How to Use YouTube Stories for Business

Every single day nearly one billion hours of content is viewed on YouTube daily. With around thirty million visitors every day, there is no reason you shouldn’t be taking advantage of this platform if you run or want to own a business. YouTube and its story feature are powerful avenues to better market your products, services, values, and ideas to your target audience. It also provides you a chance to create powerful and beneficial content in order to build a community that benefits your brand. YouTube stories are short clips only viewable from a smartphone and available to your audience for seven days.


The following is how to use YouTube stories for your business:


First Understand the Requirements


You must have 10,000 subscribers first in order to unlock the story feature. While this can be a downside to many business owners, you need to remember that YouTube is a great marketing tool. Additionally, note that you will not have this feature if you set your audience to kids.


Find the Plus Icon on Your Smart Phone and Select “Add to your story.”


The plus icon is located near the bottom center of your screen when you open the YouTube smartphone application. After you select the plus sign, you then need to select “add to your story.” If you do not see this as an option, your channel has yet to reach the requirements or needs to wait seven more days for the feature to appear.


Record a Video or Snap a Photo and Enhance


Tap or hold down the red record button, then save, trim, add text, stickers, or polls that enhance your content and make it more engaging. There are three more important stickers to include: video stickers to help promote a video, mention stickers to mention other YouTubers, and location stickers to reach your audience in a certain location.


Share and Reply to Comments in a Story for Extra Engagement


Finally, you can share the post once you believe the quality is right for your audience. Be sure to stay engaged with your audience. Don’t just post a story and then forget about them. If they are interacting, reply or post new stories to keep it up. The more value and engagement you bring to YouTube, the more successful your business will be.


Be sure to reply to comments to increase your engagement. You can do this by going to your profile and selecting comments. Then below the comment, you would like to reply select “reply in story.” Finally, record or upload your reply and choose post to share.

How do YouTubers Make Money? 

Just like other platforms, the YouTube Story feature is straightforward and easy to use. Once you post your story, they are viewable from your channel for all your subscribers to see and last for a full seven days. The more you can connect to your target audience, the more you can grow and increase your success on the platform.




Four Benefits to Using Snapchat Stories to Market your Business

Did you know that there are nearly three hundred million active daily users on Snapchat, making Snapchat among the most popular social media networks worldwide, just behind Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok?

Almost forty percent of the world’s leading brands already know this and use Snapchat to market their products on a daily basis.


What’s even more powerful is that those who use Snapchat use the application for more than twenty minutes a day, right behind Facebook users.

Yet again showing you that Snapchat is still a powerful business tool to be taking advantage of.


Here are four more benefits to using Snapchat stories to market your business:


Drive Traffic and Boost Engagement


The purpose of social media stories on many platforms is to increase your audience engagement and boost your traffic or sales. The high number of daily active users means your chances of success on this platform are quite high if you use the platform right and market to a younger audience.


Connect to a Younger Demographic


Many of the users on Snapchat are said to be between the ages of twenty-four and twelve, which means if millennials and generation Z are the people you need to market to, don’t delay using Snapchat.


Offer a More Fun and Unique Customer Experience


Snapchat offers different and more unique features than other platforms. Their additional AR filters are by far the most popular. These are artificial filters that change how you, others, or animals look when shown on camera. They can even change your background, make it look like you are doing a certain action, and change the sound of your voice – making it a fun way to communicate with your audience and be less formal. While other platforms offer this, the ones created on Snapchat are often said to be more creative, fun, and easy to use.


Add Personality and Keep Followers Updated


The features Snapchat offers allow you to be more relatable and show your personality more. It is also a better way to share new and upcoming information about your brand or business. In addition, offering your audience your human side makes it more likely to grow an audience that trusts you and your credibility.


These benefits should inspire you to give Snapchat a try for your business. If you have a product-based business that anyone under thirty-five can use or would be interested in, Snapchat is the place to be. Its unique features make it a fun and personal experience for you and your target audience.

 10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better



How to Use Snapchat Stories

Snapchat stories are a fun marketing tool to use for businesses that need to advertise to a younger demographic. Around fifty-nine percent of those between twenty-four and thirty who use the internet use Snapchat. In 2019, the application had three hundred million downloads ranking them the seventh most downloaded application globally, showing you just how powerful Snapchat still is and can be to businesses. In fact, it is said that those who use Snapchat are sixty percent more likely to make an impulse buy. Meaning, if you have a product business, you should be using Snapchat.


