Promoting Other People’s Work Will Make You Money and Friends!

Affiliate Marketing will Make you Money and you may also find some life long Friends.


Standing out in your industry is important. No matter who you are, it’s important to keep reaching for more – more exposure, more credibility, more income, and more friends! Promoting other people’s work is a wonderful strategy for all of this and more. As a matter of fact, promoting other people’s work is a great way to get noticed by product owners and other collaborators. Want to capture someone’s attention? Promote their stuff and make them money!

Get better

What’s in it for them?


Product owners rely on their affiliates to offer their products to their tribes. The collective reach that affiliates have far exceeds their own and makes it possible for them to connect with new customers with very little effort. In the same way you benefit from making income without creating products, they make income without having to market their products. It’s a win-win.


If you have a successful affiliate sale the product owner is making money. Their products are selling and reaching more people. Many product owners discover large groups of people they never knew that want to consume their products. Making these new connections can create new opportunities to collaborate and make additional products. Essentially, the more you sell, the more they notice.

What’s in it for you?


As an affiliate marketer, you benefit your tribe by offering them additional goods and services that enhance your other offerings. Additionally, using affiliate sales can widen the variety of and increase the frequency for making sales. This creates multiple streams of income that help you earn more while doing less.


One of the collateral benefits is making connections with product owners you may not have access to otherwise. These connections can open doors for collaborations or other opportunities that are professionally or socially beneficial.


You never know, a simple affiliate collaboration could launch a new partnership or friendship that takes your business to a whole new level.


It feels great to know that someone endorses your work.

Each time you promote a product owner you are giving them your stamp of approval for their goods, services, or products.

That means a lot. Promoting other people’s work will make you money, but more importantly it could make some great new friends as well. If you are particularly fond of the product or the person who created it, be sure to let them know.

You never know if your connection might open a door to a wonderful new partnership or friendship.

Promote products and Services that you Believe in.



5 Things to Look for When Choosing an Affiliate Program


There are Five Steps you need to take when finding good affiliate programs to promote.

There are many benefits to becoming an affiliate and promoting products that earn passive income. Some of the benefits include:


  • Enhancing your customer’s experience
  • Providing high-quality products you don’t have to create
  • Earning commissions while you sleep
  • Building relationships with content creators


Affiliate marketing sales account for 15% of all digital media revenue at nearly 12 billion dollars in 2019. That means there are a lot of opportunities to be an affiliate and promote goods, services, and products to your customers. How do you choose the right affiliate program for you?


fear and goals


Here’s 5 things to look for when choosing an affiliate program.


  1. Percentage of commission- Your commission is based on a few factors. Generally, affiliates earn a flat percentage for the sale of a product. That commission may change if there is a large volume of sales or specific goals of a sales campaign are met. Typical percentages range from 5% to 30% so it’s important to find affiliate programs that pay out higher percentages. Additionally, some affiliate programs pay out over and again anytime one of your customers makes a purchase. By tagging them and anchoring their connection to you it is possible that you can continue to earn commissions any time someone you referred makes a purchase.


  1. Availability of promotional products- The benefit of affiliate marketing is making money by promoting products someone else has created. You save time, money, and other resources by simply endorsing something you support and recommend. Choosing affiliate programs that offer a wide variety of products and supportive promotional materials makes it easier to consistently make offers to your community and generate sales.


  1. Accessibility to the product owner- The best affiliate programs are between providers you know, like, and trust. Having a first-hand relationship is ideal but not required. Having access to the product owner means you’ll be able to reach someone if there is a customer service need. While you may not always need access to the owner directly, there should be a clear channel to connect with them if and when you need to.


  1. Customer services practices of the product owner- If one of your customers is dissatisfied or needs assistance, they will look to you since you made the sale, so it’s valuable to know and trust you’ll be able to reach someone if there is a problem. Knowing what the policies and procedures are ahead of time can save a lot of headaches down the road.


