This may Sound Crazy…You should Love your Job!

Love that Job until you reach your Freedom Goals.

This may Sound Crazy but LISTEN UP.

If you are looking to have your part-time business Bring you Freedom from your Current Job.

There are a Few magical Mind Changes that you must Make.

While you are building your business you still need to pay the bills.

That Job that you Hate Pays the Bills.  Also if you doing it Right you should be using any excess money to Fund your Business.

True Story:  I have a Real Estate Appraisal Business that pays the Bills and Funds My Part-time Online Business.

The BPO’s (Broker Price Opinions) that I am asked to do fluctuates greatly. Sometimes I am struggling to make my bills and other times it is so busy I am lucky to have any time at all.

Exterior of Home


Last week I signed up for a 30 day YouTube Challenge. My workload had been so slow over the last weeks.

One day into the challenge I received Triple the workload.

Although I am without Sleep I am very Grateful for the additional funds to not only pay my bills but Fund my Business fees and Education.


I Love My JOB.  Put on the Hazmat Suit.

I am always frustrated to hear people say that they can not even afford the small fees necessary to start a Home-based Business.

Here are My Steps for a Happier Part-Time Business Owner.

Change is a Choice

  • Be Grateful for your current source of income. Really Love It.
  • Work on your Business daily.
  • As busy as I am right at this moment with very little sleep I am putting this information together.

If you think you don’t have time to start Think again. Don’t wait for a big Block of Time. Search for a few time wasters.  Give up some TV time.

Use your Car drive time to listen to some Business training and get your Action Plan Together.

Once you get some Momentum going don’t stop.

Why not commit to Four small steps.

Work on your Mind Daily. 30 minutes a day reading or listening to audio.

Move even if it is only Walking to start.

Drink Water.

Start Sharing What you are learning and how it is improving you Life.

Final Thoughts:

Keep Postive in your Goals and be Persistent in Going for your Freedom Lifestyle.

Don’t look to Never Work again. Enjoy The journey and Remember it Won’t feel like work if you are Doing Things you Enjoy and Sharing your Results with others.

Thank you for taking the time to consume this Content and I look forward to someday collaborating with you on some Project.

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