How Will You Find Your Customers and Clients?


As you research your customers, you’re going to figure out where they like to hang out, what keeps them awake and worried, and more. It might help you to know some of the processes of finding your customers and clients as you move forward with creating your business plan.


  • Create Products and Services They Need and Want – Before you design any products or services, you need to know who it’s for, why they need it, and how they can afford to pay for it. When providing your audience what they want, it will sell itself.


  • Know Where Your Customers Hang Out – The reason you need to know where they like to go for fun and work is that you can then go there too. You can run ads where they are, and you can network with them and speak at their events. The more you are around your customer, the more you’ll appeal to them.


  • Know Where Your Customers Like to Get Information – Which magazines, publications, and shows do your customers like to find out the facts of something? Wherever they go is where you need to go as well. Again, you can pay for ads that they’ll see where they go. You can sponsor events. Speak at events and more to get to know them better.


  • Optimize Your Website – Learn about search engine optimization or hire someone to build your website in a professional way that helps bring people to your marketing funnel so that you can get more customers.


  • Be Present on Social Media – Expanding your branding by using social media platforms is important and a good boost to your website SEO. It provides backlinks and an opportunity for you to network with and get to know your customers better.


  • Network and Get Referrals – Online and offline spend time wherever your audience spends time. Try to stand out, so they notice you but don’t be a salesperson at the wrong time. Give them the information but do it professionally, focusing on providing value to your customers.


  • Partner with Complementary Business Owners – One great thing about networking and studying your competition is you will meet some fantastic people who will want to work with you. You can find Joint Venture partners even who are your competition to work together to serve the customers better.


  • Form Strategic Alliances – Another way to expand your reach is to join forces with others, including your competition or anyone in your industry, to raise money for a cause you all care about.


  • Study Your Competitors – Always study your competition so that you can learn what they’re doing right, what they’re doing wrong, and also notice the gaps in their coverage. The gaps are where you may find the sweet spot.


  • Advertise – Once you know who your competitors are, who your audience is, where they hang out, and understand the point of your product or service, it’s time to start investing in paid advertising. You can boost your business much faster if you set up an advertising budget.


Use this information in your business plan when you talk about your customers. Showing that you know who they are and how to find them is an integral part of crafting your business plan. It shows that you can get your products or services in the hands of the people who need it most, which also shows that you can earn the money you want to earn that will enable you to live your best life.







Setting Boundaries: It’s Not Selfish to Go After What You Want

As you work on designing your life and business to match your version of a fulfilling and happy life, it’s imperative to realize that it’s not selfish to go after what you want. While it’s not selfish to make yourself happy as long as making yourself happy doesn’t include criminal or unethical activity, there are times when being so-called—selfish is good for you and good for business.


Stick to Your Budget


When most people think of sticking to a budget, they think of only money. While yes, you need to create and stick to your well-thought-out budget so that you keep your bank account healthy and can go after other things you want, remember that you have other non-money resources like your health, time, and so forth.


Follow Your Schedule


When you set up a schedule with real planning and thought about fitting in the things you want to do in life, it’s important to mostly follow your schedule. If you are having a hard time sticking to the schedule, maybe you’re not putting your plans first, or maybe you need a new schedule that is more realistic. When you develop a schedule that includes everything, including lunch with your four-year-old, data entry, exercise, and so forth, you’ll have a much more balanced life.


Say No (or Yes) with True Thought and Consideration


Don’t say yes or no to any request without thinking about it first. You need first to ask yourself if you even want to do it, figure out why you want to do it, what the benefits are, and then check to see if you even have time to do it. If you don’t want to do it, you can say no without guilt.


If you do want to and can’t, due to time or other constraints, state so and do not feel bad. If you can do it and want to do it, then you’re in the clear. But it’s imperative that you really think about it and study each question well.


Take Care of You First


This is probably the hardest for females. Women tend to put everyone else first but feel bad when they put themselves first. When it comes to your needs, always put needs before wants. Your needs come before your wants. Your needs come before someone else’s wants. This is how it should be. If you aren’t happy, healthy, and living the life you really want to live, what’s the point?


Prioritize Tasks, Especially Money-Making Tasks


As you create your schedules for your business activities, remember to prioritize any money-making tasks. The main reason is that without money you can’t do all the things you want to do that make your life worth living.

