Putting It All Together And Developing A Routine That Will Keep You On Track

Over the course of the past six blog posts, we’ve talked about the importance of consistency and how it can help you grow your traffic, your subscribers, your customers, your product catalogue, and most importantly your income. Now it’s time to bring it all together and create a daily, weekly, and monthly routine that will keep you on track to continue to grow your business.


Any online business can be broken down into three different areas that need your effort and attention. They are traffic, list, and offer. You need visitors to your website. Then you need to convert those visitors into subscribers. Finally, you need to make those subscribers an offer so you can make money. Keep this in mind as you build your routine.


Do something every single day to send more traffic your way. This could be content marketing. It could be social media. It could be tweaking your SEO. Or it could be paid ads. Start by making a master list of things you can do to get more traffic. Pick things you can quickly do and rotate through one or more of them on a daily basis. Things that take a bit longer should become part of your weekly and monthly routine. For example, you may choose to learn how to run Facebook ads this month as one of your bigger projects. The most important part is to do things consistently to drive more traffic to your website.


Next, think about what you can do to get more subscribers. Adding an opt-in box to your latest blog post is a quick task that could go on your daily to-do list. Setting up a new opt-in funnel with a fresh lead magnet may make a great weekly project. Writing a book to tap into a new market via Amazon would be more of a project that takes a month or more. Come up with a variety of different things you can try, tweak, and do more to grow your list consistently.

6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Last but not least, you’ve got to make an offer. This could be something evergreen like crafting a new autoresponder email for your flagship product. It could be a daily task of running and tweaking ads. Or it could be a free SEO and social media campaign that you work on for a few weeks. Make a list of what you can do to get your offers in front of fresh eyeballs and get to work. And don’t forget to set aside some time each week to work on the next paid product as well.


Keep chipping away and continuing to build and fine-tune your routine. Your consistent efforts will start to pay off and more importantly, they will begin to compound as you get more traffic, grow your list by leaps and bounds, and add more products each new customer may be interested in. Keep at it. Consistency is the key to long-term profit.


Day 3 Increasing Traffic, Subscribers & Customers To Boost Your Bottom Line



Traffic is needed to grow your revenue.

That subsequently implies you require even more people to register for your list.

Where do these new clients come from? You obtain them by boosting the web traffic to your site.

Here are some things you will need to do as well as staying focused on your goals.


Step one:

Obtain more traffic from numerous different sources.

This ought to always be a priority as well as something you review frequently.

Track your development as you move along as well as watch out for fresh new ideas to enhance your traffic.

Step Two:

Your following emphasis must be getting more subscribers.

As you start to get even more traffic, your email/subscribers list will certainly begin to expand but don’t get too comfortable.

Continue toTweak your opt in-forms to raise conversion. Create a brand-new lead magnet to get the attention of various sub-group of your target market.

Set up a few committed opt-in web pages and also begin driving web traffic to them.

Do what you can to continually grow your community and gain ground while doing so.

Step Three:

The 3rd piece of the problem and where things get exciting is turning those clients into customers.

You desire them to invest cash with you either by purchasing your products and services or via your affiliate links.

You may offer more products. Increase your costs.

Provide more appealing content by reviewing tools and course you may want to promote as an affiliate. Work with your funnels.

There’s a great deal you can do to grow your profits once you have web traffic and also customers identified.

The actual power of this technique becomes apparent when you begin to look at just how these three things operate in harmony.

By obtaining even more and higher quality web traffic, while improving your opt-in prices, as well as producing greater value with sales funnels that convert well.

You can easily make a substantial distinction in your bottom line.

Each of these components alone will certainly aid, but by incorporating them, you will begin to see rapid development.


Know your number

Let me highlight this with an example. What if with 100 brand-new site visitors each day. 10 per cent of them enrol in your newsletter, which means 10 new subscribers every day. Out of your 10  subscribers, one chooses to purchase your product at $10.

Now let’s say you increase your web traffic. With nothing else but scaling your web traffic, you go from making $10 per day to $20. What if you can likewise improve your opt-in with a Free Ebook and this increases your conversions to 20%.

You additionally develop a couple of even more items and each of your customers ends up spending 3 times as much as in the past.

When we add all that up you go from making $10 daily to 40 new clients every day which means 4 brand-new customers.

If each of them invests $30 buying your products or affiliate offer you are showing them, you wind up making $120.

That’s a quite huge bump from $10 while still just requiring you to increase your web traffic. Pretty outstanding, isn’t it?

You obtain them by increasing the website traffic to your site. Get extra web traffic from various different sources.

As you begin to get more traffic, your checklist will start to grow, however, don’t stop there. There’s a whole lot you can do to expand your baseline once you have web traffic and customers figured out.

By getting even more targeted traffic while creating consistent valuable content, as well as creating and offering higher costs products with sales funnels that consistently grow your community you can have a significant increase to your profit margin.