A/B Testing Your Email Funnels is a Must

A/B testing, often called split testing, compares the results of two or more similar email campaigns or funnel material sent to different audiences. After testing, marketers can use this information to determine which material converts the best. Thus, allowing you to perfect your email marketing campaigns and funnels more efficiently.


The following is why A/B testing is essential to the email marketing process and a few tips on how to perform them for maximum results:


To Increase Open and Click-Through Rates

Improving your overall conversions is the main goal and idea behind split testing. When you test and track these conversions, you can easily see if it is successful or not by how high or low the open and click-through rates are compared to the other sequence results.


To Understand Your Audience Better

A/B testing allows you to watch your audience behavior and see them interact with your content. If certain titles or graphics work better to engage and relate to your audience, then you can better update your material to this effect. Thus, allowing you to communicate better and increase your overall email marketing conversions.


Increase Engagement and Content Quality

Through split testing, you discover the right ways to communicate to your target audience to improve the quality of your content. An email funnel without quality content might as well not be called one at all. If you don’t take the time to perfect and send the right content your subscribers want to see, it won’t matter what else you do to fix your results.


Test One Thing at A Time

Find one area of the email funnel process to test at a time. Only change your titles, then update the email copy after you are done establishing your title. Changing too much information at once can easily cloud the results and make it difficult to understand which change really increased the conversions.


Keep Timing and Schedule Consistent

Be sure email is sent during the same times and day of the week, even though the content is slightly different. This way, you can be sure the metrics you analyze later directly result from the content quality rather than other factors.


Be Sure Every Test Has a Control

This means you always test your normal content to the new idea or different content to get accurate results.  The only way to know if your test content is better is to compare it to your normal content.

10 Content Marketing Tips for Email Marketing Success

As you can see, A/B testing gives you the data you need to make better content and email copy for your subscribers. It allows you to perfect your titles, call-to-actions, and more, to improve your communication and get your readers more involved and engaged.



Developing The Habit of Doing

Whenever you set up your schedule, there may be things you put on your schedule that you don’t want to do, or try to avoid doing, which can lead to procrastination and other problems. If you want to stop allowing this to happen, there are some strategies you can put in place that help you develop the habit of doing.


Schedule Everything


How you arrange your calendar makes all the difference. Most people only put work and appointments in their calendars. Put everything you want to do in your calendar, from lunch with your spouse to ladies’ night out with friends to a picnic with your daughter. If you’re going to get it done, it has to be in the schedule, or it won’t happen.


Schedule Properly


When you do create your schedule, it’s not going to help to list the things you want to do without knowing how long you’ll take, where you’ll do it, how you’ll do it, and more. This requires research. Scheduling properly includes considering the real amount of time you will take and where and how you’ll do it.


Understand That Perfection Does Not Exist


Sometimes putting something off is done to save face. You think that you’re not good at doing it, so you put it off. The thing is, no one is perfect. As long as you do things according to directions, the best you can do is better than not done but done never means perfect.


Results Matter More Than Intention


You mean to do the thing. Truly really mean to. Then fail anyway. But if you didn’t do it when you said you would, whether you told yourself or someone else, you’re going to feel guilty. Why put yourself in a position of guilt to start with? If something is that bad, and you can do it, outsource it. Until then, just do it.


Do It for Two Minutes


Sometimes all you really need is to get started. If you’ve done a good job with your schedule, it’s not going to be that hard for you to use rote memorization to get going and get started. You don’t even need to assign a feeling to it. Just start doing it for two minutes, and if you still don’t want to do it after that, you can stop.


Plan For Breaks

Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

When you are doing anything that you dislike doing, don’t torture yourself. Yes, get it done as soon as possible according to your needs but don’t make yourself do the thing you hate for 8 hours when it’s not necessary. Plan for breaks and try to give yourself incentives along the way.


The fact is, whenever you need to get something done, simply doing it will take less time and cause less stress than all the gymnastics most people do when they try to avoid something. If you just get it done, you’ll be able to move on. Make this a habit by creating better schedules and then just getting it done. After all, if it’s running through your mind, it’s taking up space that can be used in a much more creative way if you just finish it.

Linkedin Metrics and Results

Measuring and monitoring your results and performance against your original goals and objectives is essential.

This is where many businesses tend to fall short of utilizing LinkedIn to generate leads and increase sales.

Many businesses aimlessly post content without checking to see if it’s working. Then after six months, they wonder why their campaign isn’t making a positive impact on their business’s bottom line.

When you take the time to measure your results, you’ll discover more information about your campaign which will allow you to steer your campaign in the right direction to achieve your goals and objectives, while stopping those efforts that aren’t working.

When you work out your strategies and tactics for your campaign, you will be estimating what you need to do to accomplish your business goals and objectives.