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

However, this doesn’t mean that you work 20 hours a day on money-making tasks. Instead, you’ll simply spend some of your time each day hard at work making money. When you designed your life, you discovered how much time you have left to make money. Use that time wisely. There is no point in spending time, for example, chatting with people on social media before you send offers to your customers.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…





Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out What You Want

Let’s step back and think about your life and what you really want out of it as you design your business to work with your life. Most people don’t think about designing their life or their business to work best with the life they want to live.


Instead, they generally get training and get an entry-level job or start a business thinking it’s normal to work all the time and still not have anything extra to have fun with or invest in the future with.


The truly empowering and exciting fact is life doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to settle. You can change your life from right now moving forward if you simply understand what you want and figure out how to get what you want from your true starting point using goal setting techniques that require you to act.


  • Why Do You Exist? – This may seem like an essential question but answer it in terms of what you want to do supposedly for the rest of your life. Perhaps you exist to experience hiking every US hiking trail known? How does that tie into your business needs? Well, it means you need a business that allows you the time and resources to go hiking a lot.


  • What Do You Most Want to Achieve in the World? – Do you want to end hunger, stop pet abuse, or something else? It doesn’t have to tie directly into the business you start but sometimes how you earn money can be impacted by what you most want to achieve. It’s okay to make money from your achievements.

Get better

  • What Do You Want to Be Remembered For? – Try writing your obituary to get your mind around how you want to be remembered. Sometimes it can help to design your obit for more than one audience to highlight different aspects of your personality in your heart and mind.


  • What Excites You? – What was the last thing you did in your life that made you forget time and just forget all your worries? Was it that time you wrote a short story in high school? What about that time you learned to build a database? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Love Most? – Is there something out there already that you really love doing? Do you like gaming? Do you like watching movies? Reading books? Spending time with the elderly? Helping the less fortunate? Mountain biking? List all the things you really love doing.


  • Who Do You Want to Be Like? – Is there someone else that you really think has done all the things you wish you could have done? If someone has already achieved what you want, it helps follow them and learn about them.


  • What Do You Dislike? – Sometimes, if you cannot think of what you like, it’s easier to think about what you do not like. Make a list of things you know for a fact you dislike doing or thinking about. Dislike politics? Dislike running? Dislike filing? Dislike talking on the phone? Whatever it is, write it down.


  • What Do You Know You Do Not Want? – Like writing what you don’t like helps, so will writing what you know you do not want. For example, “I do not want to work more than 20 hours per week earning money.”


  • What’s Your Tag Line? – Create a tagline for your business but also create one for your life. This tag line can be posted prominently so that you can remember what you stand for and let that guide your choices.


  • How Much Time Do You Have? – When you decide on any new goal in life, it’s important to consider how much time you really have to achieve it. If you’re 50 today, that means you have less time than if you’re 20.


  • How Much Free Time Do You Need? – As you’re choosing a business to help fund your ideal life, think about how much free time you really want and need to be happy. Do you like being able to rest on the weekends, reading, watching movies, or do you like having a busier life?


  • Who Do You Wish to Spend Your Time With? – Think about the average day that you’re not working. Who do you like being around? Think about working. If you had to work with others, what type of people do you want to be around? Describe the attitude, morals, values, and principles of the people you want to spend time with.


  • What Do You Like Doing for Fun? – Make a list of activities you like doing for fun and recreation. These activities take time, money, and skill. It’s important for you to have the resources to do them.


  • What Do You Like Spending Money on Without Guilt? – When you spend money, what makes you not think about it? If you spend money on something and you dislike it, consider whether you need to or not. If you don’t mind, consider what type of budget you need for it.


  • What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like in Five Years? – If you started right now with what you have and what you know, what will your life look like in five years, ideally? Describe it using as many descriptive words as you can.


  • Which Famous Quote Defines Your Moral Perspective? – You can have more than one quote that resonates and describes your moral perspective. Collect a few so that you can look at them when you need a reminder.


Answering these questions is just the start. The answers give you insight into the goals you will set for your business and your life. These goals can work together simultaneously to help you build a business that really does work with your life.


How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success

Let’s start strong and talk about the areas of life you need to design to ensure your success. Often people never think about how each decision affects how their life will actually look and be in practice. If you want a particular lifestyle, you must think about how each choice impacts your desires.

the purpose

There are eight areas of life that you need to design purposefully for success:


  • Career and Business – What you do for money will have a massive impact on your life. It will inform every single choice you make. It will make the difference on whether you can afford the lifestyle you desire or not, and even whether you can maintain your health or not realistically.


