Six Tips on Writing SEO Blog Posts

SEO content writing is a type of content writing optimized for search engine optimization. This means that it includes keywords, meta tags, and other SEO elements to rank higher in search engines. SEO content writers have to keep in mind that search engines are getting smarter every day. Therefore, they have to use the best practices and new techniques to stay ahead of the curve and rank high on search engine rankings.


The following are six tips on writing SEO blog posts to increase visits to your website:


Learn How to Find and Use the Right Keywords

Every business needs to have a strong SEO strategy. And the first step in this process is to find the right keywords for your company. Then, when you want to find the information, you type keywords into search engines. Since you do it, you can see why keywords are important to consider in any SEO strategy.


Discovering just the right keywords can be tricky. The first tip is to use the primary keywords that represent your company. While these terms may not show up in your title or description, they are still important to include. The next tip is to use Google Trends to find new keywords relevant to your industry.


Write Long but Valuable and Unique Blog Posts

Always remember that there is no set length for a blog post. The length of the post depends on the content and what you are trying to achieve. However, the general rule for SEO blog posts is one thousand words or more. This is because Google ranks longer content higher in search engine results than shorter content. Therefore, a blog post that is 1,000 words long might have more keywords and be more engaging than a 400-word post.


Be Aware of Readability

The readability of a blog post is a significant factor for SEO. It has a massive impact on how many people will read your content and what they will think about it. Readability is the ease with which the average person can understand the text, not just in terms of vocabulary but also in sentence structure and paragraph organization. Many factors affect readability, such as word choice, sentence length, paragraph length, and text organization.


Use Supporting Visuals

Visuals such as pictures, videos, and infographics are essential in the web world. They can make a blog post more attractive and can be used to break up content. Use visuals to illustrate points. Use them to grab attention or to tell a story. Images should be relevant and appropriate for the post topic, should not distract from the content, should have captions so that people know what they are looking at, and need alt tags so that screen readers that disabled folks use can understand them, but it’s also for SEO purposes.


End with a Call to Action

The CTA or call to action is essential for everything you send out to your readers. It is what tells readers what to do next: read another article, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy a product. Therefore, your blog post will not be as effective without a call to action.


Optimize Your Content and Fill in Your Meta Descriptions

Content writers need to optimize their content for SEO by filling out meta descriptions. These descriptions help the search engine see your content more efficiently, and therefore you’ll be found more easily by potential customers. Meta descriptions are displayed under a link in a search engine’s search result page, and marketers often use them to entice searchers to click on their website.


SEO content aims to help you find more of your target audience by being at the top of many search engines such as Google. Incorporating each of these tips by taking the time to use the right keywords and understanding your target audience well is key to creating effective SEO content.



How to Optimize Your Email Subject Lines

Part of building a profitable email list is keeping the list subscribers happy. The truth is, getting someone to sign up for your list is not the hard part. Maintaining an active email list that is responsive is the challenge that you really have when it comes to getting and keeping your first 1000 or next 1000 subscribers. One way to ensure your subscribers open your email messages is to optimize your email subject lines.


  • Make Them Short – You’ll want to test out different lengths to find out what it looks like in the subject line area when your audience receives their email. In general, a subject line for an email should be no more than 60 characters long.


  • Use Your Real Name or At Least a Familiar Name in The Return Email Name If your name is known among your audience, use that name. This is not the time to be anonymous.


  • Do Not Use No Reply Email Addresses – Just like you don’t want to use a fake name or an unknown name in the return field, you also don’t want to use a no-reply email that goes nowhere. Email your audience only from real addresses that they can reply to easily.


  • Use Smart Personalization – Each autoresponder has different capabilities, but you’ll want to use all the personalization you can based on your audience and the information you’ve collected. The worst thing that could happen is you add personalization for info you did not collect.


  • Make Honest Promises – It should go without saying that a promise should be true but let’s be clear. When you make a promise to your audience, it should be something you know is true and can really happen.


  • Don’t Blow Smoke – While some will tell you that it’s normal to blow smoke or use hyperbole in business, the truth is, people are sick of it. Just be truthful and straightforward about the benefits of your offers.


  • Tell Them Why They Need to Open the Email – Try to let your audience know why they need to open that email with the subject line. The words you use there should answer that why question for them clearly.


  • Send Your Emails at The Right Time and Day – Each audience is different, but you can start with the stats your autoresponder offers regarding the best times to send your messages to your audience.


  • Elicit the Right Emotions – You want them to be curious and want to open the email based on the subject line urgently. That might seem like a lot for a few words, but with practice, you’ll soon see the results of your efforts when you make them feel something.


  • Use Numbers and Lists – The human brain loves lists; this is why when you publish chunky content (like this post), it’s more digestible to your audience. People read online in an F format, scanning down then to the right. Lists are easy to absorb.


  • Ask a Compelling Question – A great way to create a compelling subject line is to ask a compelling question. The question itself can persuade them to open to see the answers and learn more.


  • Puns Are Fine but Don’t Be Too Clever – While some audiences are more conducive to humor than others, be careful about trying to be too clever because it can cause confusion. Best to be straightforward.


  • Don’t Use All Caps – In fact, your titles should use the appropriate case for titles, which is either upper case on the correct words or lower case on all but the first word to make it more readable to your audience.


  • Test More Than One Idea – You have such amazing technology at your fingertips that you can efficiently conduct A B testing using your autoresponder system, and you should do it because that’s what’s going to help you determine what works best with your audience.

