The 2-Minute Rule You Need

This is the 2-minute rule you need to finally end your procrastination or other bad habits and achieve more out of life. Procrastination and other lousy time management habits lead to many missed opportunities and chances for personal growth to build up your business. It encourages laziness and lacks accountability, in turn stalling your momentum, focus, and consistency needed for success.


What Exactly Is The 2-Minute Rule?

It’s a stress-free approach to starting new habits and kicking bad ones. It’s a rule designed to help you achieve more goals without feeling overwhelmed and keeps you from delaying action any longer than you should.


The two main concepts for the rule include:


  • If it only takes two minutes, then get it out of the way right now.
  • Establishing new habits or routines should only take two minutes to begin with.


As with most methods, if they are misused, they provide the opposite results than you intend.


Here’s how to use the 2-minute rule effectively to kick your bad habits and achieve max productivity:


Keep It Relevant and Realistic

Only use the rule if it is relevant to whatever you are doing at that time. In other words, don’t just do whatever task comes to mind if it doesn’t relate to what you are actively doing.


For example, if you are trying to finish your next content package for your client, it’s not a good idea to go ahead and get that email notification about your next business meeting out of the way. It is unrelated and will ultimately get you off track and prevent you from finishing your course. Instead, think, “what can I do in two minutes to finish this course?”


Don’t Make It Hard

You don’t need to gain success or be the best overnight. Don’t make adopting new habits challenging and overwhelming by speeding up the process. Small gradual changes make it easier to accomplish and stick around long term. For example, science proves that those who lose weight over a more extended period of time maintain the weight longer than those who lose it very quickly.


Meaning you shouldn’t focus on what you can’t do; rather, what you can do instead. For just two minutes, what can you do towards changing one bad habit? Then the next day, add two more minutes and keep repeating the process.


It’s All About Perspective

The main goal of the 2-minute rule is to change your perspective on how you see a challenge or annoying tasks. You can trick your brain into believing a task is simple and easy, even though it can be hard. Anyone can deal with something for just two minutes, and sometimes the most challenging part is just starting.


Give this 2-minute rule a try the next time you feel that you need to push off your work to Monday. You won’t regret giving it a try.

The Secrets to Time Management and Why You Need It




Setting Boundaries: It’s Not Selfish to Go After What You Want

As you work on designing your life and business to match your version of a fulfilling and happy life, it’s imperative to realize that it’s not selfish to go after what you want. While it’s not selfish to make yourself happy as long as making yourself happy doesn’t include criminal or unethical activity, there are times when being so-called—selfish is good for you and good for business.


Stick to Your Budget


When most people think of sticking to a budget, they think of only money. While yes, you need to create and stick to your well-thought-out budget so that you keep your bank account healthy and can go after other things you want, remember that you have other non-money resources like your health, time, and so forth.


Follow Your Schedule


When you set up a schedule with real planning and thought about fitting in the things you want to do in life, it’s important to mostly follow your schedule. If you are having a hard time sticking to the schedule, maybe you’re not putting your plans first, or maybe you need a new schedule that is more realistic. When you develop a schedule that includes everything, including lunch with your four-year-old, data entry, exercise, and so forth, you’ll have a much more balanced life.


Say No (or Yes) with True Thought and Consideration


Don’t say yes or no to any request without thinking about it first. You need first to ask yourself if you even want to do it, figure out why you want to do it, what the benefits are, and then check to see if you even have time to do it. If you don’t want to do it, you can say no without guilt.


If you do want to and can’t, due to time or other constraints, state so and do not feel bad. If you can do it and want to do it, then you’re in the clear. But it’s imperative that you really think about it and study each question well.


Take Care of You First


This is probably the hardest for females. Women tend to put everyone else first but feel bad when they put themselves first. When it comes to your needs, always put needs before wants. Your needs come before your wants. Your needs come before someone else’s wants. This is how it should be. If you aren’t happy, healthy, and living the life you really want to live, what’s the point?


Prioritize Tasks, Especially Money-Making Tasks


As you create your schedules for your business activities, remember to prioritize any money-making tasks. The main reason is that without money you can’t do all the things you want to do that make your life worth living.

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

However, this doesn’t mean that you work 20 hours a day on money-making tasks. Instead, you’ll simply spend some of your time each day hard at work making money. When you designed your life, you discovered how much time you have left to make money. Use that time wisely. There is no point in spending time, for example, chatting with people on social media before you send offers to your customers.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…





Creating Passive Income When You Have a Full-Time Job

Learning to balance work and other activities is important. It’s especially difficult to put in a full day at your regular job and then go home and work some more. But if you want to create passive income, it will require some additional effort.

recognize opportunities

Creating passive income can greatly enhance your financial well-being. If you have any desire to break free of your full-time job, it will require you to put in some quality time at home getting those passive income projects up and running.


Consider these ideas for creating passive income when you’re working full-time:


  1. Think about the best times to work. Maybe waking up earlier each morning is a viable option. Perhaps you can work through your lunch break. Are evenings best? Would you rather work all weekend and have your evenings free?


  • There isn’t a perfect strategy, but you need a starting point if you want to achieve success.
  1. Set a schedule. A common misstep is thinking that you can work on passive income streams whenever you have free time. But “free” time is hard to come by. Therefore, it’s helpful to create a specific schedule and stick to it.


  • Treat your pursuit of passive income sources as you would any other regular job.
  1. Eliminate distractions. We all have our ways of distracting ourselves, whether it’s with TV, the computer, or food. Others get sleepy when faced with work they’d prefer to avoid. Do whatever is necessary to stay focused on the work at hand.
  2. Make a list. Before you go to bed each night, make a list of the things you want to accomplish the following day. When it’s time for those tasks, avoid working on anything else. Keep working until you’ve completed all the items on your daily list.
  3. Take advantage of breaks in your day. Ideally, you’ll have some things you can do when you have a few extra minutes. Maybe you can make a few phone calls or respond to emails.
  4. Avoid working on your passive income activities at work. It can be tempting to spend some of your regular work hours on your passive income projects, but avoid doing so. Many companies monitor internet usage and emails.


  • Be cautious and avoid jeopardizing your job.


  1. Get involved with smaller passive income projects. It may be difficult to find a good 200 unit apartment complex for a great price, get commercial financing, hire management, and oversee the project when you’re already working 40+ hours a week. Start small and build from there.


  1. Take planned breaks. Every few weeks, consider taking a week off from your passive income activities, even though it might seem like you’re losing ground. Your productivity will be about the same, but you’ll be less overwhelmed and much happier.
  • Studies have shown that marathon runners will finish a race faster if they walk for one mile after running four. It’s the same idea.


  1. Keep your projects to yourself. You might want to refrain from discussing your other passive income activities at your full-time place of employment. Many bosses take exception to the idea of you earning extra money outside of your regular job, thinking your free time ought to be spent working harder for them.
  2. Learn to meditate. Meditation is a great way to give your mind a break. It’s one of the few times your brain gets to rest. As long as you’re thinking, your mind is still working. Learn to relax and focus.

It’s challenging to manage a full-time job along with other activities. Limit yourself to the most important tasks and use your time wisely. Passive income takes some time and effort to create. Ensure you’re giving yourself adequate time to manage it all.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…