  • Health and Fitness – Your health and fitness level are important because if you’re unhealthy and not fit in the right way for the life you want to experience, it’ll be hard to do. For example, if you want to spend the weekends camping and boating, you’ll want to maintain a healthy weight so you can keep doing it.


  • Relationships and Social Life – What kind of social life do you envision, and can you afford to have that life? What about your significant relationships, such as your life partner, spouse, or your relationship with your children? These are all impacted by the rest of your life choices due to how it affects your health, finances, and so forth.


  • Finances – Did you choose the right career or business to fund the type of lifestyle you desire? What about time? Do you have enough time left after earning money to do the things that are important to you?


  • Personal and Spiritual Development – Do you have time to work on your personal life and spiritual and emotional development? Everyone needs time for self-care, including learning about themselves and taking care of themselves through eating right, exercise, going to the doctor regularly, and even doing things that are considered optional, like getting facials or massages.


  • Hobbies and Fun – What type of things do you want to do for fun, and what hobbies, if any, would you like to participate in? Does your business or career allow you to accomplish having fun and doing your hobbies too?


  • Home and Environment – What type of home do you want to live in? Do you want to live in the city in a condo, a house, or do you want to live in the country? Do you prefer to rent, or do you want to buy? What type of environment do you want?


  • Community Involvement – Where do you see yourself in terms of your community? Do you want to be involved in your church, or do you want to feed the poor or take care of stray animals in your area? What do you want to have the time and funds to do in your community?


Go through each of these areas and write a summary about how you envision your life in each of these areas. Then be very specific about what it will cost you in terms of time and resources to achieve the ideal life you’re designing for yourself. Do not make assumptions. Look up how much something costs, ask people who have done it how long it takes, and get real information so that you’re not just guessing. The idea is to design a life that you really want to live, but that is realistic for you to achieve.


Why You’re Not Alone Even When You’re a Sole Proprietor

While exciting, starting a business can be lonely. This is especially true for small business owners who traditionally start “home” businesses that they plan to run independently. But the exciting thing about this is that today you’re not alone even as a sole proprietor because today, there are many resources that you can tap into right from the comfort of your home via your computer.


Take a Class

online class

If you need to know something to help improve your business or life, taking a class is a great way to do it. Participating in the class with the other students and the instructor is also a great way to network with other like-minded people. Most of the time, the people taking the course and you will have something in common if only the reason for taking the class.


Join a Mastermind


If you need motivation, sometimes a mastermind group is the way to go. Not only will you be able to network with others, but you’ll learn something and potentially acquire a new resource to use to meet your goals.


Find Your Community


There is a community out there for you to join as a solopreneur that can help you learn, socialize, and grow your business. It may be local to you, or it might be online via a forum, message board, or private group on Facebook or another platform.


Build Your Team


Just because you are a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do everything. To acquire a skill (a resource) fast, pay for it. For example, if you don’t have financial knowledge, you may want to hire a CPA to guide you, or if you lack time to provide the proper customer care, you may want to employ a customer service expert or pay for a chatbot to help.


Find a Coworking Community

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

Locally to you, there are probably coworking communities already working together and helping each other grow. You can also find coworking communities online too through groups and forums. It can be very motivating working alongside other movers and shakers. Plus, once again, through networking, you may be able to fill your need for a particular resource based on your list.


Go to Live Events


An enjoyable and lucrative way to avoid being alone is to go to live events. Live events will stand out for you as a networking tool that will introduce you to new people to fulfill your resource list.


Connect with Your Customer


Also, don’t forget that you have customers, or you will once you start your business. You can connect with them on many levels. For example, use your hobbies and interests to build rapport when you can tie them to your business and work. Your customers are essential, and the more you can get to know them, the better.


As you can see, you’re never alone. As the owner of your business, it’s up to you to fill all your needs, but you don’t need to do it alone. You can network and build your team and remember to delegate and outsource so that you aren’t doing it all alone.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan

It’s not that unusual for some people to start a side gig without any notion of what they’re doing, including a business plan. They just notice something they like doing and do it and start earning money. But understand that you’re much more likely to experience success if you create a business plan.

setting goal

To Show That Your Business is Possible


You may think you have a great idea to make widgets for the masses, but only through research can you ensure that your idea is possible. When you study all aspects of your market, you can avoid the mistake of starting a business with no chance.


Just because you think your idea is a good one doesn’t mean it is. You’re not your market even if you think you are. There may indeed be ten people who need your widget but are there enough people to support you as you need to be supported?


