Six Easy Ways to Improving Your Email Open-Rate

Email open rate determines how well your emails are getting in front of your subscribers and if your subject line or titles are doing their job to pursue them to read. Either your titles are boring and unattractive, or the timing of when the email was sent is off.


Whatever it may be, it is important to figure it out and improve it in order to see the return on investment you are hoping for. A low open rate means your audience is not reading or seeing your content. Meaning you won’t have the opportunity to convert them into paying customers or achieve other email marketing goals.


Here are six easy ways designed to help improve your email open-rate:


Ask A Question

Intrigue your audience with an interesting question. Spike the curiosity, but be sure it is relevant to your overall goal and message as a business.


Discover Optimum Delivery and Frequency Time

Sending poorly timed emails can easily destroy your open rates. In addition, email boxes can get crowded, and people are not always on them like they are on social media.


It’s not as likely for them to continue to scroll through for hours, especially if they just received hundreds of emails. Instead, find the time your audience is active by testing different times throughout the day for the email campaign you create. Be sure to set a short deadline to track your results to compare which time is best to get your emails synced to their schedule.


Be Conversational and Personable

Write all your content, including emails, as if you are talking to a friend, but use a branded tone and style that your audience understands and knows is you. A message that is coming from another human or friend is more likely to get attention and results.

Common Email Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Provide Value Every time

Even if you are doing a sales pitch, always find an opportunity to provide value. Add a fact as well as a coupon. If you are the only one who gets any value from the email, you need to start over.


Review and Refresh Your List

Be sure the email lists you have are new and updated. Old email lists are likely to have poor open rates. Maybe people change email accounts or interests over time, meaning no matter how hard you try, some of your lists will go stale, and it will be up to you to get them off your list. List hygiene ensures that you get a better understanding of what your real open rate is.


Use Short but Detailed Subject Lines

Your subject lines, like titles, are the first thing your subscribers get to see. So, make it count. Spend time crafting one that makes them want to click on it and discover what is next.


If you have a low open rate, one of these six areas is likely to be blamed and improved. Be sure your lists are up-to-date, your titles are attractive, and that you always find ways to add more value for optimal open rates.


How To Improve Your Email Marketing ROI

Depending on your niche, you can see an average return of around forty-eight dollars for every one dollar you put into your email marketing campaign. Email marketing is powerful because it is more direct, personal, and cost-effective than other marketing avenues.


Your return on investment is a simple math equation that requires knowing your current revenue gained and the costs of receiving those gains. To determine your current ROI, take your revenues gained and subtract your costs. Then take that value and divide it by your costs again to determine your return on investment.


The equation looks like this: (Revenue – Costs) ÷ Costs = ROI


Understanding this basic equation first allows you to determine better the areas you need to improve or adjust to see a more positive return. To see a proper return on investment, your costs should be low while your revenues should be high.


Use these tips and tricks to implement now to improve your email marketing ROI:


Mobilize Your Content

It is more likely that your subscribers are reading from their smartphone than a personal computer or laptop in this day and age. Meaning you should optimize your opt-ins, lead magnets, email call-to-actions, landing pages, and website for mobile use. If the call-to-action is too hard to understand and doesn’t entice a click-through, or they simply can’t read the email, you won’t get the results you desire no matter how hard you work.


Add Video and Graphics

Your brain is wired to receive and digest visual content. It can process and understand it way faster than written words. Therefore, make graphics and videos useful tools to communicate, educate and engage with your subscribers properly.


Develop Valuable and Engaging Content

Develop email sequences that involved a variety of different types of content. Meaning you shouldn’t just spam your subscribers’ inboxes with promotional emails. Include educational material and even encourage them to reply to get them to participate throughout the whole process.


Evaluate your Spending

The last thing you want to evaluate is the spending or costs required to complete the email campaign. You are more likely to have higher costs if you don’t produce the content yourself or use many tools and software. While these are great options, they should only be used if you see results. Then you can add them to your costs as your revenue allows it.

 The Three Keys to Optimizing Your Email Content

Overall, improving your return requires keeping your spending low while maximizing your revenue by sending valuable, engaging, and quality content. The more value you strive to bring to your subscriber, the more likely they will return in the favor by increasing your return on investment. In other words, the more you invest in your subscribers, the more they will invest in you.



Home Office Automation Tips

When thinking of automation, you may forget that the work you do in your office is also a place that you can start automating. Yes, you want to automate as much as you can outside the office, too but one of the first places you can streamline your efforts is via office automation. There is more to office automation than going paperless. It’s about removing the human component or at least your need to act to get something done.


  • Design Your Workflow – For every project, you do in your office, there is a process that ensures successful completion. Design a workflow for each project so that you know the full process. You cannot automate anything if you don’t know each step that it takes to get to finished properly.


  • Notice Anything You Do Repeatedly – If you do it again and again, chances are it can be automated. For example, if you always need to transfer data from one place to another to get started with your work, can that task be automated using


  • Ensure Your Office is Compatible with Your Real Life – Most people who work for themselves need their office to travel with them. You’ll want to avoid using any system that is not compatible with mobile devices and systems. You should not have to go to your PC to get it done. The more mobile your tools are, the more likely you are to be able to use automation software too.


  • Check Compatibility with Your Existing Software and Systems – When you choose new tools to use for your business to enhance automation, it needs to work seamlessly with the software and systems you already use to be worthwhile. Of course, the one exception is if you’ve been stubborn about upgrading and using the best tools due to the cost of investment. If you are using older free tools cobbled together, you will have more issues making automation work than if you bite the bullet and invest.


  • Always Test the Results – Each tool that you use has native analytics and reports that you can use to determine if you’re getting the results that you wanted. If you’re not, don’t keep doing the same thing. Use the metrics to inform your next steps. Always make data-centric choices for your business.


  • The Small Stuff Does Matter – Even the smallest thing can change your entire workday. For example, what if you automated your office so that when you walk into your office, the light turns on, and so does your computer? Anything you can reasonably do to cut down on the steps will make you more productive and save tons of time, your most valuable resource.


Automating your office, whether it’s designed to turn on your computer, make you a pot of coffee, or turn on the lights, or it’s using software to let artificial intelligence do the task for you, will all help to make your days go much more smoothly. You’ll save time and be able to stay on top of the important stuff that needs your personal touch.