Here are the four steps to using Snapchat stories:


Step One: Select Your Profile or Swipe to the Camera Function


To get to your profile, select your picture from the top left of the screen. Then select “Add to My Story” below “My Stories,” your photo, and your username. The second way to create a story is to swipe to the camera or click the camera icon currently located at the bottom center of the screen.


Step Two: Create Your Snap or Upload


From here, there are several different ways to create your story. Simply tap or hold to record or click the two small boxes located to the left of the record button. A new screen called “Memories” will appear where you will need to click “Stories” below the search box. Then click “Start a Story” to create a story with previous Snaps. The third way to create a story is to select the smile emoji next to the record button to pick a filter.


Step Three: Enhance with Features and Tags


Once you create the content, a menu to the right will appear. This menu includes adding text, stickers, choosing your font type or color, and adding popular emojis. You can also add music, links and change the time of how long each frame appears.

The most important feature from this list is the stickers that look like a post-it note. This is where you can make your stories more engaging and interactive.


Step Four: Select “Story” From the “Send To” Page


When satisfied with the way your story looks, it is time to post it. First, select “Send to”  then “My story” on the next page if you used the camera feature. If you created the story straight from your profile, select the play button that appears at the bottom right.

Top Fives Platforms for Social Media Stories 

Overall, getting used to editing and other features is what makes Snapchat different. Once you get used to adding them, you can improve your contact and engagement with your audience over time. Snapchat is a great tool for businesses that have a younger target audience and highly visual content. Follow these steps to get your first Snapchat story live in no time.

What You Need to Know About Instagram Stories Highlights

Instagram story highlights are a vital section of your Instagram page, especially if you run a business or share many content creations through Instagram Stories. This section of Instagram appears below your profile picture and is a collection of videos or pictures of information you shared through your Instagram stories in the past. It is then organized in a way that is more easily digested amongst your audience.


These videos or pictures do not disappear unless you choose to remove them from the highlight. In other words, a highlight is a story you shared that is worth saving because it is valuable to your audience. It also provides a more organized and streamlined way for your readers to take in the important information you want to share and offer them while boosting your engagement and interaction.


Here is what you need to know about Instagram stories highlights and a few tips to take more advantage of its benefits:


Use Highlights to Extend the Life of your Stories


Highlights allow you to extend the life of your stories that normally only last twenty-four hours. You can even use stories that have been archived, a saving feature that Instagram offers of stories older than twenty-four hours that only you can see. This feature must be turned on or added to your archives before the time limit is reached.


Add Branded Highlight Covers


The Highlights section appears on your profile, below your picture and Instagram bio. Meaning it is an important area to update with your branding. Include your colors and a title, so your followers know what information you are saving and sharing.


Don’t Go Over One Hundred Clips or Photos

Focus on Results

The Highlights section can save one hundred clips and photos. Going over this number will automatically take off the one you put first, one hundred videos or pictures ago. It is important to keep track of this by creating a constant rotation, so you know each section is clear and provides value to your audience.


Use Highlights for Big Announcements

Four Ways to Make Your Social Media Stories Stand Out

Company announcements or important information about who you are and what you do is a good section to include in your Highlights. This gives potential new followers a quick look into who you are and what you can provide them by following.


Use Highlights for Commonly Asked Questions


A frequently asked question section is another important section that saves you time and makes it easy for your new audience. Add in as many questions as you can, including ones that involve your audiences’ answers.


Use Highlights to Create Interactive Tutorials


Finally, but certainly not least, a great way to use your Highlights feature is to create an interactive how-to tutorial. Interactive tutorials are an enjoyable way to get your viewers and followers involved while providing maximum value.


As you can see, if you are posting Instagram stories, then you should be taking advantage of highlights to store and share important information with your readers. Highlights allow you to organize your content better to communicate, engage and interact with your audience effectively. With Instagram highlights, you can now ensure that your readers will never miss out on valuable content.