To Understand Your Competition


One really cool fact about discovering your competition is that competition proves your idea is a good one. If there are no competitors, this is not necessarily a good thing. It’s hard being the first to market with a new idea. In fact, it can be costly to be first.


If you study businesses, you’ll note that it’s not always the first to market that makes it. It’s often the copycats that come later that truly make it work after a known market for the product. You can use your competition to avoid mistakes as well as find your audience.


To Know Your Customer Better


When you develop your business plan, it forces you to find out not only who your exact ideal customer is, but where they are, what they need, and how you can best communicate with them about their problems.


When you really know who your customer is, you can create marketing and advertising content that is more effective as well as create better solutions for them too. Study the customer through their buying journey to ensure you know exactly who they are and how they make decisions.


To Document Your Revenue Model


The thing about business is that it’s supposed to earn money. Therefore, part of creating your business plan is to ensure that the business idea you are going with can possibly earn enough money for your intended lifestyle and purposes but also what type of accounting you’re going to need.


Most small businesses are relatively simple to set up, but you really need to understand how to keep track legally so that you don’t pay one more penny in taxes and fees than you need to. You’ll need to know how you’ll collect the money, what happens after you collect it, and follow all the rules and regulations based on the type of business entity you choose.


To Reduce Risk and Judge Potential Success


When you put everything down on paper, from how you’ll set up your bookkeeping to how you’ll process each customer’s order, it’s a lot simpler to figure out if success is possible. You’ll definitely reduce risk by setting up everything in advance of starting. When you can see how the process works, from attracting a customer to converting a customer to serving a customer, you can fix any problems before they start, ensuring your success.


To Develop an Operation Roadmap


When you create your full business plan, you will also create a how to do everything you need to run your business step by step process. For example, if you’re starting a reselling business on, you’re going to need to figure out your process for purchasing, a purchase price point, a markup formula, and also cleaning, packing, photographing, and posting procedures. Everything that needs to be done needs a step by step plan written out.


To Reorganize During a Crisis


Sometimes a business plan can also help you get through a crisis. If you write your business plan right, you’ll know your break-even point, the minimal resources you need to make it work, and so forth. This information will make it simpler for you to figure out what to do if business slows due to outside reasons such as health or political turmoil. Everything is taken into consideration while developing the business plan.


To Develop and Document Your Marketing Plan


The business plan covers everything you need to do to actually do your business with your customers, including how you’ll get the word out. The marketing plan is an essential part of your business plan that will help ensure your success.


To Forecast Business Needs


As you develop your business plan, you should end up with a list of resources, staff, money, equipment, software, and so forth that you need to be successful. You’ll know exactly what you want and need and how much it’s going to cost you. Even if you note things that you cannot afford right now, you can set up a plan to get around it until you can afford it.

To Highlight New Opportunities


As you are creating your business plan and going through each of the steps and areas of the business plan, the brainstorming gives ideas for more products and services aligned with what you’re planning to offer. These new opportunities can help you grow your business bigger and better than you may have thought to start with.

7 Easy Steps to Start an Online Business

To Set Up Your Daily Tasks

The business plan is so robust that you can use it to set up each day full of tasks that build results. You should come up with due dates, timelines, and more with your business plan so that you can insert the tasks into your calendar.


Many small business owners think they don’t need a business plan because they aren’t going to borrow money from a bank. However, the business plan helps you set up your business in an organized way to work step by step on building your business.



How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

How Many Landing Pages Does Your Website Need?

As you work on creating your lead magnets and landing pages to build your list and get your first or next 1000 subscribers, let’s think about why you need landing pages and look at what the research suggests about landing pages.

daily content

Keep  your Audience Engaged


A landing page is simply a page on your site that is very precise and directed toward a specific purpose. It’s a stand-alone page that you make just for marketing and advertising one thing. When your visitor lands on this page, they will be able to educate themselves on the offer without distractions and convert into a lead through the sign-up form.


According to, the more landing pages you have on your website, the more traffic you’ll receive and the more conversions you’ll get. In fact, studies show that websites with more than 40 landing pages will increase their conversions by over 500 percent.


Ensure that you follow the rules of landing pages to ensure they really do convert. Optimize the landing pages you create for SEO, sound design, effective CTAS, and of course, make sure the landing page copy speaks directly to the audience member you want to convert, focusing on the benefits to them your offer gives them.