12 Tips for Getting the SEO Right for Your Ideal Audience

While you want to start with best practices, use testing to double-check what works and what doesn’t work. Do more of what shows the results you desire and less of what doesn’t, and you will start to see that your subject lines are working better to get more opens. The more your audience opens your email messages, the stronger your email list will become.


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12 Tips for Getting the SEO Right for Your Ideal Audience

There are a few basic things that you need to know about search engine optimization that will help you get more out of everything you do. When you do SEO right, you’ll get more traffic, convert at a higher rate, and have customers who trust you. SEO is not a trick. It’s a method to help you organize information and deliver it in a way that persuades your audience to act.

Search engine Optimization

  1. Title Tags – This HTML element tells the search engine what the page is about and makes the title clickable. The title tag enables the customer to search for the information and then click through to read it.


  1. Meta Descriptions – When you conduct a search and see the results of that search, you’ll see a link to the title and then a description under the clickable link. This is the meta description. You’ll want to ensure that you use up to 160 characters with the keywords toward the front to make it stand out.


  1. Images – When you add images to your website, email messages, or social media, make sure you optimize them by making them the right size for the platform, naming the file a keyword, and including a compelling description of the image that helps search engines and people understand.


  1. Page Speed – Always check your page speed first because if it loads too slow, you’re going to lose people, and nothing else you do will matter. You have less than four seconds to grab your audience’s attention.


  1. Internal Linking – A great way to boost your search engine results is to develop a logical internal linking policy. Always link to like content under each piece of content you create and encourage your readers to follow the links. The search bots will automatically follow each of these links and determine relationships, so make sure it really is related.


  1. Backlinks – A backlink is a link outside your website that links to your pages. Earning them from other authoritative sites helps your search results, but you can also plan it by guest posting, publishing your email posts and newsletters, sharing on social media, and by starting an affiliate program.


  1. User Experience – While a search engine bot cannot tell if the user experience is good or not, having well-formed navigation and creating a website that works well for the user helps too.


  1. Keywords – Studying keywords is an integral part of building your list because keywords are how you’re going to figure out what type of content you want to publish. Plus, you can study your competition’s keyword usage to get more ideas and hopefully stand out better.


  1. Long-Form Content – You need to publish long-form content that showcases your expertise. Some people call this epic content or pillar content. From this content, you’ll develop all the other content.


  1. Short Form Content – You need to create shorter forms of content as well as longer content to switch up the information and attract different types of learners within your audience.


  1. Cross Promotions – Using your website, social media, and email marketing to cross-promote content, products, and services is an essential part of SEO.


  1. Repurposing Content – Remember that every single piece of content you create can be repurposed to use in another form or in another place within your content distribution network.

11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

Search engine optimization is not a trick or a scam. SEO is simply about keeping your website and content organized in a way that helps you get your message to the right people, your target audience. Don’t skip using SEO best practices for all your platforms to ensure you’re using each tool to its utmost capabilities. Make it easy and use an SEO plugin like Yoast on self-hosted WordPress to get all of the SEO mentioned above, working like a charm.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…


11 Ways SEO Improves Email Marketing

When you think about search engine optimization (SEO), you probably think about what you do on a blog post with the help of plugins like Yoast! SEO, to help with keywords, tagging, and other on-page factors. But SEO includes off-page options too that also help improve your marketing efforts.

Search engine Optimization

  1. Drives Qualified Traffic to Your Website – You may not realize this, but once someone is on your list, you’re not done with them coming to your website. Invite them back to your site by sending new blog posts, new product information, and so forth to them via email directly, based on their interests.


  1. Improves Social Engagement – Sending email messages that bring your readers to your social media platforms will help improve engagement exponentially. For example, if you have a Facebook Group, you can send messages via email and ask them to come to discuss that message on the platform.


  1. Helps Clarify Your Content Strategy – Due to the information you can gather from your email subscribers, you’re going to be able to find out exactly what type of content they need based on their interests, problems, and other factors that you will find out about them within the analytics of your email autoresponder software.


  1. Ensures More Emails Get Opened – When you use acceptable SEO practices like keyword-rich subject lines and using the first paragraph of the email to deliver the message, you’re going to ensure more people open the email.


  1. Lowers Your Bounce Rate – Using search engine optimization techniques like subject lines and using the right terms inside the email to keep your emails from bouncing. If the information is useful and they open them, the next emails are less likely to bounce.


  1. Encourages More Social Sharing of Email Messages – Good SEO practices say that you should put most of the content you want your audience to consume on your website, not inside an email or on other platforms. Because of this, encouraging readers to share the email message with non-list members will help build your list more.


  1. Allows You to Deliver Highly Personalized Content – The way email technology is set up, you can gather a lot of demographic information that the email autoresponder company collects on your audience as they sign up. That means the content you create later can be that much more pointed and directed.


  1. Creates More Website Content – SEO encourages you to create more content for your website. When you create an email message, remember that it can also be republished on your website too.


  1. Allows for Simpler Cross Promotion – It’s a lot easier to cross-promote to a captive audience within your email marketing than to try to get people randomly to come to your social media platforms and follow you.


  1. Builds Product Awareness – The people who sign up for your email really want to know about you, or they would not sign up. Use email messages to help them get to know you and your offers even more.


  1. Keeps Your Brand Top of Mind – Sending emails every day to your audience based on their interest within email will also help keep your brand in their mind. When they need your solutions, they’re going to remember you.


SEO is not just for your website; it’s also for email marketing. It all works together. Your website is where your content should live, but you can then use other tools like email, social media, and so forth to deliver more information in a more personalized way that gets results.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…