  1. Payment practices of the product owner- Knowing how and when you’ll be paid is important. After all, this is the main reason you are promoting their products. Make sure you fully understand how often and by what means the product owner pays out affiliate commissions.

building community

Choosing an affiliate program is much more than loving a great product. Pay attention to the back-end issues that matter most when joining a program. Make the best decisions for you and your customers to ensure you connect and align with the best affiliate programs for your needs and expectations.

My Recommendation for Program that meets all the criteria for a Great Product: The Home Business Academy





Use Affiliate Marketing to Boost your Income

What Is Affiliate Marketing and How Can It Boost Your Income?

Affiliate marketing is promoting and selling goods, services, or content created by someone else to your contacts.

You do the leg work to promote and make sales for the affiliate program you endorse and earn income for your efforts. Being an affiliate is an excellent way to boost your income.

Here’s how it works

A business creates a product and makes it available to its affiliates for sales.

The affiliates promote the product to their customers by endorsing the company that created it or the product itself.

The income generated from the promotion and sales of the product produces commissions. This creates passive income for the affiliates and value for the affiliate’s customers.


Here’s why it works-

Affiliate programs are an excellent way to boost income. Most of the work is done for you by the product owner.

All that’s left is to promote the products and encourage sales. Creating a solid campaign to market the products is easy.

Generally, the product owner includes valuable marketing content that you can use to advertise and promote the products.

Making smart decisions about what products you promote to your customer base will ensure that sales are high, and income is flowing in.

If you’ve got customers, you’re ready to be an affiliate

If you have a customer base and are already routinely engaging your customers, affiliate marketing is an excellent way to enhance their experience.

Your customers see you as a leader and an expert. When you support or endorse other products, they pay attention.

In a way, your recommendation might be all they need to make a buying decision.

This means you can offer high-quality options for your tribe to meet their needs without having to create content or products. It’s a win-win!


Use affiliate marketing to enhance the goods and services you already provide


increase income
Increase income value ladder

If another business in your industry compliments your business, becoming an affiliate makes perfect sense.

If their product adds value to the goods and services you offer, encouraging your customers to buy it is actually in their best interest.

Offering opportunities to buy products outside of your typical funnel can expand your ability to connect with your customers without having to create a whole new product line or funnel.

This can be an excellent move when you’re deeply rooted with a tribe or community and want to add extra value to the enduring relationships.


Affiliate marketing is a Great way to boost your income and offer your customers high-quality goods and services.

Partnering with other businesses who produce products can widen your reach and help make a bigger impact on your customer base and your income.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways for newer online businesses to increase their Bottom line.

No need to create your own products

No Customer service problems.

This is Great for the person looking to increase income.

Affiliate Marketing Explained for Beginners

The introduction of affiliate marketing may be very overwhelming for beginners.

If you are just beginning you may be easily distracted by all the different strategies available for marketing.

However, if you plan your actions and focus on this, you will make a difference. But first, you need to realize that affiliate marketing takes a lot of time and effort to build your affiliate business, and you need to focus on this; otherwise, you will end up frustrated.

Membership marketing for beginners can be confusing, but when you develop an action plan and focus on this time, it will become easier. So here are things you need to have:

Affiliate Marketing
Stay focused

Thousands of affiliate programs will attract you to join them, and promise to obtain huge profits with very low investment. If you participate in fierce competition, please expect to spend precious time around fictitious profit margins.


You must learn the correct method of internet marketing to get actual profits. Internet novices have a major advantage: they can buy off-the-shelf products that can be sold to generate cash immediately. With this method, you can now earn about $10,000 per month.


Find a good mentor before entering affiliate marketing.


There are hundreds of sites and thousands of online marketing opportunities. Search engines provide a way to attract traffic or buyers interested in products. If the buyer does not see the page you want to advertise, it does not mean that the buyer does not get what they want.


You can be sure that other websites are selling at your cost, just make the web-page appear in front of the seller at the exact time when the seller is looking for the product. This is only one example of how member products are marketed.



Online marketing is a scientific process that constantly changes as technology advances. Unless your business plan clarifies the entire marketing blueprint and you have a sufficient understanding of the processes and changes to be implemented, you will likely compete for high positions in search engines.


Ideally, you should look for an excellent mentor to teach you the basics in an easy-to-understand and implementable way without the technical knowledge required to sell products.


If you want to learn about member marketing for beginners, please follow the success stories and recommendations published on marketing forums, review sites, and rank based on the published member sales revenue. The good news is that if you follow the instructions provided, you can use several genuine programs that can bring you a lot of benefits.


Treat affiliate marketing as a serious business.


You may have heard that only 5% of affiliate marketers actually made money. The reason is simple. If you are not suitable to run a business and complete the processes required for profit, then you will not make money.


So, is online marketing effective? The Internet is a rapidly developing and vibrant atmosphere. The membership plan you join must provide technical expertise, back-end support, and must keep pace with the times. For example, e-books on product marketing must provide up-to-date information to help users follow the ethical process used to promote products.


As long as you find the right program, are willing to learn, and find the right mentor, membership marketing is very easy for beginners.

Purpose and Focus
Affiliate Marketing Staying focused

Promote something


The purpose of becoming a member is to promote others’ products, so you need to decide what you want to promote. When deciding on the product to promote, please take some time to understand the product, get as much information about the product as possible, and understand the product. In this way, it can improve your credibility, your readers can feel your sincerity, and people will know if you are talking about something.


Promote your product somewhere


Member marketing for beginners involves many aspects, including building a web page, a website, any form of the login page, squeeze page, or just a blog. Many times, affiliates are at this stage because they are afraid of the process involved in building a web page. However, if you think about it, the construction site these days has become very easy to use, and if I can add, the price is lower. Not to mention the ease of creating a website. To make it easier for you, you can simply create a simple blog using free resources.


Build traffic to your web-page/blog or website.


Don’t just let nature follow its course. You need to do something to help  people find your website and attract attention. Member marketing for beginners now involves different marketing types that have recently emerged, so there is no reason to keep your website free of traffic. Compared to previous types of advertising, you need to pay per click so that you can advertise your website, and now you can use other free resources to generate a lot of traffic for your website. This is what they call backlinks. The popularity of a website now depends on the number of backlinks a website has.


How to find good products to promote


One of the most important components of affiliate marketing is to choose the right products for promotion. The fact is that even if your offers are flooded in, you won’t see many sales if the products you choose to promote are not worth a dime. In a worse case, you may even damage your reputation in the niche market by recommending poor products.


So, how to find good products to promote? Before deciding on a product, the following four factors need to be considered:


1) Demand-Is there a demand for products?


In the afternoon, many products were put together, and there was not much research done at all. If the demand for the product is insufficient, please discard it. Looking for products that many people want and need. These can take the form of tutorials, memberships, user guides, videos, etc.


2) What is the commission-commission structure?


What is your bottom line commission? It’s best to check the final amount you will get, not just the percentage provided. I believe you will agree that a 30% commission for 100 USD is better than a 75% commission for a 10 USD product. In addition, you may want to consider whether the product is a regular payment or a one-time payment. Sometimes, it’s worth promoting a regular $10 commission instead of a one-time $50 commission.


3) Conversion-Is the sales letter of the product convincing?


Is the order button visible? Also, check the bonus provided by the product owner. Whether these bonuses are tempting, or just a pile of useless materials makes it likely that no one will care. If the sales letter is not convincing, you will have difficulty converting visitors into buyers.


4) Tools- Have any tools been created for members?


Although I don’t recommend you to use the “canned” ads that come with the affiliate tool, good graphics, testimonials, backstory, etc. are very useful for your marketing. Having a range of membership tools can also be a good indicator of how important product owners are in supporting their members.


Affiliates introduce or sell company products in exchange for commissions. You need to understand this basic concept. This is very similar to selling products offline, the difference is that the sales process becomes faster and has a wider reach, just because millions of Internet users are using their computers or laptops every day to find online product.


