sharing your thoughts or otherwise engaging with your audience around that trend.


  • Share a Meme or Infographic – If you have no other ideas about what to share, look at your current offerings and grab a meme or develop an infographic from them to showcase parts of your message.


  • Tell a Real Story – Do you have a story to share relevant to your audience that they can learn from or even be entertained by engaging with it? Tell a real story about yourself or your business, or even a customer.


  • Showcase Popular Products – If you sell products, showcase them on your stories as if you’re doing a review for them. You can also do reviews for others if you’re an affiliate right on your stories.


  • Highlight Your Email Newsletter or Opt-In – Create a story all about your email newsletter or opt-in that you’ve created.


  • Have Fun with Staff or Influencer Takeovers – A really fun thing to do is let someone else take over your page, or you take over someone else’s page who markets to your audience a complementary product or service.


Test these Facebook story ideas to see what personal benefits they can provide to your business. Each idea may suit certain business goals or niches better, so it is important to get to know your target audience and take risks to understand them better. Just because one post doesn’t deliver the results you want or need doesn’t mean the next idea won’t, nor does it mean you have failed. A proper social media content plan includes being aware of where you need to improve and doing the work to get there.


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Four Fun Ways to Use Instagram Stories Polls and Questions

Social media stories are attractive because they are highly interactive and engaging for you and your target audience. One popular way to increase your engagement while learning more about your audience is using Instagram story poll stickers and questions. Adding polls, stickers, or emojis is an easy and simple process that keeps your audience interested and curious about your business. In addition, polls and questions provide you an opportunity to educate your audience and learn more about them.


To add a sticker or emoji, select the “Polls” icon after taking a picture or recording a video for your story. Next, type the question you would like to ask in the field that appears above “Yes” and “No.” After you input the question, you can even choose your different responses by simply tapping the “Yes” or “No” field to change it. The response fields can only be twenty-two characters long. However, there is no text limit for the question filed. Select “Done” in the top right of the screen to finish the poll.


The following are four ways to use Instagram Stories polls and questions:


Put Your Best Products Up for Battle


Compare your best products and have your audience pick the winner. Be sure to share the results of the polls so your audience can see how they relate to others who follow your business. It will also persuade them to participate more. For example, if you are a food blogger, you can share a story with one cake recipe you made on the top with another of your recipes on the bottom, such as chocolate versus caramel, and see which your viewers pick the most.


Develop a Creative Survey or Quizzes


Get to know your viewers more by asking them different questions related to your business or industry. Think outside of the box to know their most common problems and the goals they would like to achieve in life. You can even make fun quizzes that test their knowledge on the topic you would like to teach them or spread awareness. This is done by using the “Quiz” icon near the “Polls” icon when you swipe up from your story.


Test Your Audience Knowledge with Feedback Questions

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Ask your audience a series of questions to see if you understand their main problem. Not only does this create more engagement with your target audience. It also ensures you know what you can do for them and that you are providing value. Successful business solves problems, and asking them a direct question allows you to be sure you know what it is. Yes or no stickers or the sliding hand sticker where you use text to offer different answers is a great way to further learn about your audience and get them to interact with your stories.


Overall, using the Instagram polls, questions stickers, and slider features is a powerful way to understand and get to know your audience fully. It is not only fun for your audience to participate but gives you valuable information to perfect your craft, product, and services.