What You Need to Know to Start a Podcasting Business

The podcasting industry is growing fast, with a growth rate of just over ten percent in 2021. What’s more, nearly sixty percent of those between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four in America listen to podcasts monthly. Moreover, audio is highly digestible, convenient, and shareable by many people around the world.


Many folks love to listen to podcasts while commuting to work or while doing other important tasks. The podcast is an easy reach for busy consumers. Just like any content on the Internet, you can turn it into a highly profitable business with the right resources, information, and strategies.


To start and run a profitable podcasting business, you’ll need to:


Invest in Proper Equipment

Unfortunately, you will not be able to get started without proper equipment, including a desktop or laptop computer and a professional microphone. While you can create a podcast on your cell phone, it won’t have the quality many listeners are looking for. Therefore, by far the most important equipment to invest in is a microphone. You want to offer your listeners the best possible sound; otherwise, they will turn away.


Know Your Niche and Target Audience

Finding your niche or topic within the podcast industry is crucial if you want to market your business effectively. Those who offer a broad range of topics have difficulty growing their audience as they reach many people. Narrowing down on a niche allows you to grow a community more effectively.


Pick a Consistent and Convenient Schedule

To further grow your community, you need to find a schedule that you can be consistent with, and that is convenient to your target audience. For example, if you know your listeners are likely to tune in around five in the afternoon on the weekdays, it is more convenient for you to start your podcast show at these exact hours. Trying to go against your target audience’s schedule obviously won’t grab their attention as you need it.


Don’t Skip the Website or Email List

Successful podcasts have effective and highly managed websites and email lists. These two tools are vital to growing and finding your audience. These sources serve as a resource for your audience when you are not live-streaming a podcast. The more places you are online, even when not live, the easier it is to grow an audience.


Create Engaging and Valuable Content

Finally, the most important piece to a successful podcast includes content. Be sure it is relevant to your target audience and provides value in some way. Do the research you need to learn about what your audience struggles with the most and then provide tips on how to solve it. The more problems you can solve and the value you can provide to your audience, the more successful you will be.


Overall, podcasting is a viable business model as long as you have the proper equipment, consistent and convenient schedule, and valuable content to share. Engaging and growing your audience is key if you want to run a profitable podcasting business.




Brand Community Examples and Why They are So Successful

Building a community around your brand is vital in today’s marketing and consumer world. Consumers are looking for trust, credibility, and authenticity. Without these factors, you are unlikely to make any sales or make an impact within your industry, which is why many of the top brands today work hard to build a specific community around their values, products, services, and more.


Dissecting how the top brands take advantage of their communities can provide you with more tools and resources to grow a winning brand community of your own. The following are four brand community examples to emulate and why they are so successful:


  • Airbnb – You know all about this community because everyone talks about verified hosts. Verified hosts take part in this private community to learn how to make the most of their Airbnb business and rentals.


  • Once they make it to a certain point, YouTube- The creators on YouTube are invited to a private creator’s community that gives them motivation, tips, and more to make their channels better. In some communities, this is taken outside the online community right into co-working hubs.


  • Lego – This community enables enthusiasts to share what they are creating with Lego and helps drive product creation and innovation. Members can submit ideas, and they can win prizes and contests.


  • Airstream – They offer owners or wishful owners a community that allows them to share the interest and love of their airstreams. They can also learn about events and places to stay less expensively.


  • Harley Davidson – This close-knit community offers a sense of connection to Harley riders and their loved ones. They use the group to inspire loyalty, market the latest items, and more like big events and gatherings.


  • Trader Joe’s – You can join a discussion board, listen to their podcast, and find all about new products and how to use them before they come out. People love TJs so much that even in areas without a store, yet they build a fanbase using communities so that before they even break ground, they know they have enough customers to make it work.


  • Gone With the Wynns – This YouTube sailing couple spends a lot of time within their communities on YouTube publicly and privately within Patreon. Due to their active community, they have raised money to help animals and clean up the ocean.


  • High Carb Hannah – This YouTube star has a fabulous community based on her website where she has generated enough income through her offerings to build a house and live a very happy and active life outside of just work.


  • Apple – This community is very large and full of users and would-be users who love everything about Apple products. The community offers peer-to-peer support and a place to hang out with other like-minded folks.


Now that you think about it, you can find many communities for any product or service, or problem that you have. The advantage to creating a community yourself for your brand is enormous to you and the customers you want to help. The more they know about you and feel safe with you, the more likely they will buy and become repeat and long-term customers.


Top Influencer Marketing Mistakes to Avoid


Seven Common Influencer Marketing Problems and How to Avoid Them

If you want to work with influencers to market your goods and services, you must be super familiar and aware of the rules, laws, and regulations surrounding this marketing method. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, someone else has already invented it, and it works great. All you need to do is get familiar with what the ins and outs are.


