Give Your Business A HIIT

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, a popular exercise routine that combines bursts of intense exercise with short rest periods. It is designed to maximize your workouts within the shortest amount of time. Believe it or not, this strategy doesn’t need to stay in the gym. You can use it on your business to reach maximum productivity too.


Here is how to use the HIIT method to achieve more and increase your productivity:


Work in Intervals but Be Realistic

Set intervals and break times that work with your schedule and the task you need to finish. Keep in mind that not every task is design to be performed in intervals or too short of periods. Be realistic regarding the activities you can do and be sure the time intervals you pick are optimal for quality, quantity, and other metrics you use to measure your business success.


A Pomodoro timer can be used to help you get started. With this timer, you work in a 25-minute burst with five-minute breaks. You can also adjust the times and intervals that make sense for you if you need more time to work. However, the faster you can push yourself, the better this strategy will work.


For example, content writers and authors will use “writing sprints” to encourage their creativity, find inspiration and reach a higher word count. They use the breaks to recharge and better manage their energy. They also use it to challenge their fellow writers in a fun writing game or challenge.


Check out Kiingo Writing Sprints on Twitter to give it a try and join the next challenge.


Don’t Skip the Break

All HIIT training sessions include quick little breaks in their routine to give you a short time to recenter and recover so you can better attack the next challenge. Therefore, you should be including five-to-twenty-minute breaks in your schedule before you start a new task.


If you skip the break, you are not using this method correctly or effectively. To reap the benefits, you must work as hard as possible during the first burst, meaning you’ll want the rest and need it to get back to the next interval.

Scheduling to Avoid Burnout: Learn to Take More Breaks

Keep Track and Measure Progress

Don’t rely on yourself or your memory to keep track of time and progress. Invest in a timer, stopwatch, and project management tools to record the intervals, cycles, and times required for each task.


Experiment and Adjust

Just because one set interval didn’t work doesn’t mean another won’t. Change up the interval number and times depending on the project. Then analyze the results to see which interval times allowed you to get the most done.


Overall, the main idea of HIIT is to work in short periods as hard as possible with a break right around the corner to encourage you to get to work and get it done faster.



How to Let Yourself Take a Vacation

One key to avoiding burnout is to take a lot of breaks both during your day and during your year. It depends on the rest of your life, but most people will benefit from taking regular short vacations as well as a long one every year if they plan for it and set themselves up for a real break and real vacation.


Accept That You Deserve a Break


So many people feel guilty about taking vacations or any type of break. They think they have to be busy all the time. The problem with this idea is that it’s just wrong. You, just like anyone else, not only deserve a break, but you need a break to ensure your mental health stays intact and that you can work to your full potential when you are working.

Focus on Results

Budget for The Vacations You Want to Take


Avoid undue stress about money by setting aside a budget for your vacations. One way to look at a budget is called the 50-20-30 plan. This means that 50 percent of your budget goes to needed items, 20 percent for savings and investing. The remaining 30 percent should be spent on something else like vacations, movies, and experiences outside the rest of your budget.


Plan and Schedule the Vacations That You Want to Take


Once you know your budget, even if it’s small, make plans for your breaks and vacations. Even a staycation can be very beneficial if you plan it right and truly take the time off to refresh from your hard work. Don’t wait for the time to be right. Once you have the funds, go ahead, and make the plans.


Set Boundaries for Yourself and Others


One problem with vacations for those who work for themselves or for some parents who don’t have the most supportive spouses is that people like to intrude on our time off. Instead of allowing this to happen, set boundaries for yourself and others. For example, if you really do need to check your email for work, just check it once a day. If you really do need to help your spouse with something, plan for it, so you know when you’re doing it.


Turn Off as Much as Possible During Your Vacations


One problem with truly getting the break you need is that technology has made it possible to take your entire office with you in the form of a laptop or smartphone. Set aside specific times to use this technology but try to keep it off most of the time, especially when you’re doing vacationing things like swimming, hiking, and eating.


Be Ready for Interruptions but Focus on Your Break


When you work for yourself, the truth is, you may get interrupted during your break. Fires may have to be put out. However, for each time that this happens, try to figure out a solution to avoid it next time. As you perfect your break taking, you’ll find that you really probably can just let most fires go after all and end up in the same place.


If you have felt guilty in the past for taking breaks much less a vacation, it’s essential for you to accept that the lies you’ve been telling yourself are wrong. You deserve to take a vacation, and it’s not lazy or self-indulgent. In fact, taking vacations can help you become much more productive and successful because you will avoid problems with burnout, which can set you back a lot more than a few days off to clear your mind and take a break.

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