For example, create a new landing page for each traffic source you want to attract, even if it’s the same freebie. You want each visitor to your landing page to feel unique and important to you, so the people who come to get your freebie from a guest blog post see information important to them compared to the people who visit from your email list. If you segment the landing pages and write the copy for your audience of one, based on where they’re coming from and where they are in their buying journey, you’ll be more successful converting your visitors to leads.


To be successful, create at least one landing page for each segment you want to download your freebie and follow the rules for a well-made and highly converting landing page.


  • Focus on your Unique Selling Point – What makes you different?
  • Use Compelling Images and Video – Use directional images that relate to your audience.
  • Tell Them What’s In It for Them – Benefits over features.
  • Develop Effective Calls to Action – Practice writing CTAs and test them.
  • Include Social Proof – Who else likes it? Why you?
  • Optimize for SEO – Search engine optimization helps everyone. Learn all you can about on-page and off-page SEO.


When you do this, you will be very successful in converting people to your list. Remember, once you get them on your list, you need to keep them there by providing interesting and informative information every day.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

10 Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid

Your landing page is an essential tool to help you build your list. If you really want to build a healthy list, you’ll want to find ways to avoid these landing page mistakes. Creating high-converting landing pages will ensure that the right people get your solutions in their hands, and since they will be on your email list, they’ll also find out about your new offers.


  1. Your Page Loads Too Slowly – You have seconds to get and keep your audience’s attention. If your pages load slow, they’ll just go elsewhere. Use software to test how fast your pages load so that you can ensure they work well.


  1. Your Page Isn’t Personalized for The Audience – It may seem like a small thing, but it’s important to create landing pages that are personalized for the audience you’re trying to attract. If you guest post on a blog, make a landing page just for that one audience, so they feel welcomed. You may have more than one landing page for each opt-in due to this in order to target the audience.


  1. There Are Too Many Diversions on The Page – A landing page should be free of distractions so that your audience focuses on the offer at hand. Use very little navigation or sidebar information to help focus their attention.


  1. The Information Included Doesn’t Differentiate Your Offer Enough – A visitor to the landing page needs to understand why your offer is so much better. How you are different or what makes you unique needs to be pointed out to your audience.


  1. The Offer Doesn’t Match Your Marketing – If you notice you are getting a lot of click-throughs but no sign-ups, make sure that your offer matches the marketing and the audience you’re marketing to. Go back to looking at the description of the target audience you created as you made the freebie to get it right.


  1. Using Irrelevant or No Images and Visuals to Help Attract Your Audience – Don’t bore your visitors to death by not making your landing pages and website visually oriented. Most people respond better to images that help advance the meaning of the words on the page. Plus, some imagery provides directional cues to the reader, helping them take advantage of your offers.


  1. Not Paying Attention to Search Engine Optimization – SEO works for all types of content, but it will really help you get more traffic to your offers if you also include the skill on your landing pages. Headlines, keywords, headers, alt text, and more are all important on a landing page too.


  1. Forgetting to Calm Their Fears with Social Proof – Showing that other people trust you and believe in what you say will build trust in your offers. Testimonials, likes, shares, downloads – all show that you can be trusted and will help improve your conversion rate.


  1. Your Landing Page Doesn’t Work on Your Audience’s Device – The days of “optimizing for mobile” are over. If your site doesn’t work first on mobile, then you’re going to miss out on some customers. But do check your demographic information to ensure that you are optimizing each page for the devices most used by your audience.


  1. You Include Weak CTAs – Saying things like “download now” is not a good enough CTA to use these days. You need to be more specific about the benefit of the download as well as who needs it in your CTA.


Developing a landing page that gets results takes time and practice. The first one you make might not work as well as the tenth one you make. But take heart in knowing that you can improve through testing over time until you create an opt-in page that works for your audience to build your list fast.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…

Create and Set Up Email Autoresponder Messages

Once you have created your freebie, you need to create and set up autoresponder messages based on that freebie and based on the goals you have for the people who downloaded that freebie. You can use these ideas to get started with ideas for your autoresponder series.


  • Thank You Email – Once your target fills out the form to get the freebie, they should receive an email right off that thanks them and gives them a link to the download page. If you have a good system that delivers the download right away, that is even better, but you still want to send the thank you page with another link to the download.


  • Get to Know Me Email – Once they’ve gotten on the list, it’s your chance to tell them more about you. Tell them about what you do, why you do it, who you do it for, and invite them to get to know you more by sharing your books, your blog, or other platforms where they can find you.


  • Get This Offer While It Lasts Email – Set up another message for the next day or in a day or two that gives them another offer based on what they downloaded. For example, if they’re trying your free trial, you may want to give them a chance to sign up now for a discount.


  • How’s It Going Email – You want to find out how they liked the freebie, so send an email asking them how it’s going and ask if they need any additional assistance. Invite them to a group of others who are using your advice to get more help. Ask your list member to reply to the email directly to get more help.


  • Here’s a New Blog Post Email – If you have blog posts relevant to the freebie, set up a message sending them to the relevant blog posts and information.


  • Do You Need Additional Help Email? – When they’ve had enough time to consume and use the freebie and form an opinion about it, send them an email offering additional help. Ask them for feedback. You can send an email or a survey for this one.


  • Cross Promotional Email – Let your subscribers know where you are on social media, what books you’ve written, or where you guest post, and so forth. The more information that you can provide about what you’re doing, the more they’re going to trust you.


  • The Next Offer Email – Don’t be afraid to make offers in email based on your list member’s behavior. The next offer in your product funnel is a good option, as are other affiliate products that relate or complement what you do.


  • A Great Product or Resource Email – Send your subscribers an email telling them about the products and services they need to be successful based on your niche. Use affiliate links to monetize this email and list. Hint: You can make this a stand-alone page on your site and just send them the link.


  • An I Want to Know More About You Email – Don’t forget to send an email asking them about themselves. You can ask one question, or you can send them a survey to get to know them more.


  • My Resource List Email – Send them an email telling them about your sources of products and services and so forth if it relates to them. For example, if you teach others to build an email list, send them a resource list of all the products you use with affiliate links to build your email list.


  • A Reminder Email – Send an email reminding them of why they downloaded the freebie, and where to get more information about their issues, and how they can solve their problems.


  • An Upsell Email – Make them an offer for the next level product or service you have in your funnel.


  • A Down Sell Email – If they don’t take you up on the bigger product or service, offer them something smaller.


The main thing is to send emails at least every day but make sure the emails are worthwhile and useful. If you send information to them that is not relevant, they are going to be trained not to open your emails. Make each email worthwhile to open, and soon they’ll be opening all your emails.

More info: What you need to make it all Work

Design and Create Compelling Lead Magnets

Now that you have chosen your technology and you have all the things in place you need to get started building your email list, it’s time to design and create a compelling lead magnet that will attract subscribers.


Choose the Buyer’s Persona or Avatar You Want to Attract


Understanding your audience’s buying journey is imperative. You need to choose whether you want to attract people at the top of your funnel, middle of your funnel, or the bottom of your funnel. Maybe you want to teach people who have already bought from you something new and start marketing different things to them on a whole new level. It just depends on the goal you set for this lead magnet and who it’s meant for.


Know the Problem You Want to Solve for Them


Your lead magnet must solve a pressing problem for the customer that you’re trying to touch. The lead magnet should provide immediate value but can also provide long term value depending on the audience and the issue. The main thing is that you want to get them on your list, and you want them to be happy about it.


Name Your Freebie Using a Compelling Title


When you name your freebie, choose a name that is straightforward and tells the customer exactly what will be accomplished. This is not the time to try to be clever with words. Name the freebie based on what it does for your customers using action verbs and terms they understand and interests them.


Choose the Form the Lead Magnet Will Appear


Once you know what problem you plan to solve, it will inform the format the lead magnet should take. You can choose to use video, webinars, podcasts, PDFs, and more. The important part is to choose the form that your audience will most enjoy and use.


Create a Landing Page for Your Freebie


Once you know what you’re going to create, now you need to make a landing page. Use software like to help you create a landing page, or you can simply make a new page on your site. A landing page is just a page devoted only to the thing you’re trying to promote. Some people love creating the landing page first, then create the freebie based on their promises.


Develop a Download Page for Your Lead Magnet


In addition to a landing page, you need to set up a download page so that your subscribers can access the freebie after they’ve double opted into your email list. A landing page is best because it brings people back to your site where you can attract them to more of your information.


Create the Lead Magnet or Hire Someone to Create It



When you create the lead magnet, realize that you can hire someone to make it too. You can also buy PLR or private label rights content to assist you in creating freebies, depending on the terms of service of the PLR you use.


Once you have finished creating it, get it on the download page and start marketing the freebie to your audience on social media, through paid ads, and even by sending it to your own email list that you have already. Write a blog post about it and share it with everyone so that you’ll get more people on your list. Whatever you do, don’t keep it a secret.

How To Build A Wildly Profitable Income Stream From Home Without Lies, Hype, Manipulation or Pressure…