Here are the seven most common influencer marketing mistakes to avoid and what you should do to prevent them:


Not Understanding Your Target Audience


This leads to picking the wrong influencer, and choosing the wrong platform and social media channels.


Not Providing Enough Resources and Information


Don’t expect the influencer to do the job without the proper information. While they are great at what they do, they need solid information from you first to understand the expectations and goals for your business.


Remember, they are influencers because they marketed themselves as the product. Therefore, they don’t know anything about your business and what content needs to be created to get the conversions you are hoping for.


Thinking Too Short-Term


It takes work to find the right influencer and even more time to keep them accountable. Due to this, you should always think about forming long-term partnerships with your influencer. Over time, they can become even more of an asset as they become experts on your brand, products, or services. When you show influencers you truly mean business and value them as humans, they are more like to stay accountable and meet all your marketing requirements.


Prioritizing Conversions Over Quality Content


While conversions are what you want, you can’t expect that without creating good content. The right content and the influencer that actually fits well with that content make the engagement rate you need to be successful with the campaign.


Not Calculating and Keeping Track of Your ROI

what is return on investment

Return of investment can be tracked and should be during the entire campaign and from the very start. While it is not as easy to determine, like regular social media ads or other similar online marketing, it can be done.

Focusing Only on Vanity Metrics


When you only think about how many people are following someone rather than their level of engagement, it’s easy to get tricked into working with them without realizing it. Pay close attention to all the metrics that matter.


Ignoring Federal Trade Commission Guidelines


Ignoring the law is not the best way to ensure that you get what you want. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines and stick to them no matter what you feel about them.


There are legal requirements to follow before you can safely post influencer content. First, you must legally disclose whether or not a post is sponsored, for example, and whether or not links are monetized in order to keep consumers aware.


Ensure you read the information provided by the FTC guidelines and get to know them so that you don’t make these types of legal mistakes. Otherwise, working with influencers is a very profitable joy that you won’t regret doing.




Can You Describe Your Business?

One of the things you need to do to write a useful business plan is to describe your business. It might seem simple on the surface, but you want to be careful how you describe your business so that it is crystal clear what you do, who you do it for, how you’ll do it, and why you’re the right one to do it.


  • Be Specific – When you choose the wording for your business description, you want to ensure that you are as specific as possible. You must use the right terms that the audience understands best to get the information to them clearly. Hint, you may need more than one description if you have created more than one client avatar, to ensure that they truly understand.

10 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience Better

  • Describe Your Customers – Your customers are your business. For this reason, it’s imperative that you can succinctly describe who your primary ideal customer is. You need to be able to describe them as if they’re a person sitting right in front of you. Include demographics and even how they look. You can even give them a basic name. It also helps to learn your customer’s buying journey so you can describe your customer at each stage of their decision-making process.


  • Describe Your Products – Do the same thing about each of your products. List them all and describe who the product is for what problems it solves, and how and why it will work. Do this for all your products, whether it’s a paid product or a lead magnet. One trick is to list the features of each of your products and then connect that feature to how it benefits your ideal customer that it’s meant for.


  • Describe Your Services – If you have services and products or instead of products, you will want to describe each service fully. One way to do this is to focus on the result or impact that the service will have for them and their ideal customer.


  • Describe Your Talents as Related to Your Business – Include information about your education and expertise related to what you do in your business. If you have others involved, you’ll include their information too. You can even ask them to write their own short description, especially if they’re contractors since they likely already have that ready in their own business plan.


  • Describe Other Experts and Tools That Will Work With You – If you have contractors, employees, or other resources that help you do what you say you will for your ideal customers. Whether it’s people, specialized software, or something else, describe what you will use to get the job done and why they’re right for it.


  • Why Do You Want to Do This? – Why are you the right person to do this and to create or make these solutions? This is a great time to talk about a pivotal moment in your life that made you want to do this. What unique insight and talent set you apart from the competition?


The more you can make this section complete, the more you can feel proud when someone wants to know about your business. The act of creating the executive summary solidifies in your mind what it is that you do, who you do it for, why you do it, and how you do it.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…



Building your Audience with Facebook

Building your Audience with Facebook

You Don’t have to Get it Right You Just have to get it going.

Take Action:

1. Commit to Daily Action

2. Commit to Daily Facebook Engagement.

3. Commit to Quality Conversations Daily

4. Commit to Daily Facebook Posting

5. Commit to adding 10 new people to FB daily.

6. Commit to a daily email Broadcast

7. Commit to attending your Companies Live Training Hangouts.

Consistency: Buy Traffic daily, weekly or monthly whatever you can afford.

