How to Do More with Less

Many folks in western society have been taught by word and deed that being busy makes them a good person. The truth is, being busy does not mean that you are productive. You can be busy doing the wrong things. Getting more done with less implies that the impact you make is more significant than your effort.


Some ways to get more done with less:


  • Understand your key objectives – For any task, what is the point of doing it? Does this task actually impact any of your critical business objectives or the objective of the one task?
  • Automate – If you can document the steps you do for a task, you can likely automate a lot of it. From using macros within your documentation to implementing new automation tech, there is likely a way to do it.
  • Outsource – If you cannot automate it, you can likely get someone else to do it for you. As a business owner, you should actually make it your goal to outsource or automate almost every task in your business, with few exceptions.
  • Batch tasks – Once you’ve figured out what tasks you really do need to do, batch things together that make sense. The fewer steps you can take, the better. For example, if you need to do bookkeeping, save all your booking entries to do one day a week instead of doing it daily.
  • Avoid multitasking – When you are doing a task, do that task. Don’t do anything else that will take away your focus. No human really can multitask anyway.
  • Create realistic schedules – When you write your tasks into your calendar, it should make sense. If a task takes four hours, you need to ensure you really have four hours and not one. For example, include set up time, drive time, and all the time needed to finish the task as scheduled completely.
  • Do the hard things first – If there is one thing on your list you really don’t want to do, but you cannot eliminate it, automate it, or outsource it, get that out of the way first thing.
  • Track your time – When you first start doing things, it helps to track your time so that you stay mindful of how you’re spending it and so that you know how long any given thing really takes you.
  • Focus on money-making tasks – Note which tasks you do that generate invoicing or money in your pocket. These need to be done first thing.
  • Cut distractions – Set up your workspace to eliminate distractions and interruptions. Turn off notifications, your phone, the TV, or anything that can take your mind off what you are doing.
  • Use the right tools – Don’t skimp on investing in the tools of your trade. If a tool exists to use that helps streamline your business and eliminate busywork, you need it.
  • Know your top five – Everyone has off days, but if you create a list of the top five money-making must-dos for a basic day, then even when you have issues, you can focus on those top five tasks.


Remember that being organized in your business is part of what a business owner does. Business owners reduce risk in their business by organizing, planning, and generating new ideas that create new opportunities.

Make Time for What Matters

The first time you hear the phrase “you make time for what matters,” it’s likely your mom telling you that when you tell her you can’t make it for Sunday Dinner this week. Because of that, you may have mixed feelings about the concept of truly being able to make time for what matters.

Balance in life


However, no matter how much it hurts, it’s the truth. If you really wanted to go to that dinner, you would be there. If you want to know how to make more time for what really matters to you, follow these tips.


Know Who You Are


Before you can know how you want to spend your time, you need to know who you are and accept who you are. If you’re a family person, then you want to spend time with family, but if you’re a sports person, you’re going to want to spend time doing sports. Whatever it is, it’s not wrong, and you must accept it and make it a priority.


Know Your Life Mission


When you choose to spend your time doing A over B, do you know why? Does it fit in with and advance your life mission? For example, if you’ve determined that spirituality is important to you, and you’ve made it part of your life mission, but you don’t spend time learning and exploring your spirituality, will you ever reach your goals?


Know Your Goals


Speaking of goals, make sure you have a running list of goals as well as a list of steps you need to take to reach those goals. For example, if you are writing a 50,000-word novel and you have a deadline for it, what do you need to spend time doing today to ensure that you reach that goal?


Set Your Schedule


Once you have a list of activities and things you really want to spend your time doing, put them in your schedule first. Then the other stuff will have to fit around those things you really want to do. For example, if the nightly family meal is important to you as a family, you’re going to want to avoid business meetings or work during mealtimes.


Stick to Your Schedule


Once you set your schedule, don’t be too flexible with it. The only exception is if it’s extra stuff that doesn’t advance your mission or help you reach your goals. For example, if Tuesday night, you added to your schedule that you want to watch a TV show, but your child gets sick, obviously, you’re going to change things.


Adjust Your Schedule as Needed


Once you set your schedule, you can adjust it as needed to ensure it works best to actually help you do the things you want to do. So, for example, let’s say you really do want to spend your time at Sunday Dinner with mom, but it seems like every week it’s not working out. Find ways to adjust your schedule or ask mom to adjust hers to help you make it work.


It may take some adjusting to ensure that you really can do all that you want to do with the time you have available. But, over time, as you eliminate, automate, and delegate more, you’ll soon be able to fit in the things that really matter to you. When you do that, you’re going to avoid burnout and enjoy your life that much more.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Productive or Just Busy?

If you feel like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get everything you need to get done in a day finished, you may be at risk for burnout. The sad fact is that many people who feel overworked are not as productive as they think. Society has instilled into many people that downtime is terrible and that you should always be busy to be productive.

eliminate automate

The truth is, productivity is only measured by results, not by how much you have to do to get the results. Because of this fact, you can be super busy and totally not productive and not busy at all and extremely productive. If you want to be more productive, it’s imperative to learn how to use your time wisely, as well as to eliminate, automate, and delegate when possible.


  • Create a Life and Business Mission – One reason some people have trouble making decisions in life and business is that they have no idea what they stand for. Create a mission statement that explains in a few sentences what your values, morals, and principles are.