Types of affiliate marketing


Today, affiliate marketing programs are becoming more and more popular for making money online. There are many reasons for this situation, the most common reason is that the business has great potential, can obtain profits at a very low cost, and is very simple to start the company. Member marketing now plays a vital role in the internet marketing world. Alliance members can choose different types of programs and start making money online.




Pay-per – click is the most common affiliate marketing model for members of small websites, and can be the fastest way to make money. It is a practice for members to position product ties on retailer websites on their websites. Whenever someone visits the merchant’s website by clicking a link on the member’s website, the member receives a certain commission. The Commission shall be paid on the basis of the number of visits to the Member’s website. Normally, the company doesn’t make a lot of money for participants, so the reward sum is very low.



PPS is the most common model in member marketing programs today. In this model, advertisers pay commissions for the sale of their products. In this type of model, website owners place advertisements on their websites, and if any visitor clicks on an advertisement and purchases a product, the website will receive a sales commission.




Pay-for-performance is another popular membership model in the industry, it is the highest salary model for members. In this model, merchants only pay affiliate members when their recommendation is turned into action (that is, the recommended visitor actually purchases products from the merchant’s website or when the visitor becomes a potential customer). This means that merchants make a lot of money.


Paying by potential customers


The membership model of paying by potential customers is often used by financial and insurance companies engaged in the development of potential customers of the company. In this model, the visitor, through the efforts of the member, pays the member when the visitor fills out the registration form or similar documents or provides any type of personal information on the merchant’s website.



Pay per link


Members place links to merchant products on their websites. The owner pays based on the number of links you put and the amount of traffic generated.



Pay per registration


After redirecting from your website, the number of people who will register at the merchant’s site or quote for their offer is considered “registered.” For each registration provided by your website, you will get paid

If you want to make money through affiliate marketing, you must study it carefully and consider whether you are willing to spend time making it work. In addition, please carefully study the types of products you want to sell. Check various providers and compare the commissions provided by each provider for each sale.

This has been a lot of information to take in all at once.

In the coming weeks I plan to break it down.

Will you start your own membership site?

Will you Create your own digital product?

Or will you study other Creators Valuable Products?




How to Build your Business Part Time When Life gets in the Way.

If you are Building your online Business part-time  It can be tough.

There may be times when hours in your day to day Job that pays the bills demands more of your time.

On those days you may only have 15-20 minutes to work your business.


Just know it happens to everyone and the important thing to remember is you will get another 24hour tomorrow.

Pace yourself and realize you are unique and should go at the pace you desire.

You should be working on your goals daily and stretching yourself but don’t let it stress you so much that you let your relationships suffer.

Find Balance and include your family in what you are doing.

When your daily goals aren’t achievable for one day don’t beat yourself up.

Check on them weekly and as long as you are moving forward congratulate yourself and re-adjust.

You may find you can prepare for next week during some downtime.

I find my less hectic days come in spurts and that is the time I use to get a little more work done.

When you find bigger chunks of Time you can devote to your business work on writing some emails, blog post or video concepts for the upcoming week.

Record keeping
Plan to Win

I found this helps reduce the Stress when trying to work a full time job  and  get tasks done in your home business.


Always Stay Positive and joyfully continue on your Journey.


That’s it for today.

Thank you for stopping by.


P.S.  You can Work Less and Live More.  And remember… you’re dream lifestyle is always just 30 minutes away!


Get Your Freedom Escape Plan


Day 7 Stacking Your Efforts in your Business Planning

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day Business Plan Challenge.

Business planning helps create an explosive way to develop traffic, customers, and most importantly income.


Much of what we’ve reviewed so far has been actionable tasks:

  1. Listing your objectives and business Goals
  2. Developing a winning attitude
  3. Take on new Tasks. Get Out of your Comfort Zone.

Let’s Review some Marketing Strategies:

  • Blogging about niche topics
  • Budget money for advertising
  • Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to your Blog
  • Explore new marketing strategies out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Set up a Youtube Channel


Change is a Choice

Video is fast becoming the main source for getting your Brand Known

On day 3 when we discussed increasing website traffic, subscribers, as well as clients to add to our profits.