Best Practices for Email List Segmentation

A MailChimp study conducted in 2017 on the “effects of list segmentation on email marketing stats” highlights the importance of list segmentation. In fact, it showed improved open rates by fourteen percent, increased click-through rates by one-hundred percent, and even better decreased unsubscribe rates by nine percent. Again, showing you just how valuable it is to your email marketing campaign.


List segmentation is the process of organizing your subscribers based on certain factors. For example, understanding that not all your readers or potential customers are the same, even in the same industry. Most of your readers or customers will be on a different buyers’ journey too. Common ways to segment email lists include:


  • Demographic segmentation – This is the information sorted based on age, gender, occupation, income level, education level, and family.
  • Geographic segmentation – When readers are sorted based on their country, city, language, or other information based on their location or where they reside most often.
  • Behavioral segmentation – This is by far the most important way to segment your lists. This includes information based on how they browse your website, interact with your emails, or when and how often they purchase your products.


Try these best practices when creating email list segmentation:


Keep It Simple

You don’t need to go overboard. Instead, pick a few key pieces of information that work for your industry and goals to know where to start and how many segments to create. For example, if you are a women’s clothing store, you would likely segment based on their gender, age, and purchase history.


Use Buyer Personas

Buyer personas should be used at every stage of the email marketing process, list segmentation included. If you truly understand your audience, your buyer personas are like guidelines for crafting the perfect emails. They have details that outline your target audience according to their interests, behaviors, and geographic and demographic information. Thus, allowing you to control and create the perfect process before anyone signs up.


Automate with Tools

Automate the process and keep track of results easily with email marketing tools. These tools will keep track of your readers and their behaviors and organize the lists to maximize your goals and do the bulk of the work for you. This way, you can use your time crafting and developing quality email campaigns.


Overall, list segmentation aims to ensure that each message sent and received gets to the right audience member at the right time for maximum conversions. The more organized and targeted your email lists are, the more likely you will achieve your email marketing goals.


How to Repurpose Your Influencer Marketing Content

When you work hard paying for and contracting with an influencer to create content for you and market your services and offers, it would be a shame not to get all you can out. However, the best way to get the most out of any content you create is to repurpose it into new forms and types.




When you collect a testimonial, you can use it within other content that you create, and you can also grab testimonials out of separate content. For example, if you contract with an influencer to review a product and their review is positive, you can add that review to your testimonial page. You can even change the format of it by transcribing video or turning text-based content into memes or videos.


E-mail or Newsletter Campaigns


Any content you create for your newsletters and campaigns that can be reused in other areas is a game to repurpose too. You can take parts of your newsletter or campaign and add that content into something else. For example, you can add a how-to video to your newsletter by transcribing it and linking to it. You can also grab an e-mail you created and turn it into a video.


Guest or Blog Posts


One of the most adaptable and useful types of content is your guest or blog post content. If you accept guest posts, you can use that guest post in other ways if your contract says so, such as sending it in your newsletter, adding it to a book, or making it part of your membership site.


Live Events


Live events are always great fodder for more content creation. You can capture video testimonials at the live events, transcribe them for your website testimonial page or use the info to produce a new blog post idea. Set up an event hashtag to help organize all the content you can use later.


Social Media Ads


When you create an advertisement for social media, it can be used elsewhere as free content and information to your audience. The ad is good on its own, but there is no reason to keep that content in the advertisement. Instead, spread it around to your blog, to your website, to your videos, and more.




All videos can be repurposed and used again. For example, you can reorganize the footage you shot, or you can transcribe it and manipulate it in other places such as your blog, within a book, or as part of a webinar.

How to Easily Crank out Content Daily

Remember that you can also repurpose content you created for YouTube to put on other platforms too. You don’t have to use the content you make only on one platform; you can tweak it and use it wherever you want to as long as it does not go against your agreements with other collaborators.




Tips to Using E-mail to Work with Influencers

One of the best ways to contact influencers is through e-mail. Unfortunately, when it comes to content creation and content marketing, lines can often be blurred and disorganized due to all the information and different people required to run successfully. Here are a few tips for using e-mail to work with influencers and streamline the influencer marketing process.


Use and Create Templates


Don’t start over every single time you start a campaign. Instead, start using and creating templates for each type of action you take. Then, simply fill in the blanks to get it done much faster while not forgetting to include some information.


