Start an Online Personal Training Business Today in Four Easy Steps

Believe it or not, the personal training industry is worth a staggering twelve billion dollars every year. With more people online and indoors using technology, the need for an online personal trainer is growing. Starting a personal training business is also necessary when more than half of the American population is obese and struggling to make consistently healthy choices. With online tools and services, you can now generate a year-round profit as a personal trainer.


Here are the five steps to starting a physical training business today:


Step One: Invest in the Correct Equipment, Education, and Certification

While having your own space to run a successful personal training business isn’t required, it can make things easier when you plan to meet up with your clients. Furthermore, it is essential to find the right training and obtain the proper certifications to keep your clients safe. CPR certification is the first one you should get as it is legally required.


Step Two: Understand Your Style and Value

How can you be effective especially compared to your local community? What kind of style do you possess that pushes people to be more successful?


Step Three: Create Your Website

No matter what business you pursue, having a website with your information is vital. This is how you market your business and get recognized in the industry. Just think of your website as your storefront or personal advertising center.


Step Four: Offer Online and Offline Support

Before technology, creating a consistent income as a personal trainer was difficult. As clients’ vacation, so did the income. However, now you can reach your clients from anywhere around the world. Meaning you can develop products that continue to teach your clients even if you are not face-to-face. The more products you can create, the more revenue you gain.


Step Five: Develop Personal Plans and Templates

For each client, you develop a personal plan and templates to follow along in the program. Providing these resources shows your audience that you are serious and have the materials to be successful. In other words, these materials support your expertise and allow your clients to trust you more.


Following these five steps ensures you create a profitable and competitive online personal and physical training business. The more tools, resources, and knowledge you provide to your clients to achieve their fitness goals, the more successful you will be. Investing in the right equipment and education, finding your style, and creating supporting videos and materials are vital to running a profitable online personal training business.


Business Plan Resources You Can Use


How Will You Find Your Customers and Clients?


As you research your customers, you’re going to figure out where they like to hang out, what keeps them awake and worried, and more. It might help you to know some of the processes of finding your customers and clients as you move forward with creating your business plan.


  • Create Products and Services They Need and Want – Before you design any products or services, you need to know who it’s for, why they need it, and how they can afford to pay for it. When providing your audience what they want, it will sell itself.


  • Know Where Your Customers Hang Out – The reason you need to know where they like to go for fun and work is that you can then go there too. You can run ads where they are, and you can network with them and speak at their events. The more you are around your customer, the more you’ll appeal to them.


  • Know Where Your Customers Like to Get Information – Which magazines, publications, and shows do your customers like to find out the facts of something? Wherever they go is where you need to go as well. Again, you can pay for ads that they’ll see where they go. You can sponsor events. Speak at events and more to get to know them better.


  • Optimize Your Website – Learn about search engine optimization or hire someone to build your website in a professional way that helps bring people to your marketing funnel so that you can get more customers.


  • Be Present on Social Media – Expanding your branding by using social media platforms is important and a good boost to your website SEO. It provides backlinks and an opportunity for you to network with and get to know your customers better.


  • Network and Get Referrals – Online and offline spend time wherever your audience spends time. Try to stand out, so they notice you but don’t be a salesperson at the wrong time. Give them the information but do it professionally, focusing on providing value to your customers.


  • Partner with Complementary Business Owners – One great thing about networking and studying your competition is you will meet some fantastic people who will want to work with you. You can find Joint Venture partners even who are your competition to work together to serve the customers better.


  • Form Strategic Alliances – Another way to expand your reach is to join forces with others, including your competition or anyone in your industry, to raise money for a cause you all care about.


  • Study Your Competitors – Always study your competition so that you can learn what they’re doing right, what they’re doing wrong, and also notice the gaps in their coverage. The gaps are where you may find the sweet spot.


  • Advertise – Once you know who your competitors are, who your audience is, where they hang out, and understand the point of your product or service, it’s time to start investing in paid advertising. You can boost your business much faster if you set up an advertising budget.


Use this information in your business plan when you talk about your customers. Showing that you know who they are and how to find them is an integral part of crafting your business plan. It shows that you can get your products or services in the hands of the people who need it most, which also shows that you can earn the money you want to earn that will enable you to live your best life.







How Many Landing Pages Does Your Website Need?

As you work on creating your lead magnets and landing pages to build your list and get your first or next 1000 subscribers, let’s think about why you need landing pages and look at what the research suggests about landing pages.

daily content

Keep  your Audience Engaged


A landing page is simply a page on your site that is very precise and directed toward a specific purpose. It’s a stand-alone page that you make just for marketing and advertising one thing. When your visitor lands on this page, they will be able to educate themselves on the offer without distractions and convert into a lead through the sign-up form.


According to, the more landing pages you have on your website, the more traffic you’ll receive and the more conversions you’ll get. In fact, studies show that websites with more than 40 landing pages will increase their conversions by over 500 percent.


Ensure that you follow the rules of landing pages to ensure they really do convert. Optimize the landing pages you create for SEO, sound design, effective CTAS, and of course, make sure the landing page copy speaks directly to the audience member you want to convert, focusing on the benefits to them your offer gives them.


For example, create a new landing page for each traffic source you want to attract, even if it’s the same freebie. You want each visitor to your landing page to feel unique and important to you, so the people who come to get your freebie from a guest blog post see information important to them compared to the people who visit from your email list. If you segment the landing pages and write the copy for your audience of one, based on where they’re coming from and where they are in their buying journey, you’ll be more successful converting your visitors to leads.


To be successful, create at least one landing page for each segment you want to download your freebie and follow the rules for a well-made and highly converting landing page.


  • Focus on your Unique Selling Point – What makes you different?
  • Use Compelling Images and Video – Use directional images that relate to your audience.
  • Tell Them What’s In It for Them – Benefits over features.
  • Develop Effective Calls to Action – Practice writing CTAs and test them.
  • Include Social Proof – Who else likes it? Why you?
  • Optimize for SEO – Search engine optimization helps everyone. Learn all you can about on-page and off-page SEO.


When you do this, you will be very successful in converting people to your list. Remember, once you get them on your list, you need to keep them there by providing interesting and informative information every day.

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