Four Benefits to Using Snapchat Stories to Market your Business

Did you know that there are nearly three hundred million active daily users on Snapchat, making Snapchat among the most popular social media networks worldwide, just behind Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok?

Almost forty percent of the world’s leading brands already know this and use Snapchat to market their products on a daily basis.


What’s even more powerful is that those who use Snapchat use the application for more than twenty minutes a day, right behind Facebook users.

Yet again showing you that Snapchat is still a powerful business tool to be taking advantage of.


Here are four more benefits to using Snapchat stories to market your business:


Drive Traffic and Boost Engagement


The purpose of social media stories on many platforms is to increase your audience engagement and boost your traffic or sales. The high number of daily active users means your chances of success on this platform are quite high if you use the platform right and market to a younger audience.


Connect to a Younger Demographic


Many of the users on Snapchat are said to be between the ages of twenty-four and twelve, which means if millennials and generation Z are the people you need to market to, don’t delay using Snapchat.


Offer a More Fun and Unique Customer Experience


Snapchat offers different and more unique features than other platforms. Their additional AR filters are by far the most popular. These are artificial filters that change how you, others, or animals look when shown on camera. They can even change your background, make it look like you are doing a certain action, and change the sound of your voice – making it a fun way to communicate with your audience and be less formal. While other platforms offer this, the ones created on Snapchat are often said to be more creative, fun, and easy to use.


Add Personality and Keep Followers Updated


The features Snapchat offers allow you to be more relatable and show your personality more. It is also a better way to share new and upcoming information about your brand or business. In addition, offering your audience your human side makes it more likely to grow an audience that trusts you and your credibility.


These benefits should inspire you to give Snapchat a try for your business. If you have a product-based business that anyone under thirty-five can use or would be interested in, Snapchat is the place to be. Its unique features make it a fun and personal experience for you and your target audience.

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Define Your Influencer Marketing Goals


A successful and sustainable influencer marketing campaign requires a plan to maintain focus and direction and identifying your goals. This means before you make any content and before you determine your campaign type and find your influencers.


If you do these steps before identifying your goals and setting proper key performance metrics, you are less likely to see appropriate returns. This is because the content and influencer you pick more than likely won’t correlate. Thus, wasting your time and other valuable resources required to run a positively functioning campaign.


Each goal you set will require a different type of influencer, budget, and resource needs and for you to produce a set of relevant and unique content. You can’t just use any influencer and throw out poor content and think it will work. Over time this will cause more work, confusion, and eat up at your profits and other resources.


  • Brand Awareness and Reputation – Your customers need to notice you several times before they feel safe enough to spend money. The more touchpoints you create using your content, the more notice you will get. Running a social media influencer campaign can make all the difference for your business.


  • Increased Sales and Leads – Another goal you can have with your influencer campaign is to make more sales. One way to do that is to use the campaign to build your e-mail list. One tactic is to offer the influencer a freebie to give away that only requires their audience to sign up for a newsletter. This act alone will increase sales today and tomorrow.


  • Higher Engagement Rate – Another goal is to increase your engagement rate. When you have more engagement and communication that is two-way with your audience, they get to know you better, and you get to know them better. When this happens, they will be more likely to accept your offers because your offers will be more likely relevant to them.


  • More Followers or Traffic – If you want more followers, more leads, more anything, you need more traffic. One type of influencer campaign you can do is designed to bring traffic to your site so that they see what you have to offer. Another option is to get them to another social media account instead, but it’s typically best to push traffic to your website.


  • Product Launches and Promotions – Using influencers to promote your next product launch or your sale on your products is a no-brainer. Influencers love to help people announce a new product to their customers because it makes them seem like VIPs.

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Remember when you create your influencer marketing goals not to skimp on your goal-setting process. Instead, use the SMART goal-setting process to ensure that your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Then, you’ll never regret planning and implementing an influencer campaign that you’ve seriously planned out because you’re more likely to be successful and reach your objectives.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Once you have a lead magnet, a landing page, and an opt-in form, you need to start building traffic to the freebie so that you can build your email list. Getting more traffic for a landing page is not really any different from how you get traffic for anything you do.

content creation


  • Create Offers Your Ideal Audience Wants – The only way to make offers that your audience wants and needs is to get to know them. Study them. Engage with them. Survey them. Then put what they want right in front of them where they are.


  • Tell Your Current Subscribers About Your New Offers – Anytime you create a new offer, whether free or not, tell your current subscribers about it. This might seem counter-productive since you want to build your list, but it will keep your list healthy, segmented, and engaged.


  • Get Affiliates Involved – Set up your funnels with freebies that your affiliates can promote too. Show them what’s in the funnel, so they know it’s worth their while to promote your freebies too.


  • Send Out a Press Release – Tell the world about every single offer you have, including your freebies. If it’s newsworthy, it deserves a press release, and letting your audience grab a free solution is something they want to know about.


  • Host a Live Event – When you make the freebie available to the public, have a live event on Facebook Live or a webinar via Zoom or another preferred platform to help get the word out about your offer.


  • Include Smart SEO – The landing page and opt-in form for the lead magnet allow you to use excellent search engine optimization techniques that help pull traffic to your site via your audience searches.


  • Blog About Your Offers – Once you’ve finished your landing page or opt-in form, always write a blog post announcing your freebie offer linking to the landing page and opt-in form. Then you can share that blog post freely multiple times as you spread the word.


  • Share on Social Media – Share multiple times across all your social media platforms about the freebie. Don’t just share once and call it done. Instead, share multiple times during any launch and then repeatedly over time as long as it’s still a good offer. Use or other software to help automate this process.


  • Reach Out to Social Influencers – A fun way to get noticed is to work with social media influencers. Whenever you have a freebie offer for your audience, let the influencers know about it so they can promote it too.


  • Run Ads Via Social Media and Google – Don’t forget that you can speed everything up with targeted paid ads. Before you do that, consider hiring someone to help you ensure your targeting is working, as well as your landing pages and freebie are optimized for your audience.


  • Ask People Who Are Downloading to Share – Set up your download page to make it easy for your audience who downloads the freebie to share the opportunity with their friends.


Driving traffic to your landing pages is an essential element in marketing online. You can use a variety of methods to get more eyes on each page you create but don’t ever waste money just sending people to your home page. Use the time and money you have budgeted for marketing to send your visitors to specialized pages because you’ll build your list faster.

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Day 3 Increasing Traffic, Subscribers & Customers To Boost Your Bottom Line



Traffic is needed to grow your revenue.

That subsequently implies you require even more people to register for your list.

Where do these new clients come from? You obtain them by boosting the web traffic to your site.

Here are some things you will need to do as well as staying focused on your goals.


Step one:

Obtain more traffic from numerous different sources.

This ought to always be a priority as well as something you review frequently.

Track your development as you move along as well as watch out for fresh new ideas to enhance your traffic.

Step Two:

Your following emphasis must be getting more subscribers.

As you start to get even more traffic, your email/subscribers list will certainly begin to expand but don’t get too comfortable.

Continue toTweak your opt in-forms to raise conversion. Create a brand-new lead magnet to get the attention of various sub-group of your target market.

Set up a few committed opt-in web pages and also begin driving web traffic to them.

Do what you can to continually grow your community and gain ground while doing so.

Step Three:

The 3rd piece of the problem and where things get exciting is turning those clients into customers.

You desire them to invest cash with you either by purchasing your products and services or via your affiliate links.

You may offer more products. Increase your costs.

Provide more appealing content by reviewing tools and course you may want to promote as an affiliate. Work with your funnels.

There’s a great deal you can do to grow your profits once you have web traffic and also customers identified.

The actual power of this technique becomes apparent when you begin to look at just how these three things operate in harmony.

By obtaining even more and higher quality web traffic, while improving your opt-in prices, as well as producing greater value with sales funnels that convert well.

You can easily make a substantial distinction in your bottom line.

Each of these components alone will certainly aid, but by incorporating them, you will begin to see rapid development.


Know your number

Let me highlight this with an example. What if with 100 brand-new site visitors each day. 10 per cent of them enrol in your newsletter, which means 10 new subscribers every day. Out of your 10  subscribers, one chooses to purchase your product at $10.

Now let’s say you increase your web traffic. With nothing else but scaling your web traffic, you go from making $10 per day to $20. What if you can likewise improve your opt-in with a Free Ebook and this increases your conversions to 20%.

You additionally develop a couple of even more items and each of your customers ends up spending 3 times as much as in the past.

When we add all that up you go from making $10 daily to 40 new clients every day which means 4 brand-new customers.

If each of them invests $30 buying your products or affiliate offer you are showing them, you wind up making $120.

That’s a quite huge bump from $10 while still just requiring you to increase your web traffic. Pretty outstanding, isn’t it?

You obtain them by increasing the website traffic to your site. Get extra web traffic from various different sources.

As you begin to get more traffic, your checklist will start to grow, however, don’t stop there. There’s a whole lot you can do to expand your baseline once you have web traffic and customers figured out.

By getting even more targeted traffic while creating consistent valuable content, as well as creating and offering higher costs products with sales funnels that consistently grow your community you can have a significant increase to your profit margin.