However, as your campaign runs, you will be able to see exactly what you need to do to achieve what you originally set out to do.

For instance, after your campaign has run for a while, you might determine that you need to increase the amount of money that you spend on advertising to attract new followers, or you may need to change the kinds of posts you are making to increase engagement and reach.

You need to learn how to make your marketing campaign work for you, which means you need to constantly measure your success against the goals that you set and then constantly adjusting your strategies accordingly in order for you to achieve results.

LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn analytics provides you with the metrics and trends of your company page. It is split into two sections, Company Updates, and Followers.




The Company Updates section tracks three areas on your company page,

• Updates
• Reach
• Engagement

The updates area provides you a table with the most recent updates from your company page. The table includes the following information.• A preview of the post.

• The date that each update was posted.
• The audience that the update was sent to, either your followers or targeted     audience.
• Which campaigns you have sponsored an update in.
• The number of times each update has been shown to members.
• The number of clicks on your company page, logo, or content.
• The number of times people have liked, commented, or shared an update.
• The engagement percentage of your content.
• How many followers you gained by promoting an update.

The reach area of LinkedIn analytics displays a graph that shows the number of times your updates were seen through a paid campaign or organically. You can select your preferred date ranges from a drop down menu to further customize the data that you view.

Within the engagement section of the analytics there is a graph that shows the number of times a member clicked, shared, or commented on your organic or sponsored content. The graph includes the following information.

• Where your followers are coming from.
• The total number of LinkedIn members following your page.
• The followers that you gained to your page without advertising.
• The followers you gained on your page through sponsored updates or            company follow adverts.
• The top five places where your followers are coming from as a percentage of    your total followers.
• A breakdown of who is following your company page.
• How your number of followers has changed over time.
• The number of followers compared to other companies.

Utilizing Google Analytics

For a more detailed look at your LinkedIn company page analytics, you can utilize Google Analytics. For example, Google Analytics can provide you the number of people LinkedIn is sending to your website or how many of your connections and followers are converting into customers.

With Google Analytics you can receive advanced reports that let you track the effectiveness of your campaign with a number of social reports.

The Overview Report

With this report, you can see how much conversion value is generated from all of your social channels. It compares all your conversions with those resulting from your social media profiles.

The Conversion Report

The conversion report helps you to quantify the value of social and shows you conversion rates and the monetary value of conversions that occurred due to referrals from LinkedIn and any of your other social networks.

Google Analytics can link visits from LinkedIn with the goals you have chosen and your e-commerce transactions.

To do this you will need to configure your goals in Google Analytics. You can do this under the Admin menu, in the goals section. Goals on Google Analytics allows you to measure how often visitors take or complete a specific action.

You can either create goals from the templates that are offered in the program, or you can create your own custom goals.

The Networks Referral Report

This report tells you how many visitors LinkedIn and the other social networks have referred to your website and shows you how many page views, visits, the duration of the visits, and the average number of pages viewed per visit. From this information, you can determine which network referred the highest quality of traffic.

Data Hub Activity Report

The data hub activity report shows you how people are engaging with your site on social networks, like LinkedIn. You can see the most recent URLs that were shared, how they were shared, and what was said.

Social Plug-In Report

The social plug-in report will show you which articles are being shared and from which network. This is important to understand which sites are driving traffic to your site and providing you with the insight to change your marketing approach if necessary.

The Social Visitors Flow Report

This report shows you the initial paths that your visitors took from LinkedIn and other social sites through to your site and where they exited.

The Landing Pages Report

This report shows you the engagement metrics for each URL and includes the number of page views, average visit duration and the pages viewed per visit.

The Trackbacks Report

This report shows you which sites are linking to your content and how many visits those sites are sending to you.

This can help you work out what kind of content is the most successful so that you can create similar content. It also helps you to build relationships with those who are constantly linking to your content.

Tracking Custom Campaigns

Google Analytics lets you create URLs for custom campaigns for website tracking. This can help you to identify which content is the most effective in driving visitors to your website and landing pages.

For instance, you might want to see which particular updates on LinkedIn are sending you the most traffic, or you may want to see which links in an email or particular banner on your website are sending you the most traffic.

Custom campaigns allow you to measure these results and see what is and what isn’t working by allow you to add parameters to the end of your URL. You can either add your own URLs or use the URL Builder.

To use this feature, simply type “URL Builder” into the Google search box and click on the first result. The URL builder form will only appear if you are signed into Google.

You can then add the URL that you want to track and complete the rest of the fields and click submit. You can then shorten the URL with bit.ly or goo.gl/.

Once your custom URL is established you can track the results through Google Analytics.

Tracking the results of your marketing campaigns on LinkedIn is an essential part of generating more leads to your website. By running these reports and adjusting your strategy based on the results you can adjust your current marketing strategy to increase the leads you receive and improve sales.

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