Make Goals and Intentions Clear

Email Marketing: What You Need to Make It All Work

When you communicate with anyone, remember that it’s your job as the sender of the message to ensure understanding by the receiver. To ensure that you do this, be very clear about your goals and intentions in each e-mail message you send. Even if it feels redundant, explain everything. E-mail doesn’t offer the ability of the reader to decipher your tone or body language, so clarity is a must.


Create Innovative E-mail Headlines


Creating subject lines or e-mail headlines takes practice and persistence. Instead of using the first one, you create, try creating 50 every single time you need a headline. Do it very quickly, within about 15 minutes, just writing down all the headlines that come to mind. This type of brainstorming will improve innovation and get more results.


Highlight Their Compensation


When you communicate with an influencer, make sure you highlight the compensation you’re giving them because that will help motivate them more. In addition, your campaign can be even more effective if you’re offering them affiliate marketing deals in addition to their flat influencer fee.


Keep it Personal


Don’t act too business-like. Influencers are all about building relationships, but, at the same time, you want to keep your e-mails and messages personal, so they don’t feel too spammy to the receiver. For example, mention something you like about them or point out a particular video or post they did to make them stand out to you.


As you can see, using e-mail can make the process of communication with different influencers easier.  Using e-mail to communicate with your influencers can ensure that organization and communication are clear before the campaign starts. It also streamlines the process and makes it easier to understand as it can be pretty tedious to outreach to many different influencers.




The Keys to A Successful Influencer Marketing Budget

One of the first steps to running a successful influencer marketing campaign is to set up the right budget. However, a large budget does not translate to instant results or a high return on investment either. For influencer marketing to work, you don’t need an outrageous budget to get started. Instead, you need the right budget that includes specific key information depending on your goals; this will and should vary.


Here are the keys to creating a successful influencer marketing budget:


Understand Your End Goal


This is by far the most important step to your entire influencer marketing campaign. Without clearly defining your goals, you can’t know what materials you need or who you can hire for the project—leaving many costs unaccounted for.

Pick Your Influencer Campaign Strategy


Each influencer level comes with a different set of fees and expectations. Typically, the fewer followers you have as an influencer, the lower the rate.


The following are common set rates for each level of influencers for a single post on Instagram:


  • Nano – Influencers with 1,000 to 10,000 followers charge a rate of $10 to $100.
  • Micro – With 10,000 to 100,000 followers, they charge around $100 to $500.
  • Macro – They have 500,000 to 1 million followers and charge $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Mega – Over 1 million followers cost $10,000 and up.


These are just estimated ranges that many companies have reported. The numbers can still vary outside of these ranges due to their metrics compared to your specific campaign goals, what type of content they create, and the platforms they use. In addition, follower numbers do not automatically transfer into a positive return on investment. This means these numbers should just be used as a baseline or starting point.


Pick your Pricing Model


While many influencers will charge a set price, that doesn’t mean there are no other ways to do it. Here are some common pricing models to pick from:


  • Cost Per Engagement
  • Cost Per Acquisition
  • Cost Per Click
  • Cost Per Mentions
  • Set Compensation Package


It’s important to note that even if influencers charge a set price, you can use these payment models to determine if the return on investment is worth it. For example, if the influencer is charging 500 dollars for one post and your goal is to get at least 1,000 engagements, then the following formula can be used:


$500/1000 = 0.5 * 100 = 50%


For this example, your return on investment would be 50%. As long as the influencer can show supporting metrics or other information that the post will get that much engagement, this would be a great partnership and more than worth your money.


Determine Other Campaign Costs


Influencer compensation is not the only cost needed to run a campaign. Remember to highlight products used, travel expenses, tools, software, third-party services, and any other supporting material costs required.


As outlined above, your budget is determined and set by your campaign goal. Keep it specific and clear to easily determine the right costs and run a more successful campaign.

Define Your Influencer Marketing Goals

How to Create an Influencer Contract or Agreement

Developing your influencer contracts isn’t as hard as most people make it. The truth is that it’s always a good idea to get a lawyer to help you create your contracts but signing a document that you create is also acceptable in a court of law.


The following are the basic requirements for any social media influencer contract:


  • Parties To the Agreement – Include the legal names of the people subject to the contract terms, including their business name and entity type and address and contact information.