Today we broaden on this whole concept.

Continue with Social Media, Blogging and include Video into your Marketing Plan.

The idea is to make progress on your goals and stack them in a manner that offers you greater success.

Below’s an example.

Set a goal which is to grow your current part-time income by $1,500 a month so you can quit your day job.

Meet business objective by expanding your web traffic to build your community.

If Reaching your $1,500 your goal allows you to leave a job.

Set more enthusiastic goals and include one more strategy to increase your profit to $6,000.

Using some of the profits it is time to Scale your business.

  1. Take a percentage per month to play around with Facebook ads.
  2. Time to outsource some task contracting out several of the continuous tasks that hold you back.


Hire a Virtual Assistant to help with tasks and now you’re truly making progress.


Contact entrepreneurs in your specific niche and collaborate with each other.

Do you see how this works?

One goal improves on the other as well as stacking objectives to generate crazy growth.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Always be stretching yourself pushing for Bigger Goals

My point is this …

If you start to think strategically keeping one eye on your next few objectives, you can start to stack your efforts.

Plan for that explosive growth in a lot less time than you may think.

Try it!

We’re coming to the end of our seven-day tips to making use of a well thought out business plan.

Let’s increase customers, as well as most notably a growing income.

To Recap:

One goal will build on the next and they all work with each other to create rapid growth.

My point is this …

  • Believe in yourself
  • Have Written Goals
  • Review your Goals often
  • Track your Progress Daily
  • Have a Daily Method of Operation
  • Get out of your Comfort Zone
  • Try new things.
  • If doing Video Scares you. It is time to do it.
  • Work on developing your Marketing Skills (The Home Business Academy)

Follow these steps consistently. Doing this will create explosive growth for your business.

Shiny Object Syndrome…Do you have it?

Today’s Topic is Shiny Object Syndrome. (Stopping the Cycle)

In this video I am going to explain 3 Reasons why this continues to plague so many marketers.

Do you need help with Jumping from one thing to another?

Would you love to identify the 3 Reasons this continues to distract you from getting the Success you Desire?

How much Money have you wasted Jumping from Niche to Niche?


We are bombarded with new Opportunities daily.

Emails are pushing the new Next Best Opportunity.

Mentors are showing you a New Launch.

It may be an MLM Opportunity, New Marketing System, New Cryptocurrency, selling Affiliate Program, or E Commerce.



I am so familiar with the SOS Cycle.

I have chased so many new Opportunities.

But really I needed to take a step back and Realize that all of these Opportunities may be Great and some people are making a killing but the Real Truth is:


It is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to Market the Opportunity.

  1. Stop The Maddness of Jumping from one thing to the next.
  2. Invest in You and learn the Skills needed to Market
  3. Focus on what you want to Market and stick to it.

If this makes Sense to you Let’s do this together.

So Here we go let’s Stop Chasing next new Opportunity.


This is also true for chasing every new platform that is being touted as the best new Marketing Platform.

Pick one and learn everything you need to be Great on that Platform before starting on a new platform.


So Let’s Focus on What we can do to improve on our Business.

  1. Don’t Chase the Shiny Object. The Grass is not any greener.
  2. Learn and perfect the skills needed to promote your niche, tool or affiliate Program.
  3. Create value around your skills and share it with others. There is truly enough for all of us.

Remember it is the Skills and not the Opportunity that produces the Money needed to live a Flawless Freedom Lifestyle.

What is your real reason for wanting to have a home business?

Would you love to be bill free?

Stay Focused on learning the skills needed.

Would you love to have the Freedom to spend more time with Family and Friends?

If you would like to see more Videos like this Subscribe to the Channel where I will be putting up more videos like this.

This Channel is for you and will be providing Reviews on Products, Motivation and Belief that you have it within you to have the life you Desire.


So, let’s Recap it is not the Opportunity but the Skills needed to market it.

Improve on getting your Skills and you can promote most any Opportunity.

Looking to start a Home Business?