  • Understand How to Prioritize – When you set goals, you must learn what’s important to you about the goal. Usually, the most crucial part is the deliverable or the impact of the goal. Know what’s important to you by matching goals to your values, morals, and principles.


  • Learn to Say Yes Slowly – Some people will tell you to learn to say no, but the problem is that saying yes is going to get you a lot further than always saying no. You do want to do new things after all. Instead, say yes slowly. Think about the offer and make sure it matches your goals, values, principles, and morals. Plus, check that it fits in with your mission and that you genuinely have the time to devote to it properly before you say yes.


  • Know the Expected Results or Deliverables – Being busy is about the appearance of action while being productive is about the results or the deliverables. You should be able to describe precisely what is expected once you’re finished.


  • Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome – One thing that distracts everyone is getting their head turned by the next big thing. It’s okay to give yourself time to discover other things because you never know what doors will open, but don’t diss what you’re already doing. Set aside about five percent of your time to explore shiny objects so that you keep windows and doors open but don’t fall out.


  • Do Stuff – The only way you can actually succeed in life is with actions that produce results. Do things, but always make sure you are checking to see if what you’re doing is working or not working. Do more of what works, eliminating what doesn’t.


  • Make Time – If it’s important to you for your mission in life, then make time for it. It doesn’t matter if other people don’t get it, you do. Put the things that are important to you in your schedule.


  • Focus and Stop Multitasking – No one is capable of multitasking, according to science. Because of this, it’s time to stop doing it. Yes, many jobs out there require it as part of the interview process, but it’s a ridiculous and impossible thing they’re asking of you. Stop doing it.


  • Eliminate, Automate and Delegate – Whenever you can stop doing things that don’t affect results, as well as automate and delegate the things that do, you’re going to experience a lot more success and a lot less burnout. You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t even if it’s your stuff and your business. You need help, and you should get it.


If you want to show results and not just look like a busy person, you can do it with the right plan in place. Remember that the impact you make is far more important than how you get there.


For example, you can lose ten pounds slowly over the next year by simply getting rid of about 120 extra calories per day from your diet. This is equal to one cup of coffee or soda. Or, you can do it the faster way and totally redo your diet to force your body into letting go of those ten pounds in a month. However, which method is truly going to give you the best long-term results?


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


10 Ways to Avoid Burnout

Avoiding burnout is really a matter of being aware that it can happen so that you take the steps to design your life in a way that keeps you from burning out and ensures that you thrive as you think about ways you can set up your life to avoid burnout figure out what you can implement right now to affect the most change as soon as possible.




  1. Be Mindful – Almost every person alive has an internal conversation with themselves, but most are not really that self-aware. You probably have thoughts that you ignore and then wish you didn’t. Try to be more mindful about your brain chatter because sometimes it can be a warning of things to come.


  1. Take Lots of Breaks – Work many breaks into your schedule. The idea that you have to be busy all the time to be productive is a lie. You don’t need to work yourself into the ground to be successful. Work breaks into your day and also vacations into your life where you truly take a break and stop doing work or anything stressful in a bad way.


  1. Be as Healthy as Possible – How you take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually is vital to being a healthy person that can avoid problems with burnout. Eat right, exercise, see your doctor on schedule. Talk to a mental health professional or your religious leader if you need help dealing with something.


  1. Learn to Schedule Properly for You – One of the keys to success in life and avoiding burnout is to learn how to make a reasonable and realistic schedule. Try various methods until something clicks for you. One of the best methods to help you avoid burnout is the block schedule. Another is using the Pomodoro Technique to get your tasks completed.

Check out this post on Goal setting:


  1. Harmony is More Realistic Than Balance – Many people, especially mothers, tend to talk in terms of having a balanced life. The problem is this is an unrealistic ideal to shoot for in today’s world. However, you can seek to have harmony, which means if you have to spend a lot of time on one thing, you need to ensure you schedule a lot of time for the other thing, too, but maybe at a later date.


  1. Find Joy in Your Day – The best way to avoid burnout is to help yourself feel happier and more satisfied. One way to accomplish that is to keep a gratitude journal so that you can remember that sunrise you saw or your grandchild’s laughter on any given day.


  1. Pay for More Experiences and Less Stuff – One thing that can cause burnout is the continuous seeking of material possessions. Remember to use your money to experience things too. Experiences are always seen as much more satisfying and happier than things.


  1. Let Yourself Get Bored Sometimes – One problem with today’s always-on society besides rampant burnout is that no one is bored. Being bored is a significant catalyst for invention. Spend an hour in a hammock without your phone, go on a walk with your five-year-old. Spend a day fishing. It’s okay to do nothing.


  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk – When you’re mindful, you’ll start to notice your internal monologue more often. If it’s negative, it can be a sign of impending burnout. Try to turn those thoughts around to positive thoughts. At the very least, try to make the thoughts more neutral.


  1. Unplug Every Day Early – It might get old for night owls to hear this but turning off your technology a few hours before bed is essential for a better night’s sleep. Sleeping well improves your health in every way, especially mentally, giving you the strength to avoid burnout.


Avoiding burnout is very much like wearing a seat belt to help reduce damage if you get into a collision. It’s not going to stop everything bad from happening, but it will certainly reduce the damage to your life if you have a plan in place.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure..