What is Bitcoin

dollar bitcoin



Bitcoin is a digital monetary system. Instead of “dollars,” the unit of currency is referred to as a “Bitcoin.” Like traditional money, bitcoins can be used to store and transfer value among other bitcoin users within the bitcoin community. Bitcoin is considered a cryptocurrency. The currency utilizes cryptography for management and creation of the currency.

There is a bitcoin protocol, which resides primarily on the internet. It’s possible to utilize the protocol on your smartphone, computer, tablet, and other computing devices. It’s easily accessible to anyone with common available technology.

Essentially, anything that can be done with conventional currencies can be done with bitcoins. It’s possible to buy and sell goods and services, give money to other individuals or organizations, or even provide credit to others. Bitcoins can be bought, sold, and exchanged for other currencies.

Bitcoin is considered by many to be the ideal currency. It’s secure, free from borders, and very fast.

Bitcoins are virtual. There are no physical bitcoins to be found anywhere in the world. The bitcoins are merely an idea to convey value. All that’s required is that other bitcoin users accept the same premise.

Interestingly, bitcoins are a peer-to-peer system. There is no central authority, computer server, or control point.


As with the founding of Facebook, the history of bitcoin is a little fuzzy, but these are the high points:

  1. In 2008, someone named “Satoshi Nakamoto” published a paper titled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the author’s name is an alias. It has even been suggested that several people wrote the article.
  • The premise combined the previous technologies and philosophies of HashCash and b-money. The idea was to create an electronic monetary system that was completely decentralized.
  • The primary innovation was a global accounting process that would take place every 10 minutes. This would allow the entire network of users to reach a consensus regarding the previous 10 minutes of transactions worldwide. The advantage of this process is the elimination of users double spending their currency.
  • Previous attempts and electronic currency dealt with the double-spend issue by clearing transactions through a centralized clearing system. This is considered a weakness because a centralized location could be hacked.
  1. The actual bitcoin network was launched in 2009. The first issuance of bitcoins was 50 coins. The value of the coins was negotiated by the users at that time.
  2. The first notable transaction was 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa John’s pizzas. The transaction was indirect and did not include Papa John’s as one of the involved parties. The first bitcoins weren’t worth much!
  3. There has only been one significant exploited vulnerability. In 2010, 184 billion bitcoins were created. The transaction was quickly noticed, reversed, and the flaw was removed from the system.
  4. By the beginning of 2013, over 1,000 merchants were accepting bitcoins as payment. Many charities also began accepting bitcoins for donations. The Internet Archive gave employees the option to receive their salaries in the form of bitcoins.
  5. Bitcoins have ranged in value from less than a penny to over $1,200. The value of a bitcoin is very volatile. The value in November 2015 was roughly $400. Who knows where it will be in a few months?
  6. The first government seizure of bitcoins occurred in June of 2013. The DEA seized 11.02 bitcoins as part of a raid and listed the bitcoins as a seized asset.
  7. Also in 2013, Vancouver, Canada became the location of the first bitcoin ATM. The ATM allowed the purchasing of bitcoins.
  8. Many larger companies are now accepting bitcoins. These include Overstock, Zynga, and several Las Vegas casinos. There is even a bitcoin financial product on the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.


Bitcoins have a somewhat shady history. If you recall, the infamous Silk Road drug website relied on the use of bitcoins. However, the use of bitcoins is becoming more accepted, and even mainstream companies are now getting involved. Even the US stock market has investment options for those interested in bitcoins.

“I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential  to do something like change the world.”

– Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal

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The Most Important Cryptocurrencies Besides Bitcoin

The Most Important Cryptocurrencies Besides Bitcoin


Everyone has heard of Bitcoin, even if they don’t fully understand it. There are numerous other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin. According to Wikipedia, there are 19 active cryptocurrencies, and most of these were released in the last couple of years. Coinmarketcap.com lists 100 cryptocurrencies. Many experts believe the numbers will continue to climb.


Bitcoin has a considerable head start on the other offerings. Several cryptocurrencies are slight variations on the Bitcoin platform and may be more attractive to conventional financial institutions.


The first cryptocurrency to be welcomed by the banking industry will likely dominate the market. Which one will it be? Only the future will reveal the one that comes out on top.


Currently, these are the top five cryptocurrencies after Bitcoin:


  1. Ripple has a market capitalization of nearly $150 million. For comparison purposes, Bitcoin is almost $5 billion. This cryptocurrency was released in 2012 and has been making strong inroads into the banking industry and payment networks.


  • A “Bitcoin Bridge” permits Ripple currency holders to make payments to Bitcoin users without ever holding Bitcoins themselves.
  • Some financial experts believe that Ripple will eventually overtake Bitcoin and become the dominant digital currency.


  1. Litecoin is the third largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $137 million. Charles Lee, a former Google employee, released Litecoin in 2011. This cryptocurrency is very similar to Bitcoin.


  • Litecoin offers several enhancements when compared to Bitcoin, including a higher limit on the maximum number of coins, improved user interface, and faster transaction approvals.
  • Several exchanges permit transactions of Litecoin with Bitcoin users and various conventional currencies, including US dollars, Euros, and Chinese Yuan.
  1. The Ethereum market is half the size of Litecoin. Ethereum is challenging to understand, even for the experts. Ethereum combines the blockchain technology of Bitcoin with a programming language. This platform permits the construction of new applications to be developed.


  1. Dash was started in 2014 as XCoin. You may have heard of XCoin or Darkcoin before they were rebranded to the name Dash. Dash is roughly one-tenth the size of Litcoin at $14 million. There are currently 6 million Dash coins in circulation.


  • Dash transactions are arguably more private than those of the previously mentioned currencies. Inputs from multiple users are needed to complete a transaction. Multiple identical outputs are also generated. These identical inputs and outputs shield the location and identity of the true parties.
  1. Dogecoin has approximately the same market capitalization as Dash. However, Dash currently has 6 million coins in circulation compared to the 102 billion coins of Dogecoin! This crypto currency started as a joke, but quickly developed a loyal following.


  • Coins are produced very quickly and have very little value, roughly $0.0001 per coin.


  • The Dogecoin community has been actively involved in fundraising for interesting causes, including the Jamaican Bobsled Team, a NASCAR driver, and building a well in Kenya.
  • Several online exchanges exist to service those that wish to use Dogecoin.
  • The cryptography technology employed is similar to that of Bitcoin and Litecoin and utilizes a private and public key system.
  • There is no limit on the number of Dogecoins that can be produced. More than 5 billion coins are expected to be produced each year.


There’s more going on in the cryptocurrency world than just Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin is the oldest and most well-known cryptocurrency in existence. The current Bitcoins in circulation are worth more than all of the other cryptocurrencies combined. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.