  • Terms Of the Agreement – One way to put all the terms you’ve agreed to in the contract is to just list out by number each person’s responsibilities in order of importance.


  • Timeline Of the Campaign – Dates and the timeline are imperative inclusions into any contract if you want it to be enforceable.

How to Search and Vet Potential Influencers

  • Content Creation Expectations – Be very specific about what you’re expecting the influencer to create for your payment.


  • Compensation Amounts – Describe not only how much but what signals the payment to take place and how it’ll be done. For example, you might want to pay them half up front, half after the campaign, or some other schedule.


  • Advertiser Policies – Always include any policies that you want to have, such as not including bad language, grammar, and punctuation, as Facebook’s Advertising policy states.


  • Confidentiality Agreements – If you have one, put it in the contract and be very specific.


  • Non-Disclosure or Exclusivity Agreements – If there is something you don’t want to be disclosed, such as the private marketing stats you provided to them, make sure it’s in the contract. Likewise, if you don’t want the influencer recommending your competition, make sure to say so.


  • Breach of Contract Clause – What happens if either party breaches the contract? If you describe what should happen now, it’ll make it easier should something go wrong.


  • Governing Law – Always include which state, city, and county (or country) law’s will be the guiding force of this agreement should there be a disagreement.


  • Signatures of All Parties – Don’t forget to get it signed. It doesn’t have to be notarized, but this can help. Using software to sign is also helpful.


Lawyers aren’t required to make contract legal, but they are required to know what you are permitted to put in the contract as you cannot contract illegal things. If you write an agreement on a napkin and sign it, it’s legal as long as the items put in the contract are also permitted. A self-designed contract is better than no contract, but it is advisable to seek help from an attorney or paralegal to perfect your arrangements.




Important Questions to Ask Before You Work with An Influencer

The following are important questions to ask your potential influencers and key information they should provide back to ensure you pick the right influencer for your campaign:


  • Who Is Your Target Audience? – Ask them if they have an audience persona created or if they can provide audience demographics so you can be sure their audience really will want what you have.


  • How Does Your Target Audience Algin with My Brand and Message? – You need your own brand message and reason for existing, and it should align in some way with the influencers you choose to work with. Let them explain how they align.


  • What Type of Content Do You Produce? – It will help you to know the type of content they can produce to start with. For example, some influencers do life-like vlogs and don’t do scripted commercials or advertorials. Work with influencers who give you what you need but be open to new ideas.


  • How Often Do You Publish Content? – Knowing their production schedule can help you ensure that your campaign is launched at the right time.


  • What Is Your Engagement Like? – They should tell you about some actual numbers regarding their engagement but understand if you choose to work with new influencers (which works great, by the way), they may not understand yet, but you can show them.


  • Have You Ever Worked with My Competitors Before? If so, Why and Why Do You Want to Work with Us Now? – This can help you ensure that they’re going to be upfront and honest with their audience about their recommendations.


  • Have You Worked with Similar Brands Before? How Successful Were You? – Getting these stats will really help you project the type of response they might get for your campaign.


  • How Often Do You Share Sponsored Content or Affiliate Links? – You want to ensure they have a good ratio of information and sponsored content or affiliate content. This will help you determine if they have staying power.


  • What Are Your Overall Expectations for Partnering with a Brand? – You want to know from them what they are expecting to gain from this too.


  • What Are Your Thoughts About Exclusive Brand Partnerships? – If you want them to work with you exclusively and not another brand that competes with you, this is good information to know.


  • What Is Your Content Creation Process? – Understanding their process can help you understand how you’ll work with them, including timelines and other info.

How to Easily Crank out Content Daily

  • Do You Want to Work with Us to Create the Content and Share Before Posting or Be on Your Own? – How autonomous will they want to be, and are you okay with this method? Of course, you can’t make them work how you want to work, but you can judge whether you can work together or not.


  • What Are Your Fees and Other Compensation Needs? – Try to get them to give you a fee schedule instead of telling them what you’ll pay. Not only will they feel more in control, but it’ll make working together easier.


  • What Sort of Timeline Do You Need to Get to Publishing? – Knowing the timeline will help you get your information to them promptly.


Use these questions to figure out whether you can work with the influencer in a seamless way that matches your own needs and includes their needs. You’ll be very glad you took the time.