Everyone wants traffic to be Free and it can be without $$$ cost but it will cost you Time.

Get in the habit of doing some paid advertisement no matter how small and scale up from there.

Content Marketing:

1. Daily Shoutouts

2. Daily Piece of Content

3. Daily Blog

4. Daily Email.

5. Engage on Social Media

How to be a Content Machine

1. Get Books Leaders are Readers

2. Get Podcast

3. Use your Smartphone as Your University of Freedom

4. Get Videos. Subscribe to Youtube Channels

5. Listen to your Company Training Sessions

6. Get to Good Marketing Events

7. Zero Excuses for not having Endless Quality Content to Share with your Audience.



How to use Facebook Ads.

Facebook Advertising

People listen to a great deal brand-new about Facebook each day from its brand-new games, new chat atmosphere, new account layout and also a great deal a lot more. All almost all of the 800 million plus individuals who utilize this social networking website spend their time making use of these new stuffs at Facebook. One thing about Facebook though that is not so brand-new is Facebook marketing. As well as although mostly all of its individuals are joining this system, simply a little percent of Facebook fanatics are truly into it. Why, you may ask. This is since a lot of Facebook participants can not grasp the power of Facebook advertising and marketing.

So what is Facebook marketing that made it so appealing to various other individuals?

If you have an understanding what advertising is, the answer to this question is so evident. With 800+ million of people at Facebook today that are actively utilizing the site each day, this suggests that you are open to a great deal of potential clients all over the globe. If you have a growing company as well as you want to market it to boost its earnings, Facebook is the ideal place to inform people concerning it.
However this is not everything about simply informing individuals what you obtained. This has to do with telling the best people you can do company with them as well as exactly how you can be of help. As a business owner, you recognize that the very best way to improve your service revenue is to advertise it. Yet it will certainly be a waste of time as well as resources to promote blindly. There is a process that marketers do that is called customer profiling.

Nonetheless, there can be a great distinction in between a hardcore organisation individual and also an enthusiastic market person. They can be one and the same yet a lot of the moment they are 2 separate people in a business institution. Yet if you are simply a simple small company proprietor, you are not yet hardcore entrepreneur and you might be much from being an efficient online marketer. That is why consumer profiling as well as reaching them out may be a predicament for you.

But this is not the case if you make use of facebook advertising. Facebook can easily recognize the demographics you need from your clients. Facebook can utilize its account to look for your suitable clients and upload your company advertisements there. State for instance you are a wedding event planner and also your prospective clients would be female around 20 to 34 years old around your area that are engage. Facebook can easily identify this demographic with their age, sex and also connection standing profile.

With Facebook promotion, all you need to do is to input your business fundamentals, your potential customer account and also the whole lot and also you are great to go. The only thing left to do currently for your organisation or solution offered is to understand where to begin.
Where to begin Facebook marketing finest?

Facebook can guide you exactly how to advertise your company or services using their system. Yet because you are right here, you can just do the complying with at Facebook. All it takes are these five basic actions:

1. Specify what is your company or service. This is the only means for you to recognize method you are mosting likely to advertise. Besides this crucial point, you additionally need to recognize if you are going to advertise an application online, your very own internet site or a Web page at Facebook. This way, you can create your fanpage or application or website or all of them. When at Facebook, you can then select exactly how to promote; whether you are mosting likely to have a brand-new advertisement regarding your web page, site or application. At the site, this will only include clicking. You can additionally post something your web page at Facebook as well as have people like your page or your post on your page.

2. After covering all the standard information about what you are advertising and how you intend to do it at Facebook, you can then start profiling your target market. You can think of the sort of work they enjoy, academic accomplishment, language utilized and also area. You can additionally target your market by identifying age, gender or relationship standing. You can also seek out into their rate of interest and likes. If you have a sporting activities shop, you can target Facebook members around your area who suches as sports like basketball, soccer, badminton as well as a great deal more. These can be determined in their sort and also passions in their account. As well as due to the fact that Facebook participants are connection of close friends and buddy of good friends with exact same interest, your target audience can easily be reached.

3. You can now visualize your own advertisements and produce something that will certainly call the interest and also record the interest of your target audience. As your ad will be shown in the profile page of your target market, you need to catch their focus with a fascinating question or statements or advertisement headings or titles.

4. See to it you can afford this. Fortunately, Facebook permits you to handle your advertising budget. You can select cost-per-click or cost-per-impression. You can even set just how much you can just manage for the day.

5. Facebook Ads Supervisor will certainly help you monitor your advertisements efficiency. Learn more about this and also use the information to improve as well as assess your advertising and marketing systems at Facebook.

And also last but not least, find out more tips and also recommendations just how to make use of Facebook advertising and marketing. Your Facebook Ads manager will reveal you details on just how your ads are working.